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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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remember when snow meant fun?
this morning, however...

noone has gritted streets. so you slip and slide up the station at 7am only to find a huge queue to renew season tickets, because the machines aren't taking notes and the ticket counter is cleverly closed. and a polish man who doesn't understand the picture of a note with a red cross through it is holding everybody up. eventually you fork over the extortionate monthly amount, only to get down to the platform and find carnage. no district line at all, can everyone get the piccadilly line? well, we would if there were any fucking trains.

33 minutes later, one turns up. it looks like those indian trains with everyone on the roof. there is no way a mouse could get on, never mind 300 angry commuters.

so you give up and trudge 20 minutes down the a4 in the freezing slippery snow to hammersmith. only to find there are no buses, they are now not letting anyone on the tube at all, and the taxi queue is wrapped right around the station.

THREE HOURS LATER you get to work...

they've only known about this snow storm for 2 weeks. "severe adverse weather conditions"? it's about 4 inches deep. canada has 8 feet of snow and copes perfectly!

how is everyone else's snowy day??
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:38, 51 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
bright, sunny and completely devoid of snow
well it was, we've got a bit of white cloud now...

I've run out of coal and logs though and am trying hard to find some more so I can sit by my fire this evening!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:45, Reply)
On the plus side,
myself and the few colleagues that have turned up have taken the opportunity to indulge our inner children and built a snowman on the balcony-of-sorts outside the offices.

I normally walk into work, so it was quite pleasant to walk through the centre of London (Westminster, the parks, etc.) and see it so deserted. It did, however, take about twice as long and so I was knackered by the time I got in.

I'm hoping my French class isn't cancelled this evening - one of the other people on the course is Russian and I want to see what she makes of this kerfuffle. I expect she thinks it's hilarious.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:47, Reply)
I hurt my shoulder
rugby tackling a snowman.

Damn you, compacted frozen water particles.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:50, Reply)
I can't get to London,
- and besides, my work has shut down for the day "on health and safety grounds" - which would normally be fine and welcome except tomorrow is my birthday and I was supposed to be spending it in London. In an expensive hotel. Which I booked through lastminute.com. Which probably is non-refundable. Fuck.

@Vipros I obtained some tree trunks yesterday and have spent the morning sawing them. That kept me warmer than the stove will, and the stove is all of the hot.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:53, Reply)
I got to work fine
Didn't even do any skids!

The snow is melting a bit now although it's still falling, more tonight apparently.

Lots of problems with the power, keep flicking to the emergency genny and back. All overhead lines out here though.

I'd always heard that the reason for Britain grinding to a halt in this sort of weather is that we're a temperate country, so have to be set up for warm as well as cold, unlike Sweden, Russia etc where they're mostly cold, so can adapt their infrastructure to deal with it. Not sure how much I believe that reason though...
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:53, Reply)
Lovely, thankyou
Slipped and slid half an hour through mostly empty town to find the dual carriageway north screwed with a queue of non-moving cars trying to get round and on to it.

Called boss, who was having similar issues, both decided to work from home. Probably getting more done as a result.

But Worthing is just as screwed as London by the sound of it. The back roads are a whole world of fun, station's pretty screwed. I'm just very very lucky.

Got a text en route to the jam from a teacher friend: SNOW DAY!! It's a hard life being a teacher.

He's now officially the smuggest person I know.

That sounds harsh though, Swipey. Hope your return journey's a bit easier.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 11:57, Reply)
from Tufnell Park down to Euston... No buses, Northern Line has fucking died a death. Feel like Scott of the Antarctic. Throughly pissed off. Im wet, cold, and loads of fuckers have rang in today to say they cant come in cuz of the snow. Just sat here thinking why the fuck didnt I do that? Now Im stuck here til five thirty, doing the job of four people, and wondering how the fuck Im gonna get home... I need a drink.... or a blowjob.... or some drugs.... and I need them NOW!!!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:01, Reply)
I have to go to london 3 times this week
I'm not looking forward to it.
In defence of the train people though, canada doesn't have the number of trains per hour that we have in London.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:02, Reply)
I'm working from home
It's really snowy and my garden looks ace. I didn't even bother trying to defrost my car since it's buried under over 6 inches of snow.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:04, Reply)
Everything looks pretty.
It has made no difference to me because I walk to work (and there's less than an inch of snow on the ground, for goodness' sake).

