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In a parallel universe.......
John Rhys-Davies would've been in Flash Gordon
From the
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe... challenge. See all
465 entries (closed)
legohead ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:53,
archived )
Get in there!
Jam Master Geordie Hero of B3ta. ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:54,
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for a dream - great film. Not to mention a Brian-sized woo for the OP!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:07,
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that's some top
Manic can teach you the secret of fire ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:54,
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Mystery_Bob ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:54,
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oh wow
that's woosome
gazz ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:55,
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then he got sacked
and replaced by a bird with huge norks
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:55,
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is the girl fiddling with her crotch?
mrlogic is copying your beard ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:55,
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legohead ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:57,
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she's trying to achieve climax through a process of clitoral stimulation. Did you think of that?Did you?
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:59,
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well you would......
if you were in the presence of teh blessed, wouldn't you?
legohead ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:01,
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GrandmaOfShoes ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:55,
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that am top roger
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 14:56,
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That's very woo.
Smallbrainfield ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:00,
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Wonderful stuff.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:04,
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I demand this be fp'ed immediately. Edit: Fuck me! Anything I demand goes! I must have some psychic control over the site. I'm...angelic...
Jahled Three shades of black ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:10,
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It's fantastic,
but what's the reference to?
Flapjack I spay a little mare for you ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:12,
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john rhys-davies was in a crappy scifi prog called sliders
about people travelling to parallel universes, he looks uncannily like teh blessedmeister.
legohead ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:16,
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first few seasons were
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 19:17,
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i liked it. so there.
idlemind ,
Sat 11 Sep 2004, 11:56,
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JKF You ain't seen me, roit? ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:19,
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You twunt!
That was soooo bloody funny I pissed my pants. Thanks a lot.
Misterk1973 been a hanging around these here parts since ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 15:44,
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does that mean blessed would be gimli too?
there must be some milage in lotr reduxes.
nathan57 ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 16:09,
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Splendid stuff!
mechamatsimpsk ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 18:55,
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This is sooo good!
Wow! Very nice!! I LOVE IT!
devilstick ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 19:15,
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Milkman Dan ,
Fri 10 Sep 2004, 19:26,
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Woo for brian
Kez ,
Sat 11 Sep 2004, 3:17,
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How I miss that show.
RF ,
Sat 11 Sep 2004, 3:39,
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fucking ace top notch
pippy is a truck ,
Sat 11 Sep 2004, 12:59,
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That am MOST woo!
WOO for sliders! One of my favourite scifi shows ever!
newg rum n coke ,
Sat 11 Sep 2004, 13:14,
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That was indeed
This should win the compo. It's fantastic - had me laughing for ages!
madscientist ,
Sun 12 Sep 2004, 10:04,
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That is utterly, utterly fantastic.
Bonus points for warping the speech bubble too.
?! ,
Mon 13 Sep 2004, 9:15,
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i'm in US why does everyone nail Brian Blessed?????
Yeah why does everyone make fun of B.B.??? I have to admit I laugh my knickers off when I see him used but he is up almost as much as Tony Blair your P.M. is he a pedophiole or cross dresser or something????
Tue 14 Sep 2004, 7:58,
archived )
Is it cos..
..he never does anything but shout?
Father_Ted Drink! ,
Tue 14 Sep 2004, 13:12,
archived )
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