I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

I realised that about 8 years of constant wanking had taken about 99% of the feeling out of my dick. If you think living your life without your dick is bad, don't worry; you won't miss it after the first six months.
And also, I've read six and a half pages of your weepy stories and didn't shed a tear. I mourned the loss of my cock, but other than that I'm an emotional black hole.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 0:07, Reply)

Last time I cried was a month ago, after my girlfriend lent me "Good-bye, Chunky Rice", a graphic novel about (warning, spoilerage from now on...) Chunky Rice, a turtle who leaves his life and his love behind to go on a trip to find himself, and he throws away most of his life's possessions. Then the sea captain who he hitches a ride with swindles him out of the rest...when the captain throws his beloved jazz records overboard because he doesn't approve of "music by coloured folk", the expression on the turtle's face just made me start bawling.
Book's really good though, I recommend it.
Time before that was at Christmas and watching the video for "Stop The Cavalry" (the glum Xmas song with the soldiers in the trenches), and I just burst into tears at the thought of all those young men spending Christmas dead in a cold field somewhere.
Gaah, I'm off to bed in a miserable mood now. No apologies for length.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 0:03, Reply)

I got hammered last night, got in at a stupid hour and cried cos I miss my ex riding me like she did in the same bed. God damn was she good. And I'm off my face now, perhaps why I'm admitting to this.
Edit: Just reading through these posts makes me realise how stupid it was in comparison. Then again, it looks as though I'm not alone..
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:50, Reply)

The last time I really cried was the night my stepfather finally succumbed to bowel cancer.
We'd never really been close, he was always very hands off until any of us kids did anything wrong and then we'd soon know about it.
The man lying in the hospice bed with a morphine(?) drip in his arm, looking like an Auschwitz inmate was a million miles away from the strict, father figure that dominated my life for so many years.
Our family took it in turns to be with him during the last few days and on this night, it was ours. Present were me, my twin sister, my boyfriend and a mate I've known since puberty :-)
The four of us were talking and I was holding his hand, when I noticed his breathing falter. I felt my heart skip a beat, then he started breathing again. A few minutes later he tried to say something, and shortly after his breathing stopped. Just like that. We called the nurse in who confirmed that he'd died. As she said those words an incontrollable sob left my body and out of nowhere I burst into tears, sobbing helplessly.
My mate hugged me. my boyfriend hugged me and my twin sister said "Oh well, time to stack him up..." [in the morgue]. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry, and as I was already crying, continued to do so.
Apologise for length? Never had to before....
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:45, Reply)

i cry sometimes for no reason. damn female hormones. however, crying for these reasons is also common:
Dumbo. When his mum is swinging him through her cage bars and singing. Oh god it's sad.
The end of E.T. , when he says "Ouch" to Elliott.
In ER, when Dr Green went away to Hawaii or Barbados to die. Oh god I sobbed when I watched that...
EDIT: also when John Peel died.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:39, Reply)

It was a film in the vein of The Snowman, about a little girl and her grandad. I came across my book copy of it the other day whilst tidying up, read it and cried profusely. Especially the bit where the little girl goes to see her grandad, but grandad's armchair is empty. You just know what's happened. I'm welling up just thinking about it.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:38, Reply)

india, the end of my 4 months travelling last year. i cried on the way to the airport. the cab driver seemed very uncomfortable and not entirelu sure what to do about me! we got stuck in a traffic jam, and beggars surrounded the taxi, which made me cry even more. it wasn't a nice journey.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:37, Reply)

"I cried when Steve Staunton banged one in the other week against Brighton! Tears of joy, yes, but I cannot bear the idea of another relegation!"
I was just jumping up and down for 5 minutes, shouting very loudly "GET IN STAN!"
If City went down *again* I would cry so much. I did when we went down from The Premiership.
So there's a kind of 'future crying' as well. Maybe.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:35, Reply)

Gets me every time.
Twunting pigs!
EDIT: Do I win the lurking award?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:34, Reply)

The old "girlfriend-dumping-me-for-a-reason-I-just-
don't-really-understand" bollocks. There's certain songs that bring 'em on too. Because they remind me of her. Goddam the woman, she spoiled half my CD collection for me, all I had left was my mam's Chris de fucking Burgh album. But, the other day when tidying my room I did find a pair of her knickers, which brought back a flashback of the previous evening, when I'd got really drunk and texted her. Ooops....
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:23, Reply)

the last time I cried was whilst watching the guy making the pizzas I was waiting for.
I was very drunk and the way he made the dough spin out into a flat pizza base was so beautiful that I actually started to cry.
Of course I had to cover this up with lots of coughing and a big delve about to remove something from my eye.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:11, Reply)

I imagined life without my parents.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:09, Reply)

