Did you know that crabs wee through their eyes? That maidenhair moss is so called because Anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes? That Albanians have 17 different words for moustache? Astound us with your utterly useless and obscure knowledge.
( , Thu 17 Mar 2005, 14:48)
This question is now closed.

Is an irrational and constant fear of being hit by falling man-made satellites.
Obviously, some people just need to chill the fuck out.
*Try saying that with a jelly-baby rammed up your arse!
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 23:06, Reply)

to believe that the word cunt comes from an Anglo/Saxon word for scabbard.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:50, Reply)

which cannot be fully divided by any number (except by 1 and itself), has the property to fully divide the following numbers:
111, 222 ,333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:50, Reply)

of different bridge hands possible is roughly 54 octillion: 54,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:47, Reply)

the US in turn declared war on Spain - but backdated the declaration by three days so it would look more heroic to have declared war first.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:42, Reply)

Why do dogs like going for walks? Oh, and what did ducks eat before bread?
...Anyway, did you know that if you opened up your lungs completely flat they would occupy a surface as big as a tennis court?
Probably, since I imagine some smart alec has already said as much.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:38, Reply)

A ewe lamb becomes a ewe hogg after an autumn lamb sale;
A ewe hogg becomes a gimmer after its first clipping (14-16 months old);
Gimmer becomes a ewe after it lambs.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:28, Reply)

...for a fish with no eyes, is actually, a fsh.
*nb, utter bullshit, we all no its just a doyouthinghesawus-fish
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:15, Reply)

I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and talk about maths. Apparently the chances of winning the UK lottery are 14 million to one.The chances flipping a coin and getting the same result 14 million times in a row.Are... lots. 2 to the power of 14 million I think.
As far I can work out the chances of flipping tails 24 times in a row are already lower than that of winning the lottery. I am crap at Maths though and would welcome being shot down in flames.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 22:04, Reply)

Marlene Dietrich was the first Marlene. Her parents shortened the name "Mary Magdalene".
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 21:57, Reply)

it simply did not exist before (or after the early-80's seemingly!)
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 21:27, Reply)

mrcheese989's post, lewis carol invented the word 'chortle'.
which is another way of saying he drivelled out a bunch of unintelligiblerousness shite.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 21:21, Reply)

Jesus. www.snopes.com/horrors/food/kfc.htm
Oh, and after reading diddums' post: Gary Oldman is ridiculously hot. 110% of crazy bearded fact.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 20:56, Reply)

Shakespeare got forced to move out of stratford upon avon for stealing a deer
giraffes are mute as well they only noise they make is pooping, pissing and occasionly eating. the whole dying giraffe thing of southpark is untrue altho hilarious
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 20:56, Reply)

...didn't lose his virginity at 14, he got rid of it. Thanks, Sherry.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 20:40, Reply)

Is not designed for the single function of pleasure. Though it has no other use, it is just a place to store the extra nerve endings which would have been in a penis.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 20:26, Reply)

kids wont do anything for dairy lea as i found out the hard way when i tried to join blazing squad.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 20:22, Reply)

two separate points im afraid, probiotics can pass through your acid stomach, most have high acid tolerance. So there Moog :). you are born without bacteria and its the bacteria you obtain in your gut that produce your bodies supply of vitamin k.
As for jaffa cakes, they are offically cakes as cakes go hard when they go stale whilst biscuits go soft.oooh er missus.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 19:56, Reply)

biggest crater on the moon is big enough to fit Belgium into it. However, the biggest crater (spot) on one of my friend's (read sworn enemy as he is a fucking retard) face is big enough to fit Europe in it. Fucking spotty cunt.
Incidentally, orange rhymes with lozenge.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 19:49, Reply)

It's impossible to read a page of these without thinking "that's got to be a crock of shite" about at least one. Although the one about Niagara Falls being switched off at night is good. If true.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 19:24, Reply)

*You're more likely to be killed by your own trousers than going on an aeroplane.
*May have been been from a TV programme by Jeremy Clarkson
Here's one I worked out: You are more likely to get a tails on a coin more than 14 million times in a row than win the National Lottery.
And you are more likely to get a tails on a dice 3 times in a row than I get a mention in the newsletter.
Sorry for length, etc.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:56, Reply)

They mutated the chickens so much at KFC they weren't allowed to call them chickens anymore.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:52, Reply)

contrary to popular belief (not on here) but Sloths are not green, no matter what people may tell you, they are simply covered in a form of algae.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:40, Reply)

The word Testify refers to ancient greece, when only men were allowed to testify. If you lied (or at least were found to) you had your nuts chopped off. (simplifying even more) So when you testify, you are swearing on your nuts.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:11, Reply)

The 'International Bestialists Association's motto is "In Dog We Thrust"*.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:07, Reply)

boys' brains don't start properly functioning until 10am.
Thus making any teaching before 10 completly pointless.
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 18:04, Reply)

Another word that has 2 consecutive "U's" in it is Duumvir... a type of Roman magistrate.
Woo first post
( , Tue 22 Mar 2005, 17:48, Reply)
This question is now closed.