"Are you prejudiced?" asks StapMyVitals. Have you been a victim of prejudice? Are you a columnist for a popular daily newspaper? Don't bang on about how you never judge people on first impressions - no-one will believe you.
( , Thu 1 Apr 2010, 12:53)
This question is now closed.

Told to me by the minister of my church. Born in the UK he is of black descent and has the skin tone and slightly worryingly is a dead ringer for President Kazi of Afghanistan. A few sunny days do bring the pigment forth.
He used to play rugby and was captain of his team in a previous parish. He had recently returned from a holiday in sunnier climes.
As they lined up for kick off a member of the opposing team was heard to mutter "Nail the fucking nigger." The prop, married to a Chinese lady was away at a speed props do not normally move at and was knocking seven bells out of the player who'd made the comment.
He's dragged off. The referee now gets involved and says "As referee your game is over and I am now going to inform your club committee that you are barred from playing in this league as is the team if there is a recurrence of this behaviour. As Inspector XXXXX I could arrest you for X, Y and Z. Disappear before I decide to." He then turned to the prop. "Striking another player off the ball. Can't let that go unpunished. Sin bin 10 minutes.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 23:06, 4 replies)

Now, for a long time I was one of those "hate everyone equally" people. Then I moved to a town that was between two of the biggest ghettos in the western United States. Naive little girl that I was, I thought that the poor disenfranchised peoples of the ghettos would have somehow turned their experiences into Lifetime-esque stories of strength in the face of adversity. Well that certainly wasn't what I encountered.
I do not respect a lot African Americans under the age of 40. Not blacks in general, mind you, I find that African non-Americans generally have a sense of modesty and style that African Americans lack. And older African Americans seem to have mellowed out a bit, dress like they have jobs, and tend not to talk as though using proper grammar is a sleight against their gangster heritage.
My experience with young African Americans always followed one of two routes:
1. African American men - at the time, I weighed 200 pounds. The stereotype about black men loving Rubenesque white chicks is no joke. I could not walk down the street without "daaaaaaamn, girl! Yous so fiiiiiine! Baby! Hey, baby! Red!" The moment that I thought summed up my experience with African American men goes like this: I'm at the market, looking at some salsa on the bottom shelf. Self-concious about my weight, I don't want to bend over for it while anyone is around. I look up the aisle, it's empty. I look down the other end. Empty. I bend over for the salsa, and immediately hear "DAAAAAMN!" Some African American guy has magically materialized behind me.
After I lost 50 pounds, the hooting and hollering quit. Weirdos.
2. African American women - MURDER EYES. They always gave me serious attitude because they thought I was trying to steal their men, even though I was just minding my own business while I was waiting for the bus.
And that is why I now love living in a town that is predominantly caucasian.
AKA The Racist White Chick
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 22:31, 10 replies)

Use to work in a bar and without fail every morning this old fart use to come in bang on opening and winge about everything.
This morning he came in and was wingeing on about the football he was watching the night previously:
"Was watching the football last night, not a single white bastard on the pitch, they where all black niggas, diving about like bloody hooligans, wasn't a game, no wingers"
I kind of thought this was strange as I didn't think there was any football on the night before, so I checked.
Turns out the old fucker had been watching a Africa Cup of Nations game.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 22:06, 11 replies)