There's an advert for one of the cancer charities that shows a little boy getting ready for his first day of school, looking at himself in the mirror and seeing a vision of his mother saying "don't forget your hankie". My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago. Tears EVERY time I see that bloody advert.
Bastards pissed me off so much by making me cry that I gave money to a rival cancer charity instead of them. That'll show 'em.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:09, Reply)

was the grim realisation of the futility of it all. All our endeavours, our achievements and our centuries of progress from cave dwellers to the technologically advanced society of today. All of it is worth absolutely nothing. We've learnt nothing. There are still wars and suffering, people die needlessly while others squander their lives in an orgy of self-service. Children are molested, bigotry is still rife, religion and politics exploit the common man and we sit back and let it happen.
However, to qualify all of the above I do have tendency to over-think things and suffer intermittently from depression. So, the last sensible thing to make me cry was probably my grandfather dying.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:08, Reply)

but only cos Might Morphin' Power Rangers wasn't on TV that day
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 23:00, Reply)

Seeing the Manic Street Preachers in Bristol earlier this week. Especially James Dean Bradfield's solo slot.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:41, Reply)

i loathe, despise and deteste all Disney... except DUMBO! my GD this film is good, and so sad!! it's the only film to have made me cry, not even schindlers list!and im jewish!
other things include when close family friends died etc.
wierd thing is that (apart from Dumbo) the only time i cry is at 02:00 on a thursday morning while ironing my [CCF] army kit, all alone with time just to think and reflect...*sniff*...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:35, Reply)

the green mile, when that bastard didn't wet the fucking sponge and at the end when they stick him in the chair. this was followed by me quickly getting up and going to the toilet so no one could see how much of a big girl i am.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:31, Reply)

'my mum should be here' - gets me every time having lost Mum to lung cancer
She never smoked
ME, 20 a day
And no - haven't chosen this name just for this question - too afraid of experienced boarders to post before x
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:29, Reply)

Nah, but seriously; probably when my girlfriend dumped me by text claiming she "didn't fancy me anymore", and then promptly getting off with this arrogant, lying cunt that I really hated.
I don't really cry that much actually, i just seem to bottle it all up.. like a ticking time bomb. Lalala.
Ps. Some of these stories are really horrible. A bit of a downer really... Thanks b3ta.. =(
Ooh, and another. My mum used to sing "A fool such as I" when i was a wee baby. Lyric being "I'm a fool, but I'll love you dear- 'til the day I die". My mum sometimes sings that still, and I have to run away 'cause I know that if I hear it or think about it, I'll sob relentlessly.
Same with James Taylor's "You've got a friend", although those bastard fucking fuck face fuckers McFly covered it. And that fucking fuckety fuck shitty cunt dance remix. Blastphemous bastards. Enrages me, truely. Grrr.
Edit edit edit edit/ DrSchnauss, just watched about 10 seconds of that video and I instantly feel physically sick. Can't watch any more.. eurgh..
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:14, Reply)

...but I'm at work, so I'd best keep control.
Anyway, here's 3. One's cheery, so look forward to that.
The last 3 times, in reverse chronological order:
1: About 2 and a half years ago, when I found out my mate Ray had hung himself.
2: The day after I split up with my wife. (Last September). On the day, I was fine, but after a night at my folks house, and 24 hours of running through things in my head it got on top of me. Also, I was talking about it to my mum and she started sobbing, which set me off proper like a big quivery girl. Slag.
(ex, not mum)
3: 3 weeks ago, in Durham cathedral, standing in the cloisters with my new lady friend watching the clouds drift by. Not a religious experience at all, it was just beautiful sky, nice scenery, and we'd had a lovely day and everything just seemed perfect. I can't remember being that happy, and I just turned to her and said, "I'm really happy, and I really love you" and then sobbed like a child for a minute or two. She's not run off, so she either understands, or she's just desperate.
Still happy.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:03, Reply)

So embarassing I'm pretty horrified to be writing it down...
Am not a big crier, so the last time I remember getting very emotional was over a TV program in the mid 90s.
The name of the program?
Michael Barrymore's My Kind of People. A disabled girl was singing 'Wind Beneath My Wings'.
No, I wasn't drunk. Yes, I am very ashamed.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 22:00, Reply)

Other than those things, I almost broke into tears when I saw the video to Electron Blue by REM and for the first time I saw Peter Buck (guitarist) was losing his hair. It's not right.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:57, Reply)

thats shot in real time with Ray Liotta in it.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:56, Reply)

when i broke up with my long term partner over something dumb and when i was tiding my room i came across a coffee stain on the carpet that he left.
i almost cried at vanilla sky the other day but that's cuz i'm a wuss.
but we're back together now so it's coo.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:54, Reply)

When my mother told me my brother was going to be put in a psychiatric ward, at the age of 13.
When the girl I was in love with professed her love for my arch enemy. Listening to Creep at the same time didn't help.
I also cried at the bit in Titanic where the mother is tucking her kid into bed as the ship sinks, but no other film has ever got me so much as misty eyed.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:52, Reply)

...was when my cat was really sick. We took him to the vets the next day, he was barely moving or breathing. I was utterly devastated, with the major guilt you get about not loving them *enough* just before they go to the big litterbox in the sky (I've loved all my cats to pieces and I always feel like that when they die). The little shit had nothing wrong with him and was putting it on for attention. He proceeded to throw up all over the floor every day for two weeks just for a laugh, watching as we sleepily trod in his still steaming trail of partially digested "rabbit". Git.
(still love him though)
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:47, Reply)
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