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This is a question Little things that turn you on

What are the odd little things that turn you on? OK, so nudity (or a pulse) does it for most people, but everyone's got their own quirks. Tell B3ta about it. It's all the for the best, you know.

(, Thu 17 Feb 2005, 15:16)
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lets see...
Women in the shower (maybe bath). Legs and feet can be a turn on (wierd yes but i cant help it!) Women in wet white T-shirts with no bra.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 12:46, Reply)
Preferably with penis
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 12:39, Reply)
I like tomboys, not butcho ones just girls that play sport and where boys clothes (e.g. laura prepon).

Girls in tracky daks.

Girls that burp like truckers.

Girls that hit me and tell me to shut-up.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 12:10, Reply)
Reader's Digest
Encapsulations of somethings that have already appeared on the board, somewhat to my surprise:

-South African accents. I don't know why either. Also Irish and Scottish accents.

-strong, solid forearms with lots of hair on them (on men)

-the nape of a man's neck where the hair ends

-actually, body hair of any sort, lots and lots of it

-especially on an adorable little round pot belly

-watching a gentleman, uh, handle his own affairs

-so that the spooge lands on my face or tits

-smelling my guy's scent on my pillow (er, not of spooge as such)

-being dominated, but NOT being blindfolded which is horrible and makes me feel even crawlier than the prospect of having an injection


-massively long eyelashes. This has been a hopeless weakness of mine ever since I was a tiny child.

God I'm conventional!
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 8:55, Reply)
Im a simple man...
...so tits, arse and fanny mostly.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 8:36, Reply)
interacial fucking
MEN: Italians, Stereotypical geeks, guys at least twice as tall/big as me, sexy eyebrows
LADIES: Italians, Pale skin, petite frames.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 8:09, Reply)
more to add.
A less nerdy entry than my last, and somewhat more bizarre.

-Headwounds. Bandaged or otherwise, it doesn't matter. This is my biggest one.
-those little round electro-thingie stickers they put on your chest to test your heart.
-when a girl has her hair pulled back, but there's little curly wisps of it by her ears.
-physical flexibility. I myself am very flexible, and when some people hear that, they are often eager to prove they are too. Cute girls contorting = awesome.
-corsets. Fucking ace. Especially the dark coloured lacy ones.
-heavy-set girls. Like, not fat, but the kind that have really round hips and thighs, and have lovely little tucks and folds when they lean forward or move certain ways. Sexy.
-young, pretty librarian types. OH YEAH.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 6:11, Reply)
You do know you can use google
if you really are that shit in bed that you need sex tips from the Internet.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 5:32, Reply)
Also a few strange ones here...
Fictional characters
Strange, 'freaky' or just plain crazy people (Only in a certain way. Not like the people who hijack buses and demand to go to their gramma's and try and kill people. The kind of vaguely homicidal male.)
And very pale men.
Boots. Tall boots and messy blonde hair.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 1:43, Reply)
Have some of my non-sexual ones (I just don't think you're ready for the real stuff)
Tantrum Treats - Whenever I see a child in the supermarket having a hissy fit because their mum won't buy them a chocolate bar, I will compulsively take said chocolate bar and buy it immediately, preferably eating it in front of the child in a nonchalant manner.

The third look - when you're walking down the street, see a girl, smile, look away, look back, make eye contact a second time, look away, and then look back, you are sometimes greeted with 'the third look' - by this time you will have almost walked past each other, so you get a fantastically awkward moment where you're both almost walking backwards. Works best when she's obviously in a hurry.

The false start - when there is a large group of people waiting for the train, stand up and start walking towards the platform as though the train has arrived. See how many people follow you. Also works well with crossing the road - see how many people will step out into oncoming traffic just because they thought you were doing the same.

The boob check - when you smile at a girl and their first reaction is to check that their boobs are in the right place.

I'll go now.
(, Sun 20 Feb 2005, 0:22, Reply)
the soft bits on hair at the nape of a girls neck, just playing with that/kissing it does it for me, necks in general really, perhaps its a vampric thing?
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 23:59, Reply)
Inteligent women
there has been a drought in my love life since I finished uni :(
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 23:35, Reply)
Women with a saucy smile, a glint in their eye and a big arse.

