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This is a link post Well then....
Now who's gonna run against the Tango?

US President Joe Biden's statement in full

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 21:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Harris seems to be the shoo-in
I like Pete Buttigieg for VP myself. He seems sharp and has a good head on his shoulders. Black woman + gay man might be a hard sell though, but being a veteran might help. Yanks do seem to fetishise their military.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 21:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Pete Buttplug?
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 21:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post ButtGag?

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Butaneghee

(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 9:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post I suspect it'll be largely academic.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a black woman is less popular with American voters than a white, senile octogenarian. Which makes her even less likely to beat Trump than Biden was at last count.
Choosing an openly gay man as her running mate would take her out of the game completely. It wouldn't win her any votes, but it would likely lose her a significant amount.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:07, , Reply)
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I dare say a lot of the women voters might be prepared to put aside their racism if the other side push their no abortion, no divorce, no contraception shtick, but there are always a few nutters and God-botherers who honestly believe they ought to be treated as chattel. Time will tell.

VP Pete is pretty much a non-starter, which is a shame but there you go. At least he can carry on playing with his 1:1 scale train set if the Dems do win again.

It remains to be seen if Trump will be able to change his campaign; he’s been banging on about Biden for so long I suspect he’ll start making similar gaffes when he forgets who he’s actually campaigning against. I’ve no doubt whatsoever that there will be oodles of casual misogyny in what passes for his speeches, though of course there will be plenty of voters for whom this is a positive thing.

It’ll all come down to persuading a few tens of thousands of swing voters in a handful of states. Again.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think there's a bit more to it than the identity/race/gender/sexual orientation of the party leaders
I reckon there's a lot of fear among middle class and working class americans. Fear about their prosperity, jobs, climate change, housing, AI, cost of living etc. They went with Biden at the last election mostly because he seemed to offer a safer alternative. Trump's modus opendi is to stoke those fears while making overblown claims that he'll fix everything.
As you said, it's about reassuring those crucial swing voters that they're going to be better off, or at least not worse off. So I don't think it's as much about identity or character or even trumps crimes, it's about finding someone articulate enough to convince those fearful swing voters, something Biden was no longer capable of. To focus alone on the fact that trump's an asshole who does asshole things is a mistake, as would playing the identity 'first woman president' thing as their main angle, it didn't cut through enough with Hilary.
IMHO they should be stoking fears of the chaos Trump brings, reminding people of the chaos of his first term as their main focus. A million dead, record debt, rising unemployment, culminating in an attack on the whitehouse, while asking them "do you want to go through that again, do you want to risk your job?" That way even his 'miracle' assassination miss plays into that narrative, it's just more chaos. At least some of the downturn was just bad luck to be president during covid, but politics is a dirty game.
I think Buttgieg is the most articulate of the contenders, and to me that outweighs whatever negative his sexual orientation might bring for the VP pick, they're not trying to win over maga christian conservatives, but worried working people in swing states. Whether they will pick him or not is another matter, as a party they have plenty of dysfunction of their own. That's my 2p
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 1:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's all well and good but...

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 3:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 4:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post Issue Nº 2:
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 4:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post TAY LOR SWIFT!
In 2028.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 5:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post FORM OR EARS?

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post CANDLES!!

(, Tue 23 Jul 2024, 11:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post I prefer your 3 word chant
to the many words you replied to. I like a good 3 word chant more than having to think about something.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 11:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post A thoughtful analysis
Which is why Buttgieg won't work, sadly most people vote with their feelings which is how we got Trumpf in the first place. I'm guessing Trumpf would be shouting 'Jesus hates gays' by the end of the week.
From where I am the US looks pretty theocratic, which would be weaponised by Trumpf.
(, Tue 23 Jul 2024, 11:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Perhaps the democrats have been reading my links posts
which is a worry. her first stump speech and it's "freedom or chaos", though they should try and tie that chaos to losing your job in clear messaging if they want to follow the full cumquat program™.
I don't know, you're probably right about buttgeig, though I think the average american is actually a bit less concerned about identity, race and sex orientation (apart from trannies) than people tend to assume.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 4:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post
It'll be Harris, but not before the Dems eat themselves in rounds of bitter infighting.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 9:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was suprised they even got their shit together enough to get Biden to quit
so who knows
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Monica Lewinsky
She's likeable and a good speaker, it would get the Clintons hater vote back and be a brilliant narrative arc.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 21:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Stormy Daniels would be a larf.

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post What about Boris?
Born in America, so I assume he could stand. He's probably a centrist by American standards. The debates would be the ultimate cunt-off.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think there’s a residency requirement too. Seven years maybe, or that could just be senators.
Anyway, randomly misquoting Latin would probably have the opposite effect over there and he’d have to go back to Alexander, otherwise most of them would think he’s a dirty commie.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jacob Rees Mogg!!!

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post he is at a loose end at the moment

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 2:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post I wonder how his schtick would play in the states?
Boris's talent to be self-deprecating to shrug off attacks would be something the yanks hadn't encountered before, and I reckon Trump might struggle with it in debates.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 2:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wish I could see Biden's face next week when he hears that he's stepping down.

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 21:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post A couple of years ago, not for the first time, I said Biden had senile dementia. Naturally cumtwat popped up to say I was spouting alt right conspiracy theories, and he knew far, far better:
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Vindicated at last.

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Haha, still thinking about me
Just remember to wear the retainer, tooth grinding can cause lasting damage
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post I’m half surprised you didn’t launch a renewed defence of your bullshit and lies.

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 23:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post E Jean Carrol

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hunter Biden, this is his chance to finally make his dad proud.
That is if his dad remembers who he is
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 23:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Give Hunter some credit, he did pull off an expert bit of legal trolling the other day.

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 0:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post So, Trump it is then
Oh well.

Americans find that the only thing more unacceptable than a black president is a woman president. The fact that she is foreign(ish) and a woman will render her unacceptable to merkins
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 6:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post The poll I saw said
Michelle Obama is polling higher than the American Alan Sugar. Not that she's shown any signs of wanting to run.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 9:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post pathetically grateful for any positivity

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 22:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm not sure about kamala
I think she leaned into the being right on and woke a bit much to win over floating voters who might be flirting with trump. And she's tainted by biden.
Knowing nothing about any of these candidates i can tell you with absolutely certainty they need the guy on the left:
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post "...flirting with Trump"
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Being "tainted by Biden"
Isn't very appealing either
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 13:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Her California track record is damning. I've forgotten most of it, and am struggling to find it online. Here's a portion-
1. Threw poor single mothers in SF in jail over truancy issues as DA of SF and laughed about it to major donors.
2. Helped the SF Archdiocese suppress evidence of child rape and helped them shift offenders around the country by slow rolling cases.
3. Sold CA out as AG of California during the national settlement with the banks over the 2008 crash and then lied about that.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 19:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post This really has a whiff of the Savile smear the tories tried to use against Starmer with very little success

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 21:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post I used to come to b3ta to get away from politics. I should know better.

(, Tue 23 Jul 2024, 1:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Savile smear the Tories
Turtle power!
(, Tue 23 Jul 2024, 10:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post What does Prufrock think?
I hear he's good at predicting things but he doesn't like to mention it.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 18:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jimmy Carter

(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 12:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post I saw a clip of Carter earlier today.
A young girl asks him what she should do if she wants to be president when she’s older. His reply is that she should run for VP under a man and wait for him to die, after which America will probably never vote for a male president again.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 10:43, , Reply)