The man who makes things fly.
My friend Rupert is a bit of an insane genius, as a result he has this compuction to invent mad stuff, a flying barbeque and a flying washing machine for example.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:29,
the washing machine stuff looks faked
(rob, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:50,
No he did it for real, I saw the trial runs, it was cool as fuck.
he did take the blocks out of it though.
Edit: It got taken on by these guys, wasn't going to post their link because it's not all Ruperts, but the washing maching and also an egg whisk are there in more detail.
That is very coo!
But what does 'compuction' mean?
(underpontmaking all kinds-a-gains, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:02,
urge, compulsory urge.
adament idea, something like that.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:04,
My kind of hmm. Urge is a thing+arrgh
(underpontmaking all kinds-a-gains, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:09,
A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that follows the doing of something bad: "spend the money without compunction".
(underpontmaking all kinds-a-gains, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:14,
OK fair enough, He just HAS to make these things.
dont think there's any guilt involved, he just has to do it.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:17,
I really like the vid
(underpontmaking all kinds-a-gains, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:15,
Cool, I'll let him know its well recieved on B3TA..
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:17,
Best o' luck in all honesty
I've just had a few too may beers and i've been pedantic. Sorry.
(underpontmaking all kinds-a-gains, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:21,
It's all good!
Thanks. :D
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:25,
Do you feel slightly guilty for something you have just done?
(RedHouseover yonder, Fri 18 Nov 2011, 2:19,
Allow me Compunction.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:58,
I meant compulsion, oh well!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Fri 18 Nov 2011, 0:20,
This is not the place to slag off other members' work.
If you don't like it, don't say anything, and don't click "I like this".
(, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:22,
:D Awesome!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:23,
Too right Pedantichrist
that fucking troll seems to have been kncking around B3ta forever.
Never see him making any useful input either!
Doubt he even paid for an icon. Bastard! thinks he's some kind of fuhrer I reckon.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Fri 18 Nov 2011, 0:46,
Fight. Fight
On the playing fields near the swings, after school. Its going to be mega.
(NIrvingCannot think of anything to say!, Fri 18 Nov 2011, 4:01,
its also an ad for avios
Turn things you buy into flights with Avios at - the new travel rewards currency.
so i reckon there is some trickery and a viral agency behind this.
(its not us)
(DefyingDarwinOld, untalented and white,, Fri 18 Nov 2011, 10:40,
Where do you live?
I think I'd like to live there.
(Cactus 1doesn't care what you think on, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:17,
Devon, although some was filmed in spain, but mostly Devon.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:18,
Where in Devon?
I know a fair few Agricultural Engineers.
(, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:22,
North side of Dartmoor, this was filmed near a place called iddesleigh,
7 miles north of okehampton.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:24,
Duke of York, run by Jamie.
(, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:49,
Haha! yeah! the same!
amazing food! great beer and the friendliest landlord in the world. I virtually grew up in that pub! he used to run the double locks in Exeter, he is taking some time off at the mo though. Still supplies the kitchen from his own beef and sheep herd though. Awesome, You a local boy?
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:52,
amazing, wembworthy near dolton.
backa beyond.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:53,
Grew up on Dartmoor,
have known Jamie since the double locks days.
Who are you?
(, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:56,
you probably know shaver knight and bob arhturs too. small world/internet.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:56,
How old are you all?
I will try and pick names from your generation.
(, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:57,
I'll gaz you.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:59,
I want to play.
I flew at Eaglescott and there were a lot of RC boys up that way.
(, Fri 18 Nov 2011, 0:03,
My stepdad goes gliding at Eaglescott!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Fri 18 Nov 2011, 0:15,
Richard goes gliding?!
you learn something new every day.
Where do you live then?
(, Sun 27 Nov 2011, 18:16,
reviewing only the last two shots were spain.
come live here, we are a nice bunch!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:22,
I'm very tempted
it looks fab.
(Cactus 1doesn't care what you think on, Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:29,
It is stunning, famously so.
Cold in the winter though, the autumns are amazing especially on hoary frosty mornings, and in the summer we have the moors, rivers and some of the most spectacular beaches. Spring the bluebells, lambs daffodils and wild flowers. I could wax lyrical all day. It's pretty nice. Yeah.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Thu 17 Nov 2011, 23:34,
yep the scenery looked stunning..
I wasn't sure if I should watch the flying object of scenery so I watched it twice. Once for the objects, once for the scenery :)
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Fri 18 Nov 2011, 10:28,