There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.
For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
This question is now closed.

"Erasure" by Erasure - mentioned in the QOTW from 2 weeks ago. The commute into St Andrews through the Fife countryside.
"Make it Mine" by The Shamen - Played before most exams. Puts me a "take on the rest of the world" mood.
James' Greatest Hits / "If you're feeling sinister" by Belle & Sebastian - released around the peak of my uni days. Reminds me of carefree days on the piss.
And an abridged list of ladies:
"How High" by the Charlatans - J. McDermott
"Easy" by Faith No More - S. Cardwell (I swear, that's not a pun)
"Gansta Trippin'" by Fatboy Slim - E. Sheals
Tenuous links were made to establish myself as a male tart.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:52, Reply)

"Dog on wheels" reminds me of a club i used to frequently frequent in swansea. I didn't know what the song was at the time, but i usually woke up next morning tired and aching with that trumpet bit going round in my head
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:50, Reply)

Creep by Radiohead - it takes me back to a teenage party. Sat in a basement with all my mates and the boy I really fancied at the time. This song comes on and someone turns out all the lights so it is pitch black. And I sit in the darkness and wait. Listening to the song. For that particular boy to come and snog me. In the darkness.
Of course, when someone eventually switched the lights on again he was happily snogging someone else. But whenever I hear that song I am transported back to the pitch black and the hopeful anticipation of that 3 minutes.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:48, Reply)

Aurora by Foo Fighters - being left for someone 10 years older than me. "I just kinda died for you, you just kinda stared at me...".
Relax by Frankie Goes to Holyywood. Watching the video my Mum taped for me from The Tube - CLEARLy too young for that.
Peter and the Wolf - about 7 years old and thinking my Grandad was the best person I knew and would ever know.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:46, Reply)

when i was a kid (about 8 or so) this song would always remind me of a fire in my parents garage.
Wierd thing is, that happened before i was born
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:45, Reply)

...coming out of a pub as me and my best mate walked past, on the way to a blinding night out. We ended up singing very bad kareoke to it all the way down the road, doing the "So darling, DAAAARLING" part in broad Estuary accents which only one of us usually possesses.
Mad Capsule Markets' "Bomb Idea" reminds me of driving out of the Dartford tunnel with same mate, and Goldie Lookin' Chain's "Your mother's got a penis" (don't mock, we're students) reminds me of upsetting a guy on a motorbike by singing it too loud as he went past. Same day.
Machine Head- "Imperium". Listening to the whole album last summer, the whole time surrounding my 18th birthday, hanging around with bands... good stuff, all of it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:43, Reply)

Driving along in my old black mini Metro down a deserted M54 at well over 90 at 4 in the morning, seeing the dawn come up for a beautiful summer's day. I'm 17, school's finished, doing some work before College starts, and seeing a gorgeous, sensitive, funny, intelligent girl with the most most amazing smile. And she lved in Ironbridge, one of the most lovely places on God's earth.
Best bit was she was married, 10 years older than me and I was banging her brains out while her partner went on golf trips with his wanky mates. Nobjockey.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:42, Reply)

reminds me of cold tinned fish and cold red (flavour indeterminate) tea.
It was 1989, I was in Germany in a coach, on the way back from an international guide camp, it was all we had to listen to and its all we had to eat
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 15:42, Reply)

From the Lost Boys soundtrack album. I was 16/17 at the time and utterly bessotted with a girl at school, who also lived in my village.
We became friends and I occasionally popped over to her house for a coffee and a chat.
What she didn't know was that I thought that she was an angel (in the romantic sense).
I got the impression that she kind of liked me a tiny bit too, but then reading signals has never been one of my strong points.
It was 1989/90 and the Lost Boys was still on the movie hot-list. I bought the soundtrack and copied those two tracks for her to take away when she went away on holiday to France with her family.
I came so close to telling her how I really felt about her several times- or at least asking her out on an official date... but never went through with it.
I live with that regret to this day. And every time I hear either of those tunes it takes me right back there.
She moved away with her family and I'm led to understand that she later married my namesake!... A spooky slap in the face for me every time I think about it.
Regret is a terrible thing to live with.
If only people weren't so damn protective of their feelings... the world would be a much bett..... ok, you get the picture.
Length, circumference...? It's not the size of the nail, it's the hammer that drives it in!
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:55, Reply)

had a short-lived habit of sleeping with someone I shouldn't have been sleeping with...
we used to play Jamiroquai when were at it.
That brings back awesome memories, and I wish it didn't.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:53, Reply)

"We've Gotta Get out of This Place" (The Animals) was on a tape on our truck around Africa and we hilariously changed "place" to "truck" every chorus. How the days flew by...
"Staying Out for the Summer" (Dodgy) was the song we kicked off with at the best ever gig I've played in.
"Wings of a Dove" (Madness) - played OVER & OVER & OVER again on our brand new video on the day we first got one. Very exciting too.
The "Tapestry" album (Carole King) - shagging in the loft with my first love. Ahhhhh...
"Two Princes" (Spin Doctors) - on my walkman as the coach pulled out of Warsaw central bus station and I was crying like a girl 'cause I didn't want to leave my Polish girlfriend behind. Ahhhh...
"Something Stupid" (Robbie W & Nicole K) as it was our first dance at our wedding. Ahhhh...
"Don't call me baby" by Madison Avenue was the first song I remember dancing to after I'd swallowed something in a club I probably shouldn't have.....
And finally, the old "Songs of Praise" music, as like badhorsey and the sportsnight theme it reminded me every Sunday evening that I hadn't done my fucking homework.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:51, Reply)

