We love books. Tell us about your favourite books and authors, and why they are so good. And while you're at it - having dined out for years on the time I threw Dan Brown out of a train window - tell us who to avoid.
( , Thu 5 Jan 2012, 13:40)
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Not that I don't respect his work, it's just that he's so damned aggressive towards belief he comes across as just as much of a raving zealot as those he rages against.
So it was with great delight that I saw his works in WH Smith arranged tastefully in the New Age section. Right next to the Angel Healing cards and Psychic Sally's books.
Just the sort of thing that would probably make him foam at the mouth with rage. :D
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 13:11, 101 replies)

Like those religious fundamentalists who killed thousands of innocents by flying planes into the world trade centre; or blow themselves on buses, tubes, taking as many unbelievers as possible; or execute doctors for giving pro-choice advice; or kill others of their own faith over small doctrinal points; or choose to protect the reputation of their faith over stopping priests fucking children. &c. &c. &c. &c.
Actually, he's probably worse, isn't he? For slightly raising his voice arguing against all that.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 14:03, closed)

He comes across as the kind of bloke who would turn into a raving megalomaniac given the slightest bit of power.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 16:31, closed)

I just looked her picture up on Google - they have matching foreheads. Amazing.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:25, closed)

Best fact of the year so far (it's been a slow start)
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 21:08, closed)

And he seems to be mixing up my idea of GOD with something that created the universe in 6 days. Which is a bit presumptuous to say the least
Anyway back to Books. If it wasn't for Paley's Natural Theology and other works, it's pretty unlikely that Darwin wouldn't have written the origin of species which Dawkins has pretty much built his career in pop science on
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 14:36, closed)

He still comes across as a pompous, arrogant arse I'm afraid, despite the fact I agree with what he says.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 15:47, closed)

It's an easy label to throw at somebody writing pop science books about a subject they care deeply about. It's rarely backed up with anything though.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 17:13, closed)

is that you don't back it up with anything, you just stamp your feet and cry about the nasty man
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 16:10, closed)

You can spot the diehard atheists because they'll tell you over and over and over and over about their beliefs.
Even the born-again Christians aren't as annoying.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 15:53, closed)

As yet I have not had to hide behind the sofa to avoid those pesky door to door atheist proselytisers. No childishly illustrated leaflets in phone boxes either. Perhaps it's different round your way?
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 16:17, closed)

They can't tell you over and over about their religious beliefs because they don't have any. Is everybody in your family as thick as you?
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 17:11, closed)

A-theism - quite correct.
Atheists dont have beliefs - nonsense. They have different beliefs but they do not have "No" belief.
The point being made, but rather poorly articulated, is that Dawkins is a religious zealot. He is a zealot for the religion of a-theism. Dawkins is a first rate scientist and has done significant work in the field of evolutionary biology but constantly fails to understand his very own subject when addressing the world in regard of religion. We have an innate need for religion: be it: sex, capitalism,internet, atheism or church etc. Evolution has simply not got far enough to get away from this and is unlikely to do so within the short lifespan of one human being. As soon as well all realise this the better. Far more helpful was the Atheist bus campaign which did a lot more to raise the debate and stimulate proper thought.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:13, closed)

Quite often, people give themselves the label "atheist" in a vain attempt to confer an air of "intellectual" about themselves. This is very sad and unfortunately most of those who class themselves as "atheist" fall into this camp and are anything but intellectual.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:22, closed)

( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:28, closed)

the people referred to by gearanach use their non-belief in a supreme being as evidence of their supposed intellectual superiority, even if they are severely lacking in other areas.
Also, the plebs need religion so that they can be happy with what they've got and never try to achieve anything greater.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:59, closed)

Just ... you know ... out of idle curiosity.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:57, closed)

found. spp exists.
Im a scientist not a fucking english student. I can spell, but the rest of it eludes me.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 19:45, closed)

I said that atheists don't have religious beliefs. You wanked yourself off for a paragraph. Which part of that did you think demonstrated your intellect in a good light?
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:00, closed)

religion = ties that bind.
atheists - bound by a common a-theism
I never claimed to be intellectual - thats something you have placed upon me.
Scientist - better than you fuckwit.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:23, closed)

( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:31, closed)

That's you desperately trying to wriggle out of the pit of nonsense you've dug for yourself.
And I am a scientist and an intellectual. I have a doctorate in a scientific discipline, I worked as a researcher in a university and I now work as a consultant. And you're a prat.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:30, closed)

