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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Do you dislike something that is otherwise universally popular?
Feel free to list below. Or don't. It's not like I really give a shit what you think.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:37, 68 replies, latest was 9 years ago)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:39, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:43, Reply)
All sport is bent
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:50, Reply)
Recreational drug taking
and drinking sessions.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:45, Reply)
And the pier.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:45, Reply)
We're going to the pier for the work xmas party.
Should be 'well lol'.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:02, Reply)
I hope it doesn't burn down again.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:09, Reply)
I'm not promising anything.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:10, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:45, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:47, Reply)
Doo, doo doo doo

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:47, Reply)
don't remember the rest
just remember david brent singing it on the office
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:48, Reply)
British Bake off

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:48, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:49, Reply)
+snake lols

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:49, Reply)
Ho ho.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:03, Reply)
All sports apart from the ones that aren't really sports that you can do in a pub like darts and snooker.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:52, Reply)
Dog racing is alright as well.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:55, Reply)
There's a lot of bad treatment of the dogs, though.
Quite a few unscrupulous people out there. Once the dog is retired, it gets dumped somewhere. And since they have to have identifying tattoos in their ears, some of them get their ears chopped off first.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:04, Reply)
There are charities that look after them. My auntie has a rescued saluki. They're alright dogs but fucking hell they're boring.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:14, Reply)
I have a lurcher
which is a bit of a pikey dog. My newsfeed is almost entirely made up of photos of people's lurchers/greyhaounds/salukis/etc
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:20, Reply)
Lurcher's are alright. They're usually a bit more interesting because of the whole 'other dog' element.
My other aunt has one that came from some gypsies. She's pretty much a collie with a short running dog coat. She's great.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:48, Reply)
reality TV I dont get it
On the same theme gogglebox why the fuck do people want to watch people watching TV,

horses fucking stinking things, Asda had the right idea
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:52, Reply)
That gogglebox is just a rip off of a 10 second segment on Noel's house party.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:54, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:09, Reply)
anal sex with gay men

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 14:56, Reply)

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:10, Reply)
No he only likes anal sex with straight men

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:16, Reply)
Getting pegged by overqualified newsreaders, surely?

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:25, Reply)
she's a mental health professional, actually

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:26, Reply)
under qualified
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 15:27, Reply)
she'll get on alright with you then ahahahah

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:43, Reply)
The French

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:19, Reply)

something that is otherwise universally popular?
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:27, Reply)
I quite like Stereolab.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:32, Reply)
Not sure about them.
I sort of ping pong back and forth.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:48, Reply)
You should get more Switched On.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:49, Reply)
I did once.
At a French Disko.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:50, Reply)
Sounds Orgiastic

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:52, Reply)
It is.
Rather like a Boob Oscillator
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:55, Reply)
Experimental electronica bants - you can't beat it.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:58, Reply)
Nothing beats the The Seeming and the Meaning of electronica bants.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:00, Reply)
Shall we stop now?

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:06, Reply)
This technically means I've 'won'.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:08, Reply)
I'm Going Out Of My Way to stop this.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:11, Reply)
Or we could just move on to Broadcast?

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:12, Reply)
It's just Noise Made by People

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:15, Reply)
That's it.
Goodbye Girls.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:17, Reply)
I Found the End

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:18, Reply)
iPads and tablets in general
I don't see the need.

To turn the question on its head, I don't know why people direct so much hate towards Phil Collins or Ben Elton. I'm not a huge fan of either but I don't see their name and automatically think "cunt"
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:43, Reply)
I haven't really used a proper computer since I got my tablet.
It's a lot more comfortable than sitting around with a laptop or at a desk if you just listlessly consume content rather than create it.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:45, Reply)
I never thought I'd use one
but since I got my tablet a use it almost every day to watch films and tv shows on the way to and from work
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 16:46, Reply)
I'd probably do the same if I ever got one
but the only way that'll happen is if someone gives me one for whatever reason. I don't want one bad enough to spend my own money on it.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:00, Reply)
The feet of a certain newsreader. The dulcet tones of a Nigerian princess. Rent boys at Manchester Piccadilly bus station.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:19, Reply)
Reasons to be Cheerful. Part 3.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:24, Reply)
You hum it.

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 17:36, Reply)
I don't do the Facebook thing
I don't want to do it, primarily for professional reasons, but I'm being peer - pressured into it.

Help me, Auntie B3ta.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 18:41, Reply)
What are you afraid of?

(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 18:48, Reply)
Nothing terrible. Just things that may be difficult to explain...
I also just don't want idiots that I've known in the past bothering me to tell me shite.
(, Fri 4 Dec 2015, 18:52, Reply)

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