Bloody Lurker ;)
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 14:42,
I've been tweeting (hashtag #DimpsonsGate) on & off about this since 29th December last year thinking I was going mad and/or you lot were smoking crack. Mr Graham Linehan's picked up on it too as have several others. @c4insider were bloody vague on it, which didn't help.
Can I have my sanity back now please? Kthxbai.
(Sahara Desert for swears, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 18:49,
I've always wanted to get into voice-overs and so on, is there a particular route you have to take?
(plasmaman, Fri 3 Feb 2012, 12:18,
Please congratulate
the guy who said "Double Dimpsons" for me. Inspired!
(godspants, Sat 4 Feb 2012, 0:04,
that is truly superb
how do they get away with it??
(wideeyeslightly pickled, Fri 20 Jan 2012, 10:11,
Hahahaha, cheese an' onions :)
(Sadarseworks like Mist condensing mud flaps, Fri 20 Jan 2012, 18:10,
I caught a couple of these...
just thought I'd misheard
(darkmavis86, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 14:15,
truly splendid, well done those.
love the last on.
(Thor_sonofodinhas done things, terrible things on, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 14:45,
the showed the simpsons movie the other day
and he nearly said 'simpsons' then rustled some paper and said something about getting a memo that they still weren't saying it
(manolithhooray for me, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 15:02,
Very fickle
This is not amusing in any way. These people should be fired for not doing their joke of a job properly.
(relaxitsmax, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 16:10,
I spotted this a while ago
I assumed it was going to be the episode where they go into Witness Protection and change their name.
And then you kept doing it, you daft cunts. I thought it was publicity for something.
(ousggis not seeking approval, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 16:33,
Thinking back...
I did clock it, and assumed it was the 'Simpsons in witness protection' episode where they do have an alias (then never actually watched that episode, and missed most of the rest anyway.
(442, Fri 27 Jan 2012, 20:33,