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# ian was born with an inner light problem
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:08, archived)
# I can't sleep at night
my brain's too bright
it glows bright white
I don't need a flashlight

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:11, archived)
# you're a poet
make him glow it
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:13, archived)
# I'm no poet
I'm just good at thinking up words that rhyme with light.

That went nowhere
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:16, archived)
# like shite, kite, fight, and trite.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:17, archived)
# and

i'm fucked

evenin all
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:18, archived)
# evening
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:21, archived)
# yep
it's an easy one
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:18, archived)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:24, archived)
# that
is very nice
I'm strangely drawn to it...*zztt*
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:13, archived)
[challenge entry] Before you can run...

1st pic!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:07, archived)
# It's like a reneisance (sp)
painting, before they figured out that babies had much different features than adults

welcome, you'll never leave
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:08, archived)
# not kidding!
uber lurker alert!!!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:10, archived)
# yeah
not the überest I've ever seen.

There was someone with a number of 100 something I saw do their first post..
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:13, archived)
# Nicely done!
Has KnitWit sorted out her hosting yet?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:09, archived)
# er, not quite
I think the files can't be copied because the geocities bandwidth is already shot for a while...
(that or 50megs.com is just screwy)
actually, it's driving me crazy, I keep getting stuck on this one screen....grrrrr.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:12, archived)
# Who?
I have no idea who Knitwit is, but thank you for the kind comment.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:12, archived)
# it was a general remark i think.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:14, archived)
# you think correctly.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:17, archived)
# i resent that remark.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:18, archived)
# take it out of my ass.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:20, archived)
# Woo!
welcome, pull up a kitten, you'll never leave &c..

(see also www.b3ta.com/board/1893353)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:23, archived)
# Dang.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:30, archived)
# was curious to see who i share a surname with according to google.

I share the name Bohan with these marvellous specemins of manhood.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:03, archived)
# yay
I was almost finished with an anim when photoshop crashed. I hadn't saved it.

maybe tomorrow, then
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:05, archived)
# boooooooooo
ive done that and it sucks...:-(
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:05, archived)
# it isn't that bad
I was just taking a break from flash.

It scares me that flash is starting to make sense
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:07, archived)
# oo, are we gonna see some flash games from you then!?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:08, archived)
# not up to games yet
I'm just getting the hang of the animating.

I'll think about it though :)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:09, archived)
i took one look at it and killed it.

gl hf
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:10, archived)
# mystery bob's from there
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:12, archived)
# She had a great radio for a face

apols. to raver
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:00, archived)
# like it
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:01, archived)
# freek
im off to bed
nite nite

tune in tune out
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:02, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:05, archived)
# birthmark hell
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:58, archived)
# my first bandwagon
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:53, archived)
# woo!
that thumb freaks me out though...
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:56, archived)
[challenge entry] It was the mid 17-hundreds...

...and 'taches were stupid
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:48, archived)
# somebody knows about ligatures
oh, and woo!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:51, archived)
# she had a face for radio
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:39, archived)
# Arf!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:50, archived)
# goood ebevnibnf
ho are we all?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:35, archived)
# do you have glass stuck in your hand?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:36, archived)
# in a w rordq
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:36, archived)
# i did, last time i was typing like that.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:37, archived)
# you weren't a
happy bunny either, if memory serves..
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:37, archived)
# im never a happy bunny to be honest.
i was just really really pissed off at everything. more so than usual.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:38, archived)
# and we weren't the most
receptive of peeps either... My sincerest.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:40, archived)
# wouldnt worry about it.
im a cunt. and I was pissed.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:41, archived)
# No, i'm a cunt!

/Kirk Douglas
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:43, archived)
# oo, thats just reminded me of something......
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:46, archived)
# Not drunk
Like you are
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:36, archived)
# dont knock it man.
ive done the same thing myself. much hilarity ensued.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:38, archived)
# Don't mistake
my stone cold observation of facts as "knocking it"
I'm about to go get drunk myself, hopefully.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:39, archived)
# i decided to seriously cut back on my drinking after having one too many nights where i came home and couldnt type for shit.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:42, archived)
# Drunk typing is more fun than regular typing
It's a special kind of challenge
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:46, archived)
# yo speak uch truth
have a medall
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:38, archived)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:39, archived)
# Just passing through.
I made this for you the other week, but I think you buggered off before you could read it.