I stress the "at work" bit as I know a number of construction workers socially and they are all nice people, so I assume this is fairly representative of people in the trade. So why is there such a radical change when they are at work? What turns them from good-hearted, unpretentious people who are good company into the most inconsiderate, selfish wankers ever to walk this earth?
For example, what other group of people will make the most Godawful noise at 7am, including weekends, and then sit around quietly drinking tea for hours on end once they've pissed eveyone off by waking them up? Who else takes an apparently perverse delight in parking a van in the exact place that will prevent people getting their cars out? Who else has the knack of getting the same noise from a cheap transistor radio as you would normally only get from a 1000 watt top-end sound system?
A couple of years ago I was plagued by construction noise from the basement of my apartment block that bred in me homicidal thoughts that made the Hostel films look like Bambi. During that time I once heard one of the other tenants pleading with the builders to turn off their drills for a few hours as she'd just come off night shift and needed some sleep before embarking on a long drive. They just laughed at her and carried on as normal.
I am certainly prejudiced, as exemplified by a recent event that is not to my credit. The builders have been back for a month, and though the noise isn't as bad as last time, it's still pretty intolerable at times. One of their vans was almost completely blocking the entrance to the apartment block. As I started to squeeze past one of the builders said something to me - and it was only after I'd got past and set off huffily down the road that what he'd said registered - he'd offered to move his van! He was that rare beast - a polite builder at work - and it was so unexpected that I ignored the kind offer he made and looked like a rude twat.
That'll do - steam let off and rant over. Apologies for length and to any B3tans who are builders for any offence caused. I'm sure you're lovely people but please don't do any work near me.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 21:57, 2 replies)

Scummy, untidy, poor, thifty, cheap, annoying, unwanted, unemployed... each could be used to describe a student and often is.
As a student, this is fine, we do little to get rid of this sterotype and often, if anything reinforce it.. which explains why many people 'look down' on students and I expect it.
However, I do not expect it when I am in an expensive hotel... Went to stay at Coome Abbey last week, as well as finding a nicely scripted card explaining the attire should be smart casual AT ALL TIMES (which we dutifully agreed to) we were still treated like scum.
Gave us the impression we shouldn't be there, weren't welcome. Went to breakfast, no plates were cleared from the table, no tea or coffee offered, no toast... Whilst virtually every other table around us were waited on hand and foot.
I work in the Holiday Inn, and I give the same service to the 12 year old football teams as I do to the general managers, should really expect the same at a (5* ?) luxury hotel?
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 21:13, 1 reply)

I am tired of hearing "I have a wolf spirit" or "Do you people still live in tipis?" or they act as if we are all knowing, yes lady I am a powerful healer,give me $200.00 and I will heal your inner spirit, they give me the money, I spit some juniper water on them and tell them they are now of the wannabe clan lol(done that 5 times for real)
Then you get the ones that say they are part indian...oh really,which part? your big toe? I know its not your brain or you would not say lame stuff like that. The ones that say their grandmother was a cherokee princess are the lamest liars in the entire world, cherokee never had royalty and even the chiefs were just spokespeople figure heads. The council made the rules.
Give me a break if you ever travel to my country, Native Americans are who we are,we are not canadians, we are not americans so don't bother trying to get us into that battle either.
Yes some of our men have long hair,our men are handsome that way,please do not grow long hair if you are white, the vast majority of you look stupid.
Please don't ask me how to say something in Navajo, Lakohta or cree, I speak Hidatsa, English, German and French, I also will not associate with illegal mexicans so dont ask me if I feel a kin towards them.
However,keep giving me hundreds and hundreds of dollers every year to pose for photos with you as it paid for my trip to Aruba and Dubai and other vacations.
wow this was a rant, sorry, went off on a rage there. Inlaws are here from the Ukraine and I am sooooo sick of stupid questions.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 21:11, 9 replies)

I am scottish but lived in Hartlepool in the north east for 17 years. I've ended up with a slightly northern twang on a nice english accent. (I say grass instead of grahhhhss etc but no trace of scot accent at all)
I get a fair amount of anti english banter which usually ends up with this conversation.
Scot: something something something you english get!!!
me: actually I'm scottish
Scot: you don't sound scottish
me: i lived near newcastle most of my life.
Scot: oh so why dont you sound like a geordie
me: because my parents are Glasweigen obviously.
Scot : errrrrr.........
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 21:09, 3 replies)

my nan said to my mum, My first greatgrandchild was a bastard, I don't want the second to be a nigger.
Different generation y'know.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 21:03, 2 replies)