This time last year I was commuting along the M4 from London and everyone in this country forgets how to drive when the weather's anything other than generic murk, so I think that's worked out well.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:05, Reply)
Everything is white
The BNP/Mother's Pride have finally succeeded.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:08, Reply)
no no don't stick up for them. they are utter losers. if they had gritted the roads, the single decker buses could have used them. if they had relaxed the parking restrictions, people could have driven to work. and so on.

and... *breathes*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:20, Reply)
the main problem I'm having is getting hold of some decent wood to use as kindling to get the fucker lit.

I've tried hatcheting some logs into suitable bits, but they just aren't doing the trick

doesn't help that newspaper these days is shit.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:20, Reply)
God bless snow
Whilst I walk to work, I'm thankful for the snow because my court visit that's supposed to be tomorrow in London has been postponed! I'm crazy-busy this week, so not wasting tomorrow traveling to and from London is welcome.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:25, Reply)
I'm having a lovely day!
I put on my lovely warm walking boots, crunched my way to Vauxhall, waiting for half an hour to find there are no trains, so walked back via the scenic route (well, that lesser-used back streets) which was lovely and almost knee-deep in snow. Made a couple of snowmen (well, ancient snow fertility goddesses - they have massive thighs and teeny heads) and did a snow angel!

I love snow! Hopefully I won't be able to go to work tomorrow either...
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:35, Reply)
I use shredded bills and twigs I've picked up from the street to get mine started. Admittedly, this involves owning a paper shredder and walking tree-lined streets with an arm full of twigs, but I have no shame. I'm also saving sawdust from my log sawing to give it a bit of oomph.

I don't care how fecking sad this conversation is to everyone else; I'm warm.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:41, Reply)
we're going to get a shredder
not many twigs around where I live though unfortunately, so I'd have to make a special trip to go and raid the countryside!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:47, Reply)
Barbecue lighter gel ftw. Squirt some underneath the grate and light it. Job done.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:49, Reply)
My snowy day is amazing
Spent all of yesterday working out how I was going to blag a day off today, and lo and behold here I am stranded in North London in a transport blackspot, snowed in, with no buses, no overground, and miles and miles from the nearest tube station.

I am of course distraught.

Might have my second beer now.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:49, Reply)
Well I've been stranded in my house all day
We got a foot of snow down here, gritting is no help at all in this depth and of course we don't have any snow ploughs what with not having this kind of snow for twenty years. I live in a hilly area so all the roads are compacted snow sheets that are impossible to drive up. There have been a couple of blokes with shovels trying to dig their way out of our 35 degree incline cul-de-sac all day so far.

So yeah, it's pretty bad down here. I stayed at home.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:50, Reply)
^ kroney^
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:54, Reply)
Tonight will be worse
No buses so 20 minute walk to Old St station this morning - early enough for the snow to still be white so not sooooo bad.

Then my 20-25 minute tube ride to North Finchley took well over an hour and we were kicked off at Finchley Central, so another half-hour walk to my orofice.

I fear I'm now stuck in this Mecca of tedium for ever, as I'm betting by late afternoon there'll be no tubes or buses whatsoever so I've a 2+ hour walk home.

If this is so I'll do what I always do on these terrorist/strike/weather days and keep stopping at pubs every mile or so.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 12:55, Reply)
it's really belting it down
here in the city!

*fears for tube home*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:01, Reply)
^ that's where I live
if you're going to be properly stranded I can put you up if you want, and I'll stay at a friend's down the road.

Unfortunately my flat is not at its best right now but it's warm and habitable - just.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:12, Reply)
bless you
that's very sweet, although i'm not so frightening that you'd need to vacate, i hope! but no worries, i will be able to get a cab if nothing else, i am just foreseeing a whole week of cab journeys in and out at £30 a pop because of the traffic, and then the firm refusing to pay for them!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:18, Reply)
'not so frightening that you'd need to vacate'
Your tales of your ex call this into question, I'd say....did a fair bit of 'vacating', did he not?
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:20, Reply)
I think this snow is pathetic
When are we going to get the proper stuff?
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:24, Reply)
I'm waiting
for teh boss to call it quits and send us all home. We're not as disrupted as the domestic trains but aren't offering refunds, only exchanges and advising people not to travel unless necessary. Snow is boring and frustrating at work, unless you can play in it! The boys who smoke have all been out for a snowball fight with the fag break too. Will put up photos when I get back!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:31, Reply)
We're snowed in
No trains from the wintry wastes of Kent up to London and I've cancelled my class this afternoon.

