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How do those detector vans work?
Idid ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:10,
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edit/ i dont get this at all
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:12,
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and cool font. woo!
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:12,
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God, I was slow with that
pure geniarse edit/ FP worthy in my humble opinion edit/ The mods are my slaves......
B33R Drink me ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:12,
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Its still confusing me...
Dobsky ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:13,
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TV = Transvestite
B33R Drink me ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:14,
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I am going to blame lack of sleep
for being stupid today. Most woo now I've got it!!
Dobsky ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:14,
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.. I am now a fucktard - didn't get it at all - boo hoo
Signify ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 20:34,
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Tv Licence?
Oh! THAT kind of TV. Woo!
Dinsdale v Spiny Norman ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:14,
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GrandmaOfShoes ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:13,
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(your pic) (my head) just say what you see
VampireMonkeyOnSpeed a super sexy sexual sex terrorist sex ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:13,
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T.V - Transvestite.
Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:14,
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That explains a lot excuse me, I have to make a couple of phone calls, shan't be long
VampireMonkeyOnSpeed a super sexy sexual sex terrorist sex ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:16,
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i'm having problems with my tv
Sunshine Elephant ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:13,
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Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:15,
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fuckin' brilliant.
tomsk ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:16,
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i'm not even sure if i posted it here before,
ah well.
Sunshine Elephant ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:17,
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I'd edit that
text to something more, er, coherent if I was you, maybe?
tomsk ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:18,
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*ooh, ta for the fp
Sunshine Elephant ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:19,
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Yeah you have
you dirty repost whore :) Woo Yay!
underneath the weeping willow ,
Wed 19 May 2004, 21:45,
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that's great :)
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:16,
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beaubodor blogless ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:17,
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Idid ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:19,
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ooh that's great
Alex is a lucky girl ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:20,
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two FPs in a thread - blimey
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:22,
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lemonhead ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:22,
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that's brilliant
Milkman Dan ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 20:53,
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is he
related to EVIL EDNA
Pauks ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 23:22,
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Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:13,
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petrolium fired combustion engine ... oh I SEE what you mean... I believe its all done with an A to Z and a packet of darts (and possibly mirrors)
Kuroi Kyo Still here after all this time. ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:14,
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woo yay!
Alex is a lucky girl ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:19,
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two fps in one thread!
Sattamassagana, the LEGO-man needs to change his username's relevancy ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 19:27,
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that's great too
Milkman Dan ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 20:54,
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What if you only have
a black & white TV?
Evil|berT is posting post-hummusly ,
Tue 18 May 2004, 21:52,
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How they work
It wouldn't surprise me if they did just check every home without a license to see if they had a TV. However, TVs use a type of radio receiver circuit called a Superhet, which generates an intermediate frequency lower than the frequency it's listening to; this can be detected using very sensitive equipment. Well, you did ask.
JimM ,
Wed 19 May 2004, 11:47,
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you could have used eddie izzard too... :)
fay ,
Wed 19 May 2004, 12:04,
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might have avoided some of the confusion above
Idid ,
Wed 19 May 2004, 14:58,
archived )
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