My landlord had some builders in to remove a staircase in an outbuilding when a rusty biscuit tin fell out from under the woodwork.
What wonders were in this hidden treasure box? Two live hand grenades and 40 rounds of ammunition. From WW2. I've never seen builders run before.
What hidden treasures have you uncovered?
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 13:33)
This question is now closed.

Hmm, helping scouts empty their glass bottle bank and found over 30 signed cheques in the bottom from a local panelbeating shop. I rang them, and it turned out they had been broken into a couple of days previous, and the crims must have dumped the cheques as too traceable. They sent someone round straightaway to pick them up and gave me $20 reward which I split with my Scoutmaster friend.
OH, and I caught a racing pigeon who had been blown off course and after tracing the owner thru the numbered leg band, he picked it up, telling me he had paid $15 000 for it's mother and $8 000 for its' father, so it was worth quite a bit. Needless to say, he was too much of a tightarse to bother with a reward. Man, $10 would have been enough, considering the site services bloke here was all for wringing its' neck. Still, how much of a treasure is a homing pigeon that has been AWOL for 8 years and has to be picked up and taken home????
Found a cool looking hand made brooch at my school fete, straightaway thought "that looks like gold", bought it for 50 cents, and had it tested by a school friend's Jeweller mum, to find it WAS gold. Worth quite a bit I am sure.
Best treasure unearthed so far? My boyfriend Russ! (mawkish sentiment overload!)
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 5:15, Reply)

About a week before I arrived in Baghdad, the hotel I was going to stay in took eight direct hits from some big Russian rockets. I got assigned a room next door to one of the rooms that got hit. You could see where the missile had come in through the blast shield, through the window, through the wall of the bathroom and had detonated in there, blowing the wall down and turning the previous occupant (who'd been asleep) into a series of tea-coloured stains splattered all over the walls and the ceiling.
Ah but what booty he did possess, whoever he was: Two entire cardboard boxes filled with FHM, Maxim and porn. We also used his room to evade the stupid security rules and hold clandestine parties. We called it the Rocket Room.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 4:59, Reply)

I was around the age of 14 that I grew my first pubic hair. I lead a sheltered childhood, and as the concept of HAIR in wierd places was asociated with dirtyness, I thought it was nasty: so I used to shave it all off. Yes, you can laugh, but noone had told me I was supposed to get hairy there.
Anyhow... I had never even THOUGHT that my arse was going to get hairy. It never got shaved, and I never adapted my wiping style.
Enter "The Attack Of The Clagnuts". Being a Lad of regular diet, and being a lad of habit, My wiping style had sufficed for many years, but my arse was NEVER prepared for the combination of good fiberous stoolage, coupled with the velcrocity of anal hair. Richard O'Brian has been heard to utter confessions of jealousy regarding the lucious density of the afore-mentioned pubic garden...
Moving on Swiftly... My displeasure grew with time. Remeber at school when you grew Copper Sulphate Crystals around a tampon string? Well, it was something along those lines.
It took a year before I investigated the source of my iritation. no less than four serious clag-nuts.... each only the size of a pea, but hard and calcified, and causing blisters with the level of irritation that they had yeilded.
I duly removed them, and from sheer morbid curiosity, kept them with my cufflinks.
Now my un-witting Ex-Fiance wears them as a necklace under the dillusion that they are rare evidence of the existance of a specific type of australian bat.
Nicloa, You're wearing a Teenager's calcified clagnuts around your neck.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 3:41, Reply)

me of when i was 9 and bumming around under the house.i was just crawlng around,as i had done quite a few times and noticed a crumbling brick "box".i crawled up to it and opened it only to find a shitload of tobacco bags and and a few empty zip lock bags with little logos on them like this without the circle.three years later,in the car on the way to school,i question mum about the bags and she says that my dad smoked quite a bit while he was building that part of the house and as a "joke" he had made a waterproof box for his papers and tobacco.mum didn't mention any weed though...
edit:oooh,oooh! I just remembered,I found $20 infront of maccy D's at my local shops last year!
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 3:28, Reply)

In college (er, uni... right...) while in a public restroom I found car keys. Not having a car of my own, this was a golden opportunity. Word to the wise: if you drive an uncommon car, don't advertise that fact on your keychain. There were only two in the parking lot to choose from.
I'm sure the owner wondered later why she was getting notices about an unpaid ticket for being parked at the beach after hours. Well, at least we put the car back where we "found" it and I slipped the keys under the door of the building's office.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 3:18, Reply)