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:50, archived)
# sober spazz back!
thanks :)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 13:25, archived)
# sooty says he's tickling his internal organs
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:28, archived)
# he
lol nice
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:29, archived)
# the bandwagon
just started rolling down the hill

edit:/ ok last song is finished now, bedtime for me, night
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:29, archived)
# adios
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:32, archived)
# I'm off to bed now
Have a random SturdyGirl© reposté

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:28, archived)
# woo
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:01, archived)
# Today in New Zealand
it's National Penis Day.


I feel so blessed.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# thats a bastardful of naked people.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:27, archived)
# pff
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:29, archived)
# Yes
yes, we are.

..but in about two hours there should be nekkid people on the webcam..

(which wants me to download software, so I won't be fucking looking at it)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:19, archived)
# this is there i work (booker) i hate it so i fucked the logo up. he he
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:21, archived)
# cash and carry
mmmm calais
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:23, archived)
# *burp*
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:23, archived)
# you speak the truth
my friend
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:25, archived)
# thats it
bedtime for me after this last song
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:27, archived)
# you share a surname with lionel ritchie
this makes me happy
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:23, archived)
# But what
about Shane?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# What's that?
Little Shane's fallen in the well and broken his leg?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:25, archived)
# he's a bit good at acting too
but he's no lionel.

incidentally if you like lionel, take a listen at fame academy loser lamarr's records, like a lionel jnr.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# hopefully they share the same hair as well
that would make me happy
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# And Guy and Shane
So it's not all positives
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:25, archived)
# shane's great.
and guy came up with the girl name 'rocco'

what a genius!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# and little.
and rich. and of the bottom fame.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# Richie and Eddie's life
is much the same as me and Pippy's
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:27, archived)
# ha ha ha!
mine is very similar to that guy out of high fidelity and/or chasing amy.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:31, archived)
# ah, john cusack
yay :)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:33, archived)
# yeah.
was thinking his character though. the whole music obsessive woman trouble thing.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:34, archived)
# yeah, he's a bit of a jerk in that movie though
but still very lovable
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:35, archived)
# yeah, thats me.
a lovable cunt :-)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:36, archived)
# y
dos it make you happy?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# 'cos i'm easyyy

easy like a sunday mooooorning
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:27, archived)
# Cash & Carry Out...
...sounds like pay day to me.

Bank machine, then off licence.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# or the pub.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:25, archived)
# off to bed
have a "pecker"
he's eaten something funny
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# clowns arent funny

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# this one's dead.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# Now
THAT'S funny.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# even a dead clown
can still sting you

always remember what your grandad tells you
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# What?
The only thing that Grandad told me was that Grandma needs lubricant because she's like a toasted cheese sandwich.

Ever tried to peel one apart?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:13, archived)
# i said grandad
nobby......or can i call you nob for short.......................get it? short? ey ey ey

/edit: i like how you edited your post after i corrected you.....nob
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:15, archived)
# Just adding clarity
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:20, archived)
# ok
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:21, archived)
# I
will never eat grilled cheese again.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:17, archived)
# Thanks for the mention
in your profile. I tried to look at your site but i think the lurkers have killed it...

You can be sure your pic of me will be on my site when i get round to finishing it!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:20, archived)
# awesome
(because early 90's slang is cool)

yeah, I'm moving the site to a 50megs.com, so hopefully it'll be available more than 2 people in a bit...
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# Keep us
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:28, archived)
# 1500 POSTS!
And I'll use it to say woo to the pic and announce I'm going to bed to bask in my achievement. Night all (for real this time)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# nite nite
have whale of a sleep..
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# might have been
that golf tee that's sticking out of his head
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# No
I really don't think we're in Kansas any more.

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:07, archived)
# ..that horrible little dog
always scared me..
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# this
isn't going to help.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:18, archived)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# I as away from b3ta
for a while during which time Chump Manbear appeared. Can anyone tell me his origins?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:09, archived)
# manbear

but he's in the kit :-)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# maskworld.com


I love a good Chump, me.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:17, archived)
# Woo
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:19, archived)
# yay!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# I love
I do
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# chumpppppp!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:09, archived)
# Fantastic!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# ooh

woo that!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:18, archived)
# i want one
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# and i say goodnight with my chump repost

edit: and if dorothy had follwed the RED brick road

she would have found out theres no place like a Barratt home
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:12, archived)
This is wonderful.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:16, archived)
# Oh, I've been away from b3ta for so long....

