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This is a link post Cameron gets an earful at Buzzfeed tonight
" 'Cameron was also the object of a tirade from an audience member named Yasmin, who told him: “I’m voting remain but nothing to do with you guys, I hate the Tories and I’m just going to say you’ve fucked every fucking thing up in this country; you’ve screwed students, you’ve screwed the disabled, the vulnerable. I’ve heard that you want to take back the Human Rights Act and I could totally believe that, I wouldn’t put it past you at all, Dodgy Dave.' "

It's not a great clip, but I'm sure better ones will be along quite soon.

oh his moonface
(, Fri 10 Jun 2016, 21:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post And that's a reason to remain?
The stay in camp have offered nothing scare stories. I have heard nothing positive about remaining in the EU; nothing. The only arguments seems to be it's better to stay in a abusive relationship as walking out is too hard to contemplate so stay with what you know.

PS Hello Mr Pills. Hope to see you on the Bash
(, Fri 10 Jun 2016, 22:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Hi Spazz, going to try. All a bit of a carer at the mo so have to do logistics but yep, want to get there.

I heard there's going to be cock. Cake.I meant cake. I heard there was going to be cake.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2016, 23:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Err


Etc. Removing ourselves from the EU will be utter madness
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 1:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well if the German finance minister says so it must be true.
I wonder what would motivate him to say such a thing. Could it be that the UK is the second biggest net contributor to the EU after Germany? How is it that Switzerland and Norway are part of the single market despite not being EU members? How is it that Australia and Canada have trade deals that allow them access to the single market?
More lies and scare tactics from a foreign politician that no one outside Germany had ever heard of until yesterday. Still, I'm sure he's now secured himself a lucrative sinecure in Brussels once his current tenure comes to an end.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 6:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post What motivates the CBI, TUC, Unite, Unison, Bank of England, IMF and so many charities I've lost count?
If we shouldn't listen to any of those experts, who should we listen to? The only voices I here from the Brexit camp are Johnson, Gove, Farage, The Daily Mail and The Sun and I wouldn't trust any of them to run a bath.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 7:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well the business side of those people got us into a global recession and caused untold amount of misery.
And yet still seem to have a lot of money and power.
Funny that.

As for the unions, well most have swallowed the labour party line (because ooOOooOO tories) but the RMT is calling for exit.

But we'll probably remain because the British love being told not to do something and care deeply how their decisions will affect big business.

Also apparently The Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance are calling for leave.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 8:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm pretty sure it was the American Sub-Prime mortgage market that got us into a recession.
A nice list, because we like lists.

(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 8:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's certainly an impressive list.
I can see why many organisations would favour the status quo.
Personally I think we can do better.

Now excuse me because as a skinhead i've got to find a elderly asian lady to play seesaw with.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 8:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post The charities are motivated by self interest, they get lots of hand outs from the EU.
I don't see trade unions as experts in anything. BOE and IMF are economists. Economics is just fiscal politics, it's not, as many believe, a science where there is a right and wrong. This Remain/Leave debate has no right answer, it's a matter of political opinion. So you defer to your so called experts if you want, just as we defer to the unelected and unaccountable EU. I'd like to regain some autonomy. If those are the only Brexit voices you've heard, you're following the debate in a very superficial way.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 12:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I found around 32 million "motivations"
EU Funding amounts received by the following:

IMF - €168,138
CBI - €1,350,737
TUC - €763,473
Unite - €285,788
Unison - €285,788

Others who receive over €10 million each include Friends of the Earth, WWF, RSPB.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 18:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Well we wouldn't want to upset the Germans.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 7:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Best one so far was David Cameron saying the we can control imigration if we stay in the EU
well we are in it and he cant
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 10:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't forget the one about if we leave europe will descend into war again.
That's my favourite.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 10:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm still confused by Brexits idea of fear campaigning
Saying the economy will suffer is scaremongering
Boris claiming all our women will be raped my migrants isn't scaremongering
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 17:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Boris was the one with floppy hair making jokes.
Farage is the one warning that immigrants are at risk of being a bit rapey due to cultural differences.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 19:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like the bit where the female human said swears and the human in the studio apologised to the gonks at home

(, Fri 10 Jun 2016, 23:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's just not cricket is it?

(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 1:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post So she's voting to remain in system that's failed to protect these people from a Tory government?
I thought the whole point of the left grudgingly voting to remain was to protect the people (and keep global capitalism happy).
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 7:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post What an annoying bitch

(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 10:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post All I know is
If there was a referendum wether we should have had a referendum, then I would have voted no... because everyone has got on my tits during the process, and it's all a fucking irritating shitstorm of bullshit...

so with that logic, i'm going to vote remain... because that's close to the status quo before everyone became a fucking politics/economics/guessing expert.

