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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Nuttiest thing you ate (for money or for hunger)
I once ate a Cows eyeball for 5 pounds.
What about you?
(, Sat 4 Dec 2004, 22:06, Reply)
this past week, i went 4 entire days and nights without sleep (damn end of term). after awhile, i began seeing things (like you do). at one point, i was convinced that the wrinkles of my pants were in fact mice, who just wouldn't let go for some reason. the sad part is that i talked to them for some time, trying to convince them that mice are meant to run around freely, and not hang like bats off of people's clothing. i was expecting a response, but none came - i suppose that's for the best.

anyway, i wonder what sort of things b3tans hallucinate?
(, Sat 4 Dec 2004, 22:02, Reply)
And how about this one time...
When I found a hairball in my cornetto (!)

Unpleasant things you've found in your food.
(, Sat 4 Dec 2004, 18:39, Reply)
not a question exactly...
more a request.

any chance you can put a "cunt" link next to the "i like this!" link so we can vote on the biggest fuckwits who just post random oh so funny sarcastic comments that clutter up the otherwise great stuff on the question of the week page.

(, Fri 3 Dec 2004, 15:05, Reply)
sex disasters
sex disasters, things that shoundn't happen while on the job.
or caught by someone on the job.
dunno if this has already been asked.

(, Fri 3 Dec 2004, 9:53, Reply)
OCD Syptoms
I have to make sure everything is aligned on my desk, Mouse Mat; Keyboard; Pens etc. What do you *have* to do? Can you walk past the water cooler without spinning the bottle around so the label faces front? Do you have to put your socks on in a particular order? Or room? Are you as bonkers as me? How have these compulsions affected your life?
(, Thu 2 Dec 2004, 11:59, Reply)
oddest happenings
or oddest school stories
(, Thu 2 Dec 2004, 1:59, Reply)
Most outrageous excuse for a sickie ever heard - did they / you get caught/sacked/kicked shitless?
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 23:12, Reply)
sad sorry episodes
has anyone else blundered into an office or warehouse where a colleague is having a full blown psychotic episode? I have, twice.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 22:50, Reply)
Question of the week
Best/most interesting thing found "desk surfing".


Most petty or vindictive act against a colleague, preferably with no come back.


Stupidist thing said to a shop assistant.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 22:38, Reply)
Have you ever abused a position of power?
As a network admin, I used to find myself trawling through the new admin birds profile on the server to find out what her hobbies were from her internet bookmarks and such, then feigning interest in them when we were introduced.

Have you ever abused a position of power? Oh yes you have, you evil bastard. Tell us.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 12:28, Reply)
and paul lee,ghost stories has
also been done also only kinda.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 10:48, Reply)
strange dreams.
i had a dream that i was chased by zombie elvis.now i'm scared of a LOT of things.mind you I was only 6 at the time.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 10:46, Reply)
things that have mysteriously happened
to you while blacked out/spazzed out/passed out/in a coma.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 10:44, Reply)
madam ceer,we have already had that one...sorta
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 10:43, Reply)
An slightly spaz idea

that is the answer.. dust bunnies... feel them crawling
(, Wed 1 Dec 2004, 2:45, Reply)
ridiculuos stories
Have you ever heard a story from someones mouth which you stood and nodded to, thinking "this is utter rubbish", then later found out the truth, in hilarious circumstances?
(, Tue 30 Nov 2004, 21:28, Reply)
Hospital stories
I imagine there would be quite a few interesting anicdotes regarding hospitals, doctors, dentists ect......
(, Mon 29 Nov 2004, 0:43, Reply)
Shit Movie Endings
come on...
(, Mon 29 Nov 2004, 0:34, Reply)
Obese kiddies
Apparently the youth of this country is getting fatter. But how much fatter? Are there times when you've had to hold in laughter/puke when catching sight of a 15 stone 12 year old?
(, Sat 27 Nov 2004, 22:40, Reply)
Whats the strangest holiday experiance you've ever had?
(, Sat 27 Nov 2004, 18:08, Reply)
write in about why you think no-one ever takes your suggestions for "question of the week"

how meny posts does it take god-dammit!!
(, Fri 26 Nov 2004, 23:03, Reply)
What's the most craziest thing you've ever done, or had someone do to you in a dream?
(, Fri 26 Nov 2004, 22:39, Reply)
Sleep Talking/Walking
What amusing experiences have you had with sleep talkers/walkers?

I once awoke at 4am to find my sister standing over me insisting I move over so she could get into my bed.

An argument insued as I, quite reasonably, refused to comply. This resulted in her storming out of my bedroom because I was being 'unreasonable'.

Naturally she remembered nothing the next day and no one believes me. Sigh.
(, Fri 26 Nov 2004, 11:46, Reply)
b3ta seems to be going througha phase of asking paranormal questions (near death, premonitions etc.); why not ask about people's experiences with ghosts and poltergeists?
(, Fri 26 Nov 2004, 11:45, Reply)
compulsive theft
whats the most useless thing you have ever stolen from your employer?

Me? - where do i start, although one thing that sticks out in my mind is 12 boxes of a4 laminating pouches, firstly i dont own a laminating machine and secondly what would i want to laminate... - i binned em bout 2 years later
(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 23:18, Reply)
Memory loss
have you ever had blank patches in your memory...WITHOUT BOOZE!, is you mind going? or were you born that way?

If you walk into a room and forget why your there, or the names of your immedate family POST NOW!

I cannot rember what I had for lunch yesterday and what I did beteen that ages of 14 and 15.
(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 16:58, Reply)
Lucky clothes
do you have a lucky pair of pants, a favorite scabby old jumper or any article of clothing you have an irrational attachment to?

mines a green sweude shirt I got from oxfam for £3, I got it when all my clothes were dirty so I whent to buy more.
(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 16:54, Reply)
what have you broke?
a few months ago I managed to scrape a number of parts of my G4's motherboard. it still works but my hard drive appeared corrupted and it randomly crashed, it only needs a bit of soldering... Whopse
What have you broken?
(, Wed 24 Nov 2004, 21:35, Reply)
What was the funniest thing that ever happened to you at school?
We all remember when a dog ran into the school. But what other things happened that made your school days the best days of your life?
(, Wed 24 Nov 2004, 20:37, Reply)

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