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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Meeting Piston_Broke after work for a beer in Wakey, and then Lusty's coming up for a visit so should be a cracking weekend!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 8:50, Reply)

Last time I went fishing was with my kiddo, we went minnow fishing and caught loads. She had her hands in the bucket holding the fish, much to my amazement. She's a bit of a tomboy in that way :)
Edit: *massages Ancrenne's router*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 8:53, Reply)

*is soothed*
Yay for ciggies. I can have one in about an hour before I go for bacon and sausage noms:)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:11, Reply)

*hugs for all*
I'm finishing at 3:30 today, then I'm off camping for the weekend. The weather looks shit, but I have booze to compensate.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:13, Reply)

a hilarious tesco value post put up on the first page *coughs*
How are we all today? It's still very quiet. And everyone I know if off somewhere this weekend so it looks like it's me, some chocolate, some cider and my internet friends :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:14, Reply)

Another roobash QOTW, I can't see there being much variation.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:14, Reply)

I saw that one and officeloled.
They're still looking at me funny.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:15, Reply)

You've been looking at the pictures haven't you!
I met Keith a while ago in Braintree when Fat of the Land came out. He was a great bloke, nothing like you'd expect really.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:20, Reply)

And Lab, Herr Dok and everone else!
Hangover has subsided slightly with coffee, and I've booked more tickets down to London for three weeks time:D
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:20, Reply)

*hugs everyone who's arrived*
Glad to see you are back with us Ancrenne :D
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:23, Reply)

Although I did partake of a lovely morning cigarette with my first cup of coffee...
How is everyone else today?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:24, Reply)

I don't think I will be making any ones further than Leam for a while :p
Ooh we have beef stew and dumplings for dinner today *mini glees* I think I am actually going to miss "working" here.
Oh man even my housemate is away this weekend. I may spend the whole time in my pyjamas. *cries*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:27, Reply)

For some reason I feel rubbish today, and I didn't drink last night.
The drains are fucked under my office again, so it smells like a festival toilet, was nearly sick when I walked through the door.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:29, Reply)

Well, you're going to the Edinburgh bash, but that's ages away :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:29, Reply)

The moral there is, drink anyway, and then you have a reason to feel like shit!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:31, Reply)

because you didn't drink *hugs*
I was drinking last night and I feel fine. Apart from slight embarrassment regarding a conversation with my housemate. ho hum.
And Lab even my birthday is before then!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:32, Reply)

After last nights ludicrous weather, it seems to actually be dry and not windy just now. I might even get to uni without it raining on me. Wahey!
Good to see you back ancrenne.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:32, Reply)

I'm just gonna blame lack of alcohol and the fact that it smells like a herd of pigs shit themselves to death on a maggot farm in here.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:33, Reply)

What's this? A hidden message in TGB's post?
"You must buy me lots of stuff for my birthday".
Interesting... it was a crude encryption technique, but I believe that was deliberate...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:34, Reply)

Miss crenne, there is nothing wrong with spending the weekend in your PJs I used to do it all the time.
Not your or TGBs PJs though, but I bet they're all of the awesome.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:36, Reply)

start hinting till after Christmas but if you want to start planning what you are going to get me you can :p
I will remind you closer the time with texts, calls and facebook messages!
I don't have proper pjs just old joggers and a big tshirt :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:36, Reply)

I think you could be right there.
EDIT And another hint that TGB wants nice PJs for her birthday.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:37, Reply)

I love how TGB seems to have forgotten the amazingness that will be the Kaol And The Belmers Gig :p
(Order may have been switched for ego reasons)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:37, Reply)

And no more eye rolling or you will be walking to the gig :p
And sure BK why not!! *cough*you're*cough*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:39, Reply)

Don't pretend you're not excited.
I've gotta design a brochure about chairs today.
Life really doesn't get more exciting than that.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:41, Reply)

I almost volunteered to help, until you mentioned the 'no pictures' thing.
I'm afraid that's a deal breaker.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:44, Reply)

I challenge you both with getting to go into uni and doing a 'house of quality' stupid table thing. I think I may well win.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:44, Reply)

