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This is a question Worst Band Ever

If I was in charge of the B3ta fatwa department, we wouldn't be hearing too much from Simply Red in the future. Who's on your musical shit list and why?

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 12:00)
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There's a lot of aggression here.
Along with (dare I say) a bit of musical snobbery. How about this- is anyone brave enough to name a favourite artist/group? And then people can say in the replies why they don't like them?

I'll start- Frank Turner, and Gogol Bordello are two of my favourites.

Flame on.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 9:17, 34 replies)
I like Muse
Also Blur and ELO
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 9:37, closed)
I like them all.
Muse, because they blew my mind when they first came out, Blur for positive memories when I was growing up, and ELO well, because they're bloody good and Mr Blue Sky always puts me in a good mood.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:20, closed)
Listen to the Out of the Blue album
Mr Blue Sky is the fourth and last track in a quartet called Concerto For a Rainy Day.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:57, closed)
I'll have a full listen this evening. Thank God for Spotify.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 12:50, closed)
I'm a fan but i'll give it a go
I've liked Frank Turner since the Million Dead days so the only sensible criticism I can give is why won't he play his older stuff like 'Thatcher fucked the kids' inbetween his rather catchy sing along tracks? Oh and Jo Wiley likes him and she normally supports bands I hate...im so confused!
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:01, closed)
Could be the exception that proves the rule?
And from the interviews I've read, he's sick of playing the song. As he is so often fond of saying, he's the one with the microphone and guitar, not us.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:21, closed)
you wouldn't know it from being at one of his gigs these days, mind.
bunch of rabid fanboys screeching every last word as if threatened with decapitation if they get the words to 'the real damage' wrong...
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:42, closed)
You only get that in the crush at the front.
Admittedly, it's fun for a while but I get out of dodge when the mosh pits kick in. And I still don't know the words to 'The Real Damage'.

'Photosynthesis' is of course a completely different story. To me, going to a gig shouldn't be about knowing all the words. Anyone who seems to think that I'm any less of a fan because of this has quite frankly lost the plot.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 11:35, closed)

Frank Turner is bastard well ace -- though I do sometimes wonder how much of his "gosh, I'm a skinny guy in a lumberjack shirt who ought to be playing to a dozen people in a pub cellar and whoops! look at me here supporting Greed Day* at Wembley" routine is for real and how much is cynical and deliberate...

I'm another guilty ELO fan too. Even the first album when they still had Roy Wood making peculiar noises is rather good.

Other dubious pleasures: Half Man Half Biscuit. Terrorvision. Tom "Thank You God" Petty. Sparks (though the last album was a bit weak). The Fratellis.

Newest musical crushes include General Fiasco (though this wavered a bit when 'Ever So Shy' was used to finish an episode of Inbetweeners) and The Gaslight Anthem (who keep being compared to Springsteen just because they're from New Jersey -- don't see it myself...)

There, that should ensure plenty of hate male from more established b3tans.

*Typo. But let it stand.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 13:31, closed)
oh man, i love terrorvision.
seen them live twice - amazing.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 14:18, closed)
shame though its ace
I saw him several times around the end of campfire/start of sleep is for the week era of things and never saw him play it once, i assume he's mostly bored of people asking for it when he's already decided to move on. I love his style but sometimes I cant really get into the whole lets get drunk and party style lyrics anymore.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 14:41, closed)
I hadn't noticed them. The stuff I remember most is stuff like Real Damage or To Take You Home. Of course, "Sons of Liberty" is good fun but I think he's trying too hard to be Billy Bragg with that one.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 16:03, closed)
makes me moist.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:03, closed)
Gogol Bordello are superb, simply chaos on stage.

(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:23, closed)
hell yes. fucking awesome.

(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:38, closed)
I still like the Incredible PWEI
but my all-time favourite has to be Leonard Cohen.

I could happily lose all other music ever if it meant I got to keep Leonard Cohen.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:23, closed)
I love Khanate.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:40, closed)
On Spotify I've got a complete 'Guilty Pleasures' playlist.
It's got on it:
Spandau Ballet
Human League
George Michael
and of course, Meatloaf.
I love Spotify. It's like having a secret shelf full of the CDs you wouldn't want people to know you have.

I have very catholic* tastes in music, but I've given up trying to be cool.What's the point? I'm not cool! I'm never going to be cool! And bugger it - Bat out of Hell is ridiculous bombastic, and fun!
And oddly enough, my music taste has never been more respected by my friends as when I stopped giving a crap and just listened to what I like, no matter how embaressing.

*I use catholic here in the sense of 'universal'. But I like a good choirboy joke as much as the next man, so go nuts.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:44, closed)
I'm related to the saxophonist.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 11:27, closed)
I saw Meat Loaf at Wembley a few weeks ago.
He was fucking AWESOME.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 12:25, closed)
Speaking of Spotify, Stephen Foster, I have a new theme song for you:
spotify:track:48ExMWyrjq5BIh2p2IFZGv (Stephen Foster by Curtis Eller's American Circus)
To add to the one Spotify tells me you already have.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 14:21, closed)
Status Quo
You know what your getting, they don't change anything.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 10:52, closed)
In before first posting of
That Photo
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 15:53, closed)
I like The Cardigans.
Emmerdale is one of the few albums I've loved and will always love.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 11:01, closed)
They lost all direction on that when they dropped 'farm' from the title

(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 11:32, closed)
you shitty hipster.
they was MUCH better after that.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 12:15, closed)
I prefer
their earlier stuff.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 12:57, closed)
I think Tool are amazing

(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 13:13, closed)
^ This
I found a bunch of Tool albums in the bin outside my office yesterday, all copies mind you but how weird!?
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 14:29, closed)
that is weird.
I'm going through a phase at the moment where I can listen to almost nothing except 10,000 Days. It might be a problem if it wasn't so fucking good.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 15:03, closed)
Liking Gogol Bordello
Is legal, it's perfectly natural.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 15:15, closed)
Because Lemmy is god
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 16:30, closed)
it would appear...
...that you have united everybody although that wasn't what you asked for, ermm... well done.... I think?!??
(, Wed 5 Jan 2011, 20:26, closed)
It just confirms the old saying though, people love any excuse for a good moan.
(, Thu 6 Jan 2011, 10:57, closed)

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