"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
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shouldnt find this funny but come on doctor who laughing over dead kids for safety
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:06, 2 replies)

Those fucking chocolate/cereal adverts full of half naked men.
If you want to use half naked men to sell stuff to women fine, go for it, sex sells, but please stop pretending that it's somehow ironic or clever.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:03, Reply)

man that jingle was annoying. i was too little to know what a bra was then, never mind to appreciate the qualities of a decent underwire for hauling them back up from around your knees to somewhere vaguely in the vicinity of chest level.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:01, 1 reply)

I swore never to wear sketchers shoes on the basis of one advert from about 5 years ago.
It was like they had scoured the globe for the most smug, vacuous tossers in existence and put them together for a puke inducing, self congratulatory wank fest.
Think Big Brother with trainers.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:01, Reply)

These ads have been all over the Sunday supplements. Made me choke with laughter the first time:
It might be on TV too, don't know.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:56, Reply)

Every time she punches the piano in a random tourettes-inspired way I can't help but grin.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:54, Reply)

But only if the question ends 'who would you rather throw in boiling oil?'
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:50, Reply)

Great tune, reasonably good advert.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:44, 3 replies)

on every 90's teenager's radio station of choice, long wave radio atlantic 252, by being able to recite the "lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' great tastin' motivatin' good buzzin' cool talkin' high walkin' fast livin' ever givin' cool fizzin'... pepsi" advert.
how lame is it that i still remember that some 137 years later, but it is guaranteed that when my boss asks me later on what the judge decided about costs in court earlier this morning, i won't remember a thing?!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:38, 8 replies)

I really liked the Hamlet adverts. Wouldn't dream of touching the product in question (nasty, nasty things - give me a Montecristo #4 any day) but the adverts warmed my heart.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:35, Reply)

Unnecessary really.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:32, 4 replies)

I jest ye not.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:26, Reply)

Sony Bravia - Balls if you will. Made me smile every time it was shown
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:22, Reply)

Follow the bear- used to love it, don't know why because I couldn't drink (legally) at the time, I guess it was his silly walk. But I do wonder about the safety issues of going out drinking with an alcholic bear.
Haha first time i've watched it in years and it still cracks me up!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:21, 2 replies)

"If you decide to move on from breast feeding, Cow and Gate follow on milk will give your little one all the nutrition they need."
If you decide to move on from breast feeding?
I assumed it was pretty much a given that at some point you will wean your child off breast milk or formula and onto solid food. Or directly onto vodka and crack cocktails if you're Amy Winehouse.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:11, 4 replies)

This one was not what I expected!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:09, Reply)

