Finnbar says: I used to know a guy who tattooed LOVE across his left knuckles, but didn't tattoo HATE on the other knuckles because he was right-handed and realised he couldn't finish. Ever run out of skills or inspiration halfway through a job?
( , Thu 24 Jun 2010, 13:32)
This question is now closed.

Watched all Tarantino films (not got round to Basterdz yet) and enjoyed them. BUT I have tried to watch this 4 times and fallen asleep each time. Cannot seem to finish it.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:56, 4 replies)

For some reason anytime something major in my life changes (redundancy, split with partner etc) I seem to want to try and "improve" myself. This usually culminates in me signing up for an OU course and then dropping out.
Occasionally there was some thought behind the course choice but mostly it just sounded interesting. Music technology was my last random choice following on from Biological physcology and design and designing (all unfinished).
Now I am trying to approach it more sensibly and have been trying to get information about a course but they don't seem to want to share it. I sent a polite enquiry about a course with a comment about my past history and how I'm trying to plan this time.
First reply: course doesn't exist
I send further detail and links to where I found the info (on their website)
I got a reply back that in many more words suggests "sorry that course doesn't exist yet, you shouldn't know about it and really, aren't you too thick to take on another course anyway"
I'm thinking I may not bother starting this time!
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:49, Reply)

- A physics degree at age 18 - left after 1st year.
- A music technology HND - left at the tail end of 2nd year with a month (and a project) to go until the end of the course.
- A Computing Science degree - managed to fuck that one up at the tail end of 3rd year exam-time after doing really well in both group projects. Then, after getting the chance to go back for a year to re-sit the 3 modules to make up the necessary credits for the degree, I decide I won't bother with that either.
- A plethora of computer games that I couldn't be bothered to complete after sinking 20+ hours into.
- Various books that, while interesting, got ignored after picking something else up. (To date, Schindler's Ark holds the record for the number of my attempts at reading it completely.)
- Whilst re-decorating the house last year, I got as far as painting the living-room.
- My herb-patch in the garden that is about 12' long and split into 2 sections, contains a single, solitary sage plant.
- Me and the missus are technically engaged (see here ) but i've still not bought her a ring after 3 years.
- Bands. Loads and loads of bands that I just got fed up with and left due to musical boredom. One or two who were on the cusp of actually providing money to help pay the bills. "Meh, i'm bored with this and the singer is a wanker anyway."
- Writing songs and thinking about ideas for the most epic concept album ever, then buying an expensive sound card to record it at home. The sound card has been used less than 10 times and there are 3 incomplete cubase projects in bits on my hard drive.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:43, Reply)

8 years ago I moved into a house and wanted to put up a shed at the end of the garden. But the end of the garden had been used as a bit of a dumping ground by generations of lazy bastards and had a little hill of soil and bricks and stuff.
Year 1: Occasionally go up to the end of the garden and look at the little hill, wishing it wasn’t there.
Year 2: Start Work!. Spend 2 hours digging into the hill. Realise this is a big job. Stop for Lunch.
Year 3: Occasionally go up to the end of the garden and look at the little hill, wishing it wasn’t there.
Year 4: Hire a mini-digger and remove the little hill, creating an unusual raised lawn in another part of the garden. Measure up for the shed, it’s all systems go.
Year 5: Think about putting a base down.
Year 6: Think some more about putting a base down.
Year 7: Get a builder to put a base down.
Year 8: I’ve ordered the shed! 10x12 feet of manly hidey-hole, It’s coming in two weeks and I can’t tell you how excited I am. Only took 2 more years than the London Olympics project.
As an aside if you ever have the slightest excuse to hire a digger, do it. It was just about the most fun I’ve ever had, and there was a surprisingly small amount of collateral damage.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:08, 7 replies)

I can't remember which one but it ended up with the obligatory sexing and then the killing of numerous prostitutes.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:00, 4 replies)

and having to accept the bitter disappointment with a numb arm, flacid penis and tired, red eyes.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 11:50, 2 replies)

