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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Ha ha ha What a bunch of pricks

"Iqbal and Ahmed spoke about making an improvised explosive device (IED) based upon instructions in an al-Qaeda manual entitled ‘make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom – by the al-Qaeda chef’
Fuck even the cooks make bombs, what should we do to rehabilitate Terrorists?

Alt: I could really eat Cherry pie and ice cream, what would you really like?
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:33, 168 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Metro fucks my browser so I'm not going to click it.
Also metro is shit.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:35, Reply)
I thought you would like it, seeing as it's free
It pretty much says everything on the link title
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:36, Reply)
I'd really like an American Fridge/Freezer
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:36, Reply)
Much better
How long do they take to import
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:37, Reply)
6-9 months in quarantine

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:37, Reply)
They don't put them in quarantine
They go in to cold storage.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:41, Reply)
whats different about them to an english fridge freezer
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:40, Reply)
They have no legs

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:56, Reply)
Alt: A decent thread.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:36, Reply)

thread meal

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:37, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:39, Reply)
I fear I have peaked to early
and will no longer be able to produce a quality zing for the rest of the day
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:55, Reply)
My pizza is in the oven,
its got great stuff all over it, and i'm really looking forward, i only ate an apple for breakfast so i'm starving.
I've also downloaded some music on recommendation from a friend, looking forward to listening to that too.

What i'd really like is some sort of idea of what i can do if i'm actually going to leave the pub trade.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:39, Reply)
Become a international hitman

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
i don't want to hurt people.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
Become an international hugman

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:48, Reply)
and her.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:47, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:49, Reply)
What are you good at?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
i dunno, people is all I've ever done, i am good a what i do, but I can't deal with these hours any more.
I'll be honest, it's starting to effect things with me and Ladypig.
I'm good with my hands, cars, and DIY and gardening etc.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:49, Reply)
How much money will you need?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:50, Reply)
not a huge amount,
as long as i'm getting around 20k i can pay mortgage and stuff, might have to cut back a couple of luxuries, but that would be sustainable for a new start somewhere. Maybe even a little less if Ladypig is willing to help support while i retrain
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:51, Reply)
Retail managment?
Can be pretty great money and the big chains have good prospects. Not great hours, but better than a pub.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:53, Reply)
yeah, i thought about that, would at least get some of my evenings back,
but weekends are the big thing.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:54, Reply)
Most the places I know that aren't 24 hours
will do one on one off. Which is much better than you're getting now I assume.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:55, Reply)
i will look in to that.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
You could work in a petrol station
You have long hair right?
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Man with a van: Mussel for hire.
£30/hour, i'll clean your car, help you move shit about, do a bit of gardening/DIY, get up on a ladder...etc.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:51, Reply)
i can't really risk going self employed with a mortgage to pay

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)
Can you go part time on both?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Whatcha good at that you enjoy?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:49, Reply)
cooking, but i'm not going back in the kitchen again,
otherwise, no real tangible stuff.cars, and DIY
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:53, Reply)
Get an old UPS type delivery van
Using your impressive DIY and Car fixing skills make it into a Catering van, only trade during lunch times, doing nommy pulled pork and the like at some swanky high flyer type spot

\o/ HTH \o/
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
that would be cool,
but i don't really have the money to upfront a business.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Arrange for Monty to mug you on the way to the bank
£30K+ would get you started and Monty would think the Fiver you paid him was a kings ransom
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Market stall + BBQ + Meat

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
^^ This is also a good idea ^^