Specifically, this saucy little number here.
The purpose of this advert is to encourage men to buy a particular brand of anti-dandruff shampoo. Right from the off, we can see several clear signs that this advert is designed to trigger certain elements of the male psyche: a young man is in a locker room with several of his peers. This suggests he has just participated in some sort of team sport, because that is what men (GRRRR) do. His face is dirty, which suggests it was an outdoor sport, which is, as everyone knows, far more manly (GRRR) than any of those girly indoor sports.
He enters a shower cubicle carrying a bottle of the product in question. The scene cuts to him moments later, his face cleaned of the very manly (GRRR) dirt, opening the bottle and taking a sniff. He sees a bright light from the other side of the shower curtain and immediately throws the shower curtain back to investigate.
Such behaviour is, in real life, foolish. Any normal human being would have assumed that the scene on the other side of the curtain would still be much the same, save for the additional light source, and so whilst throwing back the curtain would, granted, allow him to see what was occurring, it would also result in him exposing himself to his rather surprised team-mates.
He's quite fortunate, therefore, that the scene has completely changed and his team-mates have been replaced by a gaggle of attractive women. Dressed as nurses, no less. And not the sensible, blue-clad NHS ones, oh no, proper Carry On-style nurses with short skirts, seamed stockings and all the rest. All of a sudden this advert has departed completely from any sense of reality and into the realms of deluded sexual fantasy that even most QotW regulars would stop and think twice about. Suddenly, I like where this advert is going.
Even better for him, the nurses are unsurprised by the presence of this partially washed, naked man. Some might even say they were expecting him, as they do a little dance and sing a little song for him. The little dance leads to a group pose cleverly (mercifully) designed to obscure this chap's tackle, as one of the nurses leans in close and sings
"Don't you just love moments like these?"
Well, don't you? Actually, I'm not sure I've had enough experience to say. The closest I've had to such an experience was one week when no fewer than four female doctors ended up examining my testicles. "Doctor" and "Nurse" are two distinctly different professions, and even if any of them had been nurses, I somehow doubt they'd have done a dance or sung me a song whilst feeling them. (One of them did slather a load of cold goo over them, but that's a different story altogether...)
So based on that experience: no, I probably wouldn't love "moments like these." If anything, I'd probably be slightly alarmed that I'd just inadvertently exposed myself to a group of beautiful women, which would have led to even deeper embarrassment as the dance routine broke down in fits of giggles relating to my pitiful genitalia. (Though if you pause the video at 0:04, it does look as though the blonde and the redhead at the back are trying their best not to laugh at his...)
But then perhaps I'm missing the point here: clearly the implication of the advert is that the shampoo will make you irresistible to women (even nurses, who you'd normally expect to be more professional about this sort of thing), even though all it actually does is smell nice and clear up your dandruff. Clearly, they've learnt from the Lynx deodorant adverts that impressionable young men will buy your product if they think it will improve their chances of regular, hot, steamy nookie. To such young men, I have some bad news, and it's probably best that you hear it from me, because goodness knows I had to learn it the hard way: not having dandruff and not smelling funny do NOT automatically make you an irresistible lothario. Not having dandruff and not smelling funny are basic prerequisites to being socially acceptable, and they will certainly be necessary steps on the road to becoming passably attractive, but unfortunately, women are not going to fall at your feet and suck you off just because you've been good enough to try and mask your Eau de raging hormone with a can of something which makes you smell like a teenage boy's bedroom.
In fact, it's only just after the "moments like these" line that we get an aerial shot (complete with conveniently placed, todger-obscuring steam) of the ensemble, with the subtitled disclaimer:
"Claim based on visibility of flakes at 2 feet when used regularly,"
and as they all look up at the camera, around 0:18, their faces are almost saying to me,
"Come on, look closer, you can still see the dirty bugger's dandruff!"
And then they all disappear, as the poor lad realises he just imagined it. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm not sure I would trust a shampoo that makes me hallucinate sexy, dancing nurses, especially if it would lead to me deludedly throwing back the shower curtain and exposing myself to my peers whilst in the middle of some cheap wank fantasy.
Finally: 0.23. Watch the bottle. See what it does at 0.25? Come on, that's not even subtle. I had barely managed to yell "Fnar Fnar!" at the television when the drop landed in that chap's hair.
Based on all the evidence before you, I put it to you that this advert is hilarious, more than a little camp and ever-so-slightly arousing. A bit like watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time, you know, before you get the horrible surprise of realising the tall one is Tim Curry. Personally, on account of my naturally dry skin, I've been using various anti-dandruff shampoos for years and whilst they seem to fulfil their basic function, I've yet to encounter any nurses in the shower. Sod it, I'm off to the hospital to see if a female doctor can fondle my bollocks again.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:06, 4 replies)

I remember the cinema advert which had Canyons Of Your Mind as the music, I just can't remember for the life of me what it was for!!
(and also Mr Cadburys parrot!)
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 11:00, 3 replies)

And the voice over goes "...and then dipped in three kinds of rich, creamery butter". Lisa tells him they use sublimiminal messages to make him crave the product and he comes back with "Oh Lisa, that's a load of rich creamery butter"
Cracks me up every god damned time.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:59, 1 reply)

OOooooo-oooooooohhh Vitalite!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:55, 1 reply)

with Leonard Rossiter. Always involved spilling drinks over Joan Collins' chest. I particularly like the third of these, the Japanese businessmen:
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:50, Reply)

As a young teenage boy, I was moody bastard... and I spent long periods not talking to my mum - not because she'd done anything wrong, but just because I was a tosser and at that nasty age where communication is not really anywhere near the top of the priority list. Anyway - my mum must have been pretty pissed off with the whole situation and the nasty wall of silence caused all sorts of nagging and bickering... until... the meow mix advert came along - in an instant we were rolling around the room in hysterics and it broke the ice - there weren't any more awkward silences after that.
Thanks Meow Mix!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:46, Reply)

Ahh Gino Ginelli Icecream
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:37, 1 reply)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkO5Ghy-Knc - Cant go wrong with a bit of Spike Milligan
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTC1HQxV5Hc&feature=related - its wicked!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LvLn9PWln8 - the classicest of all classic adverts
www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-xG3D8OMQk&feature=related - best ad of all time.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:34, Reply)

Officially the greatest TV ad of all time.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:31, 2 replies)

"A touch of grey"*
Where the little girl passes her dad the dye, after we have inferred her mother is dead, and says;
"It's about time dad" or words to that effect. So she's giving him the go-ahead to find someone new.
Aargh. I've got through three tellys because of that ad.
*May not be a touch of grey, if it's not then a whole other award needs creating.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:30, 3 replies)
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