(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 22:20, Reply)
to be honest
Ireland, bungalows, the underside of mousemats, and the stench of stringy pigeon poo on the tip of one's tongue.

alternatively, that other thing. erm, girls. licking my ears. in t-shirt. in bright summer morning, about 8am, beams of sunlight striped across the (presumably) bedroom. with cookies.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 21:44, Reply)
Ohhh yeaahhh...
An ex-girlfriend of of ol' ilove... wore glasses. Nothing weird about that, you'd think. But these were odd-shaped glasses; think Dame Edna style but scaled down to fit a tiny feminine face, rather than the moleste face of a Antipodean drag act. Now she had a habit of looking at me over the top of her glasses (a bit like disapproving teachers used to do). This would doubtless get me 'going' as it always seemed to seem as though she was about to do something naughty. Preferably to my cock.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 21:43, Reply)

I've always found that girls who smell slightly of sweat are... wow.

Also, knee length t-shirts score pretty high. More so if she's wearing nothing else.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 21:40, Reply)
Pre-programmed biological imperatives?
That about covers it...
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 21:33, Reply)

I have a missing toe nail on my right foot, I've only had nine since birth. So when conversing with this girl on a course in Neath it came up in casual conversation (as you do) and from a dull convo about the course it turned into a quite intimate one. Eversince then she hasn't stopped e-mailing me about 'meeting up' again. True love or odd fetish?
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 20:54, Reply)
it might not be that weird
but attractive girls in really good suits. i actually quite like girls with very short hair as well. and girls that drive with confidence.

now that i think about it. does this mean i'm living a lie and should just fancy men?
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 20:46, Reply)
Here's a book to get someone started on wooing the elusive loonie.
Physically: long, natural hair (on the head that is, preferably shaven or trimmed nicely in all other areas), beautiful eyes, soft, smooth skin, zaftig figure, shorter stature, pale skin.

Personality: a somewhat leading/dominant personality, mischeivious (but benign) tendencies, sense of humour (imagine that - a Tennesseean using British spellingzes!), quirkiness, wit, geekiness (at least enough to compete with me in a few areas), insecurities, honesty, general oddness (anyone would have to be odd to put up with me).

I've always had something of a soft spot for bondage. Nothing extreme or violent - just a bit of rope here, a blindfold there, a pair of handcuffs and maybe some candles if the moon hits my eye like a big pizza pie. There's just something about the power playing and such that excites me. I'm also fond of girls in dark colours. Chokers (as previously mentioned) are nice. I'm a sucker for long black stockings (arm and leg) and leather boots and long skirts with high slits (never understood why, but miniskirts just don't do it for me). Massages, fiddles, kissing, smiles. Certain types of cute stuff, though being stupid just annoys me. Penguins are important. I can't stand people who don't like penguins, and I love people who love penguins.

(I feel like I just wrote an application for a dating site)
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 20:03, Reply)
Weirdoes from the internet...
Upon seeing a picture of me, a fella once informed me "You're kinda big, I like that". He also seemed to like me biting my nails on webcam.

We have been together for a year and a half.

P.S. Is it slightly odd for me to get moderately aroused over Sean Bean once spitting on me?
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 19:56, Reply)
Jeans, short skirts, french knickers, suspenders, 'the look', arses, ear nibbling, head scratching/stroking my hair(cranial orbit hair), thighs, tongues, porno heels, girlies bedrooms, and more...
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 19:55, Reply)
Big butch women fighting
Uh-- not fighting ME, just each other. Like it better when they stop fighting me, actually.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 19:40, Reply)
welsh accents
oh boyo do they do it. i met a girl from the valleys once who could say "bollocks" in the most poetic lilt. bawlercks. good god, it was amazing.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 18:53, Reply)
the horror
not mine, but some of the wonderful kinks i have experienced in guys i have dated.
- a guy who kept trying to get me to make 'cat noises', and would get much more excited when we were having filth and a cat happened to be in the room.
- the guy who sucked my chin. at first, i thought maybe he had missed my mouth for kissingness and was trying to 'cover up' by sucking my chin. that made sense to me at the time. until it carried on. and lasted for like 10 minutes. it was 'involved'. i repressed the horror. a week later in the pub i was heard to cry MY GOD he sucked my CHIN.
- like a week after i remembered the first chin horror, a different guy did the SAME thing. what is this? i feel like in some men's magazine they were all 'women's errogenous zones- the chin', no, no it isn't.
- i didnt date this guy. no. he stalked me. and he liked the idea of having sex with dead people. now he is training to be a doctor. so that's fun.
- the guy that liked having his eyeballs licked. i guess that's not SO weird?
there are more. so many more. but now i need to go curl up in the fetal position and cry. why, why are such boys drawn to me.
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 18:50, Reply)
The look....
The special look from a woman which unmistakably marks the transition from "I like you" to "I want to sleep with you"

Yum :-)
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 18:42, Reply)
Irish girls.

(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 18:36, Reply)
Women's Shoes.
But they're a bugger to find in size ten, without paying highly inflated prices to We Like RippingOffTransvestites.Com
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 18:33, Reply)

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