Now.. Im going to grant you "prat" because I continued to plough this furrow.
You wont win on the "religion" definition though and you are wrong on that one:
I've touched a nerve with the "intellectual atheist" thing tho.
"barely scraped GCSE in science" - I don't have a GCSE in science.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:38, closed)

You total fucking bell end.
That's "bell" from the Germanic for "shout" and "end" from the proto-european for "opposite". Therefore meaning "one who should talk very quietly so that nobody hears".
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:46, closed)

The inevitable "ha ha I'm only trolling you" defence. The last refuge of the internet fail.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:53, closed)

your smugness is only outweighed slightly by the overbearing need to get the last word in.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 22:06, closed)

a good whipping from Nanny when you've been a naughty little boy again.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 6:39, closed)

( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 11:09, closed)

becuase you're not making any sense.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 19:21, closed)

dictionary definitions so have no need of explanation. I didnt want to waste any more words than I had to. It doesnt make sense if you dont want it to.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 19:44, closed)

I didn't realise you were the source of fundamental truths of human existence.
Carry on.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 19:49, closed)

If you're asserting that atheism can be considered as a type of religion then you're a retard. I bet you're not even a fucking biologist.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:03, closed)

( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 17:47, closed)

( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 15:57, closed)

The way he treats delusional fuck-wits like delusional fuck-wits is truly appalling.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 17:15, closed)

I knew I should have stuck to fluffy bunnies.
Maybe I should have just joined in with the Harry Potter bashing. ;)
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:12, closed)

This thread does remind me of why I avoid discussing evolution with my friend who, while a very intelligent post-graduate scientist, is an ardent creationist. It's like beating ones head against a brick wall.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 18:32, closed)

It may not win the argument, but it will win the war.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 23:03, closed)

so the idea of him being lumped together with a load of hippy, spiritualist crap, makes me smile.
Frankly, I'd struggle to get upset if all self-described humanists, brights, or what-have-yous, were boiled in oil (OK, that might be a step too far, but this is the net, where hyperbole is king). Despite the protests above, they do bang on about their beliefs (or lack thereof) as much as any other fundie, and seem to want atheism treated as a religion (then get all pouty when this is pointed out).
Want to worship yourself as a god? Fine by me, but could you please do it quietly? Oh, and hands off Thought For The Day, you smug, condescending, wankers.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 19:49, closed)

This post doesn't make you sound like an odious, feeble-brained, hypocritical, condescending cunt at all.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:08, closed)

On the plus side, I don't have a book out, nor am I ever invited on to speak in public about my tediously intolerant views. There's no chance of the godless sect worshipping me as the messiah, either, so it's all good.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:18, closed)

Whenever a religion has had any power whatsoever, they have sought to control and to repress, and to dictate what people think and do.
Religion still has a massive amount of unquestioned power. Some people don't like this, and some people write books about it. Some people even argue their point eloquently.
Peoople describing Dawkins as "religious" or a "fundamentalist" are just displaying ignorance of what those words mean. Just because Dawkins has occasionally shared a platform and debated with zealots doesn't make him their polar opposite. Yes, sometimes Dawkins makes his points forcefully. He is able to base his points on evidence and state what would make him change his mind. He is actually the opposite of a fundamentalist, and the only time he ever comes across as anything other than humblel and polite is when he is debating with far more arrogant religious people.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:27, closed)

because it is (ooh, common ground).
It's also big on the belief that it is right, that everyone else is wrong, and that effort should be expended on persuading others of these facts. Prosletysing, I believe it's called, and it's this aspect of the Dawkins-style of atheism that gets up my nose. At least it's understandable when Christians engage in this behaviour - they think they can "save my sould" and offer me ever-lasting bliss (quite generous of them).
I don't believe in god (I did once, but not with any great conviction), but I stopped describing myself as an atheist, when I noticed that I appeared to be allying myself with the fundamentalist section of an organisation that didn't exist (atheism isn't a religion, so why are some people intent of prosletysing on it's behalf?).
I decided that it made more sense to call myself an agnostic, as it's equally meaningless to claim to know that god doesn't exist, as it is to claim the reverse. God may, or may not, exist, but I don't care. Sadly, I'm all too aware that Dawkins, and those like him, do exist, and I find it had not to care (similarly, Fred Phelps exists, and that bothers me, too; likewise, Abu Hamza - not a fan).
Most likely, this all stems for a general exasperation with Humanists, who seem to want to worship themselves as gods, or at the very least create a godless religion (and what's the bloody point of that?).
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:50, closed)

