Cigarettes, gambling, porn and booze. What's your addiction? How low have you sunk and how have you tried to beat it?
Thanks to big-girl's-blouse for the suggestion
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:42)
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sod redbull.
ive spent more money drinking that relentless crap this year than i pay for my internet services..
okay one or so a day probably isnt cronic, but still.
ive smoked on and off.. and staying away from baccy is easier. theres something about this shit !
..what else ?
fig rolls.
yum ! :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 3:33, 1 reply)

Clean for 18 months now.
"Alright Bawbag, fancy a pint?"
"Can't mate, we're raiding molten core tonight."
One day at a time.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 3:30, 3 replies)

After half a lifetime freewheeling in neutral, I started an animation course earlier this year.
Study should not be so enjoyable.
I am spending all of my money on books, animated films and a new graphics tablet (cdc imminent)
If you like animated films, look for anything by studio Ghibli. Just stunning.
Also, heroin. Not really, though I hear it is quite more-ish.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 3:26, 3 replies)

I had a press conference in my head on the train this morning explaining how I wasn't bothered that I'd been knocked out of the Scottish League Cup 3-1 to Hibs, because I'd dry humped them 5-0 in the league the previous Saturday.
I believe my quote was "it's more important to get the 3 points on the board, and I'm happy to use the League Cup to experiment with my line-up and give much needed match practice to my fringe first-teamers".
And it's true ye know.
Less than a fortnight ago I moved to the other side of the world for work, it's my birthday this weekend, I haven't really explored my new city yet, and all I want to do is have a mammoth FM08 session this weekend.
Speakng of FM08, I have FM09 simply because it's out, not because I have any compulsion to play it. I'm still too involved in my FM08 save game. Well, I have just upgraded to Excellent Youth Facilities after all.
(For those not in the know it's a PC game, football management simulator, for those stateside I believe it's called Worldwide Soccer Manager)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 2:46, 6 replies)

I don't think I am really "addicted", but I do find that unless distracted by something else I need to do, I end up falling back to the tubes in order to be entertained.
I check my email, my RSS feeds, the latest b3ta updates, see if anything is new on SA, OCAU, a few other sites.. check my progress on some web games.. check news sites, see if there are any new movies out.. do any banking that needs to be done..
Yeah, its an addiction.
And since tonight I am heading to a lan and my partner has packed up my PC in preparation for said event, I have resorted to using his mum's iTouch and MBP to check my email and everything else. Mind you, I've done all my chores and been to the chemist already, so there's no guilt there.
Oh, and I'm addicted to Iced Coffee.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 2:31, 1 reply)

I used to eat one, maybe two kilos of crisps a week.
Mainly Cool Original flavour Doritos, but also Pringles and Hula Hoops. I would crave them all day to the point where they would distract me from working. One day before my third year exams, instead of revising, all I could do was wander around St. Andrews looking for somewhere that would sell me some goddam crisps. If I couldn't find crisps anywhere I'd raid the fridge for capers, or eat marmite.
Never, ever come between me and a bag of Doritos.
A week after my exams I ended up in hospital. They ran some tests on me and I was diagnosed with Addisons disease - it was causing me to have low blood sodium, hence the cravings for salty foods. The crowning moment was when the doctor told me that my crisp addiction was probably what had kept me alive during that semester. So, my fellow B3tans, follow your cravings!
I'm off the crisps now, I just need to find something wholesome to replace them with. At the moment it's herbal ('pink') tea and cup-a-soups.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 1:34, 3 replies)

I was addicted to eating soap for a couple of years. I could get through a bar a day easily.
Been clean for three years now.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 1:19, 8 replies)

generally, i don't have an addictive personality. obviously, i have indulged in the usual vices, as we all have (fags, alcohol, weed, heroin), but nothing i couldn't walk away from after only everyday use for several years. but i do have one terrible weakness, one from which i can't escape, one that i have to use every fibre of my weak willed mind and body to resist: those games of the easy-to-learn-difficult-to-master variety.
i have missed trains and buses, been late for school, failed to give in 4 years worth of homework, lost a total of 10% of my BA in english lit, failed to deliver my annual and biannual budget revisions on time, and got home from work late so consistently that my then boyfriend came to suspect me of having an affair (i was, actually, but not with someone from work) all because of playing tetris, snakes, snakes II, backgammon (which, in the end, i had to delete from my phone), worms, solitaire and more recently coign (courtesy of b3ta newsletter, actually).
thank god connect 4 is a two player game or i may never have made it to school or work at all :(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 1:16, Reply)