I think I might start drinking hot toddies or hot chocolate with Baileys.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:32, Reply)
hot chocolate with Baileys
What a superb idea

*rushes home*

*gets there about 9 0'-fucking-clock*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:37, Reply)
My snow day has been ace.
So far I've made two snow-cocks.

The smaller one is here
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:40, Reply)
Someone's been having fun, anyway
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:42, Reply)
Civil Disorder.
There is going to be rioting soon - an old lady outside of the newsagents just told me to stop 'fucking dawdling' as I kicked excess snow from my boots.

I am now off to baricade the windows and load both barrels just in case it kicks off.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:43, Reply)
It needs more balls.

It's snowing here but not too bad. Bugger!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:43, Reply)
I blame people with long girly hair
who pretend to be scottish.

They're so judgemental.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:49, Reply)
It's just the angle of the picture, it does have balls I promise.

*runs off to take another picture*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:50, Reply)
I was going to call in a snow day
but the trains are only stopping from Finchley central, not my stop so I crunched my way through the snow drifts and got the tube to Tufnell park. The snow there was fucking rubbish though, mostly gritted pavements and the rest of it really icy. Nothing like the virgin snow of East Finchley at 8:30am...I may have accidentally made a snow angel on my way to work :)

We're now watching people with sledges and skis - I shit you not, a guy wandering around with a set of skis and snow poles - and waiting to be sent home.

Half day tomorrow :)
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 13:55, Reply)
Are you really Scottish?
I thought you were a faker, like Al...
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:03, Reply)
I would like to apologise to everyone
for being responsible for all the london buses being cancelled. The lack of trains is also my fault.

As an attempt at reconciliation, my mrs has built a snowman in the back garden and I have cancelled the congestion charge for today only.

Of course these gestures are only aimed at those people who are happy to make it clear which ethnic group they belong to from the start rather than disguising themselves as another before revealing they secretly hate all the people they are acting just like. you know who you are djtrailprice
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:04, Reply)
I think it's
ich bin deutsche isn't it?

And how do you understand the train station?
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:29, Reply)
Nobody can understand train stations.

Thats why they are always depressed.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:39, Reply)
Knowing it's going to snow again
heavily, around 3, I took the afternoon off. I did have one wobbly wander on the drive home but steered into it and kept the engine running and managed to avoid the kerb. It certainly gets the adrenaline pumping, though.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:40, Reply)
*laughs at London grinding to a halt*
I got here no problems. There's heaps and heaps of snow but the roads are neatly ploughed and gritted. I have my wellies and a spade in the back of my car should I choose to bludgeon something to death in the car park without getting blood on my feet.

I might just cancel tonight's drama classes and choir rehearsal though, close the theatre, and go out drinking instead.

(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:44, Reply)
finally started snowing here
haven't seen it snow this hard in Devon for years and years
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:49, Reply)
I got into work
Then got sent home.

Was off sick with the lurgy all last week and still not over it properly


(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 14:52, Reply)
Bit of snow fluffeh

My friends cat deciding that a walk is wise.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 16:15, Reply)
Looks just like my cat
Except she's too smart to go out in cold wet stuff.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 17:04, Reply)
Walked around central London with a 'fuck you work, i'm not coming in' attitude. Took loads of pics. Went to Nandos for lunch and then went for a coffee at Monmouth Covent garden - best coffee in London. Took a leisurely stroll to the station and got a the tube home. I only waited 1 minute for this tube and got a seat all the way home. Then got home to read an email from an MD of a company I want to work for asking me to submit my CV. If that goes ahead I'll off to Germany - wahooo!!! What a magnificent DAY!!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 17:34, Reply)
I happened to be up in Scotland this week visiting the relatives, so brought up the ski gear and spend today up at Glenshee!

It was a bit fun getting back down, and I have a bruised bum, but all very good fun!
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 21:10, Reply)
last week
we had a blizzard in NYC. my commute was 3 hrs as well. had the joy of waiting for a bus (stylish, I know) for 45 mins with another MTA transit victim. many cars driving in the gutters, hitting puddles and spraying me and this other woman with filthy snow.

good times.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 0:05, Reply)
34 degrees C
and nicely air conditioned thanks.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 3:36, Reply)

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