Dude. That's weak. I'm afraid I'm going to have to put you on ignore and try to remember back to the good old days when you weren't a dick.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:52, closed)

You can go burn in my own imaginary hell.
Seriously, though, Phelps is a crazy old man who bangs on about his beliefs, firmly believes himself to be correct (representing one fringe of Christian belief), and is somewhat rude about those who disagree. I have no problem bunging Dawkins into that end of the no-god camp. I plucked Hamza out of thin air, as I'm not really up on Islamic clerics, so feel free to shoot me down for that one. Anyway, I don't like any of them.
Richard Coles said that Dawkins is thoroughly pleasant, so long as you avoid discussing religion with him - that's probably true, but his public persona is all I know, and that does nothing but discuss religion (I'm sure he does many other things in his spare time), so I'm left with believing him to be an odious shit. For the record, the tipping point was this website, which made me want to vomit up my own spleen (I was going through an anti-religion phase, and it kicked me into my now comfortable agnosticism). I still like Steven Pinker, though.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 21:07, closed)

Dawkins writes pop science books about biology.
I can see why you think they're comparable.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 22:19, closed)

whose views of religion do nothing to foster greater understanding between cultures.
I'm more frequently exposed to followers of Dawkins, than those of Phelps (given that they're practically non-existent), thus he's higher up my list of annoyances, even if he's not actually as awful as the latter.
For me, Dawkins represents a crytallisation point for everything that's wrong with atheism.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 8:05, closed)

People don't follow Dawkins. If he suddenly 'saw the light' there wouldn't be millions of people converting overnight, because he's had a mental breakdown.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 8:48, closed)

People do follow Dawkins, whether he wants them to or not. By its very nature, atheism doesn't need talking about, and doesn't require exponents. For better or worse, Dawkins has become a figurehead for atheism, and he appears to relish it (I'm not sure that it's a role he chose, and he'd be swiftly replaced, were he to convert, but it's the role he inhabits, nonetheless).
Muddy this together with the humanist "religion," and other secular movements, and you wind up with a no religion as a religious movement, which is exactly what it shouldn't be.
I'm not religious, but I have absolutely no problem with people who are*, and no interest in converting them to my way thinking, simply because it's not important to me - thus, people who espouse their atheism strike me as being somewhat hypocritical (which takes us back to the accusations of "intellectual posturing" which were levelled at Tab, earlier).
Granted, it does become important when the religious views of one group impinge upon the rights of others, but I don't think a secular view that boils down to "you're all wrong, so stop being stupid" is in any way constructive, so I would seek to distance myself from it.
If I come across as a religionist, this is probably because I come from a nominally religious background, where a belief in god is assumed, and have thus made a concious choice about my beliefs (or lack of).
*It should be clear from what I've written that the exceptions to this rule are religious fundamentalists (as they seek to impose their religion on others, often through violent means), and those who claim to have no religion but wish to be treated as though they do (I think this comes from the "special status" that religious groups can enjoy, so I have some sympathy, but come at the issue from the other end - I don't want secular organisations to receive the same "special status," rather I'd see it removed from religious organisations).
Apologies if this is a bit rambling, but I'm typing it on a phone, so the editing options are limited.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 9:19, closed)

that about 80-90% of the pointless discussion about atheism is started by people complaining about it, accusing atheists of being religious and making feeble whimpers about being persecuted. If you're sick of hearing about atheism then you should lay the blame at the new evangelicals, creationists and conservative anglo-catholics who started the fight thirty years ago.
The churches would like atheists to be quiet because they have no coherent response. The only recourse they have is to go on the attack.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 9:48, closed)

40% of the noise is the atheists, banging on about how the churches are wrong, and isn't it awful how they enjoy such a privileged position is society.
10% of the noise is idiots like me, going "why can't you just shut up? You're all wrong, and it's doing my head in. Let me tell you why you're both wrong..."
But I stand by the points made about atheists acting as if atheism is a religion, as it's a position I've come to of my own volition, not prompted by the evangelicals.
It's all the pagans fault, anyway.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 9:58, closed)

