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# Anyone heard anything about this?
Apparently, b3ta's been invited to a multi-site Photoshop contest (warning: obnoxious, but work safe, image at top.)

We could probably kick their arse, to be honest. Has rob commented yet?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:09, archived)
# couldn't we just get humandescent
tedmus and the other awesome photoshoppers to kill them, but probably some profession who gets paid £80k a year to pohotoshop will enter
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:11, archived)
# I think so.
The average quality is lower here than Something Awful, because youhave to pay $10 just to join their forums. (Keeps the trolls out, I guess, but it'd keep a lot of good people out here too.)

But since it's just the best from each site that play, I think we could take them.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:13, archived)
# i don't think i better enter paintmashes
they'll just laugh
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:14, archived)
# i don't know
it's the old swerve ball isn't it, something noone's expecting...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:17, archived)
# maybe we could enter blinging
no-one was better at drawing penii
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:19, archived)
# i just been looking at this worth1000
they're all really good
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# Humourless bastards though aren't they?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:25, archived)
# yeh, they can photoshop damn good
but where's the love?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:26, archived)
# nyarr
we can take the bastards, i say go for it

(particularly if kittens are involved)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:36, archived)
# Rank amatuers
We could stuff them no problem!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:11, archived)
# home of the baguette...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:11, archived)
# That might be fun.
Some of the people at Worth1000 and somethingawful are quite good.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:12, archived)
# What
pay for a forum?

"do us all a favor and join us for the low, low one-time price of $9.95!"

you know what they con do with that.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:12, archived)
# quite
it's not as if you'd get a little furtive by your name is it? ;)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:14, archived)
# no it's not
furtives rule.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:16, archived)
# hmm...
it is going to be a bit odd trying for common ground. The sites involved have very differing content and are all valid in their own way.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:13, archived)
# you don't mind if I slip a quick TJ in here, do you?
Gosh, Mel Gibson's a bit of a cunt. I knew he was a Catholic, but apparently he describes himself as "pro capital punishment, anti-abortion, anti-feminism, and anti-gay"... but not anti-semetic, despite being a memember of a breakaway Catholic sect which believes Jews to be collectively responsible for Christ's murder, and making that weird fillum which he refuses to show to the anti-defamation league. If even a fraction of that is true, I don't think I'll be watching his films again.

That is all.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:16, archived)
# blimey
where did you get all that from?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:18, archived)
# Guardian online, just now.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:18, archived)
# you know you're on a winner with a biblical film that is
"consistent with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John" which absolutely positively don't contradict each other in any way at all, oh no sirree bob
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:23, archived)
# See also
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# I stopped watching them
after Braveheart.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:18, archived)
# i liked braveheart
nothing since has been good
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:20, archived)
# it was rather his dubious
and extremely anti-English rewriting of history, that dicked me off.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:22, archived)
# yeh, but the film itself
i quite enjoyed
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:22, archived)
# and there was far too much blood and guts
for my oversensitive sensibilities
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# it became a bit of a joke, his anti-englishness
i mean, i don't mind when he makes the english out to be a bigger bunch of cunts than they are - braveheart, the patriot, etc - but in we wee soldiers or whatever it was called, he actually wrote an english character out and divvied up th heroics performed (for example: he jumped on a grenade to save his platoon - it didn't go off) between yanks...

the man's just laughable...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# yes but
apparently he's making a bit of a habit of that sort of thing. After the (fantastically dodgy) The Patriot and now with this The Passion thing.

[edit]And now I must get in the shower, and sort out some brekkie, and stuff.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# the Patriot
is a good bit worse than Braveheart for that.

(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:29, archived)
# Morning Missus.
You're pic of Tomsk is de bestest!
Yes you are quite right- Mel Gibson is a prper cnut. Believes himself to be some sort of pieous figure in film.

(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:18, archived)
# ooh
what a cnut.

kill him.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:19, archived)
# and the fillum
is entirely in aramaic and latin.

he's gone mad, is the only plausible conclusion.

oh, and he says that every pope since 1965 has been the devil.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:19, archived)
# haha what rubbish
everyone knows Jimmy Saville is the real beelzebub!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:21, archived)
# I'd heard about the film
but not about the other stuff.

He's clearly a barmy cunt isn't he? No more of my cash shall fund his ravings.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:21, archived)
# technically
most Christian religions outside of the mainstream Roman Catholic Church still believe that the Jewish people are collectively responsible for the death of Jesus, because they left before the second Vatican Council where that one was officially ruled offside.

Not that this means they actively believe it or anything, I should add. That would be crazy talk.

There again, the Free Church of Scotland believes foot and mouth disease was God's punishment on Britain for the Queen meeting the Pope, so you never know ...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:27, archived)
# must be bad for you to call him
"a bit of a cunt"

WHICH bit did you mean exactly Dr Phil?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:36, archived)
# if anyone can be arsed then fine
but it's only meant to be a bit of fun surely?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:13, archived)
# Although we'd clearly wipe the floor with them
it's not really in the spirit of this place is it?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:14, archived)
# That's kind of what I thought
but since I've seen no mention of it, I thought I might as well bring it up.

It does mean this site is getting damned popular though, if we're getting invited to stuff like this.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:16, archived)
# I don't think we should bother
they're plainly not worth our time.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:15, archived)
# I think we should
but just submit the crappiest images possible ...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:21, archived)
# that
is a great idea. we should all submit something seriously toss.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:24, archived)
# I like that idea.
I like it a lot.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:32, archived)
# I concur
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:46, archived)
# Brilliant idea!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:50, archived)
# What are we?
Their multi-site contest bitches?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 10:19, archived)