Are they cool ones like H.R. Giger's Harkonnen Chairs?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:45, Reply)

to help until the no pictures thing!
And you're not fooling anyone BK *glares*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:45, Reply)

Chairman implies that I was given the position.
King implies that it's my god-given right.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:49, Reply)

I'm now sitting trying my hardest not to officelol again. They may have me commited if I do.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:50, Reply)

Thankfully my work allows me to draw a crappy comic to send 'round the company every Friday.
By 'allows', I mean that they haven't told me off yet, and i'm quite blatant about creating it.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:53, Reply)

A god.
It just happens to be the same way that the Pharaohs believed...
EDIT: Conquest? Who've I gotta conquest around here for that to happen?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:53, Reply)

Ancrenne, they have no humour.
I strangly felt all Klingon saying that?
Half of the office lights have just gone out, it's very dark in here now! I'm afeared now.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:57, Reply)

you should light some candles in the dark bit whilst singing "I'm a firestarter"
Points are awarded for how many people avoid eyecontact with you for the rest of the day
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:59, Reply)

Booted, suited and twitching slightly, off to interview I go....
(I've not had one of these for a while so am a tad nervous/hearing the voices this morning)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:00, Reply)

Unless by "conquest", you mean "slice to ribbons".
Actually, she's pretty old, I think two minutes in the "Closet Of Doom"* in my office would finish her.
*The Closet Of Doom is a cupboard in the corner of my office that used to be a toilet. It was disconnected, but on days like today when The Smell is here, it comes through the Closet. Like Narnia, but with more human faeces.
EDIT: Best of luck, Mr. Osok.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:00, Reply)

That sounds nothing short of truly horrific, Kaol. I'm quite glad I finished breakfast before reading that.
Do you ever play games of 'who can bear going in for longest'?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:03, Reply)

Conquest doesn't mean shag. Or do you imagine that William took Harold up the arse in 1066?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:03, Reply)

I don't have any candle or I would.
You almost got me with that BTW.
I can see me not surviving today.
EDIT Good luck Osok
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:03, Reply)

I never go in there.
But we did leave someone's coat in there all day once.
Then put it back in the cloakroom before they went home.
Was a bit mean, but he's a cunt, so it's ok.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:05, Reply)

I'm getting writer's block with regards my comics, I think i've almost milked the comedy cow that is Digital Forensics pretty damn dry.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:05, Reply)

Or are they all "in-jokes" that I would go "ha eh er... what" at and then everyone else would point and laugh in their digital forensics way and make another joke that I wouldn't get and then I'd cry.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:09, Reply)

That was quite some jizz!
*decides to steer clear of French men*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:09, Reply)

As they refer to my company. They're not entirely in-jokes about forensic stuff. They mainly involve me being a badass and killing people.
They are also stick figures, because I cannot draw.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:10, Reply)

A mohawk on a stickman?
Doesn't he just end up looking like a unicorn?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:12, Reply)

My stick figure alter ego is mostly shown in profile.
Maybe I'll post some up later, if I remove the company name.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:16, Reply)

I think you should start drawing us Friday B3ta comics. Do it, do it now :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:17, Reply)

Despite still having a cough (possibly prolonged by lots of spliffs last night at band practice) I'm feeling quite chipper.
we produced some awesome prog rock style stuff last night. took a new song from folk to rock to ethnic-sounding rock and back again. it was sweet.
should be doing some recording soon too :-)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:18, Reply)

OK I won't asplode honest.
But if it gets any darker in here I may have to move outside.
Bugger it, I'm going out for a smoke.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:19, Reply)

It's Friday!
*happy dances*
I'm feeling a tad delicate today...My 'I'm never drinking again' rule lasted 5 days. Still, at least I tried.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:22, Reply)

You well this morning?
EDIT: Yay!
I went out with Bill last night and had lots of fun annnnd we saw Simon Amstell in Soho if anyone cares.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:34, Reply)

My phoneternet is being shit. I think I might have caught the interweb lurgi :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:35, Reply)

I'm all of the good today despite drinking lots last night. But it's very dark in my office.
Stealth EDIT Hi Scarpe.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:39, Reply)

