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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Is it time for a new thread yet?
Are we there yet? Did anyone go the Manc bash on Saturday, I couldn't make it. Any gossip? Any gossip generally/
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:21, 250 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I heard that guy off /links who died was being investigated under Operation Yewtree at the time.
I don't know if it's true or not, it's just what I heard.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:37, Reply)
I imagine Rory saying "Yewtree"

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:41, Reply)
Us three what????

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:41, Reply)
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:43, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:45, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:47, Reply)
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:48, Reply)
I heard he committed suicide by shoving his head up a dogs arse and asphyxi-wanking himself to death.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:41, Reply)
What a cocker

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:43, Reply)
I heard it was him that administered that fateful final dose to disasterprone.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:45, Reply)
Careful. I got in to trouble for what I said about Jess & Kenny Martin.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:44, Reply)
Yeah, but you did it on qotw.
No one bothers to read off topic.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:45, Reply)
Dunno, I've been stepped more often as a result of posting here than posting on QOTW.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:47, Reply)
That's because b3th hates you.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:48, Reply)
Nah, Scaryduck innit.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:49, Reply)
i think you lot have all driven b3th away

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:50, Reply)
She's been active on FB, so is still alive.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:50, Reply)
Not me, those nasty picture-posting bullies from /talk

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:51, Reply)
Shame they haven't driven a couple of other people away...

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:51, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:52, Reply)
Don't flatter yourself twatface.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:52, Reply)

tw +FL
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:53, Reply)
My face is not flat. I have a great nose and extremely high cheekbones.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:54, Reply)
you look like a mongol

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:55, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:57, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:17, Reply)
So what you're saying here is that you want me to stay?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:54, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:55, Reply)
it wasn't just them
rory was very mean
chompy got his nasty little knife out
kroney had a go at her from a lofty professional mod height
battered posted really epically shit pics
apey posted geese (for some obscure reason)

they were all at it
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:53, Reply)
I'm innocent

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:54, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:54, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:55, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:57, Reply)
You never know when to leave things do you?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:58, Reply)
If I want advice on when to leave things, I'll ask your wife.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:00, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:04, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:55, Reply)
Yeah, I told her she was being useless.
Because she was being useless and then whining about it. Fuck's sake it's not like she didn't have options, but she was too useless to do anything about it. Useless.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:00, Reply)
no gossip
being busy-bored today, productive but resenting it strangely, after the bank hol and the sunshine
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:49, Reply)
I have some pretty hot gossip about one of the more visible posters.
I'm just about to call my old friend Dominic Mohan about it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:53, Reply)
imma pretend like i understand this

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:53, Reply)
I'm off home now
fuck you all.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:59, Reply)
Typical public sector 'worker'.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 15:59, Reply)
my name is windy pig, and I did not go to Manchester.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:00, Reply)
alright WP

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:00, Reply)
why is Rory being mean to Al?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:03, Reply)
he's being mean to Bear Pookie

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:04, Reply)
How many accounts has Rory got/

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:05, Reply)
One fewer now.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:06, Reply)
1 now :(

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:06, Reply)
sorry bear pookie, saw long name beginning with b, thought it was al.
Why is Rory all up in your grill?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:08, Reply)
Rory is mean to everybody.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:11, Reply)
Rory's role here is like the little boy in the Emperor's New Clothes
I'm sure it's not personal.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:12, Reply)
He keeps extensive records of everybody's weak points.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:12, Reply)
of what he perceives to be everybody's weak points. big difference.

he's not always right.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:14, Reply)
I don't class going back to college as an adult is a weak point.
Or pint as he spells it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:16, Reply)
what are you going back to study?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:17, Reply)
I'm studying Art and Design.
I've worked in the arts, particularly photography, for about 15 years, and thought an extra qualification and some networking wouldn't hurt.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:19, Reply)
i thought you went back cos you got fired and couldn't get another job?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:21, Reply)
I was working in It at the time,
alongside the arts stuff. Yeah I got fired, wasn't all that arsed.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:27, Reply)
sounds alright,
It's a tough industry to make decent money in though isn't it? But yeah, can't hurt to get more qualified.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:21, Reply)
it depends what for and why blah blah blah
eg my masters was in creative writing. if i seriously thought i was going to make a living out of it, the weak point would be my head... but it was a lot of fun.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:17, Reply)
why is no one answering my question?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:14, Reply)
hello you ginger sexbeast, you

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:16, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:16, Reply)
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:21, Reply)
this is lol
someone lol at it
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:24, Reply)


(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:30, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:31, Reply)
He's picking on BP because he feels like it.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:16, Reply)
I think he's a bit of a sad git really.
Prolly wanking over his laptop as we speak.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:17, Reply)
he has no home the poor lamb

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:22, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:31, Reply)
hello gorgeous

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:05, Reply)
You old hippy you.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:07, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:08, Reply)
alright you sexy beast.
What's the happity-haps? Did you see daughter on the weekend?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:10, Reply)
I sure did, my mums were up too, it was tip-top.
Then I smashed it like a man on a suicide mission. Best of both worlds.

