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This is a question Image Challenge suggestions

We think a good challenge idea is like the opening line of a joke, say "If ads told the truth... Guinness would say 'It makes you fat, and your shit turn black.'"

Maybe you have other ideas.

We're going to leave this thread open, so feel free to add ideas at any time. BTW: Please use the "i like this" button. Your voting really helps the good ideas bubble-up, and the very best will be used in the Image Challenge itself.

(, Thu 21 Oct 2004, 13:55)
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If things were designed by children
... take everyday objects and redesign them from the point of view of a child
(, Thu 5 Apr 2007, 10:30, Reply)
That's a strange place to see a hippo!
put a hippo somewhere you wouldn't normally expect to see a hippo
(, Thu 5 Apr 2007, 10:26, Reply)
If I knew then, what I know now.
If you could travel back in time and pre-empt events, what would you do?

Construct a giant marshmallow on a stick, ready for the Hindenburg arriving?
Spray-paint "Welcome Lady Di - you're a big hit in Paris" on a certain pillar in a tunnel?
(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 13:57, Reply)
It's all in the interpretation
Take a passage from the bible* (or any other religious book**) and interpret it in the way that only b3tans can.

*"I don't have one": Steal one from a hotel room, or look online.

** But don't come running back to me if you get beheaded.

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 10:57, Reply)
Action Figures across the ages
You can buy a figure of anything or anyone these days, all for 'collector' value. So whip out photoshop and show us the vast array of action figures (and accessories) you should be able to buy today...
(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 10:45, Reply)
What if ALL drugs were legalised overnight?
Would there be Peppermint flavoured cocaine?
Mr Kiplings Exceedingly good Hash Cakes?

Design advertisments for narcotic products and illustrate the impact on our wonderful society.
(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 9:35, Reply)
mis-matched sci-fi

what happens when you mix up your science fiction?

which came from this:

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 2:29, Reply)
Self-Help Books for Kids
Inspired by some actual books I saw in the library today
Bully For You!
Dads in Prison
What pathos! From Dads in Prison
A Family that fights

(, Mon 2 Apr 2007, 14:41, Reply)
I have no idea why
But I'd like to suggest a "dyslexic catchphrases" coompo. "I am dyslexia of Borg. Your ass will be laminated" sorta thing.
(, Sun 1 Apr 2007, 22:12, Reply)
Pete Docherty..
and that ugly bird of his. God i hate him.
(, Sun 1 Apr 2007, 14:08, Reply)
Another Zoo compo
being as everyone's photoshop skills have got better :)
(, Sat 31 Mar 2007, 12:51, Reply)
Magazine covers - Men's & Women's
Dontcha justa hate all the men's and women's mags? All that fucking lifestyle and advice. Well let's see some mock-ups of some covers for new lifestyle and advice single sex mags.
(, Fri 30 Mar 2007, 12:06, Reply)
See You Next Tuesday....
This [http://www.b3ta.com/links/77170]link reminded me of a hilarious 'think while you drink' game I played a while back...

Basically you have to think of a movie and replace one of the words in the title with the crass four letter expletive which rhymes with stunt.... Probably childs play for the elite shoppers out there but could be a giggle....
(, Thu 29 Mar 2007, 18:46, Reply)
PC Sports
No, not the type that you play when drunk with friends.
After having to stop playing roller hockey because Korfball had booked our University Hall and then hearing what Korfball is and how stupidly PC it is, give us the most stupid PC Nazi sports you can think of.
(, Thu 29 Mar 2007, 17:14, Reply)
whatever get chosen
just whinge about it all week like a little girl
(, Thu 29 Mar 2007, 15:41, Reply)
Innapropriare Charity Singles
We've had a spate of god awful "charity" songs recently. Come up with what you'd likle to see on the shelves of HMV:

Like Simon Weston singing 'Beds Are Burning'?
Or a Glitter/Children In Need combo?
(, Thu 29 Mar 2007, 12:27, Reply)
Kids stories....change the end to tell the truth
Jack and Jill went up the hill...well to be honest, Jill went and Jack stayed home playing xbox

Incy wincy spider climbed up the spout, along came the rain, but the tennis ball in the gutter kept incy dry

etc blah

We should get T shirts for getting an idea used btw, back dated about 6 months....

(, Thu 29 Mar 2007, 11:42, Reply)
Travel Posters?
In the 1930s when traveling was an adventure, they had this posters for places Like Paris, Rome, San Francisco. Why not do them for places today - like Detriot, Birmingham, or San Paulo?
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 22:53, Reply)
I was going to suggest "Bunnies"
but Kasterz got there first. I think this is a top idea...
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 22:41, Reply)
Easter bunny boiler?
How does the Easter Bunny entertain himself the other 364 days of the year?
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 22:07, Reply)
What if diseases became commercial?
And the really nasty ones were popular
"Ebola, the rich man's AIDS"
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 18:29, Reply)
After Harry Potter
started getting "Adult" covers, what would happen if adult books got "kids" covers.

The happy little telescreens of 1984? The Bell jar (She's baking, her heads not in the oven!)
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 16:29, Reply)
kill a celebrity
get your own back on the rich bastards, by killing them in any way you feel necessary

violence is a must
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 14:07, Reply)
Anti-smoking propaganda!
The whole of the UK will be covered by the smoking ban by July 1st 2007. The public are constantly told to give up smoking but none of the adverts work. Photoshop some "new evidence" that might actually make people give up for good.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 12:26, Reply)
Breakfast cereals?
Why not show us what your idea of a breakfast cereal is? Is it Ham and Flakes? What if Captian Crunch was really made from a Captian?
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 5:39, Reply)
What if...
Edward VIII didnt abdicate... what would Great Britian be like today...
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 5:36, Reply)
If the USA lost the Revolutionary war
Think of pictorial ways the USA would be like if they had lost their terrorist-like conflict against the glorious British.

I'm sure America would be a shit load better under British rule. After all, they wouldn't have that bollocks called American Football. It would be interesting to see what everyone else thinks.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2007, 4:21, Reply)
What if the World was run by characters from computer games?
What would the election campaign look like if Solid Snake and Gabe Logan were both running for Prime Minister?

What would Super Mario's foreign policy be?

Would the train crashes be any worse if Donkey Kong ran Balfour Beatty?

How would the Invasion of Iraq have been different if Worms were in charge of the army?

Would Parappa the Rapper get through to the second round of X-Factor?
(, Tue 27 Mar 2007, 12:10, Reply)
Pick some science and photoshop it.

What might go wrong? What new wonders might be created? How do you think it should really work?
(, Tue 27 Mar 2007, 12:04, Reply)

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