Damn you, you infernal torturer of my soul.
Tattoo: 2/3 of a sleeve finished - much more money and time and pain required, nothing done on it for 3 years, will cost a fortune as now the early coloured bits will probably need redoing as faded over time.
P/T Masters Degree: 1 year out taken so far, 1 piece failed and resubmitted, waiting on 2nd year results, may never complete.
Sorting out Finances: Ugh. Less said about that the better.
Also, dumped my girlfriend before I was 18 - and just about to start University, specifically so I could go and "Be an absolute slag" at said University.
Instead, met my girlffiend (now wife) within the first week there, and have been together for 99% of the past 10 years since. So definitely didn't finish of getting to be an absolute slag. No regrets mind.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 11:32, 5 replies)

"I've got so much coursework to do, I've fixed the sofa!"
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 11:00, 1 reply)

...look at ALL the porn on t'interweb...
Keep getting 'sidetracked'...
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:45, 4 replies)

In light of the house renovation schedule below, we had planned to finish everything in five years, sell up and move out. Why five years? Because as an ex-council tenant, you get a hefty discount. If you sell up within five years, you have to pay so much of it back.
So, I needed a five year plan. This would see us financially stable enough to afford to buy a decent place. So, with a few ideas of good websites that would make me a dotcom millionaire, my basic scheme was to spend two years developing, launching and marketing the websites. Then spend the next three years become a wealthy self-made man.
Even if they're not as successful as planned, I wuld still have something to show prospective employers that I do indeed have the skillz to be the developer they want to employ.
I then realised that I had far less programming talent than I had thought. Three years later, I know my way around SQL Server and a very small amount of asp.net. However, certainly nowhere near enough to show off with, let alone build a few spectacular websites.
A more long term plan (maybe 6 or 7 years) would be to have driven around New Zealand in a motorhome, as I would be successful enough to spare the time to go do it. As it stands, I couldn't afford the fuel nevermind the hire charge and flights over there.
Christ I'm shit.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:40, 1 reply)

One of my favourite things to do is start painting a room, and stop halfway through because I can't be arsed to do anymore.
That also applies to tidying things.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:34, 6 replies)

