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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Had our very own sausagegate here :((
We had a barbecue here yesterday, for a birthday, she supplied all her own noms, she's just been round to collect uncooked stuff, and a box of sausages has disappeared :O Sausages too, not fucking chipolatas. Thieving twats. When did you last commit or indulge in petty pilfering?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 13:48, 135 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Last night.
I stole some sausages from a pub.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 14:53, Reply)
You do realise you should have supplied the food
And charged a premium for it.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 14:54, Reply)
Barmaid here, was a favour.
We did the buffet for the other do.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 15:38, Reply)
she went back for any uncooked food?
I would have just let you have it.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 16:10, Reply)
Alright jay. Apparently it was a large box of sausages, she ordered ridiculous amounts of meat, and very few breads. Silly bint.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 16:11, Reply)
Usually etiquette is
If it's a house you leave it to the host. If it's a pub you share it with the regulars. IMO, anyway.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 16:25, Reply)
Yeah, I'd go with that.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 16:28, Reply)
awright Gormo

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 16:29, Reply)
I saw Jeremy Beadles grave today #ybf #yolo

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:15, Reply)
did you see it first hand?

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:19, Reply)
Strangely, the inscription is all in shorthand.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:21, Reply)
i think he may have had a small hand in that

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:25, Reply)
I stole the hearts of a generation

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:34, Reply)

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:34, Reply)
You didn't get mine.
I lost it to a starship trooper.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 17:56, Reply)
Mine's in San Fransico
Near Tony Bennetts'.

I hope they weren't damaged in that earthquake but it was pretty careless of us to leave them there.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:03, Reply)
I didn't say it was your generation

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:11, Reply)
I stole the hats of a generation
I'm not allowed within 200 yards of any more British Legion parades now but if you want a peaked cap with braiding, I'm yer man.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:01, Reply)
you are brimming over with them

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:12, Reply)
I've got a hat full and no mistake. Of hats.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:14, Reply)
I'm bored.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:07, Reply)
Me too.
What shall we do?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:11, Reply)
I don't feel well.
So I'm going to snooze on the sofa and hope I'm back to fill fitness tomorrow.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:14, Reply)
I too am feeling shit.
Hence, no quiz tonight. Plus, I've got to start work early in the morning. Ugh.

I'm still bored though.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:17, Reply)
Long time no speak b3th
Work? Thought you sold shite on ebay for a living?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:27, Reply)
Yeah, now I sell drugs.

Thought about you the other weekend. You alright?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:30, Reply)
Met my old Ma a couple of days before too which was a bit strange but cathartic.

Dealer, eh? Lucrative, but not good on the CV if you want to move on. Unless you're going for Senior Dealer.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:35, Reply)
I'm almost at the end of my Dispenser's course
Unfortunately, as I work for one of those stupid 'treat everyone equally' supermarkets, this won't mean a pay rise of any kind.
Still, the people I work with are awesome, and nobody minds if I say 'cunt'.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:36, Reply)
There are lots of ways of growling "cunt" under your breath - it's a very guttural word anyway.

You'll not mind, I hope, but last time I remember you on here you were a bit nihilistic, shall we say.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:41, Reply)
People, as I have long postulated, are 'fucking shit'.
This is why it breaks my heart that I'm so good at customer service.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:44, Reply)
Define "people"
Accept that there are "people" and "people".
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:48, Reply)
People: anyone who isn't me.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:49, Reply)
I would never - could never - be anything but civil, pleasant and polite to anyone in a customer facing role
Am I a minority then?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:02, Reply)
No, not at all.
I'm completely civil, if not downright *charming* to my customers.

Even when they're clearly cunts.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:03, Reply)
I meant when I'm dealing with them as the customer.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:07, Reply)
customer service is when you really do need a knife

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:56, Reply)
No - the only occasion that I regretted not having a stabby knife was when I met Geoffrey Boycott
I'd have got an OBE for that.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:05, Reply)
I don't understand why my hangover won't go away.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:50, Reply)
When did you stopdrinking and get to sleep?

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:52, Reply)
I dunno.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:57, Reply)
because it loves you, you heartless bastard

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:55, Reply)
Alright b3thy boo.
Having a nice bank hollibob?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 18:58, Reply)
I think you need to check your hangover again.
It may be delirium.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:02, Reply)
I'm struggling. Really struggling.
I better apologise to cavo
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:08, Reply)
Sorry cavesy, how are you?

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:08, Reply)
I'm very well with pet rodents....
Oh, hang on....
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:10, Reply)
Hello TD
I might die.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:18, Reply)
You won't fucking die you oaf
I drink heavily and have somehow become a PROMINENT LOCAL BUSINESSMAN. That's what it says in the local rag anyway.

Before you go to bed - too late for that now - pint of orange juice.

Morning - fruit, another pint of orange and a bar of dark chocolate - fast sugar rush.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:25, Reply)
Alright Cranley

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:26, Reply)
Costed me £105 for a quote
Tax deductible - describe it as advertising.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:37, Reply)
This relies on me being sober enough to get orange juice from the fridge.
Instead what I seem to have done is attempt to make toast and fall asleep at the top of the stairs in nothing but my socks and sunglasses. That are broke..
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:30, Reply)
That's a snag. I just do it automatically now
Sunglasses are another matter.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:35, Reply)
Maybe I'll try next time.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:36, Reply)
Those little plastic pots of fruit in the supermarket
Usually near the entrance.

They are your friend too.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:43, Reply)
hey, Tangles

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:41, Reply)

tangles TD
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:41, Reply)

TD B3th
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:42, Reply)
Are we not all one?
And jointed? If not, why not?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:45, Reply)
like when power rangers all join up together to destroy the baddy?

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:48, Reply)
Mighty Morphing Power Rangers?
No, not like that.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:50, Reply)
Maybe the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers
In which fucked up junkies set out to solve crimes but end up outside the rehab centre, vibrating to a tune we'll never hear.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:56, Reply)
Why are you not drinking again?
It's 7pm you giant pansy.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:17, Reply)
I've just opened a bottle of Heineken, see if that helps.
Might go get a kebab.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:19, Reply)
Food, beer, joint, then fall asleep on the sofa

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:22, Reply)
No smoke. :(

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:30, Reply)
Bad planning there

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:31, Reply)
Can you drive down here and give me some of yours.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 19:35, Reply)
I would but I've had a couple of beers and my programme is on

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:02, Reply)
I feel a bit better now.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:07, Reply)
Good lad, y'all stopped vomiting now?

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:26, Reply)
A quiet night in with the telly is just what we both need.

Plenty of juice and water and bland food.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:32, Reply)
Not up to port and doner, cheese, chip trays yet? Seriously, just keep hydrated, toast and cereal.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:36, Reply)
Hopefully back on form for cricket tomorrow.

(, Sun 24 Aug 2014, 20:42, Reply)

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