I like writing letters of complaint to companies containing the words "premier league muppetry", if only to give the poor office workers a good laugh on an otherwise dull day. Have you ever complained? Did it work?
( , Thu 2 Sep 2010, 13:16)
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So I'm tucking into a nice boiled ham and tatties (a weeks' meal for £5)(thanks T. for the recipe)and I get an unsolicited call on my mobile from '3' the mobile phone Newtwork (Edit: that was a spelling mistake but I've decided to leave it; it suits)
"Hi it's Stacey here, I'm just ringing to offer you..."
(reading from her script) "oh it will probably come from the electoral role or from reputable companies that you have done business with"
I consider telling her I do no business with 'reputable' companies but explain instead that I am on the private non-public electoral role and that this mobile number is a special one, used for extreme emergencies only and I am infact I'm just waiting for an important call regarding a very sick relative who is dying...
Stacey: "oh I can't tell you where we got your number, anyway I'd just like to run through our special offe...."
Stacey: "Er..no I don't know actually...I just come into work in the morning, take my coat off and put my headphones on and start wo..."
Stacey:"er...well actually that isn't my personal life that's my..."
Stacey:"er...I dont' know...er..no....er yes maybe we did"
Spit:(getting angry)"..................."
Stacey:"how about I remove your details from our system?"
Spit: "thankyou very much...I am so sorry for spoiling your lovely day at work"
Stacey:"oh no..my day could never be spoiled by people like YOU"
Spit: "........(spluttering with rage).......WHAT!!!!?"
I have just rung the number she called me on, spoken to customer services and the very-nice-young-man has assured me they will be tracking down Stacey and giving her a stiff talking to!
I think they will proably sack her...and probably make her write a personel letter of apology to me...on perfumed paper.
Incidentaly they got my number by randomly generating the last 6 numbers after the general mobile phone code.
What did she mean by "people like me" ????
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 20:04, 40 replies)

She was only doing her job and was not personally responsible for obtaining your number.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 20:23, closed)

hmm i was more concerned that rather than staying profesional she started telling me how hard her day was and had absolutely no regard or empathy for the fact that she had disturbed me! (and actually it is true, I NEVER give out this mobile number and WAS worried about how she got it)
It just didnt ring true that they got it off the internet..she was just making up excuses and was more concerned about getting back onto her script.
If she'd just said the number is randomly generated as the main man at head office explained, I'd have been happy...it was the bullshit lies about getting it off the electoral role (which i knew wasn't true..i mean who puts their mobile number on the voter registry?) and basically blaming the local council (it was a longer more detailed conversation) for giving them my number that annoyed me.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 20:36, closed)

but also, i have to say, I think people who work in call centres are scum....
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 20:42, closed)

I worked in a call centre....
it was either that or live on the streets....
there wasn't a day went by when I wanted to reach down the phone and strangle some self-righteous cock
one of the happiest days of my life when I left that shit hole....
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:21, closed)

OK, that is a little harsh, but working in a cold-calling environment is modern day pickpocketing.
If you need the money,and there is nothing else, then it's vaguely understandable -- but coercion is still theft in my book.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:52, closed)

jeez! I posted an amusing (I thought), slightly depreciating story linked to the concept of complaining and I'm a cunt! I don't understand the world anymore...I never use the phone...actually got a bit of a 'thing' about it. I actually jump and my heart races everytime the damn thing goes off....and someone brings herself into MY life, uninvited, stresses me, speaks to me like I'm shit...and I'm supposed to let it go cos "she's only doing her job" ? .... how can it be acceptable not to take resonsability for the fact that your job upsets people...the customer didn't ask for it..its being forced upon them. "people like me"..yer..people that simply don't want unsolicited phone calls!
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:56, closed)

You didn't really put yourself in the best light there. Yes, you were disturbed by an unwanted phone call. Yes, I can understand how that feels. No, you shouldn't have acted as you did.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 22:30, closed)

your style of prose wasn't that good. Very much "he said, she said".
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 0:56, closed)

I'm still learning. writing prose doesnt come naturally to me and I was torn between telling the whole story but also keeping it short. Writing in the form of a script was an experiment...I probably need to go lurk some moar.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 7:20, closed)

and most likely they'll tell her not to worry about it, they deal with pricks like you every day.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:32, closed)