And mine is no exception. If I am forced to converse with someone wearing a football shirt who is not actively engaged in a game of football, I will approach the dialogue with a heavy heart. I imagine that many people wearing said shirts will actually be lively, intelligent indivduals but I only ever seem to get to talk the ones who talk purely about football, and who use the term "we" as if they were actually on the field during the last match- a subject covered better by Mitchell and Webb than I will ever do so I leave it at that.
I don't hate football- I felt the Champions League game earlier this week was fantastic and neither do I hate other sports (except golf). I love motorsports but I don't feel the urge to wear a Nomex all in one when I watch it, let alone if I wander off down the shops or the pub.
I am simply driven by the subconcious feeling that if you approach me wearing a gaudy, synthetic rag with the name of some corporate giant swathed across the front of it, that I will enjoy the conversation about as much as I would pile surgery. Irrational but that's a prejudice in action.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 20:37, 6 replies)

Jane Austen.
My conviction is such that I make a point of telling everyone about this....
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 19:36, 1 reply)

...and as a result I cannot help but be slightly prejudiced against people who claim to be really into philosophy, when what they really mean is they like to smoke a little bit of weed every so often and just talk nonsense for a bit. You know the ones... At best they've read a bit of Nietzche, and at worst they've just read Sophie's bastard World. I appreciate that their idea of philosophy is probably just fundamentally different from mine, but the problem is that it's these sorts of people who are responsible for the incredulous response I get from most people when they ask me what I study for my degree. I specialise in logic and the philosophy of mathematics, which is about as far removed from airy-fairy existentialist musings as you can get. And yet naturally I still get lumped in with these plebs.
Oh, and while I'm rambling... I'm very much ashamed to admit that my parents read the Daily Mail. Thankfully, they're generally not taken in by all of the nonsense in there, and they read it more as a force of habit than anything else. However, I've tried to persuade them on many occasions to switch to a different paper, and failed. Any suggestions on how to ban that sick filth from my house?
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 19:08, 13 replies)

Students - For although they are supposed to be the cream of the crop they are possibly the most stupid people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
For example, whilst working in a local nightclub on a student night we were running out of pint glasses. A member of the local university/college asked for a pint of my finest lager. I replied that "we had no pint glasses behind the bar, so would he like two halves instead?" To this he replied "no thanks, I'll have a pint of bitter instead". FUCKWIT!
Gangstas - Wear a fucking belt you cock! When you can't walk properly because your trousers are falling down you officially look like a spastic. (Sorry spastics)
Chavs - What the fuck do you look like in your burberry and your baseball caps. How the fuck you even managed to crawl out of the gene pool, never mind avoid natural selection I will never know.
Hoodies - I used to live in Newquay and I wore a hoody constantly in the winter months and sometimes in the summer (believe me, it can still be cold down there in July!) I moved to Nottingham and fuck me, I actually felt embarrassed to wear a hoody. - WANKERS
Peepl who type like dis - Dey need 2b smacked in da head wit a DICTIONARY. Twts!
Anybody who says "Innit" - What the fuck did they teach you at school? It certainly wasn't English Language 'o' Level.
Well, there you go. My short but not exaustive list of people who wind me up/piss me off/I want to kill.
Oh, and by the way. I'm perfect in every way!
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:54, 2 replies)

I'm no genius in the world of grammar,but am i the only one who gets pissed off at the constant use of the wrong version of "there" being used on forums, blogs etc.
There are three different versions for a reason.
I just wish the lazy fuckwits would learn how to use them. cunts.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:42, 24 replies)

My parents were living in the East End of London when I was born, and had the Bow Bells still been ringing I would have been a Cockney.
When I was 13 months old they emigrated to Yorkshire, taking me with them. As my mother is a Lincolnshire lass and my dad a Southerner, I grew up with a soft Yorkshire accent so when I am up North I am asked if I am a southerner and when down south I am asked if I am a northerner. I usually explain the above except when I am not asked politely and then I just tell them that I am a Cockney and that confuses them no end.
These days I live in Norfolk.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:28, 2 replies)