It originated with non-conformist christians rather than atheists.
There are ... what ... four notable mouthy atheists in the media and one of them recently died. Of the surviving three, Dawkins is the one who upsets people the most and he has written _one_ book about religion which was prompted primarily by a virulent reaction that included death threats to a perfectly inoccuous pop science book he wrote about evolution in the 1970s.
You might have reached your position independently, but it is still bollocks.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 10:10, closed)

as it's not something I've ever looked into (it is counter intuitive, though).
My experience of secularism comes from organisations like the National Secular Society, which sounds like a good idea in principle, but then they bang on about how Thought For The Day is religious propaganda (and I'm sure I've heard something similar attributed to Dawkins), and that forces me to the conclusion that they're a bunch of frothing nutters. I like Thought For The Day.
[Edit: it's taken me far too long to work out that the recently deceased, notable atheist that you were referring to was Christopher Hitchens. I think this probably says it all. Hitchens is categorised in my brain as "essayist" (somewhere near Alistair Cook, probably), whilst Dawkins represents an unpleasant subsection of "atheists". Maybe he just needs to work on his public image?]
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 10:24, closed)

The NSS are a tiny group of puritanical scots who lack belief so can't share the misery of the wee frees so have to conjure up their own grim persecution complex.
90% of what Dawkins has written is about evolution. He's been elevated to his position as Atheist Antichrist almost entirely by evangelical christians because he calmy tore apart their attempts to re-label creationism as "intelligent design" and sneak it into the pantheon of science.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 16:37, closed)

He does himself no favours, y'know.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 17:30, closed)

People who "follow" Dawkin's are following a rational, if ultimately unverifiable, hypothesis. Occam's razor and all that. Religion is simply an appeal to authority which you are obliged to swallow undigested. (Proof denies faith etc.)
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 13:49, closed)

My issue is not with atheism, but with the people who espouse it. Organised atheism, if you will.
Atheism doesn't need defending, as it has nothing on which to be attacked (unless you compare it with agnosticism, which is arguably more rational).
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 14:16, closed)

Its lack of conformity to the belief in established religious 'right and priveleges'. A lack of belief is largely speaking, in the eyes of most religions, a problem and something to be corrected. Your assertion that it cannot be attacked would presumablyequally apply to, say, a conscientious objector not wishing to agree with a war being waged and I am fairly sure that many were and indeed still are castigated for this stance. An absence of acquiescence does not remove a belief, direction or viewpoint. It is an alternative, surely?
To say your problem is with the espousal of atheism is essentially an attack on voicing ones opinion because it can be ' a bit loud and in your face' which whilst not pleasant or always constructive is no different to just about any other argument whether it is political, religious or even whether or not Harry Potter is suitable for mature adults. Either all sides get their say or none. The church has enjoyed a position for centuries (millennia in fact) where it has literally been 'God's law, the one true law' and it doesn't like the fact that not only do some folk not agree with it but actually find it logically flawed based as it is on a premise of accepting the unprovable.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 14:40, closed)

and demonstrablt harmful, and thus can be argued against. Attacking atheism for its lack of beliefs is pointless, as it's a perfectly sound, logical position (you could argue for a belief in god, but that's not an attack on atheism, it's a defence of religion), and I fail to see how you could attack it for its non-conformity, outside of a society ruled by religious edict.
I have no more time for mouthy christians, muslims, hindus, or whatever, than I do for outspoken atheists.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 16:10, closed)

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the crusades (cheap and dirty example); fundamentalism; scientology et al. Religion as a way of life can be a wonderful thing for many people giving them direction, purpose, succour etc but it has been the catalyst for or cause of innumerable wars and atrocities throughout human history. Pacifism as an objection to violence as a tool and the reasoning behind it appears, to me, to be remarkably similar to atheism. They both stem from a slightly unnatural rejection of human reliance on instinct and reject the arguments therein.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 17:17, closed)

regardless of what justifications you hang on them. At least you didn't bring up Palestine.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 17:31, closed)

Sorry I was mid edit of my previous post when you replied.
Religion is dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. Atheism can at least take personal responsibility for acting like a dick.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 17:42, closed)

and have just noticed that I completely missed the point!
Arguements against religion are reasonable (if somewhat tiresome, after a while), it's arguements against atheism that don't work.
I seem to have wound up arguing both sides of the wrong arguement. Probably time for me to give up.
[edit: I've now read your edit, and am going to agree, in spite of myself, as I don't have the energy to start taking a pro-religion stance.]
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 17:57, closed)