After moving in to our new house, I found a child's drawing with the name "Ryan" on it behind a cabinet. Ryan was the name of the previous owners' kid. He died of lukemia at age 11. I know this because he died in the house, so they have to tell you that in the disclosures part of the buying process.
No point in trying to get it to the parents, we have no idea where they went and they didn't file a forwarding address. As evidenced by the fact that four years later we still get their mail, including financial documents. Not being a criminal*, I just recycle it.
Sorry for the downer reply, I don't find much good stuff.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 3:13, Reply)

my uncle was renovating a house once. In the loft space, he found a fully-loaded hydroponic (sp?) system (no plants though). Under the kitchen cupboards, he found three bags of used ladies' sanitary products.
My nana found 2 antique silk bedspreads on the top shelf of the wardrobe of her new place (this is about 1987). One was pretty ratty, the other in perfect condition - embroidered to the hilt, with flowers, vines, and two little Chinese men in each corner, having a cuppa. I've still got it - it's lovely, even though everyone else thinks it's ugly as hell.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 2:33, Reply)

i was young, maybe 9/10 ish. just made a new friend near our new house.
a few weeks later, we decided to rummage through my mates garden. it was quite weedy and like a jungle.
We made our way to the back of the garder, where the overgrown hedges were.
Nice and hollowed out those hedges were, great new den.
until we found some jars full of dead woodlouse. i'm not talking any jars here. i'm talking one HUGE STONKING FUCK OFF MASSIVE NEARLY AS BIG AS ME jars. full to the TOP with dead woodlouse.
i beleive we found about 3 of these in total.
Not really treasure, but it was quite amazing and freaky at the same time. apparantly some chinese family used to live there before him.
what the hell did they want with 3 HUGE jars of woodlice?
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 2:06, Reply)

Clearing out an old workshop above the shop i briefly worked in, found loads of old bits that were used for repairing old analogue mobile phones.
Haven't got a clue what any of it did - but one thing looked too good to chuck away, I figured got to be worth something....

( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 1:49, Reply)

Found a torpedo, or something that looked like one, when I was a kid on the beach near Fiddle-Bow-Rock (somewhere in scotchland?). Was quite cool and scary, didn't really want to treasure it mind...
Today I found a chav bastard burglar trying to break into my house, I let the police treasure that one.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 1:26, Reply)

Not me but some friends rented a flat in Oslo and having lived there a few days they discovered a small hatch on the floor, under a rug, inside a wardrobe.
They opened it and found a ladder leading down to a small room below that had a table and some benches that could fit just about four people.
The walls were painted part fresco / part Edvard Munch / "Scream" style. They found old, empty bottles of absinthe and candles.
They found out later that it was a secret hideaway of the resistance movement during WW2. Clever. Gestapo's HQ was next door.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 1:21, Reply)

When I was eight I was visiting my cousin in Brighton when it was decided that we (myself, my parents, sister, uncle, aunt, cousins and grandmother) should all visit the park for one of those family picnic type things.
Quickly bored by the measly couple of swings and a see-saw, me and my cousin decided to go exploring in the somewhat vast bushes surrounding the park.
Inside we found not one, but two rather lovely used novelty condoms. Not knowing what these things were or their purpose, we decided the best thing to do with them was to offer them to my grandmother who was idley sitting with the rest of the family doing what grannies do (knitting and complaining about the economy)
Needless to say, and much to our dissapointment, she was not best pleased by our gift of two manmilk filled jonnies and abruptly told us to chuck the bloody things back where we got 'em.
She never did tell us what they were for, no matter how much we asked. Old ladies eh?
My first post - Hurrah!
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 1:11, Reply)

1) When I was just a little carrot, we re-layed our patio at home. The day after we dug it up, I found a caterpillar crawling across it that looked a bit weird. Anyway, I put it in a jar with some leaves and I took it in to show my mum. We looked in many books, but could not find a picture of it. Anyway, one of the National Park wardens was around the area, so I asked him what it was. He was speechless, as it was a caterpillar from a particular meadow butterfly that was thought to be extinct. Cue many days of serious looking men with beards exploring my parents' garden and a wee bit in the local papers, including a photo of me with a horrendous haircut and a gap-toothed smile holding th caterpillar in a jar. So...fairly woo. Apart from the fact that I am pathalogically scared of butterflies, and accidentall saved one breed from extinction. Well done carrot, well done...
2) Me and a friend found a kitten abandoned in a vegetable patch once. Nobody claimed him. My mate took him home, he's called Lucky and is now 18!
Thanks B3TA for a nice happy post, and the chance for me to ramble about my dimensions again!
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 1:01, Reply)

but we didn't have a ladder. Walking back from a local club having taken a reasonable quantity of hard rave drugs we found ourselves running past what would soon be the south's largest shopping centre and noticing that somebody had left a door open. Inside we found a stepladder and ran back the remaining two miles with it to see what was up there.
Dissapointingly there wasn't anything at all up there except a book called "the secret underground" and a birth certificate inside in the name of "Karl Kennedy". And no floorboards.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:49, Reply)

My brother got a metal detector for Christmas once. He felt really special, and searched the entire garden. There was one spot, where the washing line is today, where the detector went metal. After much pleading, Dad let him have a dig to find what it was. An old coin? Maybe a swish gun? Maybe even a bar of gold.
It was neither. After digging a neat square, my brother found... a piece of concrete with a rusty iron bar going through it.
I can't, for the life of me, think of a reason why this treasure has not been preserved in a cabinet, or taken to the Antiques Roadshow.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:46, Reply)

When we went to Cadbury's World for my birthday treat a few years ago, my mum found a wad of cash on the floor by a till.
She handed it in.
Bet the cashier got really drunk that night.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:39, Reply)