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Is there any scope for staying in 'the trade' but moving up the ladder, so you don't have to deal with the daily shite?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:57, Reply)
Someone in Weston is looking for a pub manager.
I saw it yesterday when I was searching. Of course, the only downside to that is that you'd have to live in Weston...
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
That's what he already does.
He's looking to move jobs, not move somewhere shit.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)
Sorry, I read 'if I'm going to leave the pub trade'
and assumed it wasn't a done deal yet.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
This is the problem I've been having
Things I'm good at and things I'd like to do - not always the same.
On the plus side, though, at least you've got some employment history behind you. I've been self-employed for so long I might as well have just written "Do not employ this person" all over my CVs.
And you're under thirty, which is another bonus.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:58, Reply)
The under 30 thing doesn't matter.
Oh wait, I forgot you were a woman
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
Thing is, if I'd been off raising children, that would be fine.
But working for myself? Not even getting a foot in the door :-(
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Your refusal to work anywhere else apart from Weston super Mare probably doesn't help you.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Who wouldn't want to work in WsM?
It's a thriving economic hub.

Oh, wait. No. the other one. A shit hole.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Unofficially most employers want their female employees to be past child-bearing age.
But they really prefer male employees, to be on the safe side.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:01, Reply)
I keep pointing out that I have no home ties
no kids likely to be ill, can work antisocial hours as needed, all that nonsense.
I know the situation is dire these days, and there's anything up to 200 applicants for some jobs, but I'm not even getting the courtesy of a 'fuck off' email any more. in fact, a lot of them ask you not to contact them either, so asking for feedback is out, too.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Lighty mentioned something about a job for a Bongo player not long ago

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
yeah, I could probably do that job, too.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
+ using my wrinkled saggy titties.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
How very dare you?
My breasts may be pendulous and saggy, but they are far from wrinkled.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Lies on the internet.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)
Are you working towards asking for pictures for proof?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)
He's met me already.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Yuk. Certainly not. Blurgh.
* Says hello to lunch again *
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:11, Reply)
When I go full-on KFC
your name and your horrendous bullying will be mentioned in my note.

You beast.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:12, Reply)
I should hope so.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Full-on as opposed to the current situation where you scoff a bargain bucket but don't actually top yourself?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
+ r r

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
That sir is indeed TJ

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I'm sure he remembers the gif in question.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:12, Reply)
It was a fat bird playing bongos with her boobs.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
In case you missed it first time
The link in the link is NSFW


EDIT: Whoops it helps if I copy in the link
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
What sort of jobs are you going for?
People seem to be desperate for webbies, if you're willing to spend some time learning.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
This is the guy they're still looking for
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:52, Reply)
Diana RossZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:54, Reply)
They're making TWO new xboxes.
A big one and a little one, the little one is supposed to be like AppleTV and let you play 360 games.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:55, Reply)
Where's that from?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
VGLeaks has lots of collaborated info.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)
Just a wild guess
but I'm thinking Microsoft
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:03, Reply)
HA ha

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
They're probably going to need to make more than two.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)

to make more than two a bigger boat
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Friday o'clock!
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Are you in the pub already?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
Not yet, no.
Just delighted that it's Friday.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:23, Reply)
Another hour to go here

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
An hour?
Part timer!
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:16, Reply)
I might hobble down the pub in a bit.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Hire a Mobility thing with a really loud horn

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:19, Reply)
I like this idea.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Catch a bus

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:22, Reply)
The pub is closer than the nearest bus stop.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:26, Reply)
Lazy cunt

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:27, Reply)
Like you haven't already spent a couple of hours in the pub today.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:17, Reply)
No, mate.
Been at desk all day today.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:29, Reply)
You keep a bottle in your bottom drawer though, right?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:31, Reply)
Sadly not.
I have got a decent bottle of Barolo in my drawer but that's a Chrimbo remnant.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:34, Reply)
We're past Easter now.
Jesus wouldn't have wanted you to leave it indefinitely.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:35, Reply)
It's a 2008.
It's only getting better now.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:38, Reply)
Thanks Prof Brian Cox

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
A quick google around suggests you need to leave it ten years.
I'm not sure I have the patience or willpower to do that.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
I have never drunk a wine costing more than £10 to buy at home

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:44, Reply)
You beat me to my Lolarious hit man and her gag :(