and bought our council house. Being a council tenant for donkey's years meant we got a £24k discount and on top of that, the mortgage was less than the rent. Anyway, we got a cash advance for renovation and so on, plus we'd come into some money from elsewhere, so we had a fair bit of cash to spend on making the place nice with the intention of selling up after 5 years.
We drew up a load of plans and ideas and went out and bought stuff. I bought a load of tools and such and resolved to do most of the DIY myself. This was a mistake.
The plan was this:
a: Landscape the back garden, buying a new shed to contain the bikes.
b: With the front shed now empty of bikes and lawnmower, convert it into a utility room.
c: The utility room would mean the kitchen would be less full of washing machine and dryer.
d: Fit nice new kitchen with a dishwasher, a range-cooker and a cooker hood
e: Tile floor and walls, replace door frames and doors.
f: Fit nice new bathroom suite, tile floor and walls, replace door frames and bathroom door
g: Lay lovely wooden floor in living room, decorate, open up the wall and replace door with double doors.
How it progressed:
a: Cleared area for back garden shed, garden stuff delivered and piled up in corner of garden, rest of garden still maybe half finished
b: Kitchen ordered, delivered in June and stacked about the house. Mrs Sandettie removes old cabinets prematurely. Cabinets put in shed.
c: Bathroom suite arrived in June 2007, mate came and fitted it for me, tiled floor.
d: Collected bathroom tiles, I think knackering my car's suspension in the process. Floor tiles laid a week later by my mate again. Rest of tiles stacked up in hallway next to big fridge freezer that we bought.
e: Collected wooden floor, damaging my suspension further. Leave floor in my parents' spare room
f: Range cooker arrives, along with new washing machine and dishwasher. Dishwasher stored in corner of kitchen, serves as temporary worktop. Corner cabinet erected and put in other corner. No worktop. Old oven and washer stuck in front shed. Both of which eventually donated to my mate for his new house. Cooker hood delivered, stored in shed.
g: In August, start boarding out the front shed. The kitchen drawer cabinet is built. No worktop is added.
h: Replace bathroom door in November. Still doesn't have a lock or finished frame. Bath panel still not fitted and the plinth not fitted to the vanity unit.
i: In April 2008, most of the plumbing to the front shed complete (by my brother).
j: November 2008, shed boarded out. Bloke next door fits small consumer unit. Washing machine and tumble dryer (which was formerly in the middle of the hallway so the front door didn't open fully) finally go into the shed. Floor and walls tiled with tiles donated by bloke next door.
k: 21st December 2008, bloke next door adds plumbing so the dishwasher can be connected.
l: April 2009, new sofa ordered. Living room is wallpapered. I begin fitting the wooden floor (after ruining my suspension even more collecting from my parents' house) This takes 2 months in all, 75% of floor is laid.
m: New worktops put in shed. Utility room 98% finished (just needs a bit of sealant). Still not done even though it's a 5 minute job.
n: June 2009, My brother fits most of the floor cabinets in kitchen and adds doors. I spend three days building and erecting wall cabinets with meticulous accuracy. However, kitchen is a sort of rhombus shape so they're a bit wonky.
o: July 2009, my brother cuts the worktops, fits them all, adding sink unit, sink and new taps. Kitchen 75% done
p: Feb 2010, I finish living room floor except for the thin strip near the wall that is half a board wide. Still no skirting boards.
q: Apr 2010, brother takes away splashback to be cut for walls. They've been standing in the hallway for almost three years so are noticably warped and curved under their own weight. Sharing a room with the tumble dryer for months on end hadn't helped. Splashbacks fitted. Can't afford kitchen tiles as we planned to tile the floor from the kitchen, through the hallway into the downstairs toilet. Plus tile the kitchen and toilet walls.
So after 3 years, I'd say maybe 80% of our plans are finished. Then there is the rest of the house where I wanted to replace all the doors, frames and skirting boards, and then decorate all the rooms and have fitted wardrobes in each. My Gantt chart that I devised in MS Project was scrapped very quickly.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:31, 2 replies)

( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:30, 4 replies)

My life long dream is to be a author / screenwriter, its a shame i can't actually be bothered to do it.
I have started hundreds of short stories and never come back to them after either finishing a chapter or completing the first draft and deciding I don't like the idea any more and scraping it.
I have had an idea for a trilogy of films for almost 10 years, the story swims around my head almost every night constantly updating itself and fine tuning every character, every motive and every scene. I've tried many times to put it into words but my fingers just can't do justice to the image in my head.
Since i have had the idea Heroes has showed up and shared some key themes with what I had planned, not that heroes was all that original but i wouldn't have a problem with someone reading my work and saying "this seems inspired by X-men" whereas if someone said "this is a bit like heroes" i might actually want to hurt someone.
i've even tried to write short stories about me not being able to finish anything i've started, though i did come back to that twice several months later (the story reflects this by random changes in seasons with the characters noticing that it took several months to walk down some stairs) I just can't find the time to finish them.
I have recently discovered i have much easier time hand writing then typing and actually completed a short peice but then disliking the premise and decided not to bother with a second draft.
has anybody got any tips for getting my arse in gear? talking to an author the other week he told me that having a publisher breathing down your neck for your next book is a good way to get on with it.
Sorry about the length this is probably the most i've written in months!
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 10:08, 7 replies)

write my will today but thought nah life's to short...
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 9:59, Reply)

I of course temp'd while trying to find a "proper" job.
I was always the office boy/administrator in various civil service offices - you know the score - but one dept I worked in I actually quite enjoyed being in, and was there for a good six months.
One of the most depressing things I heard was when our unit and a few others were down the pub, and I was saying I was thinking of applying for a job there.
I said "It will just be a stop-gap until I get a break with my writing", and one of the 50ish-year-olds stared into his pint and said "Yes - I joined here as a stop-gap to becoming a musician."
HUGE wake-up call for me - however stereotypical/common/predictable.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 9:47, Reply)