I'm the same, just swap dark in the office for so hot I feel I might faint and I'm seriously considering taking all of my clothes off and pouring cold water all over me.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:41, Reply)

last summer.
It was really hot, and he was wearing a buttoned up duffle coat and sweating.
Posey twazzock.
Still makes me laugh though
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:41, Reply)

You know what happened last time...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:41, Reply)

Everyone will be distracted by a wet nekkid lusty now though :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:42, Reply)

6.5 hours til the weekend - and we get an extra hour of it this weekend!
I'm in a good mood cos it's Friday and I'm going to do as little as possible today, I decided before I left for work.
Vipros - prog rock, nice!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:43, Reply)

As it's friday I'll be having battered sausage and chips for dinner. Yummeh!
Before that though I plan to learn how to solve my 4x4 rubiks cube. Yes, I am cool.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:45, Reply)

I wish I had more or better things to be frank other than reading books I don't.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:47, Reply)

I've been keeping my eye out for the home sweet home thread and only just noticed that this is it.
I wondered why someone had posted a pic of a t-shirt.
Can one spang oneself?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:50, Reply)

I see you've already been spanged good and proper.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:54, Reply)

I'm a little hungover but ok.
I drank too much wine last night...hiccup!
How's the pants business?
Hello dok and bk. *hugs*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:55, Reply)

I am looking forward to my dumplings! nomnomnomnomnom
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:57, Reply)

But I'll have to settle for a crappy sammich, or crisps, and chocolate.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:58, Reply)

You should have a jam and hula hoop sandwich!! I know you want to and it's ok :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:01, Reply)

another boring Friday, today I will be - RUNNING FUCKING ERRANDS! GOD! Have to visit British Council to pick up a certificate for a student, then post that, and an invoice for another job. Gah!
On happier thoughts - tis almost by birthday! YAY!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:07, Reply)

Badger and Vipros, those are just wrong, plane and simple they are wrong!
If I wa at home I'd have a Bacon, fried egg, marmite, and mayo sandwich. It's the daddy of sandwiches.
The king of sandwiches is bacon, egg, sausage, prawn mayo, and ketchup.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:07, Reply)

They were fantastic. Mind you she used to put stewed apple in a lot of our food.
Must be a German thing.
Edit - flippin hell ancrenne. How great is that. It seems like it's all coming together now. Woo!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:07, Reply)

Sounds like it's taking off!
And Clootie Dumpling! Ooohhh!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:09, Reply)

those do sound good
I was just saying that if you are having crisps in a sandwich, frazzles and ketchup are the way ;-)
@TGB: it is, try it. needs butter as well. and adding marmite is good too
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:09, Reply)

to be fair, adding Frazzles to any sandwich could only improve it infinitely.
Apart from adding them to the pot noodle & wotsit sandwich that I mentioned previously. That would be overkill.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:12, Reply)

Liquid lunch today, I'd have a chicken and bacon baguette for lunch.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:13, Reply)

A fresh white baguette, herb Philidelphia and Walkers Max paprika. Nom and, indeed, nom.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:15, Reply)

that sounds good
tomato and three bean soup for lunch today (I am a soup addict)
@TGB: you don't like butter or marmite? I'm afraid it's over between us.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:16, Reply)

I keep meaning to make Clootie Dumpling, but I forget and fail.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:18, Reply)

Now to plan my lunch...
Bacon, brie and cranberry baguette I think!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:20, Reply)

But that's another story.
I'm having a cheese sandwich and a cuppasoup.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:21, Reply)

Oh it is, in a freshly baked baguette too! I can feel my waist line expanding when I eat it, but by Jove it's tasty!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:23, Reply)

That was a truly awful mental image.
*saws head open*
*pours bleach in*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:24, Reply)

Good morning everybody, here you go!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:26, Reply)

how are you diddling?
My dumpling only smells funny because it is full of spina bifidus activarum, it's good for you.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:28, Reply)

I think I will wait 30 mins until I get beef stew and dumplings.
I am insanely hungry though, which is probably good,
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:30, Reply)

being poor, I'm having a crispy fresh baguette, with cheese spread and salt and vinegar pringles. yum
but first - damn errands.
i'll be back
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:32, Reply)

because Carol Vorderman says so, and she can count.
Here, TGB, eat my fresh dumplings.
*offers clendrix a napkin, to wipe away the brown sauce around her dumpling*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:33, Reply)

