My car was in the Specsavers advert with the old lady and the loud stereo. Not me. My stupid blue Nissan Micra. Tell us about your brushes with fame.
Suggested by Amorous Badger
( , Thu 20 Sep 2012, 15:49)
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My ex-girlfriend's auntie is married to Jerry Scheff, the bassist for Elvis' TCB Band, who has also worked with Bob Dylan and The Doors. He is lovely, and made Sunday lunch for us at his house :) Genuinely nice man, quite quiet but really fun to hang out with.
Length? long, black and fretless :)
( , Sun 23 Sep 2012, 0:49, Reply)

(Pearoast, I think)
Some Japanese wrestlers came over to do a short tour of the UK and naturally they brought a film crew. I got hold of a bootleg of the tape and there's me shambling into the venue waving at the camera.*
I met Terry Pratchett and he took the piss out of my jacket.
I've met the legend that is Brian Blessed. He's shorter than I expected. I may have been staring at him just a tad and he got a bit freaked out.
I've drunkenly bellowed in the ear of a Black Sabbath vocalist who isn't Ozzy or RJD.
The back of my head was on Salvage Squad.
And I was on the DVD of Iron maiden's 1992 Donington gig but so were about 80,000 other people so good luck spotting me.
*The Great Sasuke and some of his mates, if you are remotely interested.
( , Sun 23 Sep 2012, 0:18, Reply)

I once sold Sophie Aldred a Hornby Police Box model.
Nothing that funny about it really, but I can say it was Ace.
( , Sun 23 Sep 2012, 0:06, Reply)

when I was a nipper. He was in full Mr Pastry costume, and I think his moustache was fake.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 23:19, 1 reply)

Bowling for Soup
Tom Morello
John Fogerty
Dion Dublin
Jarvis Cocker
I can also confirm that the majority of WWF wrestlers are announced as being at least three to four inches taller than they actually are, Chris Jericho, as a prime example is closer to 5'10" by my estimate, rather than the declared 6'2".
Hulk Hogan has saggy nipples.
Apologies for beating around the bush with this bit, but I don't want my employer finding it: -
At a certain concert that was held at a Royal Park this year, I was dealing with the headline artists family and guests viewing area, this being the night when he had the plug pulled a little earlier than he would have hoped during a sing-song with a famous bass playing scouser. They were all lovely.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 22:59, 4 replies)

Used to shop at the Sainsbury's in Hove, saw him a couple if times.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 22:35, 1 reply)

My wife once sat in the same Tube carriage as Super Hans out of Peep Show. It was on the Northern line and he had skull-patterned socks on. She got on at Archway and he was already in the carriage.
She also once followed Daniel Day Lewis down the street in New York. He went into a deli.
We saw Vic Reeves in the Sainsbury's Local at Manchester Piccadilly station, a few months ago. He had a white beard.
I once stood behind the actor Jason Merrells at Leeds railway station M&S. A few weeks before that, at the same station, I got out of a taxi just as Neil Pearson was getting out of the one in front.
Last year, I sat in a first class carriage on the St Pancras to Sheffield train and Melvyn Bragg was in the seat on the other side of the aisle. He's in remarkably good nick for a chap in his early seventies. Brilliant hair.
I once walked past Noel Gallagher on Deansgate in Manchester. He's tiny.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 22:08, Reply)

Another artist who might not have been heard of by many, I have had the chance to chat to him for a few hours, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, wearing an Armani suit. He'd just come off a European tour and was sailing back on the Queen Mary II with his family, I was sailing with my family to start our new life in the US (proper immigrant me, sailed through NY Harbour and everything!). I spotted him in the food court and introduced myself and left him to it, then the next evening I went to see a jazz trio play and spotted him at the back of the room on hip laptop so went and had a chat with him afterwards. Really, really nice bloke and very easy to get along with. I think a lot of the conversation was about me shitting myself about moving to America to be honest. A lot of what he said did seem to be "the script" which I could tell he'd recited to journalists etc. a million times, but now being an immigrant can understand as I have one of my own, a la "I moved here X years ago because Y and Z, I am from _here_ in England, yes I do like it here in Florida etc." but there were times we were just having a good old chat and he'd mention again who he was (not in a wankery way, more of a "X happened because I'm KRS-One", talking about his celebrity) and I caught myself thinking, "Oh shit yeah this guy's a huge name". Quality bloke though, which is nice to know.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:49, 2 replies)

whilst working in a hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon in the late 80s.
Prior to his death.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:48, 9 replies)

Oh no, wait...that was a dream I had.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:43, Reply)

On a more serious note than my true-but-horrifically-inane previous stories, I have had the chance to meet a lot of legends in the hip-hop world. I've met Guru from Gang Starr (RIP). Terrifically nice fellow, my friend was (very drunkenly) waffling at him after a show saying basically, "Thanks for your contributions to the world of hip-hop," and Guru signed the front of the hoodie my friend was wearing. On the way to the taxis said friend was remarking what a nice bloke he was, when I commented on the autograph which surprised him further as he'd not even noticed him doing it.
I've also met Pete Rock, Rob Swift, J-Live, Jazzy Jeff, DJ Noize, Ugly Duckling, People Under The Stairs, DJ Q-Bert, The Beatnuts, Del The Funkee Homosapien and plenty of other artists most people won't have heard of but I assure you have been big names in the right circles and, as a huge underground rap fan I'm very proud of (and by met I mean actually gone up to them after a show and shaken their hands, got an LP autographed, whatever)
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:42, 3 replies)