When we were younguns, me and my brother used to go to a nearby housing development which was very much in its early stages. We took upon playing there as an act of mild revenge for them destroying our tree house.
Anyway, the development was being readied and a whole mound of earth was piled up in the middle of nowhere. My brother and I were reading out our own, made up on the spot radio scripts down some massive pipes, making wonderful use of the echo.
I got bored, mainly because my brother moved from having a little radio station to just a big shout as many words as loud as you can session. I made my way up the huge mound of soil and sat at the top throwing things down at him.
I then unearthed something incredible, which will linger in my memory for years to come. I had found an old, dark green, very battered plastic soldier in a grenade-throwing position. I thought he was the best thing ever, even though his other hand had been broken off by undoubtedly many years of torture underground. I named him Acto, inspired by the Action Man I refused to like nor recommend be bought for me at Christmas time. Acto was of course much cooler than any toy from the shops, with his battle scars and mud smothered eyes, although I didn't admit this in public. Mum was a little concerned at how a filthy, deformed old toy soldier took pride atop my bedside table, shunning other such lovelies like the Slinky spring into an inferior role.
I think I still have him, too. Bugger knows where, though.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:29, Reply)

have just left uni and am staying at my mum's bloke's house until the new one is refurbished. it took me less than ten minutes to find his stash of booze after they'd gone to bed. i'm going to drink it now.
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:22, Reply)

happened to find my mobile phone attatched to my belt while in a club the other week
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 0:00, Reply)

My grandad used to find flint arrowheads in the field next to his house (there had been an old stone age settlement there) and sell them to the local museum. My grandad was also a very good at banging two rocks together to make something that looked very similar to a flint arrowhead.
He also had an old buoy burried in his garden from back when he was a fisherman. Apparently he didn't know what to do with it, so he burried it. That's what we were told as kids. Recently it's become clear that he just got nervous and decided to hide his still from the police.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:28, Reply)

Was no more than 10 and playing with a few mates by a nearby brook type thing.
anyhow never noticed a mate taking a nice large turd and wiping the reminants with whatever was close (sticks/leaves).
10 minutes later we were looking for big sticks to throw into the water.........
...yup, picked up a shitty stick.
not nice and took the edge off finding a big stick to throw!
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:17, Reply)

Once whilst rummaging about in my mates brothers room we found lots of ((VERY)) gay porn hidden inside his army mags "meh" durty bugger! (he is married now with 3 kids - go figure)!
I once found a jarg rolex watch (still have it someplace as a matter of fact)boring but true.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:17, Reply)

One day I was looking through my parents' bedroom and I found several books (not mags) of porn for ladies that I figured were my dad's(?!); they eventually migrated to the garage and finally disappeared.
On another porn-related note when I was about 10-12 I found many copies of playboy at a relative's house but they were in plain sight, neatly lined up in a bookcase. Either they were recently put there or I'd never noticed them before so I thought they were normal magazines. I started reading and then my uncle caught me; he simply took the mag from me and shooed my out of the room. That bookcase has been playboy-less ever since, and no one's ever mentioned it.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:14, Reply)

As a kid I loved picking up shiny objects - single earrings, broken bits of jewelry, loose beads, rinestones, sequins, etc. I have two small bags worth of pretty junk to prove it.
When I was a baby I found a diamond ring, and my greatest find (as a kid) was one dollar at Disney World that I happily used to buy Gummi bears.
Up until high school I didn't go to school close to home so I had to stay at other people's houses after school. Sadly I was so cowed by the "mothers" who watched me that I never tried looking around their houses. In jr. high I found a cute stuffed Simba in my sitter's garage and I somehow convinced the sitter to let me keep it (It's in the garage, so your kids won't care if it's missing!). I have it still!
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:14, Reply)

Some sort of postmodern artwork.....or something.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 23:01, Reply)

whilst on a company trip to Gillingham I discovered a catalogue full of 'nasty amateur wifes' pinned underneath the hotel room's table using a broken piece of wood. The wifes may have been amateur, but they certainly appeared keen. I put it back where I found it for future travellers to discover.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 22:45, Reply)

An old woman who lived near my grandma had passed on so her equally old friends turned up to clear the house of all wordly posessions as there was no will present.
I asked if anything interesting had been found to which the old woman replied.
"No it's all junk really, I mean who wants a newspaper so old it's from when the titanic sank. Ah well, it's all binned now!"
I nearly killed her, though I just said ok and walked off, sadly the bins had already been emptied, probably worth a fortune an'all.
No apologies for anything, ever.
edit: Old people weren't what I found, theres plenty of them around that they seem to find me more often then not.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 22:34, Reply)

..I found a mint condition Atari 2600, a stack of games and some old LCD games.
Sold em to the local games shop for 20 quid in the end. Atari games are shit.
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 22:24, Reply)

I've got a complete, unscathed and probably priceless fossiled ammonite that I found on Robin Hood's Bay beach back in the 1980s...
Oh, and i did have a rare stamp with Edward VII on it, unmarked, but lost that when we moved house. It's worth a bloody lot of money!!!
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 22:22, Reply)
This question is now closed.