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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I know they've (the nanny state) been talking about introducing a minimum unit price on alcohol for a while now but I've only just found out what they propose it is
40p per unit. Which doesn't sound like much until you look into how that will affect the price of different types of alcohol.

Vodka will still be about £12 a bottle, infact spirits won't really change in price
Wine will still be the same price, so will your beers and lagers

The real problem comes with the big bottles of cheap cider and extra strong lager. A 3 litre bottle of Frosty Jacks will go up from £3.99 to a minimum of £9! Now I don't drink this stuff, I like my JD and red wine so this law wouldn't really affect me, my issue is that this is just going to cause big problems to poor family's and those on benefits.

Really, if you've got no money, then you shouldn't be buying non essentials like fags and booze, but let's be honest, people don't give these things up. What this is going to end up being is a tax on the poor and is ultimately going to end up punishing children.

"Why have we got no food or heating today mummy?"
"Because daddy has spent our entire weeks money on 1 bottle of cider so he can forget for a while that he has no job prospects because the country is fucked."

I know it's just a small thing but it'll end up forcing family's with alcohol dependent parents on to the streets. It really is a tax on the poor, but would you expect anything less from a conservative government?

Thoughts please?

Alt: too serious for first thing in the morning? Talk about/post pictures of cute animals (ideally kittens, cos they're fluffy and adorable)
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 6:54, 173 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Mr Ham, I agree 100%
Upping the price of booze will lead to people not buying or spending on other things in order to get pissed. In the mean time, most folks will just be pissed off that their beer and wine deals have fucked off.

Simple answer is to stop cheap shite from being sold. Red Pig, I'm looking at you

My dog failed his MOT yesterday for being a fat cunt
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 7:13, Reply)
Well you got it exactly right when you said "would you expect anything less from a conservative government?"
It really does beggar belief that they are still so popular despite raping the country so spectacularly, even with things they have no mandate on.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 7:17, Reply)
Do you not agree with their plans to reduce our debt?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 7:28, Reply)
I certainly don't

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:38, Reply)
I know why they tax the poor
There's more of 'em! And, if the descendant of King William IV has his way, there will be more and they'll stay that way.

Damned oiks wouldn't know a decent Chateau Lafite from brasso anyway.

Alt: Jack Russels are the funniest dogs - discuss.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:05, Reply)
If a bottle of horrendous piss is going to be more expensive
but your beer and lagers etc will pretty much stay the same price...won't they simply swap to those instead?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:17, Reply)
that's what I would have thought.
it's what happened here when they raised the tax on "alcopops". People just switched drinks.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:28, Reply)
Not many people drink 'Frosty Jack' et al because they choose to (over the age of 14, anyway)
So I don't know whether them 'upgrading' would be possible.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:33, Reply)
Not all of them.

'A friend' told me that they didn't buy cheap stuff for the taste, they bought it for the strength. It wasn't really a financial issue, more a practical one.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:48, Reply)
Beer and lagers won't stay the same price though
Although a lot of the large manufacturers have been introducing lower strength versions of their brands over the last few years.
One of the main objections to this legislation is the knock on effect it is likely to have on the already diminishing pub trade.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:06, Reply)
The whole thing is a farce anyway. Drinkers gonna drink.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:08, Reply)
If they abolish the fuel price escalator, there may be a cheaper alternative:
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:15, Reply)
i didn't read the full story, so it's possible that it's answered, but...how does that even happen?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:18, Reply)
There is not much more detail in the story than is given in the headline.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:24, Reply)
Good way to make sure you never smoke I guess.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:19, Reply)
If she smokes she's a flaming idiot.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:42, Reply)
Boom boom!

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:17, Reply)
Well, that's shit.
Cider is an easy drink to have in for piss ups, as something to go onto when you run out of lager, etc. There's a perfectly drinkable one sold near me for £1.95, that's not too bad. That'll go up to about £5, methinks. Also, as Al puts it, it's the Conservatives, their main objective is to fuck over the poor, etc.

Alt: Fuck kittens and cats, they're 99% fucking shit. Dogs are where it's at.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:23, Reply)
Didn't the last Labour government propose doing the same thing?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:38, Reply)
In all honesty, I have no idea

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:39, Reply)
+ about anything

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:47, Reply)
I believe so. They at least talked about it, i don't recall how far they got with the idea before they imploded
in a one eyed grumpathon.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:51, Reply)
Where do you sell it?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:49, Reply)
Edited for clarity

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:55, Reply)
oh you arse!

