My dad's family are posh - there's at least one knight and an ex-lord mayor of london. My mum's family come from Staines.
How posh are you? Who's the poshest person you've met? Be proud and tell us your poshest moments.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 10:12)
This question is now closed.

Dude, you're great great great..... was Michael Faraday?
Best claim ever, Faraday's the greatest experimentalist who ever lived. FACT.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:32, Reply)

I come from Hertfordshire and all through childhood andteenage years I owned horses. I was a committed member of the Pony Club for many years and once knew a whole family of poshies who owned St Albans (or something). Many of my friends had pools and tennis courts and we all went on jolly hunting expeditions. But as a result of my expensive lifestyle we didn't have a lot of money and lived in a small house on an estate across the road from the druggy council flats.
Also I once nearly walked into the Queen in her own back garden, we were both watching her husband drive his team of horses at Windsor and I didn't look where I was going. I didn't realise who it was at first as she was wearing a plastic mac, cheap wellies and had a crappy camera round her neck! also she's only about4'5''!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:27, Reply)

Forgot to mention my earliest brush with poshness. I was born in Hampstead (no, I'm not posh, my Grandad was a social climber. His descendants are all social tobogganers though, I'm proud to say.) A very posh maternity hospital, and all my mum's scruffy hippie mates turn up to admire me. One of them's pregnant too, decides she wouldn't mind a stay there herself and asks the very posh receptionist how she could get in. Very posh receptionist looks down very posh nose and enunciates:
"I'm sorry, madam, we have a 10-month waiting list."
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:17, Reply)

not me, but my customers. I fix computers in Surrey. A lot of my customers are pretty loaded and live in nice shiny houses, polished BMWs etc in the drive. But they're not the posh ones. Oh no, the posh ones live in ramshackle piles with battered range rovers on the drive, packs of labradors roaming the house and generally own most of the village. Despite that they always have the most ancient steam-driven Pentium II machines with 32MB of memory which they're trying to run Windows XP on... Ah well, they never complain about the bill and they always need lots of work doing.
At least one Lord in there as well.
P.S. A pedant writes: "Posh" doesn't come from "Port Out Starboard Home", that's a common fallacy. No-one knows where it comes from really. Do a google to find out more...
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:11, Reply)

I play rugby (is that posh in itself? Never can tell these days...) with the son of a knight. He likes tweed, but despite that, he's a totally cool and down to earth bloke.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:09, Reply)

I went to a very posh school in Coventry, there was a girl in my class whos dad was an oil sheikh (spelling?) She got a brand spanking new merc for her seventeenth birthday. Nice tits as well.
boo to the mods
btw legless are you just modifying stories from your blog to post on here. Feel free if you are they are lovely tales.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:00, Reply)

to my 6th (or 5th I can't remember) birthday party. I had visions of soldiers lining my garden while she showers me with great gifts, to the envy of all my friends.
I got a personal reply! Still have the letter somewhere.
She couldn't make it though, said she was too busy...
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:48, Reply)

A very good mate of mine is a genuine Dutch Duke - sadly only in name as he is a bus driver, drives a Harley Davidson with a airbrushed on Penis on the front mudguard, and a vagina on the back.
He also once asked me to order him a KKK cloak from the internet (I declined)
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:47, Reply)

Both my sons go to school in Cambridge, and we're not posh. Mind you, one of them is called Arthur and his best friend is called Albert. Not bad for four year olds.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:45, Reply)

My great, great, great, great, great uncle was Michael Faraday. Maybe not strictly posh, but if it weren't for him you wouldn't have TV, radio etc. until some other posh tosser came along and discovered electro-magnetism. Oh, nor doorbells.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:44, Reply)

I've been to Oxford, I'm going to Cambridge, but I still go up stairs on all fours like a dog.
and I pronounce it "baff".
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:37, Reply)

The girlfriend of a mate of mine has an ultra-posh name.
Her name is:
The Honourable Cordelia Plunkett.
I shit you not! And she's a star. Runs her own music company and is one of the nicest people I know.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:36, Reply)

My cousins are called the Grimwood-Joneses, but they still come from a 2 bed terraced in Crawley.
A lot of double barrelled names emerged during the war when there were too many soldiers with common names like Smith or Jones. They added their mother's maiden name to distinguish them from each other.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:36, Reply)

As one of the few ned (chav) member of my Boys Brigade company, I was selected on a couple of occasions to be part of a guard of honour which paraded outside the church they used to have the assembly in (St. Giles, Edinburgh Royal Mile) cos we were a christian organisation (I went to play football, honest).
Now, one year, Princess Anne is to inspect the 'troops' and I was on the front row. So along she comes, speaks to all the boys on my left, looks at me, turns up her nose and moves on and then speaks to all the boys on my right!
Snooty cow, she looks like a horse. And as for her daughter Zara, i wouldn't...have that!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:35, Reply)

My good friend has a son called Ludo Merlin Dolphie Mannion Miles
Despite this, he's a lovely little kid.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:34, Reply)

I'm from Staines, and I tend to have caviar and lobster bisque in the fridge, as well as a housekeeper, tis true, RainbowFaerie has seen it.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:31, Reply)

At Cambridge he went to a party with a Cadbury and a Sainsbury. He flies a glider. He throws posh picnics all the time.
He's from Essex.
Edit: This works out well for me though, when they get together him and my Dad like to compete for poshness by exercising their knowledge of fine food and wine. This is excellent if you're out to dinner with them and they're paying.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:29, Reply)

She wont even let me finger her unless i've rinsed them with Evian first.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:24, Reply)

as a runner - she would spend all day shopping for them at Harrods and the like. She'd hunt down horse hair headboards, posh dog food for the chi hua huas, etc. She was also from Croydon, and definitely not posh.
She never met the family in person, only dealt with their 'people'. Apart from one time...
She was dropping off a pair of silk curtains to the house, and one of the princesses was there when she shouldn't have been. She barged in in her pikey trainers and combats, panicked and pretty much threw the curtains at the princess and ran out. She must have been pretty startled.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:16, Reply)

I've just received a letter from Honor Beaumont. No idea who she is but she certainly sounds posh!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:12, Reply)

My dad gets xmas cards from Mary Robinson (President of Ireland) and generally gets an invite to Hillborough Castle whenever the Viceroy has a beano. I did Latin A-level and have beaten Salman Rushdie and Francis Wheen at a table quiz, which probably qualifies me.
Hard to beat my old editor Paul Sieveking, though - he has about a dozen middle names, all of them odd (Amadé de Giberne is all I can remember), and portraits in his flat of family members going back to the 1600s. The marble busts in his living room which I used to assume he'd picked up in junk shops are, in fact, also of family members. And you know those Napoleonic war-era Martello towers all around the British and Irish coasts? His great-great-great something grandad's idea.
And he has HG Wells' old opera hat in a padded envelope in his study.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:11, Reply)

I reckon there's a few real counts posting on here?
P.S. I didn't spell check the above sentence...
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 16:08, Reply)
This question is now closed.