Personal? Have I wronged you in some way as well?
Generic apology #247: I, and my parents, would like to apologise for any offence Bert Monkeysex may have caused. We have tried to stop him the past, but unfortunately, he's a gimp.
EDIT cheerio ancrenne! Good luck with whatever it is you're all talking about!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:36, Reply)

And you haven't wronged me Bert, just I would never put anything you offered me anywhere near my face. Or my body in general really :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:39, Reply)

I'm so bored. My cases are dull but lengthy (not unlike my, oh nevermind).
I had the best stew ever last weekend at my parent's, in payment for chopping up a big tree.
TGB, I didn't use my mo to chop the tree.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:42, Reply)

Well, that's just plain rude.
What if you needed a kidney, and I was the only matching donor in the whole world?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:43, Reply)

am seriously disappointed with you for that.
You will have to buy me more birthday presents to win back my affection
Hmm can I not have a robotic kidney? That would be cool
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:45, Reply)

That assumes I had it in the first place.
Or indeed want it.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:46, Reply)

:( do I really come across that bad? -or have you heard something...?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:48, Reply)

Morning all... for what it's worth. Bloody rum, I knew I shouldn't have drank 3/4 of the fucking bottle. DAMN YOU CAPTAIN MORGAN!!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:49, Reply)

I think you need the help of an Evil Mad Scientist.
*looks around*
*whistles to self*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:49, Reply)

you got one from me, darling, what else do you need?
edit@ Dok - I'm grand thanks, it's the weekend, and I'm causing trouble wherever I go *grins*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:59, Reply)

Phew, had me worried for a minute there.
@HLT Hiya Tulips!
Brought any cakes with you?
EDIT @piston broke I just checked out your profile, you look like a less-ginger Murray from the Flight of the Conchords.

( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:59, Reply)

Ah, what the hell!
*manhugs Piston*
Sorry to hear you're hanging!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:59, Reply)

course I brought cakes, silly, it's me!
*hands round cakes*
NB they do not contain cream.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:02, Reply)

I am always running behind the convo *hugs*
And *huggles* for HLT
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:05, Reply)

But doesn't hanging also mean to be completely repulsive?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:05, Reply)

no, what sort of tulip do you think I am!
you horrid boy!
huggles for beekers and miss badger too.
*retracts hug from bert*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:06, Reply)

I'm about to eat a packet of Steak and Ale Pie flavoured McCoys.
Will report back as to the taste.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:07, Reply)

Me: I have a small bit of tooth pain, I think my wisdom tooth is coming through more.
Em: Ooh I hate that, and you get those little flaps of skin
Me: Yeah gum flaps!
Em: That sounds rude!
*enter Chris*
Chris: What you two cackleing about?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:15, Reply)

MmmmMMMmmm... I'm all lovely and warm, I don't need tulip.
@piston broke please scroll up, I'd like a response to my suggestion that you resemble Murray from FOTC
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:15, Reply)

No idea what you mean fella, but some people think I look like Chris Barry, the poor misguided fools.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:18, Reply)

I just squirted tea out of my nose.
Now my nose hurts, and I have a sticky keyboard.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:19, Reply)

Hmmm... nope, definitely more like Murray. The guy who plays him was on Buzzcocks last night, he's quite a funny man.
Incidentally, I saw Chris Barry in one of those 'Awesome Machines' type TV programmes, he learned me an awful lot about Helicopters, for instance, they actually do have jet engines, but not quite like Airwolf.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:20, Reply)

I was robbed I tells ya, those crisps tasted nothing like a steak and ale pie!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:21, Reply)

And what have you learnt?
that's right. eat a proper pie next time.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:24, Reply)

I remember watching it last night but none of the actual contents of the show. Then again, I was fissed as a part, to be fair.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:24, Reply)

It gets worse, one of my workmates has reheated a steak and kidney pie in the microwave we have and I'm being subjected to the mouthwatering smell.
I may have to kill them and steal the pie!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:27, Reply)

bollocks to the pie, let's kill* vipros and steal his metallica tickets!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:31, Reply)

That's him distracted HLT quick get the tickets!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:42, Reply)