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:57, Reply)
This post does seem to contain some level of misunderstanding of the situation.
As I understand it Frosty Jack doesn't exist to allow those too poor to afford decent booze to enjoy a civilised drink. As scarpe will testify, it is simply the most cost effective way of getting the most units of alcohol into yourself as quickly as possible.
The research into this suggests that increasing the minimum price per unit will have an effect on reducing the number of alcohol related deaths. That is why they are doing it.
(Also, isn't this only in Scotland?)
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:43, Reply)
If it's only in Scotland, fuck em.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:46, Reply)
If it works, it is likely to be introduced here.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:52, Reply)
Seems a bit unfair.
Unless they also abolish tuition fees and introduce free prescriptions here too. Just giving us their shit laws doesn't seem fair...
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:55, Reply)
There is a lot that is unfair in UK politics

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:57, Reply)
Nope, this is the absolute only example of any unfairness that I can think of.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:01, Reply)
Also, no Sunday trading hours

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:58, Reply)
Those Godless heathens

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:59, Reply)
I just wrote that first point up there^ before I saw this.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:49, Reply)
Can we stop calling
Frosty Jack cider. Thanks.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 8:53, Reply)
You are more of a White Lightning kind of guy.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:07, Reply)
White Lightning sounds like one of Jeff's conquests
I imagine their eyes met in the winner's paddock at the track
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:32, Reply)
K Cider. Delicious.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:11, Reply)
This is a brilliant plan to clean up our streets
Everyone knows that extra strong lager was developed solely to corner the tramp market. Once the homeless and destitute find their begged funds can no longer cover a bottle of mind-rotter, they'll resolve to put it into a high-interest savings account until they can afford a nice suit and a Honda Accord, at which point they will be given well-paid jobs in the private sector and start contributing to the Big Society. Go David Cameron's big shiny face!

Anyone who drinks that cheap cider should use the money to pay for working taste buds.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:27, Reply)
Morning Darth
I watched Alien for the first time in years last night, still a rather good film.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:35, Reply)
I want to watch Alien now

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:39, Reply)
The entire film seems weird to me, as in my head, it's merged with Aliens.
I was wondering where Newt was the entire time.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:40, Reply)
she was with me

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:43, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:47, Reply)
The trick is to pretend that Alien and Aliens were the only films in that franchise
Then it's arguably the second best film series ever made. First, unless you also ignore The Phantom Menace.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:49, Reply)
As I've said before, I enjoy AvP as a 'crash, boom, bang' sort of film, one for switching off your brain to
AvP 2 is one of the worst films I've ever seen though. I watched that, and Cloverfield in the same night. I now pretend that night never happened.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:00, Reply)
Poor people are shit and should be put down
this will solve the problem
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:28, Reply)
You only dare say that now
because Monty's not here to take umbrage on behalf of his people
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:31, Reply)
Monty is with me on this one funnily enough

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:35, Reply)
That boy is a fascinating mess of contradictions

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:36, Reply)

Ccontradictions festering tramp sores and a club foot like a pigeon
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:41, Reply)
Actually this is likely to save the lives of some poor people.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:37, Reply)
exactly, I'm here to make the tough decisions so you dont have to

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:39, Reply)

tough wrong
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:41, Reply)
You just agreed with the povvo cull

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:41, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:43, Reply)
I must say you're missing a good opportunity here
Putting them down doesn't win ratings. Forcing them to undergo a series of ever-more humiliating and increasingly lethal challenges to compete for clothing and dignity does.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:47, Reply)
Alt: I don't find animals to be cute. Kittens are shit.
What are you? Some kind of furry?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:28, Reply)
Quinten's here, roll call please

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:35, Reply)
bella? BELLA?
anyone seen Bella?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:35, Reply)
Bella flounced yonks ago
before some cunt else says it
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:35, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:36, Reply)
Also: I don't get your comment on my status mate, apologies
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:36, Reply)
Fat + r?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:37, Reply)
Very good
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:39, Reply)
they had a couple of good pop tunes in the 80s but I woouldn't say they were "very good"

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:40, Reply)
I would say they were "fucking shit"

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:49, Reply)
*cries in the rain*

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:50, Reply)
Is it raining? I hadn't noticed

Darth Foxtrot's How To Improve Films, vol. 1 - Four Weddings and a Funeral
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:51, Reply)
That's not bad.
My rule for how to improve any film is simple. Add Paul Rudd.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:53, Reply)

Ru Ga
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:55, Reply)

Paul Rudd a talking pie
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:55, Reply)
Ha. I've got a friend who wrote a whole sketch show around the gag that one of the characters in every sketch was a talking pie.
It was performed precisely once...
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:58, Reply)
Also works with Hugo Weaving and Nathan Fillion
But how, pray tell, would you improve Anchorman?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:56, Reply)
Remove Jack Black

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:58, Reply)
Remove DVD from player
Throw away

