Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"
What crappy claims to fame can you make?
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
This question is now closed.

and saw one of my form on tele. By my form, i mean, i was their form prefect...to me theyre all about 14.
Anyhow, hes playing for Middlesborough it seems, i didnt realise he was old enough for that.People probably arent aware of him like, James Morrison (or mozza as he was at school)
I like to think that my fantastic prefecting skills aided him in his rise to the fame :)
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 8:21, Reply)

and he introduced me to Richard Digance.
He has massive hands. he put his hand up to mine and mine looks like a kids one!
still got the pic to prove it!
really nice bloke!
Have also shook hands with Dick Emery, Tommy Trinder and Leslie Crowther.
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 7:38, Reply)

I was deadly sick with mono AND a horrible case of bronchitis a few years ago, and couldn't sleep. So I lay curled up on the couch at 7 am listening to my favourite radio station morning show; then figured "hey, I can call in and request a song!" So I did.
Didn't go so hot; the one DJ didn't understand me when I said my name was Meg, and thought I had said Neg... then got pissy when I corrected him. He then told me I sounded like a boy, to which I got upset and hung up and wrote a nasty email to them after stewing over it.
An hour after the morning show ended, the second DJ (not the one who insulted me), phoned my house to apologize for his partner being an ass and hurting my feelings.
If anyone is interested, the insulting asshole is Daryn Jones, who is now on his last season with a horrid TV show called "Buzz" here in Canada. The nice DJ is Jay (Maddog) who now works for CHFI 98.1 in Toronto.
(I also once called a radio station and left a five minute rambling message on their request line voicemail, which they played on the air the next day and laughed about it. I was tired and had a friend over at the time, and was quite happy to talk to a radio station answering machine about jello.)
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 6:13, Reply)

i sent a message to microsoft about putting a paper clip that aided people. that night i was way too stoned.
the next week they replied me with a simple "thank you"
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 5:47, Reply)

My friend's dad was in the New Zealand band SpaceWaltz (not all that successful), and was asked TWICE to be in the band Split Enz (Very Successful). HE TURNED THEM DOWN BOTH TIMES!!!!
Bet he's kicking himself now. I'm kicking him for him (my claim to fame).
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 3:48, Reply)

Chimpy the Emperor's motorcade raced past, but he never saw me: G.W. Bush was waving out his right-hand window, and I was waving a banana off to the left.
Shook hands once with Jimmy Carter, though. Carter draped his arm across the shoulders of a pretty woman at a campaign stop, back in the day when he 'lusted in his heart.'
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 3:09, Reply)

Played football with a former (adulterous) Prime Minister, that bint off fame acadamy (Carry Grant) went to my school, have taken part in several meetings with world famous politicians (twunts), teh pub where I used to work (the free press) had Rory "twatbadger" McGrath as a regular - got pretty fucked off one time when we asked him for a photo for Viz!
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 3:03, Reply)

Actually, that's a pretty good claim to fame!*
*suck slurp toady
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 2:37, Reply)

I met the one and only bodger and badger. Got a signed photo for my lil sister.
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 1:46, Reply)

At a Star Trek convention 1997. With a tableful of other people, while he told some lame joke about the "F" word.
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 0:38, Reply)

is that lady that wrote 'Chocolat' and some other books
( , Mon 28 Feb 2005, 0:10, Reply)

who plays Malfoy in the Harry Potter films.
I should watch them at some point really.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 23:23, Reply)

I went to school with the guy that played Jonny Briggs (the kid with the dog Razzle)
Bez once signed my head.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 23:21, Reply)

I sailed in a regatta in Thailand called the Kings Cup with non other than the man who was the managing director of and the grandson of the man who created the chocolate shop that bring us Mis-shapes at such a low price.
Mr Thornton.
did I get chocolate. did I hell.
great bloke thou.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 22:46, Reply)