I'm allergic to all citrus fruit, but I adore pineapple, even though eating just a few bits makes me swell up and closes off my throat. I was at a Christmas party a few years ago and they had pineapple cake and I couldn't resist, so I ate a slice and was in an ambulance a half hour later.
EDIT: Maybe that was for the best though, because I started hooking up with the EMT who intubated me.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 1:12, 3 replies)

This isn’t particularly funny but a QOTW I can relate to.
I’m an alcoholic. Have been over a decade and in rehab 3 times. Been to AA though disagree with their “oral magic” view upon medication; I walked out of AA when one girl spoke of having cancer but had decided to refuse treatment having been a former addict so couldn’t take drugs. Alcohol ‘MAY’ kill you but the cancer certainly will.
Anyway; go back into detox in January and have managed to cut down myself in the meantime.
Again, not amusing (sorry, I read here like you for the humour) but a sad reflection of my life and a form of therapy I guess!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 1:06, 1 reply)

So much so that I was in the toilets inspecting them absolujtely wankered out of my face and I dropped one in the urinal. Withouth thinking what I was doing I snatched it up as quick as flash and lobbed it in my gob and tried to swallow.
The bitterness of the hundreds of peoples piss made me gag and puke it back up again and back into the urinal, so basically id tasted nearly every lads piss in the club for no reason.
Luckily there was no one in the toilet to see me do this and its the first time ive ever told anyone.
I've sunk to some lows but that takes the piss...
*I still do actually
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 0:28, 3 replies)

I have been for a little while working a nightshift.
Once on it you try everything you can to get some sort of normal sleeping pattern. So I decided to cut all caffine out my life as to not involve anything to disturb my natural (if you can call it that) balance.
My addiction..... Red Bull.
I fucking love that shit.
Once drunk I wont sleep right for a few days and will put my whole pattern out for a good week.
Every now and then I just can't resist, knowing all the while im drinking the holy beverage keeping in mind the destruction it will do to me (And usually the whisky involved to knock me out to sleep)
Please if anyone knows of a caffine free redbull equivilant, let me know and you will be a friend for life.
ALSO : Where the hell have cheesy nik naks gone I cant find them anywhere. I search high and low every time I pop into a new shop. (surely they are the best flavour, did they cause cancer or something?)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 0:17, 2 replies)

I'm a caffeine addict. Mainly coffee.
I can't get enough of the stuff.
It started a few years ago, when I started drinking Red Bull.. Started drinking just a can or so once in a while, then a can a day, then ended up buying 12-packs per week.
After I got off the energy drinks, I started drinking Coffee like crazy. I once counted 10 or so cups in a day.
I've bought a desktop Coffee maker, lovely filter Coffee. Mmm.
Not alot of people ask me why I drink it, though.
It makes me happy. Like, overly happy.
When I'm hyper on a cup of Coffee (or three) I feel like dancing to the moon and back.
It's come to the point where I'm actually far too gloomy and depressed without it. I've lowered my intake to about 4 or 5 (or 7) cups a day.. Which I don't think is too bad.
Slowly I've been trying to get off the stuff, alot of the times I've gone cold turkey (which lasts a few days at most).
I've even bought some energy enriched mints to help! I've had about 11 so far, but I feel as though they're made really weak on purpose.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:54, 1 reply)

Sorry I mean organic cider. I am addicted to the stuff even though it makes my face and neck all blotchy and red. And it kind of makes me go into anaphylactic shock as well a bit.
But that kind of gets me off as well. I start to swagger in front of the gf. "oooh you are soo red and swollen and ..... oh shit he's in cardiac arrest...get the adrenaline...fuck he's not responding... get the ambulance...clear....SHUDDER...wake up in a hospital bed...
got apple?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:54, 1 reply)

i had to stop, however, when it turned out i had acquired an irregular heartbeat and kept passing out.
oh, how we laughed!
now it's watching River Cottage. i'm a vegetarian dyke but given the chance i'd have sex with hugh fearnley-whittingstall. (frankly, that's more worrying than the diet pills.)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:44, 3 replies)