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:01, Reply)
I disagree, I love Anchorman.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:01, Reply)
I watched half then turned it off
It was fucking boring to me
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:07, Reply)
Well I have a subrule that most films can be improved by the absence of Will Ferrell.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:59, Reply)
Unfunny cunt
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:00, Reply)
My rule is the same, except for in Anchorman.
However, in terms of other actors I would remove from films to improve them, I'd remove Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Owen Wilson from most films.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:00, Reply)
Jack Black makes my skin crawl.
I think Ben Stiller is OK at times. And I actually like Owen Wilson, despite some awful films he has been in. He was great in Midnight In Paris.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:06, Reply)
Whilst Ben Stiller has been OK in a couple of films, when you balance that against the abortions of 'Something About Mary' and 'Mystery Men', he has no argument.
And whilst I didn't mind Owen Wilson in Shanghai Noon, I think that was mainly because he was playing off against Jackie Chan.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:08, Reply)
Mystery Men is brilliant
You are menkle
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:10, Reply)
It's absolutely fucking dire.
Also, so is Zoolander.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:12, Reply)
You are dead to me
until I'm next up your way, then we should have a pint
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:12, Reply)
Speaking of which,
I was in Blackpool Tower on Saturday and went to the Ballroom. First thing that popped into my head was 'I wonder if Darth has danced here'. Stay out of my weekends, B3ta.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:14, Reply)
I actually never have
In fact, you've been in the Tower Ballroom more than I have. All our competitions have been in the Winter Gardens.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:15, Reply)
Are you suggesting that scarpe is gay?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:16, Reply)
I think we're well beyond suggestion at this point

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:17, Reply)
Did he push back?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:19, Reply)
I almost fell off the cliff

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:21, Reply)
Excellent euphamism

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:35, Reply)
I genuinely cannot stand Ben Stiller on screen when he's trying to be funny
He just annoys me. Yet, when he's playing a prick, I think he's excellent.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:14, Reply)
Mystery Men is brilliant
You are menkle.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:13, Reply)
No it's not.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:15, Reply)
I'd just like to add to this that I have never watched any of these films
They all look dreadful.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:15, Reply)
They are all awful

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:16, Reply)
Andie McDowell
should stick to shampoo ads. She registers nothing at all on the Defcon Bongle scale
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:56, Reply)
Her daughters on the other hand...

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:07, Reply)
I wasn't aware she had any

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:08, Reply)
Alright Monters
Nakers wants you dead
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:50, Reply)
you calling me a cunt?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:37, Reply)
Technically, I said "before"
So if anyone else says it now, they're a cunt. You said it before me, so I'm not calling you a cunt up there ^

I am now. You cunt.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:40, Reply)
"And I'm not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you're a cunt."
"You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids. "
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:41, Reply)
"leave my fucking cunt kids out of this"

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:42, Reply)
My housemate's actually just been to Bruges
He got many points for saying to me last night - first words we'd exchanged since he got back - "It's a fucking fairy tale fucking town"
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:45, Reply)
"I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids."

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:46, Reply)
It must have a big clit

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:49, Reply)
who the fuck is bella and why should i care?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:42, Reply)
Not using your MenaceCoat login this morning?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:13, Reply)
i only use menace coat at night
he's like a superhero watching over the dark streets of Off Topic
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:44, Reply)
Whack the price up, but keep advertising them where kids will see, that'll help:

Not that I think this is actually anything to be concerned about. We'll just breed skinny drunk kids instead of fat sweaty ones. Big deal.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 9:52, Reply)
Is a liver transplant cheaper than pancreatic cancer to treat?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:02, Reply)
Leave Scarpe alone he doens't need the transplant anymore

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:26, Reply)
It wasn't a dig at scarpe!

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:27, Reply)
Poor Scarpe, 4EVA In R HARTZ

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:32, Reply)
*pours one out for homies that have passed away*

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:34, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:39, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:39, Reply)

Aw, Fuggit, I love you.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:53, Reply)
You.... YOU!
You are my besht mate, you
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:54, Reply)
I hate everyone,
but particularly the poor. I'm all for it. If you can't at least afford a halfway decent Rioja, you shouldn't be allowed to drink at all. Or breed.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:25, Reply)
I was "forced" into drinking Merlot last night

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:28, Reply)
What? By whom?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:29, Reply)
By that dastardly rogue, sportscow

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:32, Reply)
That boy is a bad influence and I don't want you seeing him again.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:36, Reply)
Sorry Dad

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:36, Reply)
It was a fucking nice drop though

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:37, Reply)
Can I just shock you?
I like wine. Despite what I just said earlier. At any one time I have nine bottles of wine in my house.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:39, Reply)
*proffers Blue Nun*

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:40, Reply)
I currently have 1/2 a bottle
This needs to be addressed STAT
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:40, Reply)
Now hand over the remainder of your alcohol

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:37, Reply)
Fuck no

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:38, Reply)
You are "Miles" AICMPN

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:29, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:32, Reply)
Brilliant film
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:34, Reply)
Never heard of it

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:34, Reply)
but I couldn't tell you why...
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:34, Reply)
Yeah nor could I actually
I really enjoyed it, but can't very well describe why
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:36, Reply)
Only thing I disagree with is that if you're poor, you should give up all your luxories.
We all need luxories in life, there are a few that no matter how poor/rich I am, I always do. I'll always get at least one take away a week, and I'll always have at least one meal that requires me to use 50% of my pots'n'pans and an ingredient that requires a specalist shop (such as a butcher, fishermonger, greengrocer). And I'll always let myself go out at least once every two weeks with a mate without caring (within reason) what I spend. Another one is fags and red-bull type drinks every day.

