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This is a question Best and worst TV ads

"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
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Rupert the Pedo
Remember walking home from the pub one fine even and spotting a bus stop advert for "Fox Kids". Oh how I laughed.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 6:43, Reply)
Goddamn smug Alpen commercial

When are all the shitmuggers in the advertisement industry going to learn what the meaning of the word 'sexist' is?
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 5:37, 2 replies)
Hmm... ponders

Cash For Gold. "Got any spare gold lying around?" Sure, let me just check my treasure chest. Arrrgggh! There be doubloons a-plenty! And all unused!

Yes Car Credit. "We like to say Yes!" Because we're sluts. Obviously.

Car Insurance. "I'm a ginger white van man! Stupid, just stupid!" "I'm a Home Counties upper-middle class woman - jolly good value, I'd say."

Carol Voderman. Consolidate your turkey neck somewhere else, love.


Anyone else remember that Reebok advert of two parallel bars, which were used from lots of different perspectives? Pretty cool.

Guinness Horse Waves, with music from Leftfield. Stolen from the cartoon Lord of the Rings, dontcha know.

Artiston... and on... and Ariston... with increasing loops of different actions. FACT - used the Commodore 64 music chip. A clear inspiration for Daft Punk's "Around The World" video.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 4:21, 3 replies)
Just watching this advert makes me excited

Toys R Us Xmas ad. Do they still show this advert on the run up the Christmas?
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 3:45, 3 replies)
Don't you want a want a

I hated hearing it but I enjoyed watching it.

And I is drinking an orange one as I type
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 2:34, 1 reply)
cant believe the nike advert havnt been mentioned. they were great and that xbox adverts where people are pretending to shoot each other ala spaced.
loved the irn bru snowman advert.
and the honda-hate something change something advert

hate those cadburys adverts
insurance ads, mobile phone ringtone ads, and gold for cash type ads
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 2:25, Reply)
You know that one
that was only on Australian TV?

(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 2:24, 3 replies)
A brief missive to the people who inflicted those Halifax "Radio Station" ads on us.

Please. We'll do anything. We'll take out your shitty overpriced financial products. We'll sell out our financial future by taking out one of your mortgages. We'll fellate your chief executive. We'll shave our heads and give you our earthly possessions. We'll wash your car, mow your lawn and repair your roof.

Just please, for the love of God, make them stop.


Oh no, I just clicked on the youtube link, and not only does the person posting the video think "Ice Ice Baby" is by Jedward, but bask in the horror of the following comments:

"lool welll funny"

"I love this advert so much it's so funny. ISA ISA baby lol. This is the best advert Halifax has done for this year . The other Halifax adverts that are done for this year are OK but not as ace and as funny as this one. I hope Halifax does another funny ace ad like this one soon. I love this advert forever and I always will"

It's too late. The world needs to be destroyed for its own good.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 2:00, 2 replies)
Can someone restore my sanity?

The Crunchy Nut advert with the baby monitor. Am I the only one who finds that this makes no sense whatsoever?

* Who is the man downstairs?
* Why is he eating the cereal with the lights off?
* Why can't he eat the cereal?
* Why didn't the guy upstairs just keep the cereal next to the bed in the first place rather than leave it downstairs and rig it up to a baby monitor?
* Why doesn't the guy upstairs just turn the baby monitor off rather than throw it in the drawer?

What the fuck is going on?
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 1:52, 1 reply)
generally have great adverts. Especially the first ones, with the original appearance of the marathon runners. Everyone remember?


Now the boring bit. You may remember the time where 192 was the only directory enquiries number; the reason that it isn't any more is that one guy lobbied for deregulation, saying plenty of companies can do this and provide extra services. Which has worked very well, cinema listings and train times etc etc.

The guy that successfully lobbied for deregulation set up 118888 (who I used to work for). Not 118118. Now why wasn't it as successful (In fact now owned by 118118)? In addition to being staffed by numpties like me and having a number not quite as memorable as 118118, their ads were unbelievably, incredibly shit.

Their first ad was a crap animation of the six numbers, on a desert island, holding crappy instruments, singing a little reggae rhyme in Jamaican accents, consisting of... the six numbers. Get that?

118118: The A-Team.
118888: Shitty racist animations with shitty music.

Following that, they tried to claw back some of the market. How? They got a 'celebrity' in on the adverts and teamed up with the National Lottery. Who? Fran Cosgrave.

118118: The A-Team.
118888: Some dick off some shit reality show and a dream for poor people.

They didn't last long.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 1:44, Reply)
A chance to see if anyone else remembers this one....
When listening to Block Buster by The Sweet at work the other day when I asked my colleagues if any of them remembered an advert for the Dustbuster by Black and Decker that rewrote some of the lyrics.

"The kids are out,
They're running about,
Grab a Dustbuster,
Wipe that mess out!

Did she hear someone say,
Clean it out the way,
With Dustbuster!"

Cue blank looks, vacant stares and a complete inability from anyone there to remember the ad in question. YouTube searches and lyric searches have proven fruitless and I am in fact scared that I made the whole thing up on the spot in some sort of idiot savant moment of advertising genius.

Can someone else please tell me they remember this ad, so I don't have to feel like I've gone mad / brilliant any longer?
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 1:32, 2 replies)
Most tv ads drive me mad
But I really liked this one.
I did think it was CGI, but no, apparently they really did do actual paint explosions on a Glasgow estate due for demolition


Was probably them who also did the thousands of coloured balls bouncing down the streets of San Fransisco.