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I now want to start a market stall just selling Tayaabs style lambchops £2 each.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:27, Reply)
and homebrew

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:28, Reply)
I still think there is a gap in the market for a decent place pairing good Indian food with good British beer.
I'd go there anyway.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:32, Reply)
Me too.
Or top drawer burgers.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:35, Reply)
The posh burger market is pretty full now, missed the boat on that.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:36, Reply)
True enough.
None near me oddly.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:39, Reply)
Too rough round your way, ain't it?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:41, Reply)
but the houses are expensive. People must just go out elsewhere.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:37, Reply)
There's one 15 miles or so from me
downstairs local real ale pub, upstairs full-on curry house.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:35, Reply)
Too far north.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:36, Reply)
Last time I was in BIrmingham there was one on Broad St

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:39, Reply)
It's probably a lap-dancing bar now.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:41, Reply)
As long as the beer is still downstairs and the baltis are upstairs, I'm still in

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
Balti is a shit midlands invention.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)

Balti Coventry
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)

shit midlands invention type of steel container it's served in
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
It translates as 'bucket'
There is no such dish in India.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
baltis deep.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Free Naan(a)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Korma nyourface

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
Liqure in the front, poker in the reer.rair.rare.raer.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
Sounds like there's an echo

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
I'm in

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:28, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:28, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:38, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:38, Reply)
When I was last in London this Chinese guy got trapped in the tube doors
I used the words "chop chop"* Me and my son was in stiches
On our way back to the hotel I noticed a chinese resturant called Chop Chop facing Kings Cross which started us laughing all over again

*Chop chop means hurry up
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:41, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:41, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:39, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
That's THEFT

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:41, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)
I could call it PsychoChop

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Sounds charming

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
This is by far the best suggestion.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
start up like that are pretty much doomed to failure
for every innocent there's like a thousand lead zepplins leading to alcoholism, premature baldness, suicide that sort of stuff.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
i'm not writing it off completely, it's just it's in the victuals 'industry' which is notoriously fickle. You also have zero starting capital, nor trading history to take to a viable lender.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
And it'll pretty much only be seasonal, who wants lamb chops outside in the rain.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
*raises hand*

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
Monty, after a disagreement about windows?

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
burger/ ice cream vans, maybe with a posh twist for somewhere with money would be a better bet

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
yeah that or whatever
it's an area that has all this territorial stuff so there's the chance of being kneecapped.
As a start up it's handy as you're off teh IR radar
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:58, Reply)
If you sell them already cooked, wrapped in a piece of kitchen roll
Then yeah still no-one will want them, soz
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
Give WP a job in your property empire.
He's good at DIY. He can keep the firm's motors going. 21k a year.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
No give me a job,
I hate everyone involved in property, I'll be an enforcer £30k a year.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
No, give me a job.
I don't know much and I'll dick around on b3ta all day. £35k a year.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
£65K - final offer

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
If you want to move to Cork (and can speak Russian) we'll hire you

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
Åáàòü åãî. ß äàì åìó èäòè.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
....and on that farm he had a cow

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
With a Peroni here and a Peroni there...

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
why aye why aye ho

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
Yeah. B3ta doesn't like Russian symbols.
Fucken' typical. That's why I don't give the cunts any money.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
More evidence of rob's blatant racism.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:58, Reply)
I'm afraid the post of being sarcastic to customers, and making staff cry has already been filled

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:50, Reply)
Happy the man who is paid for his hobbies.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
You could go into semi-retirement and just go skiing all the time.
You can't afford NOT to employ him!
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
sozzers stunned, TUIB is right, it's not even a hobby, ITS A VOCATION

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
I tried.
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
Rory is a workaholic control freak - there is no way he is handing over the reins.

(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
i've tried to start a new thread
we'll see what happens eh?
(, Fri 19 Apr 2013, 15:08, Reply)

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