The only thing I know is that after this... I fucking hate referendums and i'm glad i don't live in switzerland... how the fuck do they get anything done?

most of the people I actually meet, you wouldn't trust with a blunt pair of fucking scissors... but suddenly they are qualified to make a major economic/political decision?

fuck off, fuck your referendum and fuck all of your opinions (not you personally)

i'm going to get drunk in the garden and shout at the neighbours kids.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 11:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Referendums are a fucking joke
We vote in politicians precisely so we don't have to have them. What's the point of a government if we're just going to decide (poorly) ourselves?
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 11:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post If my doctor said
you've got cancer, that's not good, I can treat you one of 2 ways, both have drawbacks and benefits....

But i'm not going to talk you through it, instead i'm going to have vested interests sell each treatment to you whilst simultaneously lying about the other treatment

I think i'd rather just die.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 11:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes mate.
Because the politicians are super clever experts who are so superior to us plebs. Politicians never collectively make a stupid decision. That invasion of Iraq was really really good. If we'd had a referendum on that the wonderful thing might not have happened.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 12:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post I knew there was a reason I
had you on ignore.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 12:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Actually
Polls at the time of the invasion showed the majority of the UK population was in favour of invading Iraq. It's only after the invasion did the public change their minds.

Similarly, the last big referendum was on adopting the alternate vote. Despite being a vastly superior way to conduct elections, the public were easily swayed to vote against it by the press. And then our election in 2015 saw the conservatives get in with only just over a third of the voters support. Interesting lessons there.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 0:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post we were in favour, and would've voted to invade
because evidence shown to us, or made available to us, was untrue, falsified, incorrect or made up.
Sure, 'after the event' everyone says we shouldnt've gone to war but because of lies told we would have agreed to the invasion. Thats why Blair needs to be held to account over the whole thing.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 1:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^This, those polls were based on the publics reaction to media coverage and the "dossier"
The sooner Chilcot reports the better.
Though from what i've heard Blair's going to get off relatively easy and Straws going to be the fall guy.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 6:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post *votes*

(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 17:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm voting out
Simply as the choices are:

Keep it the same,
Gamble it will be better.

And I'm a gambling kinda guy.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 18:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post pretty much my feeling
That and the way Merkel and the IMF royally fucked over Greece.
Forcing them to privatize pretty much every state asset they had.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 19:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^This
Get out and try something new. It cannot be worse
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 22:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post It wouldn't be gambling if it couldn't get worse.
The it'll fuck the economy arguments read far stronger to me than the it'll improve the economy ones. Not that I am in any way qualified to judge.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2016, 22:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Probably the worst way to approach one of the most important decisions of your life.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 0:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post No brainer for me
If BMW won't sell me a car or price me out, for being out, I'll buy a Lexus. If the Portugese Tourist board don't want my money, I'll go to Florida. If Ryan Air won't fly me somewhere, Easy Jet will. If they won't, BA will. If I can't buy a German fridge, a Korean one will suffice.
There might be a little fuss and flurry, but the old price wars will settle down fast enough.
Tough to travel? I just had a friend holiday in Vietnam and another in Peru. The paperwork was a doddle.
Defence? UN and NATO, plus we have the biggest armed services of the lot. I can't see us crying to Macedonia to help us defend our airspace if (who?) tries to invade.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 0:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thats how I see it if we leave.
Might be 5 years until things sort out, might be 10, but sort out they will. And the situation during those 5/10 years might be worse than if we'd stayed in, I'm prepared and allowing for that. BUT, come 5/10 years when my children are becoming adults, I'd like to think they'll be coming into a better system and better country, than if we'd remained.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 1:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post I agree with all that...
except Greece has the biggest number of troops in the EU.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 1:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think I'd still feel safer in the UK than Greece :)
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 1:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post That is like the best Top Trumps ever.
I think I'm confusing Greece with Turkey, or something. I should probably retire now. Goodnight.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 2:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is easy to tell the difference
Turkey's the one that has Merkel using the powers of state to suppress a poem, despite sending death threats to German M.Ps, using migrants as a political tool, horrible human rights record, picking fights with Russia that could land us all in it, killing Kurds, suppressing free speech....

Greece is the one with lovely food.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 9:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post
well, that all went rather well don't you think?
(, Mon 13 Jun 2016, 14:03, , Reply)