Buzzkillington says: "I once worked for Pizza Hut... Whats the the worst thing you've ever done for money?" And while we're here, tell us about greedy people you know. Money or pie, it doesn't matter.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:30)
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I worked for a small company owned by a greedy bastard Asian bloke. He tried to pay me $30K (back in the early 90s), against a forecast profit of a couple of million for my blood sweat and tears.
His brother, the other director told him not to be a twunt and pay me $50K - an OK base pay back then for a sales director. My marriage was going sour and well, horny young fella that I was, rather liked the look of the greedy twunt's wife so kept checking her out and getting caught by her while doing it.
Long story short, I got called out to the factory by her one night as she was running our mechanised production solo that night. There was some half-arsed fault that could have been cleared in about thirty seconds if she could be bothered. However, she had ulterior motives.
I was bent over the machine's control cabinet fixing the fault and the next thing I know there are some lusciously long Asian fingers giving me a back-rub. I stood up, smiled awkwardly and was kissed by the softest and most luscious lips I had the fortune to sample for many a year before or after, popped a spectacular boner which she fondled in a most intriguing manner, followed by the soft words "Wanna go upstairs to the office?".
We went up to my mezzanine office where we snogged on and groped and explored one another's body, followed by the filthiest and most crotch-dampening non-orgasmic 69er my disenchanted emotions and under-exercised libido could have possibly imagined. Looking down and seeing my knob, balls deep in the boss' wife's mouth was utterly divine retribution for him being a cheap cunt.
Needless to say, our forbidden love carried on for a while. We went to hotels and fucked like wild animals. We fucked in my car, on my desk, on the accountant's desk, on the stairs, in the store room, in my house, in her house. That tight little body and those Bai Ling style nipples had me blowing loads like a BP oil well (albeit white). She was a greedy little cum-addict.
Next time I asked for a pay rise, I copped another $50K thanks to her recommendation that I was a 'hard' worker. Our illicit affair didn't continue for much longer actively, but we had some truly memorable spontaneous fucks all over the building and elsewhere for a good many years thereafter.
Me? Greedy? Hell yes! Emotional, sexual and financial gratification all from one under-serviced Chinese hottie? I seriously don't think work life gets any better.
Well, it certainly hasn't lately.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:05, 50 replies)

and I will personally fight anybody who even dares to suggest that it sounds like adolescent Reader's Wives drivel wanked onto a keyboard by a sweaty virgin.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:10, closed)

Been there, spunked on that.
Am 41 years old, on my second wife and first son.
** Edited because earlier punctuation caused it read really, really obscenely...
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:18, closed)

Now that I read it back, after your comment... well... eeeeeeek!
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:22, closed)

... and it was about the shitty first wife... who I was ignoring while doing the above. :)
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:19, closed)

Forgot that post.
That's wife #2 and mother of my son.
What can I say? I have a preference for a certain kind of lass - and non-Anglo, non-Euro is certainly core to it.
Am well happily married, monogamous and loving it.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:48, closed)

( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 18:50, closed)

If you where claiming a salary of 30K, and you where a sales director, then why the hell would you have anything to do with the machinery or factory process or even be able to fix a fault? I mean, I know it's just a lead-up to a highly dubious tale about fucking and that - but you could have made it a little more beleivable by saying she wanted to go through a new product line with you, or check sales figures or something....
And yes, I'm well aware that this is probably the smallest hole in the fabric of this particuarly poor peice of fantasy
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:23, closed)

Long story.
Hired by 'nice' brother as a sales rep at his PC company. I arrived unproven having come from a retail computing firm. He gave me a job and a chance. I proved his guess that I was a good rep and capable of more. He gave me a bigger chance and we developed another brand which was sold to the cunty brother. I was given the option of staying with 'nice' or going with cunty, to increase from $25K plus commission to $28K plus plus plus. I took the extra.
Sales Director? In name only until later years. It was front because of the nature of the business.
Being a Chinese controlled business, economy (i.e. excruciating cheapness) was the order of the day.
The machinery we purchased was more than 'cunty' could deal with. I already had a tech background. We sodded off to [a place in EU] in '95 to buy it. The man was a complete danger around anything electrical. Three phase stepper motor? Why not plug it back in while it's live? (Berger Lahr, if you must know.)
Believe or not, it's 100% fact.
The part that was omitted, is the bad bit.
She was interested to leave him. I wasn't interested in a long term relationship as I felt my marriage could be salvaged (stupid, stupid young man I was!). She reported to me that she was pregnant and I explained "not impressed" or similar. About a fortnight or so later, she didn't come to the building for a while. Cunty pointed out to me that she had miscarried and would be away for a while more. Ouch.
When she returned, a couple of months later, there was animosity in the air. We talked about things and calmed the situation down. However, as anyone who has been involved with someone, there is a pretty darned good chance that if the opportunity presents itself and there is still something to it that, well, something will happen. We took the time to let things happen for a good many years afterwards until Cunty's gambling eventually levelled the firm.
Speaking of poor, "this particuarly poor peice of fantasy", please consider learning to spell and punctuate a little better.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:34, closed)

I accept that it is perfectly likely that some people who post on QOTW will also have led interesting and varied sex lives. Many won't have done. But some will.
I would say though, that if you need to go to this length to explain yourself (and for me actually, it really is a case of tl;dr) you probably got something quite wrong up front.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 17:06, closed)