I love.. LUURRRVVVE Farley's rusks.
My nephew is 6 months old may starve to death due to a rusk shortage every time I visit.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:42, 3 replies)

and i can't be alone...
i've counted 79 occurrences of it in this thread at time of my writing...
i understand the grammar behind when and where it should be used but it just satisfies me a lot more than a full stop... feels more like a stream of thoughts as oppose to a novel...
i've got a mate who hates my over use of it...
him continually making this clear doesn't make me wanna do it any less... some people just enjoy imperfections...
right... here's another 10 to keep us going...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:25, 8 replies)

I am a mega porn addict and I try to 'beat it' every night, and morning, mid morning, lunch, afternoon, evening, whenever I can really.
Always got a grin on my face or have a stooping bent over walk. Maybe I should get help? If anything for my RSI... :-)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:10, Reply)

Having worked in the licensed trade for the last 10 years, it's safe to say I've had to sit down and question my lifestyle in regards to booze, fags, and various white powders at certain points... None of these come close to the unbelievable power of a really daft but massively addictive game on facebook called 'Mousehunt'
For those who haven't seen it, you set a trap, bait it, and wait for a mouse to come along.
So far 12 out of 35 that work here are playing it, and we now find ourselves on fag-breaks discussing tactics, many of us have paid real life cash to advance, and you can guarantee that half the staff will check it when they stagger home at 6am having worked allnight before going to bed.
So yeah, I'm addicted to a passive game on facebook.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:01, 1 reply)

I can't go a day without playing atleast 2 hours of this game..
it's not even that good
try it: www.onemorelevel.com/game/free_rider_2
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:55, Reply)

Addiction? Pfft!
I pace up and down lonely high streets waiting for WH Smith* to open, the dull thunk of the door lock envigorates my spirit.
Once inside, I scamper, like a small puppy dog having been thrown a tit bit of food, to the only place that I can solace in.
And there they are... in all of their magnificent beauty, their shiny wrappers like glistening dew in a spring meadow, their freshness, untouched by other hands...
The collection must be mine! I must have them, from start to finish!
The first edition, in my hands, MINE I TELL YOU!
And forward, to the cashier, dripping with sweat, twitching and grinning like a loon in my dishevhelled state.
Coins, and notes, damp from my sweaty hands are pulled and thrown at the counter - but NO! The cashier wants to put my magnificent paper based product into a bag! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I wrestle it from their dirty, FILTHY hands! This is mine! Not to be touched by others.. and I pull a hanky from my pocket and wipe the fingerprints off...
I sob gently, and with head bowed, I walk out, and mutter to my new friend, we shall have intimate times together.... I shall protect you and collect all of you.....
*Also available in other good newsagents.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:51, 5 replies)

Tea is my main addiction. Began when I was little, and apparently learnt to make it when I was 6. This explains why I leave the teabag in (I burnt my 6-year-old fingers geting it out) and why it is quite milky (I burnt my 6 year old mouth).
Also machinery. Lots of it. Small engines when I was 6, and now 5 (at last count) motorbikes-only 3 on the road, and only the battered pile of a CG125 that currently runs. Doh! (said CG was my first bike-has probably done over 11000 miles in a year, 350 of those on a return trip to Bristol to see my girlfriend).
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:42, 2 replies)

Absolute quality. I've been listening to his songs every afternoon for the past two weeks at work, so an addiction is taking grip.
For anyone who doesn't know him, check out Le Moribond. It's the original of a more well known english language tune!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:35, Reply)

to anything.
I have such a short attention span that nothing can keep my interest long enough for me to get addicted.
But I really enjoy almost everything, so perhaps I have actually been addicted to everything at some point but only for a couple of seconds...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:27, 4 replies)

to ciggarette's, nothing unusual there.
I've been desperate at times where I have rolling baccy but no skins so you know those slips in the rizla saying 'only 10 left'?
Yup i've used that to smoke it....
and I've also made apple bongs soley as a skin replacement.
I also was addicted to paracetamol heavily for a few weeks earlier this year, that was really horrible, but i'm better now :)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:16, 2 replies)

I work in a bike shop, building cheap and a little bit crappy mountain bikes and then selling them to very nice people. However I love my bikes (all three of them, the cheapest of which was almost £1500) so going to work and talking about bikes is heaven. I spend my wages on my bikes and get to laugh at other people who buy cheap (less than £1000) bikes.
I am so addicted to my work, that I even pop in on my day off and help out if they are busy. I love bikes me...
By the way, the last bike I bought has a bloody great big engine, so I am not a total nerd!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:15, 8 replies)

I check out the Silver Sun message board too often.
But I don't care.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 22:07, Reply)
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