My dad was at separate press confrence-y things for Prince Charles and Bill Clinton when they came to LA many, many years ago, and has the pictures (somewhere) to prove it.
I saw American Idiot, er, Idol judge Paula Abdul at Honolulu Int'l. airport when she was still famous for singing (so it was a looooooong time ago); I'd also met ice skater Michelle Kwann whilst she was ice skating.
My most recent brush with fame was when I went to Las Vegas last Dec. for my birthday. I was walking around the giant mall at Cesar's Palace when suddenly there was a massive crowd gathered around a store, blocking almost the entire hallway. I asked a security guard what was going on and he said that Britney Spears was shopping in there. It turns out that was when she (in)famouly got married for half a day! I didn't see her, which was fine by me - it's rude to shut down stores and cause fire hazards.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 22:33, Reply)

ooooh I thought of two more
I was once on Headbangers Ball on MTV
one time when watching the 10pm news during a report about a riot outside Forest Gate police station I saw myself going past on an 86 bus on my way home from work.
That's it, I've finished.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 21:47, Reply)

I once served Linda Nolan in a clothes shop [ only suspected it was THE Linda Nolan when she paid by cheque and couldn't be sure until she was on Summer Time Special on the following Saturday wearing the outfit I'd sold her in Etams, just think of what sort of opportunities at of a showbiz break I might have lost by not being more Nolan aware ]
Steve Norris said I'm a very well balanced, intelligent, reasonable, and thoroughly nice lady . On national radio!
Remember, length is never a bad thing
First post but please lets don't make a big thing of it.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 21:38, Reply)

I once bet my Dad to knock on Patrick Moore's house in Selsey, Nr Brighton. Being a loon, he walked straight in. Two minutes later, the starry legend called me into his living room. We had a cup of tea, spoke about some robot on Mars, watched some of the 1997 Ashses and he gave us a tour of his telescopes. But didn't play the Xylophone.
He's really tall in real life. A giant, in fact.
My Dad was also once beaten up by Ray Davies of popular 60's beat combo The Kinks. The cunt.
Paul Furlong, the rubbish 90's Chelsea footballer, lived just round the corner from us in Wood Green before he was famous.
My Brother claims to have gone to school with Deanna Troy from Star Trek, but that may be a lie.
My mate was in a band who had a video on MTV2, but he got arsey, so they threw him out.
I stared at Charlotte Church's tits in Cardiff's Sainsbury's whilst she brought Menthol Superkings. They are bigger than you think, but she looks dirty. The type of girl who sleeps in her make-up.
DJ Spoony asked me where he could get his shoes fixed just before last years FA Cup Final. I pointed in what turned out to be the completly wrong direction. Sorry.
Christ on a Segway, that's quite a lot of boring tales.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 21:25, Reply)

my ugly mug is in this coming months bizarre magazine,
I've swam with the olympics team of 8 years past.
I told David Beckham to fuck off and look where he was going whilst I was in the Trafford Centre.
I used to train in the lane next to Rick Maiden (olympic breast stroke swimmer.)
I molestged Freaky boy as well from blazin' squad, I set out to scare him. I succeeded
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:59, Reply)

ERM I got Mrs Mack's autograph, from Take the High Road, woohoo :|...erm i was a celebrity in my school for a bit...I was known as the boy that got stuck in a basketball hope after a couple of the 6th formers decided to have a game of pleb-ball...ok, shit claim to fame...i give up....i caddied for steve davis and errol brown from hot chocolate...not to shabby, his golfing was shit though
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:52, Reply)

my babysitter. Top bloke and he had long hair in them days
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:47, Reply)

Almost forgot - I did beta testing on a game called 'Breed' that came out in 2004. Unfortunately, the game is crap. It was all going well until the publishers brought in their own beta testing squad, who basically ripped apart all our good work and tried to make the game so easy a 3 year old could complete it.
I did get credited in the instruction manual though. :)
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:43, Reply)

I once met Emlyn molesthes at the co-op in hinckley he was wearing a white shell suit and i got an autograph
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:36, Reply)

I also go to the school Ellen Macarthur went to. One of our teachers was on the news. I hate her. Greenbat who are you? I'm very intrigued.
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:36, Reply)

but it was ok, as i was hungry, tasted like chicken
( , Sun 27 Feb 2005, 20:21, Reply)
This question is now closed.