"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
This question is now closed.

I always mute TV ads. Hate them. So. HB pipes up last night - look a this !
Its a mechanical bull bucking bronco fucking advertising sanitary towels that you wear - AND THE TOWEL IS ON THE MECHANICAL BULL - and apparently it "will be ok in your period" and wont leak, or hurt, or be painful in anyway because you are wearing the things with wings.
I didn't hear the sound but I was appaled at the advert.
I dont have periods any more but I bet some of these on here that do will agree with me.
It was obviously made by a man.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 21:22, 2 replies)

Quite posible the bestest advert ever. Scared the becheesus out of me one night after a few too many tokes.
worst ever? those cunts who buy any cars
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 21:16, 2 replies)

...but I think this one for Tetley's Bitter is one of the best I've ever seen.
Although I counted a grand total of two showings on telly in the last six years...about the same amount that GoCompare get through in one advert break.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 20:45, Reply)

I always liked this advertisement, but it wasn't until I read this rant that I finally understood why:
"Some spots need to be viewed over and over again to be truly appreciated. Others, like this All Bran Honey commercial, need to be viewed over and over again get past staring at the unbelievably gigantic nipples protruding through the shirt of "Tall Jan" ... to truly appreciate what the hell the ad was trying to sell."
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 20:24, 1 reply)

Sharing a doorway in the rain while a Red Indian* does a rain dance to the Smiths How Soon is Now.
She was gorgeous to me and my raging teen hormones.
*I know it's Native American now but this was the '80s.
edit: might have been on TV as well /edit
another edit - It wasn't the '70s.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 20:02, 4 replies)

You buy one, you get one free. I SAID YOU BUY ONE YOU GET ONE FREE.
Fuck. Off.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:52, 1 reply)

The Lager of Lamot
Obviously it didn't work because the lager is no more. Still cool though.
Adverts I hate:
Old El Paso
Blokes trying to make some nice food for his utter bitch of a wife and she's merrily telling her mate how shit they're going to be. And when he dishes them up, does she thank him? Does she bollocks.
And does anybody remember a car ad from the mid 80s? The one I'm thinking about had a brunette with enormous knockers who sounded like she was half asleep trying to sound excited about Yugos.
Rubbish ad. Rubbish acting. Rubbish production values. Smashing tits. I think Sam Fox was in the later ones.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:39, 1 reply)

Anyone remember this Peugeot 406 ad from the 90s?
featuring a sales rep driving along in his car with scenes of men saving peoples lives, stopping tanks, playing football and all that
NSFNFOMP (Not Safe For Non Fans Of M People)
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:38, 1 reply)

( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:31, 1 reply)

Can't be bothered to trawl through all this lot to see if this has been posted yet but the scariest ad ever IMO
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:25, Reply)

...total genius.
From: 'Everybody in the world loves Irn Bru... even though I used to be a man'
To the updated version of The Snowman:
And the HSM piss take: 'It's fizzy, it's ginger, it's PHENOMENAL!'
All brilliant
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:16, Reply)

Two I really hate are the Glade ad with the Chinese kid having a dump and whinging about the glade thing, moaning, "It's all gone, it's all gone". Little cunt, I want to spang him right off the shitter. but not as much as the little shit who want's to do a poo at my house! FUCK OFF!
I think the Compare the Market ads are very clever, both in the production and product awareness. Damned clever bit of advertising that, but that poo at pauls shit makes me spit bile so I made this.

click for biggerer
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:39, 2 replies)

The best cinema advert ever. I even sneaked my tape deck on to record the soundtrack.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:37, 1 reply)

The soundtrack will stick in your head for ages. It's "You've Got The Power" by Win.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:13, 1 reply)

Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble advertising Winston Cigarettes
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:10, Reply)

Not posted yet?
Why do I feel the need for a public crucifiction of the woman from the Malteser's adverts? I've been wanting to vent my spleen on this for years...if I was her husband, and I was brave enough, I would've had a honor killing by now, why:
- Humilition by beer can shaking
- Burying DVDs/Shirts
- Trying to shag a children's entertainer
- Trying to shag next door 'fit' guy
- General men are morons and good for sweet FA
- etc
Post if you can think of innovative ways of murdering via Malteser
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:06, 5 replies)

I know he wasn't meant to be creepy but I found him so when I was a young'un. The thought of finding him in the kitchen stealing pop, scared me.
The blokes voice was dubbed over by Elvis Costello's dad.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:01, 2 replies)

