Did you know that crabs wee through their eyes? That maidenhair moss is so called because Anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes? That Albanians have 17 different words for moustache? Astound us with your utterly useless and obscure knowledge.
( , Thu 17 Mar 2005, 14:48)
This question is now closed.

call the Jap's Eye the German's Mouth.
So now you know.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 16:58, Reply)

Languages in the United Kingdom
British Sign Language, Makaton, Cornish, English (British English),Cant,Cockney rhyming slang, English English, Estuary English, Polari, Scottish English, Irish, Irish Sign Language, Romany, Scots, Doric, Glaswegian, Hiberno-Scots, Ulster Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
Historic (dead Languages)
Anglo-Norman, Breton, Cumbric, Ivernic, Latin, Old English, Old Norse, Norn, Pictish, country Brythonic
So now you know!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 16:22, Reply)

In the 19th century in America, bandwagons were used for political tours and parades, leading citizens would jump on board and join the visiting politicians rally. The crowd would also jump on board to show support.
So now you know.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 15:44, Reply)

apparently 273 dogs are die each day worldwide falling out of moving vehicles (ye right), one of which i saw once, if a goat is the same as a dog, and if by falling i mean sleeping on the road.
im not an goat hater honest - 20 goats on the road sleeping (4am) - we were supposed to scare them with the horn but it turned out we didnt have one.
the priest we had in the back of the pickup with us said the farmer could always buy another one (christians are fun) seeing as the other 9 passengers on board were fairly shocked. me? pissing myself laughing for hours. never forgot what sound of breaking goat bones (i was sitting on the back right over the wheel) was like.
morale of this little story is not to treat a herd of sleeping goats like a bloody assault course in a pickup with 15 people on the back after a heavy piss-up. driver drunk a full bottle of blue lable too, greedy bastard.
apologies for length.
apologies also to goat farmer (seriously though buy a fence, or at least some fluorescent goat-dip)
edit: apologies to the veggie in the back, who never did see the funny side :)
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 15:43, Reply)

Did you know that barnacles have the largest ratio of penis:body size of any animal? They spend their adult lives glued to surfaces, so in order to reproduce they extend their extra-long penises around to visit the neighbours!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 15:27, Reply)

There was this little girl born with 'maple syrup aroma syndrome'. Basically her piss, sweat and breath had the smell of maple syrup. Not so bad! But then consider a sister affliction, fish aroma/odor syndrome.
Yes, your breath, piss and sweat all possess the 'powerful aroma' of ROTTING fish. And there's nothing you can do about it. If you've ever smelt rotting fish then you will know the horror.
Also, if you mix orange juice and milk together (in roughly equal amounts) in the same glass, then try and drink it your throat will reject it and you throw up instantly. It's the wrongest thing I've ever tasted - maybe tell your friends it's really nice or something?
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 14:44, Reply)

Ducks quacks do echo:
(worth looking at that link for the picture)
Portuguese Navy aren't the only navy to allow alcohol on board, the Royal Navy do for a start.
You can keep your eyes open when you sneeze (I do it sometime if I'm driving)
Facts (or so I believe):
Elephants are the only mammals who have four legs that all bend in the same direction.
Duck-billed platypuses are the only mammal that can sting (they have spines or something in their back legs).
The noise for the Tardis on Doctor Who was made by someone running a key down a piano's strings and slowing down the recording (listen to it).
The medical name for when you suddenly jerk when trying to get to sleep is called a myoclonic spasm.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 14:19, Reply)

Whilst the French word for Aubergine and lawyer might not be the same, the French words for avocado and lawyer are - avocat.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 14:08, Reply)

Died on exactly the same date as his father, Randolph Churchill - at twice his father's age [Winston was 90, his father was 45]
William Shakespeare also died on his own birthday! What a bitch.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:55, Reply)

that if you fly to the centre of the universe on the back of a hamster while at the same time trying to smoke a cigar in less than a day (not a mean feat I'm told), the wizards of jabber bridge will rock out at the sixteenth fret for no apparent reason.
Funny that
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:54, Reply)

English, Cornish, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Manx.
What's the other language native to Britain? It's doin me noggin in!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:53, Reply)

they are actually carnivores, however due to them evolving to be so fat and lazy cant actually hunt so have to eat bamboo for 14 hours a day to get the energy they cant get from hunting meat hahaha lazy fat endagered cunts
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:46, Reply)

the wild boar ejaculates 500ml of semen, the same amount as a vending machine sized bottle of coke, enjoy
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:44, Reply)

Are just small horses! I thought they were another species like a donkey or something, but they're just little horses!
I suspect everyone else already knows this but when I found out it blew my mind I can tell you!
Also, it's pandas not badgers that do handstands.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:42, Reply)

prawns contain arsenic just in small amounts, so if your going to poison someone with arsenic give them a big bowl of prawns first and the autopsy will put the arsenic presence down to the prawns and you´ll get off scott free!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:39, Reply)

one of the original names considered for coca cola when discussing the brand name a long time ago was Gay-Ola
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:36, Reply)

.. the word for willy/dick/pokey is "chin chin".
So if you were to be terribly English and propose a toast to Japanese businessmen, choose your words carefully.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:25, Reply)

you can solve any major problems just with potatoes
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:17, Reply)

Mules are sterile, you have to breed a donkey and a horse to get baby mules.
Children don't have knee caps until they are 3-5 years old.
Polar bears are left handed.
Bulls are colour blind, the only reason they run to the red cloth is because of the movement.
Cows have four stomachs.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:16, Reply)

1: Scientists last year demonstrated thst ducks from different parts of the UK quack with regional accents
2: The scientific name of the Western Lowland Gorrila is Gorilla gorilla gorilla. The first name (Gorilla) is its genus, the second gorilla is its species and the third gorilla is its sub-species
3:The scientific name name for fidgeting is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT
4:According to a recent study, male scientists and criminals both achieve their best results before get married.
5: According to a paper in Science Journal in 1970, seismological studies reveal that the structure of the moon is closer to that of cheese than to Earth rocks
6: Cambridge scientists in 2001 discovered that sheep can remember the faces of other sheep for two years.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:14, Reply)

that a mutation has been inbred into the population meaning that sometimes at puberty men spontaeously change into women and visa versa, i thought this was bollocks but it was told to us by my molecular genetics lecturer so it must be true
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 13:14, Reply)

word for having a fear of long words is one of the longest words in the dictionary
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:48, Reply)

was the only english pope and he died by choking on a bluebottle fly
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:46, Reply)

Your average snail shell can withstand the weight of 3 house bricks before breaking and squashing the snail inside!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:45, Reply)

Dolphins are the only other species in the world that have sex for pleasure!!!
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:39, Reply)

If you drop a spot of whisy on a scorpions back it will sting itself to death.
If you are escaping from a crocodile/alligator on land run in a zig-zag; they will try to keep you in sight the entire time and hence cannot get up to top speed as they will be changing direction too much. BE WARNED: Crocs can shift very fast on land in a straight line.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:36, Reply)

In Australia 'A Darkie' is a dirty great big turd..as in 'choking a darkie'='to do plop-plops'
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 12:31, Reply)
This question is now closed.