For some reason Incubus-Drive always reminds me of playing blasterball on winamp. I always used to play this game but the only song I can remember is incubus drive. At the moment I'm listening to my minidisc collection as my external hard drive with all my music on decided to fry itself. It's quite strange listening to music I put together 5 years ago, reminds me of back then. There's one compilation that reminds me of travelling around America and Canada as I had it on constant repeat for days!
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:34, Reply)

simultaneously reminds me of being on a skiing holiday and playing Quake (at separate points in time!)
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:32, Reply)

Will always remind me of drinking cask wine in parks at the age of 14. I can't explain why.
And "I want to be a hippy" by Technohead - whenever I hear it - reminds me of a two week period where I couldn't get the fucking song out of my head. It was the one of the most gruelling two week periods of my life.
I'd never have it on my walkman, but it still gives me flashbacks. Bad ones.
Oh, and "run to paradise" by the choirboys reminds me of waking up at 4 in the morning to watch Rage (Australian version of whatever plays music videos where you are) as a kid.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:30, Reply)

saw U2 live at Slane Castle, Dublin on a mega-hot day in August 2001. When the intro to this song begins it makes my hair stand on end every time i hear it.
Best heard live though i think.
Got tickets to this years tour too. so ner.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:27, Reply)

Always reminds me of everytime in my life ive messed something up :S
Ohh and Hyperchondriac Music by MUSE has a similar effect, just with more whooshing noises!
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:25, Reply)

Listening to it the first time I got a girl's boobs out and fumbled with them nervously
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:20, Reply)

singing Maggie May. Takes me right back to wearing fake rabbit fur trim parkas, Chopper bikes, 8 track, Oliver Tobias in Arthur of the Britons, platform shoes, Spangles, the robots In the Cadbury's Smash ad, Jimmy Saville when everyone still liked him, The Osmond's Show, The Beezer, The Topper...
*wanders off into the sunset remembering his dinkies*
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:18, Reply)

ANY Opera reminds me of my student house almost burning down after a drunk downstairs fell asleep playing Wagner at full volume while smoking.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:16, Reply)

To this day for some bizzare reason... the ending song from Phantom of the Opera makes me think about Titanic, and the first time I saw it. Which is really wierd, because it is most definitely a MAN singing about losing the person he loves, and she doesn't die. He does. My mind works, or rather, doesn't work, in mysterious ways.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:11, Reply)

I had this on my walkman when flying to Boston, got off the plane drunk, had no luggage because I was going to buy it there, deaf from sitting over the engines in economy overnight, stopped by US customs and threatened with various things if I didn't tell them who I was. I couldn't because I was deaf, pissed and knackered. Walked past and caused a major incident that shut the terminal for 3 hrs. This album fills me with fear.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:11, Reply)

Ultraworld, OFOrb, Live 93, trying to move and realising my legs were sinking into the sea that was the staircase
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:06, Reply)

Surfing on Sine Waves - even more distubing memories of being in a cosworth doing 100+ in the wrong direction
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:05, Reply)

First song I did on stage by myself.
Bloody scary.
Havn't got the courage to do it again.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:03, Reply)

Sparks amazing memories of depressed people threatening to commit suicide
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 14:01, Reply)

The album Wasted in America by Love/Hate. Especially the tracks 'Cream' and 'Spit' both of which remind me of what I used to get up to with girlies at Nottingham Rock City 10-15 years ago on 'Student' night, ' Ministry Jesus built my hotrod', because it was a good excuse to kick the crap out of student hippies. Lawnmower Deth, Oooh Crikey..... just for the hell of it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 13:59, Reply)

Rather disturbingly this song always brings back the smell and only the smell of a public toilet in a service station on the m6 when I was travelling back from a school trip to a brazil vs england schoolboys football match at wembley in about 1987.
It smelt rather lemony like those little yellow blocks.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 13:58, Reply)

Tori Amos, "Spacedog" always reminds me of being forced by the circumstances to take a Greyhound Bus four hours across Georgia in the US, with the stinking inhuman dregs and no bathroom breaks. 'Is she still pissing in the river now?' indeed. Twas awful.
The radio 4 "Rule Britannia" medley sends me screaming and crying and twitching, as I had to listen to it at 5:30 AM on the clock radio everyday for three years.
I recently ended a job wherein I had to commute from near Reading into Bethnal Green, east London everyday. I listened to The Underground Song by those two doctors every day in the last week of communting, it really helped! "Wa-wa-wankers! They're all wankers!" Genius.
Lastly, my husband feels the need, whenever he hears "The Badger Song" to take a flying leap at me and tickle me during the "Ooooh it's a snake..." bit until I beat him away with a sofa cushion. So, very Pavlovian, the sound of it makes me nervous and jumpy. Damn the men.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 13:54, Reply)

I used to quite like this album, until Reading festival two years ago, when my friend bought his CD walkman and those crappy little speakers with no bass, and only this CD.
It was on literally non-stop for the whole weekend, and we begged him to turn it off but he just wouldn't, so on the last night we threw his CD player into the camp fire and poured off milk under the fly-sheet on his tent. That showed him. Bastard.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 13:44, Reply)

Doves - Pounding takes me back to summer 2002. Lovely weather, great stuff on the radio, reading books in the sunshine.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 13:40, Reply)
This question is now closed.