Now as I've previously said on here, one of my best mates is Dan, his father, Noah is a Muslim who originally came over here from Pakistan when he was 11 back in the late 50's.
My Sister was sent to one of the best schools in the area, whereas I and my brother got sent to a dump of a comprehensive. She had opportunities thrown at her the likes of which both myself and my brother would have given up vital organs to get. Her grades were and are by far the best of the three of us.
So imagine my surprise when visiting last Christmas to hear her giving a speech to myself and my mum that would have brought a tear to Nick Griffins wonky eye.
It began with the usual "immigrants be stealin' our jobs and homes" shpeel and carried on like this for a good ten minutes. Then she turned to me and said "And that goes for your friend Noah too, fucking paki!"
At this point I'm brimming over with fury, but as I'm about to bite a curious and delicious thought pops into my head.
So I swallow my rage and ask:
"What about the kids and grandkids of immigrants?"
"They can all fuck off as well."
"So when are you planning on moving to Denmark or Northern Ireland then?"
Strangely the subject got dropped pretty quickly and I left not long after...
Great Grandmother on my Grandads side was from N.I., Gran is a Dane
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:18, 1 reply)

it truly is a testament to how annoying they are when you consider that i AM one
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:10, Reply)

that anyone, given any sort of authority, is much more likely to abuse it and be a twat with it than they are to act responsibly with a concern for the needs of those under them. The amount of authority and the twattishness is, in my experience, inversely proportional (so someone with a negligible amount of power over you is much more likely to remind you every hour that they're the boss).
This means I have an inherent distrust of shop and bar supervisors, and they have to be absurdly super-nice to impress me, and even then I'll assume they're faking it.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 17:30, Reply)

I am a gay man and I hate screaming queens and would like to have them put down, it's because of over the top mincers that everyone presumes we are all cut from the same cloth and shout coo-eee and prance about.
The word 'gay' is used all the time to describe something that is shit or weird or wrong.
'That's so gay' describing a shit film or something, you get my drift.
This gets my goat, especially when if I am around, it will normally be followed up by "just like you Dave!" That's not funny, nor witty or clever.
People presume also, that I want to sleep with any man and regularly give head to strangers. I don't.
My family think that I know every gay man in the world, like we are all part of a sect. Have you met Grahma Norton? Will Young? Did you know about Ricky Martin?
Yes, I was sucking him off last night while Will and Graham spanked me
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:10, 26 replies)

I was sitting minding my own business near the back of the bus when two kids started talking.
"Fucking Pakis, I hate them."
"Yeah, smelly cunts the lot of them. Dad said they don't wipe their arse properly."
"Yeah, and thay have loads of kids to outbreed everyone else."
This went on for a while with more extreme BNP style insults and rubbish being added. I turned round to ask them to shut up and was dumbstruck.
It was the two Chinese kids from the local takeaway.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:24, 4 replies)

As per my previous post - I've had that conversation with a friend of mine and he agrees with me. However, sometimes people comment that it's racist.
My response to that is that I don't discriminate, I hate everyone*
*Until I get to know them that is. Well, usually anyway....
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:18, Reply)

It's pretty bad that in some towns, like Rotherham, I will often look at certain cars and act accordingly.
For example, if I see a Toyota Carina, Corolla, etc then I will straight away give that car a wide berth as people of a certain ethnicity drive really vadly and, more often than not, I'm rewarded with a display of such driving or behaviour.
If it's a woman of that particular ethnicity, then I will give her a LOT of room - I've seen their driving. Apalling doesn't begin to describe it....
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:15, 2 replies)

A guy I knew from Bradford went to university in Swansea. He's asian (I think Pakistani but not sure), and was a little wary of the public there, having heard tales of racist attacks and the small-mindedness of the local Welsh. I met him during my second year there. I have no idea when or why the conversation turned towards racism, but it did somehow. I asked him how he'd found it in Swansea. He told me the story of his first Freshers' Week, when he went out to Jumpin' Jaks.
He'd gone up to the bar, got a couple of drinks and his change back. He thanked the barmaid with "Cheers pet, that's lovely" in his broad Yorkshire accent, when one of the dregs of society next to him turned round and hissed in his face "...WHAT did you say?"
Petrified and fearing a massive kicking, he stammered "Er.. er... that's lovely?"
The Welshman shook his head righteously. "No, no, no. Round yere, we say... 'luvleee' ".
"Yeah..sor - wait, what?!" asked my now incredibly confused friend.
"Luvleee! Try it with me!"
"Er... luvleee?"
"Tha's it! Luvleee! See, you're Welsh now mun!"
"Oh, er, right, thanks!"
"No problem butt, enjoy yer night now, y'hear?"
...and his prejudice of Swansea evaporated.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:11, 2 replies)