The one with the seductive-looking woman driving it, then parking up and kissing a bloke.
How is that supposed to make me want to buy the car? It doesn't tell me anything I need to know - how much it is, how fast it goes, how good the fuel economy is. "Oh, buy this car and you'll get to kiss a bloke", it says. Except you won't - you'll break down halfway there because it's French.
Exactly what sort of person is it aimed at? Has anyone bought one after seeing the ad?
What else? The air freshener ads, that's what. "But it's not wasteful! Because it won't go off for another half an hour..." they croon. Personally, I can't say I give a fuck. For that matter, you shouldn't even need an air freshener unless your house smells of dog piss.
One more - those damned celebrity magazine adverts. "What's going on this week in the world of Katie Price? Did Janet Jackson kiss Elisha Cuthbert's arse? Did she? DID SHE?"
I don't care. Nobody I know cares. I have more important things to care about, like real life. You sad bastards.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:00, Reply)

all ads shown in cinemas were of this style. McDonalds captured the effect beautifully.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:54, Reply)

and listened to local vacuous commercial radio station VIking FM, you'll remember the Karelia Cars ads, featuring the owner 'Big John'. I've not heard the adverts anymore. Does he not bother?
Hello, it's me! Big John from Karelia Cars. We have cars atc.
Different ads had various themes based on what was popular at the time, such as films TV etc.
Batshitmentalist will know who I mean.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:44, 2 replies)

starring Ken Jones from Porridge.
"Uh, frozen on a stick".
Quite possibly my favourite tagline.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:35, Reply)

0 8 9 8 27 27 27... Oh!
I never did make that call :-(
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:32, Reply)

But gawd if you really want specifics...
Any advert that uses its own employees. You just know these desperate wannabies have probably creamed their own panties at the thought of appearing on tv. Hey lose your dignity and your soul in one swift manouver, but you'll have a moment you'll be proud of forever. You pathetic cunts.
Any advert that displays a level of sexism towards men that would not be tolerated if it was against women.
"Oh, I'm a guy so I'm going to accidently burn down the house while trying to clean the oven or iron a shirt cos I'm such a fucking fuckwit."
I am not a fucking cliche and I dont give a rats arse if we all know a guy who cant even make a fucking cup of tea.
I've known women who will suck your cock for a can of tenants, but that doesnt mean all women are whores!*
Uncle bens fucking rice. It tastes like shit and you should be ashamed for eating it. Just how long does it take to cook rice anyway? Why do I need it in a packet that will cook in less time than it will take me to clear a space at my kitchen table?
Any advert that lasts longer than about 15 seconds. Just put yer name up and a picture of what you want to sell. I probably wont buy it anyway.
That fucking cunting one about the air freshener and the women cooing over it cos it looks like a rock.
No it doesnt. It looks like a plastic piece of shit.
And on this one ditto my above comments about sexist shit. Women are not that fucking stupid they are gonna get fucking excited about a fucking air freshner.
Those ones with Dean Gafney. I dont want to see soaps, I dont want to see soap stars in adverts and I espcially dont want to see his ugly gurning face trying to actually fucking act in an advert that is shittier than a fucking goats cunt.
Erm there may be more.... At least I feel a little better for getting that off my chest.
*I will strongly deny I said this in a court of law.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:14, 2 replies)

Aboogaloo lives 50 miles from the closest source of water...
His Dad isnt there anymore, he's off fighting some pointless civil war...
His Mum is too weak from squirting out a bazillion children...
His bothers and sisters are too weak to move...
Aboogoloo has to walk 100 miles a day to fetch water for his family...
...start giving £2.00 a month? How about just a little bit of advice for Aboogaloo and his family:
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:11, 1 reply)

Best advert, ever, has to be the Andrex ad that appeared in Viz.
"Andrex. Gets the shit off your arse and your fingers don't go through it.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:04, 3 replies)

A compilation, ignore the others, I'm referring to the second advert that starts at 0:35. I've just noticed that the girl on the right holding the punchbag at 0:41 is pretty much, with the exception of the different hair, a dead ringer for the girl I referenced in this QOTW answer some time ago and wearing the same top and shorts too.
Hence my reaction.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 17:00, Reply)

From the Olay ads. What the hell is a "celebrity beauty editor" anyway?
Is she a celebrity who works at a magazine as a beauty editor? In which case what is she supposed to be famous for?
Or does she edit "celebrity beauty"? Isn't that just someone who does make up? Isn't that like calling a bin man a refuse services technician?
Screw you Olay, and retinol is just vitamin A you cnuts.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 16:54, Reply)

Screw the Coca Cola truck. What really made Christmas, had to be the YTVs Christmas Line!!
Got a problem with your plumming over Christmas?, then call YTVs' Christmas Line on Leeds 44 8 1.... and i bet you still remember the rest of the number! The most catchy tune on the planet!
And thanks to youtube:
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 16:54, 1 reply)
This question is now closed.