Any more career thoughts? Still getting out tha game?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:16, Reply)
yeah, fo sho.
Saw my dad over the bank holiday, he's gonna lend me some cash to retrain, just gotta figure out where I go.
From his point of view, he owes me the cash, as he cleared my brothers student loan, but as I dropped out, mine was tiny, and he likes to be fair with his hand outs of mad cash. Will be enough to cover my mortgage and bills for a couple of months while I get out, get qualified and get back to work.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:20, Reply)
I like this

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:21, Reply)
plumber or spark
that's my recommendation
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:21, Reply)
looking at gas at the moment.
Boiler installation, and commercial kitchen stuff. My knowledge of working kitchens would only be a bonus as an installer at that level.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:23, Reply)
hollywood actor or billionaire philanthropist playboy
that's my recommendation
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Plumbers make loads of money

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:23, Reply)
that's fucking marvellous
I'm very pleased for you
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:22, Reply)
not a murderer

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:26, Reply)
Did anyone else read this as a threat?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:27, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:29, Reply)
look he's got form for this
As I understand it, once you've done one murder it's a lot easier to do more.

Just sayin, watch your back OK hun?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:30, Reply)
your bro must have enough heads to fill his wall space by now then

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:31, Reply)
he made a 12' totem pole out of them

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:36, Reply)
^ typical murderer

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:27, Reply)
this all feels very sudden, one day your a happy pub manager, next day you have a dead body and an urge to retrain on your hands

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:22, Reply)
Glad to see I'm not only one with suspicions.
I'm not saying Winders here is a fucking murderer or anything - just that I think he is one.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Put it this way, I ent crossing the oxfordshire border anytime soon

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:24, Reply)
Stroke of bad luck, being sensible enough to do your murdering in a pub across town
only to find management pressing you into service in that exact pub. On the other hand, means you can be doubly sure about getting rid of the finger prints.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:28, Reply)
So now that we've been to KEw gardens togetehr we should totally hook up for that BBQ

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:33, Reply)
Strange that, innit?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:23, Reply)
it's been a long time coming, but I've been pretty quiet about it ad it is also linked to tough times with the ladypig at home.
And the deluge of company shit from on high over this was sort if the excuse I needed to give myself for actually doing something about it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:25, Reply)
Trouble with lady-pig? I bet she never even saw that coming

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:26, Reply)
Sounds like you're making a good choice, Winders
best of luck to you in your new, gassy, endeavours.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:26, Reply)
there this as well as my flippant remark above

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:28, Reply)
And of course there's the small matter of that murder you did

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:28, Reply)
it was self defence.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:34, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:35, Reply)
You are going to invite us all for a big piss-up in your pub before you leave though, aren't you?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:28, Reply)
fucking hell didn't think of that.
I am ON BOARD for that shit even if he *is* a murderer
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:28, Reply)
Just don't go to the bogs without a pal, eh?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:29, Reply)
It's THAT kind of pub
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:30, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:31, Reply)
Have you used this line successfully before?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:30, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:31, Reply)
Good poetry effort on QOTW btw.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:33, Reply)
why thank you

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:35, Reply)
On other news, I am disappointed that the American version of Fritzel has turned out to be so lame.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:36, Reply)
i knoww right! one child, what the fuck is wrong with him

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:37, Reply)
Pathetic. It's like when the US take a British TV programme & remake it. They never get it quite right.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:38, Reply)
They lack the necessary commitment, these Yankees

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:45, Reply)

What do you expect with, y'know, one of them in the Whitehouse?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:53, Reply)
good idea.
Friday or Saturday night best for you folks?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:33, Reply)
saturday innit

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:35, Reply)
saturday I think, gives folks time to get to O-town.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:35, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:35, Reply)
Either/or as long as I've time to book into a hotel.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:36, Reply)

book into a hotel.

change in to a cardigan.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:37, Reply)
Couldn't find a cardigan for tonight, so I bailed.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:37, Reply)
I've gone to Poland to avoid going tonight.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:38, Reply)
other way round
we chose a night when you were in poland.

getting groped by you in that taxi was the worst night of my life.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:39, Reply)
When you made a pass at me I chundered like I never had before.
It was also the only time I've jumped out of a cab when it's being doing 30mph.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:40, Reply)
see, this is just not what happened
you tried to stick a £20 in my jeans, for a start
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:41, Reply)
Anything stuffed in your jeans would get lost for eternity.
It's easier to rescue Chilean miners.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:42, Reply)
this subthread is excellent

