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I found out today
That my overbite isn't going to get any slimmer. Bugger.
My teeth aren't at 45 degree angles now though, which is good. And I only have about 7 months of braces left!

Have you got anything medical going on right now?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:01, archived)
My car is being examined tomorrow.
I hope it won't be too expensive...
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:02, archived)
What the fuck is it with you and cars?!

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
What is it with you and... err...
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
You think I'm actually annoyed?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
How did you infer that from "lololol"?
And why are you trying to explain yourself to me?

You sound pretty annoyed tbh.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
I'm pissed it's going to cost me money
I expect you to think I'm annoyed at people asking about it
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
Oh right, so when you basically said you weren't annoyed, you were annoyed.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
I thought you were lolololol-ing because you thought I was annoyed because Sammi asked.
Not so.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
Shouldn't that be
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
Ahahaha, did you crash again?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
Slight bump into a kerb. Knocked the tracking off
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
Perhaps you should take some extra lessons.
Or alternatively, stop being shit.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
Or not drive on ice, on the driveway into work, around a corner.
Hmm, yes
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
And stop being shit.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
Yeah, that too

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
Most people analyze the road conditions & adjust their driving accordingly
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
It's the slowest longest corner in the world
I was going slow and turning gently. It just went.
It was pretty much ice-rink territory
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
How did you managed to avoid everyone else who went round the corner and drifted their cars off the road?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)
Good question - extra credit
I'm not sure - I expect my tyres are in worse conditions than anyone elses
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
Good save.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
Only reason I can think of.
I was following someone else in, same speed, same line round the corner...
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:17, archived)
but not all cars are equal
thats like saying 'I followed a lotus round a corner doing 80, he made it but for some reason my nissan micra span'
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:18, archived)
I guess.
But that's why I blame my tyres. At that speed, I imagine not much else has an impact.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:20, archived)
3 points on your license for a balding tyre you know
4 bald tyres = 12 points = ban. You'll have to give your Micra to someone else.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:17, archived)
It's a Rover!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:19, archived)
You said it

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:23, archived)

y b
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
It's gods way of saying you should own a Nissan Micra

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
Is their tracking off already?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
a cold
nearly gone.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:02, archived)
I took eight pills today.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:02, archived)
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
For making less period pain and less cuntsplash.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
Ooh, sexy
Mine have stopped, I think. YAY IMPLANON!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
EVERYONE'S ON IMPLANON EXCEPT ME! I want a stick in my arm that makes me not have periods.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
Nah, turns girls mental...
oh. Carry on.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)
I wish I could just unscrew my uterus and keep it in a drawer until I might want to use it.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:10, archived)
Well, I had gooey red stuff coming out of my mimsy constantly for 3 weeks
Not nice when you're trying to do sex.

But I *think* they've stopped.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:10, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:11, archived)
What's up with you?
Esme not like it up her when she's bleeding?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:15, archived)
red wings

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:11, archived)
I'm naive, but why is it a problem for sex?
Was it coming out with such force that it pushed out all incoming willies like champagne corks?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:11, archived)
It's not nice
Explaining to your boyfriend that he might have what resembles blood gel on the end of his knob
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
Some men don't like it because they're squeamish pussies.
Some women don't like it because they're in pain.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:15, archived)
I'd had sex whilst gushing
But the squidgey stuff isn't nice
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
Squidgey stuff?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:17, archived)
Sometimes it falls out in stringy clots.
Long mucusy strings like you sometimes get on a big bogey when you pull it out and can feel a long snotty string trailing behind it, snaking its way along the floor of your nasal cavity.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:18, archived)
Moar like SlimeyTreat amirite?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:41, archived)
Some chaps get squeamish
when the post-coital scene looks like the Texas Chaincock Massacre.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
Doesn't bother me
She doesn't like it though
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:24, archived)
You have a beautiful way with words

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
Bruised thigh muscle
from sliding off a tall bar stool on Friday night when I was pissed.