My brother and I made this: www.geocities.com/starflake82/coconut1.html
about a month ago.
Apologies all around for it being geocities, and apologies to Sargant and SSG.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:04, archived)
# woo!
hello you!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:05, archived)
# 'lo Tom :)
how's tricks?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:06, archived)
# not bad, not good.
just experiencing a general feeling of indifference to everything these days. how bout you?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:07, archived)
# that indifference sounds not so fun
I'm experiencing a general feeling of heat, as I'm back at school without any air conditioning
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:12, archived)
# that sucks.
i need a holiday. preferably to the states somewhere...
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:15, archived)
# come to Delaware!
land of chickens and rednecks
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:16, archived)
# hmmm, chickens.....
im trying to get to new york. columbia university in new york to be precise.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:18, archived)
# wow, best of luck
what program are you applying to?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:21, archived)
# im not going to study,
im going to try and find my girlfriend.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:23, archived)
# sounds harder than getting in/studying there
I advise standing in the middle of the campus and shouting her name very loudly
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:26, archived)
# yeah, thatd work.
i dont know if shes there yet though. if she is, im gonna iinfiltrate it, ninja style, and get her phone number.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:28, archived)
# Oooh, I love the paintmash
And also the site :)
EDIT: And I'd like to say in the least leechy/stalkery and most teenage way that you're very cute
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:05, archived)
# i also love her front page in her profile
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:06, archived)
# that's quite a compliment
coming from you

(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# am i mean?
if so apologies
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:12, archived)
# not that I know of
I just love your paintmashes, so it's nice to get a compliment from someone who's actually good at this sort of thing
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:15, archived)
# haha.

i reached 20 fps tonight which i'm quite pleased with, it means i'm moving in the right direction!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:19, archived)
# I'd say so :)
Someone mentioned to me that you own a Tom Baker scarf. Is this true?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:22, archived)
# hahaha, i don't own it,
my old b3tan pic i was wearing one, but it was a good friend's ex's. so i wont be seeing it again. :(

but i was also wearing a snappy jacket and a sharp hat in the photo, both of which are still in my possession.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:24, archived)
# yeah, I love the hat
I've been trying to wear one like that off and on for a few years, but it just doesn't work.
I'm jealous of you hat-people.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:27, archived)
# i have a bowler hat too.
£10 from glastonbury. :)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:29, archived)
# what a dashing figure you must cut
in your bowler hat
(and spats, I'm imagining spats for some reason)
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:33, archived)
# your bandwidth
will die in about 4 seconds

try www.50megs.com or www.250free.com for half decent free hosting
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:06, archived)
# yes, I should apologize for that as well :)
ooh, thanks
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:07, archived)
# ....and splat!
well, I liked what I saw.


go international coconut moments..!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:12, archived)
# woo
diving kitty
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:07, archived)
# coconut!
raasdr! ysay!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:40, archived)
# tony lemon blair. he he
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:01, archived)
# heehee
reminds me of the curious orange
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:03, archived)
# Are you my mum?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:04, archived)
# you make me drink
the blood of my brothers
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:05, archived)
# Kate Lemon-Adie
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:03, archived)
# lol
fucking like it lol
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:06, archived)
# Bean

Wow. That took about 3 hours of work over 2 days.
Doesn't seem like much, but check out the origional. Ugh.
I think it was worth it.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:00, archived)
# smooth
just smooth, ive needed to see something like that in some time

edit/ i would have preferred the traditional british 'V' bu then thats just me being racist against the idiots, i mean spamheads, i mean yanks, i mean americans, yes thats the one
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:01, archived)
# hehe
i like
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:02, archived)
# nicely done.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:02, archived)
# hehe
very nice mate but 3 hours? seriously?
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:03, archived)
# Something like that
did you see the origional? i had to get rid of the writing on his hands and still make it look descent.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:11, archived)
# my take
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:16, archived)
# Hahaha
That needed it :)
My mum was at Oxford with him, as I point out at every oppertunity.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:03, archived)
# impressive.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:04, archived)
# :)
rude bean
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:04, archived)
# like it cooooooooool
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:04, archived)
# .
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:05, archived)
# ahh
any excuse for yet another repost
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:05, archived)
# jikes that's scary!
yeah I AM off to bed, F5's a bitch
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)
# so am i.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:10, archived)
# That's truly frightening.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:19, archived)
# Good god!
That's only made Less scary by shoppage!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:48, archived)
# Hahaha
Nice one.

It would have taken me a lot longer than 3 hours, AND looked half as good.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2003, 2:08, archived)

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