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:44, Reply)
i'll tell you about it tonight
the taxi driver had to threaten him with a trip to the police station to get him to leave me alone
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:48, Reply)
Hotel room LOL.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:49, Reply)
it's ok
what happened on the embankment stays on the embankment
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:51, Reply)
until it rains

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:52, Reply)
What makes me laugh is that you've actually fucked the one person on B3ta regularly accused of being a rapist.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:52, Reply)
does fumble, tip, spunk count?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:55, Reply)
Dunno, better ask Swipe.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:56, Reply)
if you are waaaaaaaay too inept to get it in
that doesn't count as fucking
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:58, Reply)
he couldn't reach your bust ya see

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:45, Reply)
Good idea.
After the text abuse I received after informing the ring leader, I wish I had too.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:39, Reply)
i was NFI :(

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:38, Reply)
We'll have our own bashes, Nakers.
We're the coolest ones, anyway.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:39, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:40, Reply)

book into a hotel bail like a sailor in a leaky boat
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:39, Reply)
Sulking isn't attractive.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:43, Reply)
nor is being rude

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:43, Reply)
sat is better
as it'd be 8ish before those who have to travel could get there after work...
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:40, Reply)
Chompy will probably go; MK isn't that far from Oxford.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:41, Reply)
yeah but he's is incapable of piloting or affording a motor vehicle, so he'd have to takea train into London and out again probably

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:48, Reply)
I might offer to give him a lift, just for Swipe.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:49, Reply)
i hope he wears his leatherette jacket

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:50, Reply)
offer him a keyboard to hide behind

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:52, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:52, Reply)
i dun gerrit

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:53, Reply)
pubs and travel cost money, not homebrew and rollies
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:48, Reply)
I've just realised, I haven't had a piss all day.
It's gonna look like fucking real ale when it comes out.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:53, Reply)
Bovril lols

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:54, Reply)
Drink some water?
You're going to have a kidney stone the size of a cannonball.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:54, Reply)
chill out, MUM

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:55, Reply)
Hey, I'm not the one who'll be crying with pain
whilst he's trying to piss out a lump of rock the size and weight of Battered's head.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:56, Reply)
well that depends, is battered one of those dwarfs who are tiny but with massive heads
or a midget where the head is in proportion to the body?!
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:01, Reply)
Definitely the former

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:03, Reply)
they creep me out

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:04, Reply)
Like those dolls you get with the wobbly heads?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:05, Reply)
I watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:06, Reply)
oh man BAttered's mum is gonna choke on that

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:54, Reply)
I hope he sets fire to her as well for good measure.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:55, Reply)
taking the piss out of your mum is a zero consequence bit of fun

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:56, Reply)
Hahaha stout fella

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:55, Reply)
battered's pub darts team nickname

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:56, Reply)
I don't play darts, it is a pastime for the lower orders.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:57, Reply)
Plus you wouldn't be able to hit the board from the oche if you had a catapult.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:58, Reply)
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:58, Reply)

t is a pastime for the lower orders can't reach the board
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:58, Reply)
Pubs are for drinking in, not throwing little bits of metal at the wall.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 16:58, Reply)
Colour: golden ale colour, along the lines of your Fursty Ferret or what have you

Smell: roast chicken crips
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:01, Reply)
Sounds like you're going to be sharing needles with Stunned
just like the old days!
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:02, Reply)
The Stranglers latest attempt to ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:03, Reply)
Right, I'm off for the evening. Drinks then dinner with a big serious businessman who could potentially help me a lot career wise, but will probably think I'm a cunt.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:01, Reply)
wear a low cut top and grope his leg under the table

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:02, Reply)
+ ask him to help aim the cue when you play pool

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:04, Reply)
yeah cos that worked so well when he did it with me
and you
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:08, Reply)
3 way O-o

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:08, Reply)
He's only human.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:04, Reply)
or is he dancer?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:08, Reply)
give him a gob job with pudding

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:04, Reply)
Introduce him to B3TA.
I'm sure he'll be impressed.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:08, Reply)
I wouldn't go to Manchester for all the nazi gold in switzerland

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:17, Reply)
Scared of Momo getting you innit?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:18, Reply)
will he have finished with Franks corpse yet?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:19, Reply)
Nahhh it will be skull fucking him for a few months yet

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:21, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:23, Reply)
fuck off

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:27, Reply)
*Looks at watch, looks at the door*
Fuck it I'm going home then
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:27, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Where was this bash?
Not that I would have went.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 17:47, Reply)

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