...the problem is that he's a raving evo.
Oh, and can we please stop with the "RELIGION MAKES PEOPLE FLY PLANES INTO BUILDINGS" shit, most people got past that stage of argument with the Proddies-vs-Papists back in NI in the 1970s. Unless you really do think that Bloody Sunday was about transubstantiation and belief in original sin.
( , Wed 11 Jan 2012, 0:34, closed)

For the record, I think Dawkins, as a person, seems dreadful: a patronising, arrogant, conceited self-publicist. And not a great scientist. However, my initial point was: however awful he is, he's not going to blow anyone up because of what he thinks. And as for the suggestion (not by you, I think) that my athiesm is merely intellectual posturing...wow.
Anyway, I'm spent; have a good rest-of-sunday.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 21:07, closed)

so I've long since ceased to view is as a genuine term of abuse!
To be honest, I'm probably being needlessly argumentative, and getting upset on the internet (atheism is a reliable trigger, for me).
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 21:15, closed)

I always thought that the "There's probably no god" was a bit naff, if only for its lack of conviction (something you can't normally accuse the atheists of).
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:30, closed)

but it degenerates into the usual mindless twaddle by about two-thirds of the way down. Atheism equates to murder? My arse.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 20:30, closed)

it strikes me that whenever someone says, "I don't have a problem with what Dawkins says, it's just that I find him really arrogant!", that actually, they do object to what he says (a lot) but just can't think of a convincing counter argument. It doesn't matter how the message is delivered, it is the content that is important. In fact, by focusing on the way the message is delivered rather than on what he is saying, you are basically admitting you have lost the argument.
( , Sun 8 Jan 2012, 23:23, closed)

but I'm not convinced that any real progress will be achieved by a privileged white Englishman who insists on fighting fire with fire.
And people's behaviour is important. Do you think Martin Luther King would now be remembered for his constructive contribution to the civil rights movement if he'd gone around throwing wobblers and being completely unable to hold a civil conversation with anyone who held views that conflicted with his own?
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 0:03, closed)

The colour of his skin, nationality and education completely undermine his arguments.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 6:27, closed)

I noticed that just before I posted the message. I was about to correct it, then I thoutght about the kind of people who get upset at that sort of thing.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 18:35, closed)

Link to Dawkins being "completely unable to have a civil conversation with anyone who held views that conflicted with his own"?
For example, I watched this new video on youtube this morning:
He seems entirely civil to me...also, it's a curious kind of Englishman who was born in Nairobi
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 16:13, closed)

not throwing a wobbler, doesn't mean he never does it. Only a person of blind faith could make such an assertion.
Which is why my cult will always be at war with your kind, as our holy book has fortold of a day when he will throw a massive wobbler. Then, and only then, can peace be brought unto the earth.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 19:09, closed)

And I think he's a bit arrogant and pushy.
I did enjoy the Blind Watchmaker though - all that stuff about how the eye evolved, and was useful all the way through in particular. I guess my objection to all the fervour is that the majority of religious people in the UK, and the world, are infinitely more likely to organise a coffee morning than the mass slaughter of unbelievers, and I don't mind a coffee morning. And I don't believe that the slaughter of unbelievers, when it happens, has much to do with the existence or otherwise of God.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 12:29, closed)

...that Dawkins, who's been an atheist most of his life, and a successful author and public figure since The Selfish Gene was first published in 1976, only became noisily atheist after some religious nutcases started flying planes into tall buildings and randomly blowing themselves up on busy public transport?
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 11:56, closed)

... which discusses that here
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 18:12, closed)

The label Atheist only makes sense from a religious viewpoint.
I don’t have religion in my life, in the same way that I don’t have corned beef in my coffee. My coffee doesn’t “lack” corned beef, I don’t define it by it’s absence of Fray Bentos.
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 18:55, closed)

Succinct, and involving corned beef. A win for all concerned (unless you're a Hindu).
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 19:06, closed)

Spamuccino anyone?
( , Mon 9 Jan 2012, 22:56, closed)

there is a god, he is real and anyone can find him if they look.
But then I am one of those people from vanuatu what worship prince philip.
( , Tue 10 Jan 2012, 12:26, closed)

if he's already returned unto us, bringing with him the promised bounty of western consumer goods, then I dare say it'll be prophecy fulfilled, job done.
If he hasn't, then we'll be busy inventing excuses as to why he hasn't, like every other religion does
( , Tue 10 Jan 2012, 13:26, closed)

( , Tue 10 Jan 2012, 13:45, closed)
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