Surely that's just showing off? :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:51, Reply)

Word has got out.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:55, Reply)

And shockingly my post on the new QOTW is already my best! I didn't realise my other answers were that shit haha
I was trying out the cardboard top tip Mrs L had in the newsletter and the director walked in. He now thinks I am completely mad :D
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:01, Reply)

All this talk of crisp sandwiches has given me the hungah! I think a trip to Waitrose is in order.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:02, Reply)

Are we all well?
My day of uni finished about 2 and half hours early, which was nice.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:02, Reply)

Am back from interview, should hear this arfternoon.
Hopes not high, as I don't think I did a very good job of it, with raging sore throat and imminent voice-loss. Or I could just be crap.
I fear the lurgy may have struck - I am going to indulge in some egg-related therapy while I wait for 'the' call. Ooh me bones hurt.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:06, Reply)

Well as soon as I got indoors, it appears to have started hailing outside. I'm glad it wasn't doing it on my face.
I've now caught up with the whole thread. I have that little to do. How's work just now TGB?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:28, Reply)

I am so bored.
I am tempted to have a sleep at my desk
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:30, Reply)

and am now noming a cheesepread/salt-n-vinegar-pringle baguette. Tis tasty.
How are we all this lunchtime?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:36, Reply)

I really do.
*heads over to /talk to wee there*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:45, Reply)

God! I enjoyed that.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:47, Reply)

Hi all,
I've just posted a new OT post with my work-related comic stuff. Please be gentle!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:55, Reply)

I've escaped from my office and am sneakilly using the wifi from my previous hotel to access the Internet (for some reason, I cannot connect to my e-mail server using the wifi from my current hotel, but it works here).
Had to dig a tunnel to get out, and am now back in b3taland!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:56, Reply)

Had a hefty session in the pub, back for a slow, slow afternoon now.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:01, Reply)

They've followed me through the tunnel, and now I must be dragged back to work!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:04, Reply)

Or use their peon brains for once and think about what they're going to write before their scratty, pudgy fingers make contact with their keyboard.
Edit: Threadkiller 8D
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:09, Reply)

I'm really bored this afternoon, finished designing my chair brochure, just waiting on the copy to put into it...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:19, Reply)

If nothing exciting is happening here I am going back to sleep
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:24, Reply)

Some folk are out to lunch, and others might be winding down after lunch.
Me, I'm basking in a post-hot-cup-of-tea glow.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:25, Reply)

Oh, you don't care? Me either.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:26, Reply)

I knew something was missing.
*starts to feel hungry*
Bert, when was the last time you washed that vest?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:26, Reply)

The sleepyness is getting me.
Coffee time.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:29, Reply)

I have three very manly white vests, but I havn't worn them since last winter, so it's been about...
*counts on fingers and toes*
...this many months.
*holds up three fingered stump and four-toed club foot*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:30, Reply)

Mind those stumps in the strings of your manly vest.
I just did the 7Days Quiz on the BBC site and scored 7/7! It's a miracle: I usually score 3.
One of my correct answers was thanks to Kaol.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:33, Reply)

I've had noms so I'm all fool of Greggs pasties.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:36, Reply)

"There's probably no God. Stop worrying and enjoy your life." one?
Also, I just read this on there:
It's absolutely awful.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:37, Reply)

5/7 possibly the best I have ever done *glees*
Got the last two wrong, but I did actually know all of the others!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:40, Reply)

that fucker deserves to die, slowly and painfully
edit: woo, I got 7 out of 7 too!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:42, Reply)

( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:42, Reply)

is another fine reason the death sentence should be brought back
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:45, Reply)

Definitely my highest score in the quiz for a long time, probably ever.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:46, Reply)

suffer the same treatment you felt it was your right to dole out to others.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:46, Reply)

That's no good at all, there'll be an ending to it for him if that happens.
Prolonged torture.
For 40 years.
With the finest medical care to keep him alive.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:47, Reply)

that way the punishment for drug taking is nothing :-)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:48, Reply)