Sounds slightly more plausable with the added detail, but frankly if you're going to post about your sex life on QOTW then you should probably make sure that it's funny or well written. This just wasn't. Frankly it read like a pretty crap wank-fantasy. Where you expecting people to be impressed that you screwed your bosses wife? If the story is bullshit, then it's kinda pathetic, and if it's true then frankly it has very little to do with greed so.... just comes across as you boasting about the amount of sex you've had.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 18:47, closed)

but I very much agree with the dick in the hat.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 22:47, closed)

By the way, commiserations on having to work for an Asian.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:25, closed)

The little red envelopes of tax free goodness to celebrate some life events are quite entertaining.
It was a good schooling in what to expect in dealings with Chinese-derived racial groups as I now import tech goods from China for a self-employed living. Not for the faint-hearted or the dopes who think they can get a good deal on Alibaba and the like.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:53, closed)

well done, most qotwers only manage one of these at a time.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:26, closed)

You really shouldn't post stories that involve having sex, it angers the trolls.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:45, closed)

Lesson learned too late. That will teach me, won't it? :)
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:49, closed)

If you went back and edited "Chinese hottie" to "enormously fat munter" they might understand what you mean, but as it is you might as well try and describe what "purple" is to a blind man
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 16:57, closed)

Reminds me of an issue of Viz with a comment that went something like "haystack with cunts"... [shudder].
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 17:20, closed)

he cried then asked for smoke on the water.
( , Mon 18 Apr 2011, 17:32, closed)

Something interesting to point out here. The ending of your story was a twist - when you mentioned "Chinese" - because at the beginning you described your boss as "Asian".
Therefore - even if you hadn't mentioned a salary in dollars, this description gave you away as American anyway :)
You may or may not know - when we British describe someone as "Asian" then we refer to people who originate from South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Therefore as a British reader, reading your story, I imagined your boss' wife to be an Indian hottie!
On the other hand, you Americans use "Asian" to refer to people from the Far East - which we British call "Orientals".
Both are from the continent of Asia - but are very different races.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 9:57, closed)

...... do you think he might be Australian instead?
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 10:26, closed)

( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 10:37, closed)

No, not racist. I exercise sexual preference. Much in the same way you suck cocks at Piccadilly. It's just your preference. And don't forget to wipe your chin before your mam sees you - she's ever so curious why it's so crusty each Friday evening late.
Chip on the shoulder? Well... about some things, but mostly about awkward folk who usually speak out of their rather well felched posterior. Somewhat like you, actually.
Third stall on the left, Friday, again? Peetie sends his regards and reminds you to use gloves to remove the lamp from the luminaire this time as the smell of burnt hands on his knob rather puts him off his game a little and he knows how much you do love 'moisturiser'.
Ciao, baby.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 14:48, closed)

Way to undermine those unreconstructed antipodean male stereotypes.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 15:17, closed)

( , Wed 20 Apr 2011, 14:26, closed)

Yes, dear oneinthepink, I am of that dreadful group once described by William Rushton in "Pigsticking: A Joy For Life" as 'The Lost Tribe' - an Australian.
And bloody proud of it.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 14:55, closed)

( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 15:18, closed)

( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 14:34, closed)

$ = AUD, (USD being the new South Pacific Peso);
Asian = India, etc in UK but not in the rest of the world;
Chinese = Former resident of China, or derived therefrom, somehow, but usually by rumpy pumpy (as opposed to anal sex which begets lawyers);
"Orientals" = A term usually used prior to the collapse of the League of Nations, save for retards in Cornwall and the odd Yorkshireman (wait, aren't they all odd?)... Or are you really older than Croesus' nutsack AND Methuselah's jizz rag?
American??? Wash your mouth out with Marmite and Old Speckled Hen! Twice. Simultaneously! I'm Australian or even Antipodean if you so desire to sound like Lewis Carroll (but hopefully you do not practice his reputed desire for kiddy fanny), but not a 'merkin.
Indian hottie? Wait until there is a question about shaking a chubby Sikh in a carpark. Awesome knee-trembler, that. Magnificent lady. 1980-something? Her nickname was "Hoover" and went to a rather respected girls' school in Blighty as her folks were a touch well off. I think her brother went to Eton... or some other place where young men's intestines are perforated.
Bloody hell... I thought reporting a root with a payrise would slip through b3ta like corn through a goose, but fuck me, it has garnered waaaaay too much attention. Holy [something] of [something]!
'Nite all!
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 14:41, closed)

Your answer was basicaly an excuse for you to jump up and down going "look at me! Look at me! I've had sex I have!". No relevence to the question and not particularly well written. Wether it's true or not doesn't even matter, it's kinda lame, and it's replies like this that get on peoples nerves. I like QOTW, I really do. I love reading about people's stories and tales, be they funny, moving or both. Thing is though, we have a reputation here on QOTW for posting lots of sex lies, and its stories like this one here which give us this reputation, so yeah - its going to garner lots of attention, from the talk crowd who figure we're all sweaty handed wank fantasists and QOTW people who are a bit fucking bored of this junk. If you really feel the need to exercise your "erotic writing skills" I'm fairly certain there are better websites out there more suited to your needs.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 15:16, closed)

Sorry! I did not realise that Australians also referred to Oriental people as "Asians" :) Thought it was just the Americans.
But that's no need for insults.
( , Tue 19 Apr 2011, 22:10, closed)
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