and the Celts, too, especially the gaels with their weird sing-song talking thing. And don't get me started on the Jutes and Saxons, bunch of germanic speaking, sword swinging toss pots. And those whitey-white, Angles and their stupid gaudy jewelery. Yeah, you can smelt iron, I AM SO impressed.
Not to mention the fucking norse/dane/viking wankers with the rape and pillage. Get a real job and do something useful. Everyone thinks that you are all cunts anyway.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:38, 1 reply)

particularly against middle class people...
I once approached a chap playing music in a bar in Kinsale, Eire. and asked him to play me an irish tune.. he said 'I don't know that one son, I'm from Bolton'....
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:34, Reply)

...that 'Whenever you see these accordian players on the streets, they're always foreign aren't they?'
She went on to expand on her theory that good old fashioned British street entertainers have been driven out of the business by Romanian street entertainers backed by sinister mafia-esque gangs.
She does read the Daily Express (someone has to), so this is probably picked up from there. My protestations that there was never a Golden Age of British Accordian players on every corner had no effect.
She also once told me to be careful around a gay friend of mine, as I might 'go that way too' if I spent too much time with him. Apparently its contagious...
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:26, 3 replies)

I'm Jewish. Only a quarter Jewish by genetics, but proud and practicing all the same. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), I'm also more than a bit Celtic, which means I'm pale, ginger and have a general outward appearance which has led me to the nickname "La Roux", after the popular synthpop warbler.
Where I live is a healthy mix of south Asians, eastern Europeans and thanks to the local university's foreign student progamme, scores of student-age Chinese, so looking like I do, I seem to be prime target material for every BNP campaigner, NF wannabe and would-be mini Hitler in a ten mile radius. I've had more twats sidle up to me in pubs and start talking to me about the "bloody foreigners" than I care to remember, and actually had some BNP leaflet monkey go into a meltdown about how this was "my country" when I told him to hop it (if you're so into that bollocks mate, I'm your black-haired self's racial superior, so do what I tell you and fuck off).
Anyway, as a result of this, I've heard every behind-the-hand "those Jews" comment going. My personal favourite was a friend of my housemate who, upon seeing my Menorah and that I was with a friend who was also Jewish, told my housemate that he ought to watch us because "we stick together". In front of me. And gave me the evil eye as he walked past me to leave.
The best bit was finding out later that he was angry because I didn't look like a Jew and hadn't told him before he started speaking to me. Maybe we should all wear gold stars?
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:18, 4 replies)

There's a reason you failed the police entrance exams.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:16, Reply)

Yup, taxi drivers. All of them.
I know their job is to drive a car. I worked that out. However, the bit I don't get why they have to behave like total, complete, and utter twuntflaps while they go about it.
I fix computers. When I have a desk visit, I stroll on over, engage the person there in polite coversation, fix their problem, then note down the solution for next time. Job done, next case please. I *don't* cockslap them into next week, then curl one out on their desk as a warning to the others.
But a taxi driver will, apparently, watch me pull round to reverse onto my drive, watch my hazard lights and reversing lights go on, then wheelspin past the back of my car while leaning on the horn. I don't know why, other than to demonstrate that his cock could easily be confused for a pube by an inattentive (and horribly unfortunate) partner. Many other examples of asshattery by taxi drivers available on request.
So, taxi drivers. Don't behave like utter sacks of shit on the roads, and maybe, just maybe, I'll hate you less*.
(* don't bet on it being soon, though.)
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 13:12, 5 replies)
This question is now closed.