'tis this sort of thing that makes me come over all Daily Mail-ish.
22 years? Bollocks.
Don't know how many he'll actually serve, or how many will have to spent kept securely away from the rest of the inmates, but a cheaper and more environmentally friendly option would be to harvest his body for useful organs, then throw the scraps in a skip.
Note I did not suggest that he be killed or rendered unconscious prior to the organ harvesting.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:50, Reply)

Burning the bodies of criminals would probably vastly ease the pressure on fossil fuels.
"Give a Hoot - Burn a Brute!"
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:50, Reply)

Hmm, interesting!
If someone who is able bodied, parks in a disabled parking space, does that mean they'll have to lie on the floor while someone in a wheelchair parks on top of them?
If so, I'm all for it.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:52, Reply)

stapled to a dentist, and thrown off a bridge.
Or something.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:53, Reply)

With fire.
Afternoon all :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:01, Reply)

But if you're disabled, and have a disabled parking permit, why do you not have to pay for parking?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:02, Reply)

It's you!
Kaol: because you don't have a choice as to whether you take your car or not.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:02, Reply)

I think Dr House proved to everyone's satisfaction that the only thing you can't do in a wheelchair is remove a toothpick from the colon of a dying gypsy.
I say charge the wheely fuckers.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:06, Reply)

I'm all full of sausage.
After reading that BBC story I now feel quite ill.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:07, Reply)

I suggest implanting tiny explosives all over their body and detonating them one at a time at ramdom intervals. With no access to medical care when you do it!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:08, Reply)

I like it
in fact, rather than just eye for an eye, we can go with that, or with ironic punishments.
go to work!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:18, Reply)

Back in the ol' days, punishment was both humiliating and painful. Nowadays, it's neither.
How can punishment act as a deterrent when the two main things that humans fear are pain and humiliation.
And clowns.
Ok, three things, pain, humiliation and clowns.
Edit: And now i'm off home, for a weekend spent drinking and camping. As in, in a tent, not actin' teh gay. Take care all!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:23, Reply)

Driving around in their funny little cars with their hairy legs hanging over the sides...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:30, Reply)

most likely won't make it out of prison - too many people inside will be after him.
I too got 5/7 right - despite having heard of only 2 of the stories questioned.
Also found this story slightly weird
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:35, Reply)

He'll have to be segregated with the nonces or he'll last about 22 minutes - there'll be a 'bounty' on him three seconds after he gets through the gates.
(not the chocolate/coconut based confection)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:41, Reply)

I can't stop thinking about Bountys now.
(the chocolate/coconut based confection)
And not happy with the spelling of Bountys, but fuck it.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 15:56, Reply)

I'm in a filthy bad mood for some reason now.
I've got no reason to be, I'm off in under an hour, and I've got awesome weekend plans now, and a balls-out-heavy practice with my band tonight.
What the hell?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:05, Reply)

See? I knew you'd miss me.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:08, Reply)

I got the job!
The money might be crap, I will have to work my arse off, and I'm overqualified (again), but they like me and have hinted about a more senior role in the near future.
*Crunches into floor like a sack of shit and limps off muttering*
Righty Ho, I'm off shopping for a surprise "Sorry for being a grumpy fucker for the last 3 months" meal for the Mrs. I may even attempt foreplay. No, that's going too far. I'll just warn her to brace herself.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:09, Reply)

It could also be the fact that I've processed all of the wonderful alcohol that I had at lunchtime, and it's left me desperately wanting more.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:10, Reply)

Congratulations Osok!
Good luck with the dinner o'awesomeness too :p
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:14, Reply)

So ummmm here's a terrible joke.
Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea, one called Justin and the other called Christian.
The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that inhabited the area.
Finally one day Justin said to Christian, "I'm fed up with being a prawn; I wish I was a shark and then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten." A large mysterious cod appeared and said, "Your wish is granted."
Low and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate. Time passed (as it invariably does) and Justin found life as a shark boring and lonely.
All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin didn't realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight. While swimming alone one day he saw the cod again and he thought perhaps the mysterious fish could change him back into a prawn. He approached the cod and begged to be changed back and low and behold, he found himself turned back into a prawn.
With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes Justin swam back to his friends and bought them all a cocktail. Looking around the gathering at the reef he realized he couldn't see his old pal.
"Where's Christian?" he asked.
"He's at home, still distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy & became a shark." Came the reply.
Eager to put things right again and end the mutual pain and torture, he set off to Christian's abode. As he opened the coral gate, memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted "It's me, Justin! Your old friend, come out and see me again."
Christian replied, "No way! You'll eat me, you're now a shark. You're the enemy and I'll not be tricked into being your dinner."
Justin cried back "No, I'm not. That was the old me. I've changed.........I won't eat you...I've found Cod. I'm a Prawn again Christian."
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:37, Reply)