I have delivered a pizza to Sol Campbell
Spotted Gorden Cunningham off Holyoaks in Waitrose
Bought chips from Gok Wan's dad
My wife used the same gym as Kate McCann
My mother was chatted up by Oliver Reed... I am assured that chatted up isn't a euphamism for shagged
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:40, Reply)

... all stayed in the hotel where I used to work years ago while they were appearing in pantomime at a local civic theatre. John Inman brought his dog with him and walked it in the grounds while wearing a shellsuit (it was the late 80's!), Roy Castle was a thoroughly nice chap who looked taller in real life to me than he did on the telly, never actually saw Danny La Rue but did take his/her breakfast up and left it outside his/her room, knocked and left as requested - think he/she was a bit touchy about being seen without make up on at that time in the morning ... and finally Phil Cool who I hadn't realised was still in his room as I barged in to replenish his tea and coffee making facilities and promptly (on request) gave me a signed picture of him 'pulling one of his funny faces' which I still have to this day ... it is hiding in a box in the loft somewhere but it really is a treasured memento of the time he stayed there, honest - another thoroughly nice chap too.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:36, Reply)

Outside Harrod's. Was helping my Mum get in the car and there were two blokes walking down the street, suddenly a third bloke ran in front of him and snapped off about 10 shots in a second before running off and the beardier of the two blokes shouted at him, calling him a toe rag. Just as he walked past I realised and whispered to my Mum, "that was Eric Clapton." Then we went home, I think we had Little Chef for tea.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:36, 2 replies)

At Home With The Braithwaites? The one with the gapped front teeth that played the lezzy next door neighbour. She was buying a book in Waterstones. I was staring at her because I couldn't work out who she was and I was stoned. She pretended she didn't notice me staring. I think the most impressive thing was that I was in a book shop.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:33, Reply)

I didn't meet him though, I saw him play an outdoor festival and had to write my name on the programme and give it to the stage manager, who took it to Stevens' caravan where he signed them in private, before them being handed back out. Just the thought that such a megastar's hands had graced it was, um, banal.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:30, Reply)

I met Fergual Sharkey from said band whilst riding my Rayleigh Grifter in Malvern Winter Gardens circa 1981/2
Oh and I bought Isla St Clair some Candyfloss prior to that
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:30, Reply)

I was working in a Stansted Airport coffee shop when I noticed that the group Slade were amongst our customers. They were not immediately recognisable, as in 2001 they obviously looked a bit different from their 70's heyday, and Noddy Holder wasn't touring with them. But I did get to mop up some lemonade that guitarist Dave Hill had spilt.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 21:07, Reply)

one of our regular customers was John Barrowman. Sometimes his sister would visit him, and would also come in. They look EXACTLY ALIKE. Not similar, not "strong family resemblance". EXACTLY THE SAME. It's uncanny.
(Evan Davis also came in and is a very polite man).
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 20:38, Reply)

EDIT: Not shit, but still pretty awesome!
After going on a trip to Chichester Planetarium due to G&T project in my county, I wwas invited on a trip to Patrick Moore's house with 7 other people. We used his telescopes, ate nibbles, and listened to his genuinely funny stories.
Turns out, because he's now too old and frail , he's not accepting school visits anymore.
As I was last out his lovely 16th century house (I remember having to close his door on his cat airlock as he didn't want his cats escaping) , I was the last child to ever visit his house on an educational course.
I also used his toilet.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 20:05, 5 replies)

nearly all of these people i have on standard 8 film that i took.
i met tommy trinder, really nice bloke.
met dick emery, very funny man.
met leslie crowther, on film trying to do a speech and listen to the cricket on the radio at the same time.
met richard digance at the circus tavern near purfleet. his hands are MASSIVE. bought him a drink.
met tommy steele outside the stage door in hull. really good in scrooge.
used to teach the bloke that built metal micky to fly model aircraft. i think i had a small go of micky. can't remember now!
gave griff rhys jones a right dirty look for some reason in a pub in london where i was repairing a video game.
and chatted to Gerry Anderson on prestel ( shows how long ago that was!)
length, it's MASSIVE.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 20:05, Reply)

( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 20:03, 2 replies)

The midwife that delivered my dad was Paul McCartney's mum.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 20:03, Reply)

Tenous but it seems to impress people of a certain age:
My Brother-in-law's Grandad was the basis of Hoggle from Labrynth. His Grandmother was one of the chief puppet makers and used him as inspiration. Also, I've had my hand on Geri Halliwell's arse, lifting her into a fake piano when I worked backstage on outdoor festival stages.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 19:14, Reply)

to one member of Duran Duran, I forget his name but it wasn't Le Bon.
This wasn't as exciting as it sounds.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 18:42, Reply)

In 1974 cemetery groundskeeper, Stephen Downing was convicted of the brutal murder of Wendy Sewell. After serving 27 years in high security prisons across the country his conviction was overturned at the royal courts of justice. Out of the front of the court came a frail man, beaten by the system but finally victorious. His first moments of freedom, a mixture of emotion and bitterness at the gross miscarriage of justice. As he steps into the road he is met by surviving family, hoarders of the press and...me! I happened to be passing after a long late and boozy lunch. Not knowing the seriousness of the case I can clearly be seen waving to the cameras and smiling. Twat.
( , Sat 22 Sep 2012, 17:55, Reply)
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