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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Good morning sunbeams
It's Thursday today. The start of the weekend. What does your day/night have in store?

Alt: if your 16 year old self could see you now, would he/she be happy? Or would he/she kill themselves instantly rather than turn into that middle aged twat? What advice would you give the young you?
(, Thu 7 Nov 2013, 8:04, 103 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Alright shut ins
i have ipod woes, do you have woes or woos?
(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 20:15, 90 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Where ma people at?
What up homes? How's about a shout out for your Wednesday evening plans?

I'm doing some more Harissa chicken. It's been marinating nicely all day.
That's about it.
I'm also getting through the LOTR trilogy.

And what?

alt. Do you have an exercise routine? If so, what?
(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 17:46, 99 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I've just got myself a Netflix account as Virgin stream it through tivo now
What's new to you recently?

I can see myself becoming a fat shut in.
Good thing is I will spend more time on here, eh?

alt. christmas Markets should be starting soon. I like going for the sausage and cheese (insert obvious jokes here) and the fact you can drink in public from 9am and nobody judges.

What are you looking forward to?

altalt. Really? I mean, we're all adults and capable of conversation. Just pull your finger out and join in, yeah?

(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 14:58, 227 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Blimey, an hour without a single post
Great times!

Alt: Do any of you want to buy me a record shop? www.ebay.co.uk/itm/On-The-Beat-Records-A-Classic-Vinyl-Collectors-Record-Store-in-Central-London-/221305313500?pt=UK_B_I_Business_for_Sale_CV&hash=item3386d318dc
(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 12:56, 158 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Windy pig asked if "what if they were born here but don't want to work?"
What should we do with the work shy population of this country?

alt:I'm *not* working from home today, how should I be punished?

alt:alt: Why do you continue to post here, give me a good reason and a tits Gaz if you have breasts?
(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 10:23, 90 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Fuck that cunt, if he's going back to bed
So, it turns out that immigrants are an asset to this country, in many cases more so than native Britons: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24813467
Shall we encourage more immigration and MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN?

Alt: Who shall we send back instead and where should we send them?
(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 8:38, 141 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Fuck you all, I'm going back to bed.

(, Wed 6 Nov 2013, 8:24, Reply)
I'm outta here.

alt. Shit off

altalt. What firework fun have you had?
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 19:53, 29 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Evening Cunts!
Who's stuck at work? I AM. People are cunts aren't they?
Alt: Shall I get them shoes that are like the ones I already have but I prefer?
ALtalt: Bye. I'm off out. Have a lovely time.
Altaltalt: Shit here innit? Bloobloo I wish (Insert popular/mediocre poster name here) came back!
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 17:19, 63 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
It's all gone quiet
I've just solved my work problem - transfer_recipient_su_id should be an ARRAY of GUIDs, not a single GUID. That should fix the problem.

What have you fixed today? Be horribly technical.

Alt: www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/listen-beowulf-opening-line-misinterpreted-for-200-years-8921027.html
when have you misinterpreted something?
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 15:10, 236 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Has anyone seen page 47 of today's Metro?
It tells you everything about the state of the country. It encapsulates and distills the wankness of the current education system.

HRH The Princess Royal is today opening University Square Stratford. It offers bursaries to "students" doing a BA course in urban dance practice.


Oh, a question - should we go "back to basics" and teach kids latin and how to fucking spell?

Or should we all pull up a tit and do YM?
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 13:32, 96 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Kids today eh?

Did you ever want to shoot anyone at this age?
Alt, lunch ideas? It's VEGI TUESDAY remember.
Altalt, would you ever think of becoming a councillor? A friend of mine has been asked, she's been a member of the political party for years, it's s safe seat and would piss it. Have you ever been one? Indeed have you ever held any 'respected' community position?
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 11:20, 198 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Remember remember the fifth of November...
So did off topic die while I had a few days off?

Alt: What are you going to do about it?
(, Tue 5 Nov 2013, 8:47, 250 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
How do you relax?
Other than MM, booze, massive drugs etc.
(, Mon 4 Nov 2013, 20:37, 119 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Mon 4 Nov 2013, 17:37, 122 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm moving offices today. It's the slowest and longest process in my whole life.
Im also meeting the In laws this Saturday after seeing my man's play.

What's new for you this week?

alt. Best christmas dinner

alt. fireworks woes.
(, Mon 4 Nov 2013, 15:35, 27 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
For fucks sake, internet
Tell me of your drinking woes. I have rather a large hangover, shamefully caused by a single bottle of red last night and 3 hours sleep
(, Mon 4 Nov 2013, 10:55, 193 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Good morning internet.

(, Mon 4 Nov 2013, 8:11, 117 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Totes just deleted my posts to stop Vag getting 100 posts.
(, Sun 3 Nov 2013, 19:40, 88 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
So is Off Topic completely dead now, then?
Only the last thread to get more than a hundred replies was started three days ago.

Alt: shit off, &c.
(, Sun 3 Nov 2013, 13:37, 100 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Thread replies
What's the most replies you're got for a thread that you started? Mine is 213
(, Sun 3 Nov 2013, 13:07, 3 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I see that Monty's ebay shop has folded then.
Any Sunday plans? I'm fucking off to bed after my breakfast for an extended snooze. Had planned some walking but it's shit and wet and cold and I'm not venturing out.Weekend threads are aa bit rubbish really including this poor attempt.Agrre or disagree?
(, Sun 3 Nov 2013, 8:05, 8 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Sun 3 Nov 2013, 3:06, Reply)
Doc Martens
Anyone here own a pair of doc Martens?

Alt: For people living in London. What is your favorite Underground line?
(, Sat 2 Nov 2013, 15:49, 29 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Have you ever worn a hat, and if so, where?

Alt: What's the best kind of mayonnaise?
(, Sat 2 Nov 2013, 14:30, 28 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Roundhouse kicks
Have you ever done a roundhouse kick and do you know any other martial arts moves?

Alt: Are you going to a fireworks display tonight and if so which one?
(, Sat 2 Nov 2013, 14:11, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
Have you ever had a run in with a bouncer or got a beating/kicking off one?

Alt: What are you favorite films of the year?
(, Sat 2 Nov 2013, 10:35, 13 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Oi Oi Saveloy
A car crashed into the NTL green box that provides our internet, TV and home phone service, so I missed "The Walking Dead" last night :(
What have you missed lately?

Alt: Has there been a mass flounce on here?
(, Sat 2 Nov 2013, 10:09, 37 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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