My thigh is feeling better, my calf hurts now though. I landed akwardly.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:02, archived)
I share your pain
Caught the corner of my desk smack in the middle of my thigh muscle today. Have a bruise like a purple cauliflower and am limping like a twat.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
I have just watched Platoon
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:02, archived)
Dance Motherfucker!

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
willem dafoe
worst Y in YMCA ever (in platoon)
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
I'm so wet for you right now.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
Are you on Implanon too?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:19, archived)
Braces will hopefully be coming off in january after nearly four years.
That'll be nice.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
I didn't notice you had braces
But how the fuck were you wearing braces for 4 years?! Were you teeth upside down or something?!

You remember mine, right? I needed them 12 months!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
I dunno, I think my orthodontist might be shit.
He did definitely mess up once, which added on six months. That was nice.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
Bugger. There's not much you can do either; getting another orthodontist to continue your treatment is a pain in the arse, mine just informed me of that.
I'm going to be commuting to Portsmouth, I think.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
That will be a joyous day.
I remember when mine came off. Then I had to have a retainer, which I lost. YAY
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
Does it hurt?
I swear, I freak out when they change the wire; what's it like when they're sawing glue off?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
They don't saw it off
they just twist it slightly and it comes off surprisingly easily.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
All of the glue?
I thought residue would be on there, given that it's stuck on and welded on with UV light!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
If I remember rightly, it comes off when they do a quick polish afterwards.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)
I've had a few little bits out already.
It's amazing it can live in the mouth, one of the most hostile environments about, for so long, and also come off that easily.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
I was scraping it off the back of one of my teeth, actually
but any whirring noise makes me cry. I'm getting chips repaired under plenty of NOS!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:10, archived)
Can I lick your teeth when you have them off pls?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
I still have dreams were I'm still wearing mine
It's a bit odd waking up and it's not in. I only had mine for 18 months though
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
I'm just glad mine were dispensed with over a year before I started higher education.
Seeing as I'd had more than enough aggro up till then.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:06, archived)
not really
I need to do some exercise though.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
My foot is damaged again
No idea what I've done to it. I'd go and see a doctor, but I don't fancy the idea of getting up before 8am to ring them
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:03, archived)
of course not

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:04, archived)
75-80% chance
of a c-section before boxing day...
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:05, archived)
And what're skybet giving?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
a cute little teddy bear
which is nice of them
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
It'll save your minge

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:08, archived)
I'm waiting for an appointment to get my spine cut open
so they can free my spinal cord from where it has got stuck.

Hopefully they will do it before I lose all the use of my legs.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:07, archived)
Oh you're no fun anymore

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:10, archived)
Aren't I?
Oh dear.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:12, archived)
Kind of
Don't make me back this up and look like a cunt
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:13, archived)
I like the idea of anyone being able to make you do anything :D

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
I'd make you a cup of tea if needs be
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:17, archived)
I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
stop it right now, it creeps me out. :P
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:19, archived)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:20, archived)
hoping for the best for you

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:10, archived)
Ta. :) I'm sure I'll be grand.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:13, archived)
Good luck luv *hugs*
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
I need a shit if that counts?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:09, archived)
how big?
feel like an empty house afterwards?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:12, archived)
I think it's going to be a cross between buckshot
and fizzy gravy.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:13, archived)
so you're the bloke who's always in the stall next door
you can hear every passing moment
not to mention the stench
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
Yep that's me alright...
I'm glad you remembered me.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:20, archived)
have you thought of asking for a new office?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:22, archived)
I like the idea of a shit that counts
a poobicus
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:16, archived)
They're removing the bullet next friday

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:12, archived)
Keep it in, for 'hood credential.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:13, archived)
It's getting too close to my brain, they say

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:20, archived)
next time it will be silver

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
You have a train up your arse?

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
Microscopic penis disorder.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)
And a distended anus.

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 23:14, archived)