Well this is the bit where we encourage you to support our sponsors by buying their clothes and mentioning that it is made in the UK, designed to last and makes ideal gifts for the men in your life, including yourself. BUY JEANS AND MORE AT HEBTRO
KurtCobain beer
it's like monkey beer, only bitter and has no head
(Roland E O'DorantR Tape loading error, 0:1, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 14:07,
btw rob said that he has changed the ignore feature so that there are no more pink lines.. you were moaning or something.
(MrA, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 14:13,
it'll work for me once i can afford to finally pay for an icon, eventually, for the time being i'm stuck with him all over the place in pink! :)
(mushybeesNEBUSHI SHANGHUNG!, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 14:16,
i think it works with or without icon
it should do anyway
(rob, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 15:57,
not for me!
it'll only encourage me to finally pay up, once somone else pays up for me though, so winners all round!
(mushybeesNEBUSHI SHANGHUNG!, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 16:12,
hope you get this...
shift-reload, clear your cache, or whatever -- you just need to force your browser to pick up the new CSS file and it should work for you.
(robtoois all out of gum, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 19:21,
like it
(awallafashagbaDa da da da da Dah dah, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 15:11,
Truly ace!
(UF0I ignore ALL board nazis!, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 15:30,
that's great
japanese theme is good too
(Sunshine Elephant, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 15:38,
(- D -SharkTrousers, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 17:59,
did anyone tell you that ignore ignores people now?
(gaijintendoRegular Member, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 18:47,
he's a cunt
send this link to an emo and kill him
(firestormviper!!1approaching god through cigarettes, Tue 28 Feb 2006, 19:43,
Woo and yay and etc.
Back when Dennis Leary was funny, he summed up Jim Morrison thusly:
I'm drunk and I'm nobody I'm drunk and I'm famous I'm drunk and I'm dead.
(cox2inhibitor, Fri 3 Mar 2006, 17:19,
Another informative piece of work
This should come in handy for later generations who didn't know who he was. Wooness abounds!
(FlowerpotNo longer has the vapours thanks to DTH, Fri 3 Mar 2006, 18:11,