If you bother someone else and attempt to obtain payment then you are a cunt and you deserve nothing but disrespect.
The only excuse for pushy sales techniques is starvation -- and if you are starving in a Western country this century then you'd be better employed murdering senators/MPs than pestering people who have done you no harm.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:56, closed)

And you should wind your neck in, because quite frankly you're talking out of your arse.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 22:29, closed)

Because at least then they are making the money for themselves and not some pond scum.
Calling people unsolicited and pestering them is demanding money with menaces and the lowest of the low.
If you care about the people in these jobs then sort out some social care -- do not make excuses for slave labour in places that attempt to rob people.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 23:18, closed)

Don't go into a battle of wits if you aren't fully armed. Thieves steal, hurt, sometimes maim and occasionally kill people. People who work in an outbound call centre sit at a desk reading from a script. There is a massive, massive difference. They are just doing a job, and pretty much all of them want to escape to something better. As a parting shot, they certainly don't need to hear opinions from jumped up little spitbubs like yourself about how they're worse than AIDS or something.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 9:04, closed)

There is no reason at all for telesales to exist and they cause widespread annoyance and, to some people, stress.
When some cunt calls you for no reason other than to pester you into parting with money for something you don't want and never expressed an interest in it causes stress and annoyance.
I would much rather support people on the dole than have such a shitty and pointless profession exist.
It may not actually be up there with theft -- but it's certainly a form of coercion and it is most certainly something society would be better off without.
You can poke fun at me all you like with comments about "battle of wits" but you cannot make any moral or logical argument for the existence of such an immoral profession.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 10:31, closed)

Your attitude and behaviour makes you as bad as the people you claim to despise. Telesales have unfortunately become a necessary evil, and in some cases prove to be quite a useful marketing and sales tool. And some people do agree to be on these lists. All it takes is a little politeness if the call is unwanted however. There is no need to fly off the handle and act like Little Lord Fauntleroy. We are after all (in most cases) human.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 11:19, closed)

When I'm sitting at home after a hard day at work I do not want some cunt ringing me up attempting to sell me something I have no fucking interest in.
My attitude is simple: I don't go out of my way to piss anyone else off and I expect the same in return. If you chose to piss me off I'll be a cunt back.
I do not expect anyone to piss me off for money.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 20:12, closed)

Rocket surgery it ain't.
( , Wed 8 Sep 2010, 8:47, closed)

Or one of those mildly painful but unsqueezable spots right in her armpit. Whore.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 23:04, closed)

people with anger management issues who could start a fight in a phone box.
Are you Dennis Wise??
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 22:24, closed)

The person calling shouldn't have acted like a bitch.
( , Mon 6 Sep 2010, 23:15, closed)

Support staff in a school: low paid, demanding, with little job satisfaction and not my chosen career path....very similar to Stacey I suspect. I suppose that's why I don't get her rude attitude, I just get on with it with a smile.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 7:23, closed)

the reason you decided to behave so rudely to young Stacey?
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 15:55, closed)

If you speculatively ring my number and interrupt my day, don't expect pleasantries.
If I wanted the service / goods you're offering, I would have contacted you.
Yes, call centre staff have a shit job, but the shitness should spur them on to find something better.
.....and don't get me started on Power Dialler or Auto Dialler software or whatever its called... the company that creates that deserves nothing but utter contempt.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 6:29, closed)

There would be far less pain and suffering in the world, and far more happiness if everyone stopped using the word "should" and accepted that people are different.
Shock horror! Sometimes a crappy job grinds people down and crushes their confidence and they need a break, not one more wanker trying to deliberately upset them in order to get their jollies.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 16:19, closed)

But best laid plans etc.
Look call centre folk do a shitty job for shitty money usually for shitty corps. screwing everyone but at the very least they are working rather than scrounging. I have had jobs where I have to listen to people moan/complain/sporadically threaten me and my staff for nothing more than a wanky mouse. There comes a point during everyone's working life when you just can't grin and bear it any more. I doubt you have never sat down after a shitty day at work and gone 'grrrrrrrrr' !
Nothing will guarantee a shitty response more than an angry customer it is just human nature to mentally say fuck off.
You should use your 'moral superiority' to set an example .
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 7:58, closed)

but instead of calling they just sent me a phone then sent me a bill a month later for a contract I never asked for.
and now I'm contracting for them so i can waste man hours and steal their money
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 11:23, closed)
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