How is today going for you?
I got extremely wet, but I now have a cup of tea and am dry. *happies*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:40, Reply)

That's the filthiest thing I've read all day. You lot are all perverts.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:42, Reply)

I bet if K2k6 was here he'd like it!
@Bert. If I'm going to get a slapped bottom I might just carry on.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:42, Reply)

Moniker's here, soaking wet, and I've gotta go in a few minutes.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:43, Reply)

and make the most of it then Kaol.
And I'm terribly sorry Bert, I shall try very hard to do better next time. Aiming for really perverted I think....
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:45, Reply)

*draws back arm*
*thwacks lusty's behind, pimp style*
How you like dat den? Keep it up, we all like a really old joke now and then.
@Moniker The only way you could have been more perverted, is if you'd said something overtly sexually like, 'My minge flaps are braw juicy the night, lads. C'mun 'ave a gander.' and then posted pics.
Please do so. Now.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:45, Reply)

That hurt.
I think I'll leave the rubbish jokes for a bit.
After this one...
What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, they just waved.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:50, Reply)

Haw, ma fanny's pure juicy the night, 'moan have a wee swatch.
And I'll get back to you about the pictures, I need to speak to my agent first.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:51, Reply)

Why was the Crab embarrassed?
Because the Sea Weed.
EDIT Top drawer, Mrs Moniker. Just checking though, you are a girl, right?
Not that I'm fussed either way really.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:52, Reply)

*prepares subpoena to demand viewing of content*
EDIT I am indeed a girl Bert, or at least I'm pretty sure I was last time I checked.
Yep, still ok. Although a second opinion is never a bad thing.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:53, Reply)

Not that... You know...
Well, alcohol was involved.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:56, Reply)

So you've got one of those self-lubricating front bottoms and everything then?
Have you ever tried to use it to store loose change? Y'know, like if you didn't have a purse handy or anything.
EDIT Ahem, Mr Kaol, have you and Mrs Moniker had 'relations'?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:56, Reply)

You should know better than that! REAL girls ALWAYS have a purse.
Thanks for the confirmation Kaol, good to know!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:59, Reply)

All I can say it that...
It was short and disappointing, just like everything else in my life.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:02, Reply)

so disappointing. When are women going to realise the practical potential of having downstairs storage space?
...and Kaol, you're a SLAG!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:02, Reply)

I've gotta go now, have good weekends my dear minions.
And Moniker... *hugs*
Visit us more often!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:07, Reply)

while you're sleeping....
*hugs back*
Have a good weekend!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:08, Reply)

and by the time I realised I was just getting into the swing of things :p
And dull day. Dull, crap week.Although I feel rather sprightly now :D
How's yours been?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:19, Reply)

Not sure if it's worth going all the way back into town again, especially if I'm just going to get soaked doing it. Hmm...
Any exciting weekend plans?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:31, Reply)

and my housemate is away for the weekend.
So I think I will just have a relaxing weekend. Should probably look for jobs :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:33, Reply)

Have you tried Gumtree? I can usually find something of interest there!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:34, Reply)

I have applied for a job I really want though, but I know I can't afford to hang all my hopes on that! Which sucks as it means I am applying for stuff I don't really want :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:41, Reply)

I have hula hoops and vodka and lemonade with a slice of lemon.
This is what Friday evenings are all about.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:41, Reply)

And have just remembered how much I love the song "Letting the Cables Sleep"
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:47, Reply)

that I find Jilly Goulden strangely attractive. Is that wrong?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:49, Reply)

But but but! She's all bubbly and happy and I happen to find that really lovely :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:53, Reply)

And don't worry No3l, these things pass. Or just drink some more.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:58, Reply)
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