A tv ad that really makes me scowl at the screen is the one for some french sounding yoghurt.
Pasty faced scowling woman with lank greasy hair moaning about sour yoghurt.
Then cue same woman smiling smugly , with make up on, and freshly coiffed hair spooning down mouthfuls of a better yoghurt.
Funny how changing her yoghurt eating habits also changed her appearance.

That ad really makes me want to kick my tv screen in
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:53, 5 replies)
As someone who did a degree in marketing and advertising...
... I hate it more than most people, since I understand the kind of thought processes that go on behind it.

It's safe to say that I am disgusted to the point where I want to gouge my own eyes out with the remote control by most adverts on TV, but one current one stands out in particular. Go compare, we buy any car and things of that ilk go without saying, but what really gets me at the moment is not a stupid ad for any product or service, but for a programme given the dubious label of 'comedy'. This bothers me more than usual, because for once I cannot fathom what creature came up with it. Perhaps a lobotomised ape which has been locked in a small grey room for 16 years, then released into the BBC offices whereupon it attacked Danny Cohen, ate his insides and took his place by wearing his skin like a grisly jumpsuit. But I digress.
The culprit is Russell Howard's Good News.
I've always had a bit of a vendetta against him since he sullied one of the jokes I'd posted on t'internet a few years ago by uttering it on Mock the Week. However, up until now I had more or less considered him as an irritating but ultimately insignificant background noise, like a previous owner's wallpaper you hate, but hey it's only in the cloakroom so never mind. This has blown into... ah, hate is too good a word... perhaps contempt taken to the highest level. "Catch 'em up... haw haw, but not, like, run after 'em... see what I did there? Eh, eh? I made a pun, that's what I did." To be fair to Russell Howard, I'm sure that he didn't come up with this idea himself (if, indeed, he has ever come up with any) and could, for all I know, be being held at gunpoint offscreen by aforementioned crazed ape. But he comes across as some unfunny turd your mate brought along to the pub, and everyone cringes every time he says something.
I assume the programme itself is a collection of the Sun and Mirror's finest, and an audience of the sort who snigger when numbers are used in place of words on shop signs. I'll never know, because the ad has put me off watching any programme featuring anyone called Russell ever again.

Years of bitterness over advertising finally released. Maybe now that's off my chest I can lie convincingly enough to get a job.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:40, 3 replies)
This one:
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:29, Reply)
A MUST see!!!
This little beauty! You may want to turn the volume up a little....

(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:19, 1 reply)
You might have seen this one before:


I wish all adverts were this good.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:09, 2 replies)
This one still sticks in my mind - it was a radio ad
"Ace is the place for everything electrical, Ace is the place to go. Call in now or give us a ring on Hull 29 double one 0"
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:58, 1 reply)
Best advert by a long way was John Smith Tuna where the man fights with the bears for some fish. Maybe its on youtube
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:39, 7 replies)
I just read Ysol's post about adverts you've only seen once...
and I have one of those. Did anyone else ever see an advert (in the UK within the last year) for one of those companies offering to buy/sell your car with 3 people dressed as penguins dancing in a driveway and singing a song that went something along the lines of 'we can sell your car today, [insert name of website here].co.uk'?

It looked like it cost all of a tenner to make and I've only ever seen it once. I know I didn't imagine it but I've never been able to find it since.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:37, 2 replies)
The one where
a dog came out of a man's mouth was great - think it got banned for scaring the wee ones though.

whoooaah - bodyform, bodyform for you
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:34, 2 replies)
IE 8 ads
All of them. Every friggin'one. They make me want to punch the TV and generally throw a fit of epic proportions.
They are so smug, so "Ooo, look how cool we are, look at the stuff we made/invented, lah-de-dah".
1) MS is never cool. Period.
2) They never made/invented any of it, it's all copied from others.

I've just had to endure two of the feckin' things whilst typing this.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:33, 2 replies)
Tell us about TV Adverts?

There is a red background with black borders. There is a picture of a television and a price and some details about specs and some other guff.

I dont get this QOTW.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:22, 2 replies)
In Spanish...
... but I remember it on UK TV with a UK voiceover.


and yes, I have done this trick.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:22, Reply)
My mate is in a band called The Poxy Boggards,
and one of their songs featured in the Superbowl for Dockers:

I wear no pants

And the original is here
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 23:12, Reply)
I just watched a commercial station
for an hour and a half. There were no adverts which was weird, so I have nothing to comment on. I feel ripped off.

But, did anyone else think they heard David Cameron nearly say 'fucking' to Nick Clegg?
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 22:58, Reply)

Oh god dont get me started

That cunt who 'starts a band' and loads of contrived cunts all join in and its made to look contrived with a carnival atmosphere as he triumphantly tours around the country like a cunt

'Car insurance, stupid, just stupid' that ginger cunt a few years back
Although he did have a point

and the rest
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 22:38, Reply)
Can't remember where I found this now.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 22:22, 2 replies)
Possibly bindun
But I reckon the best one I've ever seen was this.

At least partly because in order to film the fridges being fired up, they built an actual, honest to God, underwater fridge cannon.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 22:21, 1 reply)

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