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# Image challenge vote
This week's fearsome foursome are as follows

Celebrity food brands
Cereals named after movie characters, snacks after artists` names, fruit juices after greek tragedies, and so on.

Wizards getting drunk
What would they get up to with their magic powers?

Safety Posters
Create a realistic safety poster for the most absurd situation.

b3ta's 404 page:
Images to update b3ta's 404 page. Make them, and make them hard.

Vote here:

Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:30, archived)
# hm
i vote safety

im bored of shopping slebs
I dont like wizards
404 could be good, but it wont

Mind you - celebrity food is a natural extension of the stunning cereal bandwagon that happened last week
I wanna change my mind!
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:31, archived)
# I second that.
The safety one could be a lot of fun.
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:33, archived)
# hasn't saftey posters already been done?
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:01, archived)
# Not sure but we should do them anyway
just to be on the safe side.
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:06, archived)
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:33, archived)
# Safety posters
and TOATS!
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:37, archived)
# how about
'something that isn't that dude with the eyes fucking loving something'?
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:44, archived)
# oh and I voted for wizards
I like wizards
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:47, archived)
# You fucking love wizards
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:51, archived)
# You fucking love it !
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:08, archived)
# Haha
he fucking loves it.
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:10, archived)
# Somehow, I like this more than anything else
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 22:37, archived)
# Safety posters!
We owe it to Professor Chike!
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:44, archived)
# Anything to stop the epilepsy-inducing spackfest that always comes up first on 404
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 19:55, archived)
# Sometimes you need a little spackfest.
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:01, archived)
# here we go...

Celebrity food brands: Not sure

Wizards getting drunk: this HARD

Safety Posters: Possibly

b3ta's 404 page: What is that?
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:00, archived)
# a comedy of errors
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:02, archived)
# safety posters
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:10, archived)
# Why not make 404 a permanently open challenge,
like Naughty Shop?
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:13, archived)
# I like safety posters
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:17, archived)
# drunk wizards, motherfuckers!
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:24, archived)
# My 2p
A competition dedicated to fruit juices names after greek tragedies would be awesome, but given the recent cereal bandwagon I think celeb food is a bit bindun

Wizards getting drunk sounds like fun, and there's a massive scope for daftness

Safety posters seems very bindun to me. Perhaps I've picked it up from another site, perhaps it's just the fact that it seems pretty similar to movie posters, adverts, etc etc.
Also: carolneverworehersafetygoggles.ytmnd.com/

404 - another unusual suggestion, which means a good one

Having said that I've not voted as I rarely make images
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:26, archived)
# I'm sure we've done celebrity endorsement stuff before

So safety posters.
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:30, archived)
# Haha.... sell the idea to them... I'm sure they'd run with it....
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 21:05, archived)
# Safety Posters please, Bob
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:52, archived)
# Anything except 404.. I hate that spacky one on there
(, Wed 3 Aug 2011, 20:53, archived)