I got really little patients for alcholics who don't do anything about it, they just seem so pathetic to me, when you see people buying their super-strength larger and shaking as they hand over the coins. I don't mind drunk people, but I hate drunks (which are two different things).

If bottles of frosty-jack and all that are gonna go up to just short of a tenner, people will think "fuck it" and just get spirits instead, and tell people "It'll last two days" instead, which it will at first, but not for long. I think it's fine dramaticly increasing the price of booze, as long as it comes with some kind of campaign to help alcholism. Like you can get nicottine patches in shops, they should be booze ones.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:30, Reply)
Just put the plaster over their mouths
Problem solved
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:33, Reply)
I'd buy a booze patch

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:36, Reply)
I'd ring it out into a glass

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:37, Reply)
I would very much like to see the following people live on a council estate for a month on benfits.
- Every MP. They're there to represent the people, but they are so far removed from them, so far removed from knowing what its like to struggle, that they think it's OK to buy a fucking duck pond on expenses.
- Every policy maker and upper-management for DWP.

The only trouble with that, I don't know of a single individual who hasn't had to wait at _least_ 2 months for their benifits to come through.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:39, Reply)
It was the one that had his moat cleaned on expenses that really made me laugh.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:41, Reply)
How else does one get it cleaned?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:43, Reply)
"Are you seriously proposing that pay to get my own moat cleaned?
"My dear sir, what on Earth are the peasantry *for*?"
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:45, Reply)
my dad uses the welsh to do ours
they're near enough the cheshire border and grateful for the cash
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:48, Reply)

cash sheep
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:48, Reply)

c w
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:54, Reply)
i am laughing a lot.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:03, Reply)
I don't get what goes through someone's head to think "That is an OK purhcase".
How can someone draw the conclusion that it is anything but a sackable offence?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:46, Reply)
It won't
It will have been his PA/assistant/butler
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:49, Reply)
It wasn't a sackable offence
Apart from one or two exceptions (those who have been or are being prosecuted), on the whole it was the system that was corrupt not the MPs. They were encouraged to claim for as much as they could.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:50, Reply)
^ this ^
yes, they SHOULD have thought, i am being a disgusting piss-taker, but they didn't because everyone else was doing it. and we all know that makes it ok.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:51, Reply)
I'd do it just for the lols

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:57, Reply)
I think anyone who has to say "What I did wasn't wrong, according to law BLAH BLAH I was perfectly entitled too.." must know they're taking the piss.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:01, Reply)
gonz your username is making me hungry, dammit

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:03, Reply)
Ma' made some salt beef and potato ludkas, I got proper jew-food for lunch today. OH BOY.

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:07, Reply)
now you've made me want a bagel
damn you gonz damn you and all your kind
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:18, Reply)
I bet they wouldn't waste it on booze, fags and sky tv

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:45, Reply)
Booze and tv isn't a waste, silly

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:46, Reply)
It is when you can't afford decent food for your children

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:54, Reply)
I bet one of them says "What's the point? I know it's only for a month, it's not a fair test, I might as well not do it".

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:47, Reply)
Our local socialist only drew the wage of a skilled factory worker when he was an MP
(about 40% of what other MPs were being paid)
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:46, Reply)
what an idiot

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:51, Reply)
I remember him - Dave Nellist
Good honest bloke with principles. Paid his staff the proper going rate too instead of using unpaid interns and overpaid relatives. Obviously this didn't go down well with the Labour party so they dumped him and installed a new guy (I knew the new guy when he was a union official at RR - didn't trust him then, even less reason to trust him now)
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:15, Reply)
i love the really little patients
it's like a hospital for dwarfs (dwarves?)
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:39, Reply)
Oompa Loompa doobidy doo

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:43, Reply)
OK, I understand the logic/justification of reducing alchohol-related deaths.
But I'm left wondering if people that desperate to escape from reality won't just move to the next most cost-effective drug, which might be even worse for them, anyone know what that might be?
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:54, Reply)
Currently at the development stage
I am testing various substances on Monty. Results to follow.
(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:56, Reply)
Can you Use Nakers as a guinea pig for the more virulent substances?

(, Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:09, Reply)

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