I have 7 motorcycles, only 4 of them could be started right now& only 3 ridden. I have boxes of model aeroplanes & helicopters in various states of disrepair, meaning only 1 currently works. I'm on my 4th ultralight (microlight in the UK I think)rebuild. I never finished the previous 3 before giving up and selling, for various reasons, like, I don't like the way it's built, I don't have enough money, I need to move house etc. I have an old caravan that I want to modify into a trailer but haven't started yet, mind you I've had it 4 years. Every now and then I finish something, but by then I've aquired another 5 things to finish, so it never really balances out.
Not funny, but factual.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 9:27, 2 replies)

that I will never get around to completing the list of comparisons between this QOTW and "Procrastination" from 18 months ago.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 9:23, 1 reply)

I must have watched the first 20 minutes of that 20 times.
Christ it's boring.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 9:13, 8 replies)

three quarters of an economics degree, the last quarter of which was a losing battle against piss boredom.
I sort of regret not graduating, only because it seems (probably wrongly) that people with degrees are slightly smug about it, but on the other hand if I had finished I'm fairly sure I'd be doing something dull for a bank, or similar.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 8:43, 3 replies)

Well, being somewhat of an under achiver and stuck in a dead end job, most of the big events in my life are experienced through a joypad.
A particular timesink of mine is little big planet. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's a platforming game (think super mario) where you can build your own levels and stick them online for outhers to play. I always have grand visions of great levels that will give me Internet fame and win the respect of my peers. Unfortunatly, the game has outher ideas. The level design interface is difficult and very limiting. As a result, problems
must be worked around, which requires time and a little clever use of the parts available.
Currently I have 3 levels in various stages of work, each one a fairly unique premise, with no small amount of my time and effort lovingly spent perfecting. I'd guess 24 hours of my life have been spent on them, and yet I'm unlikly to ever add the last little touches that deem my efforts worthy of posting.
Of course, this post could also be used as evidence that I never finished my "sort your fucking life out" project either:/
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 8:06, 5 replies)

I started listening to Strangeways, Here We Come, but I didn't even get to the second song.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 6:50, 1 reply)

Lovely brown spray paint on the back of a gas station sign in my hometown reads "John is a" and trails off in a haphazard streak.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 6:34, 2 replies)

int main(void){
printf("Fuck off. NOW\n");
return 0;
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 6:33, 11 replies)

seeing as it appears to be my QOTW (b3ta.com/questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post157282)...
I should just add that one day when he was drunk, I wrote a "G" on his thumb in permanent marker.
It said "GLOVE" for weeks.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 6:17, 1 reply)

In fact I've only completed a very small portion of the stuff I've done. This includes homework when I was at school, website, blogs etc.
That was made when I wanted to randomly fool around with HTML and CSS when I was bored, I said that I'll complete it within the week, a long time ago.
Sometime back, when I did laundry, I set the machine to an incomplete cycle, which meant that when I was back at night all the clothes were still in water and I had nothing to wear for the next day. I had to call in sick thanks to my habit of piling used clothes till its absolutely needed to wash them, and dumping everything in.
Also, when I was coding a program to decrypt a stream cipher, I ran out of motivation and now it displays "Fucking figure it out yourself, cunt." when given an input stream.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 5:33, 2 replies)

So I started it. Even bought one of those guide books, but still wound up wandering around the screen aimlessly getting killed by random monsters whilst trying to follow the convoluted and frankly idiotic plot. I hadn't even got to the bit where the girl dies before Final Fantasy VIII came out. So, of course on the same advice I bought that one too. I don't think I've ever even taken the disk out of it's case.
( , Fri 25 Jun 2010, 5:24, 9 replies)
This question is now closed.