Tell us your stories of age gap shags. No paedo gags please.
Inspired by The Resident Loon
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 13:55)
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I was 28, it was New Year's Eve, it was Edinburgh. Alcohol was consumed, fit wee lass who laughed at my bad jokes in some club comes home with me. A few more more drinks, several condoms are used she goes to the loo wearing dressing gown. By this time the low winter sun is starting to come up. She returns and drops said gown to floor. If any of you are familiar with the works of 'erotic photographer' David Hamilton, imagine one of his 'models'. (If you're not familiar, Google him, but not at work.) She had not a blemish on her and was clearly 'under-developed'. As I started to focus a little, aided by by the light I asked a question I should have asked in the club,
"Er, how old are you."
She visibly panics. "Why?"
Me, "just wondered.'
Long pause as she wonders what she can get away with.
"17?" she finally says.
"Are you sure" says I.
And then her killer line: "Don't worry, I wont tell anyone." Hmmm, underage then.
Naturally I did what any red-blooded male in my position would. I fucked her twice more and sent her home. Never saw her again.
( , Sun 7 Dec 2008, 19:45, 46 replies)

You utter cunt.
( , Sun 7 Dec 2008, 19:51, closed)

( , Sun 7 Dec 2008, 19:59, closed)

That makes it all better.
I mean, abusing children was ok as long as it was at least 20 years ago.
( , Sun 7 Dec 2008, 23:17, closed)

I don't quite know what to say :/
It could be alright I suppose providing she was only just under the age of consent and you were absolutely wankered off your mind
but still
( , Sun 7 Dec 2008, 23:59, closed)

Let's face it, every one of us has at some point checked out someone attractive only to realize that they're under age (in other words, jailbait). But this...this is just wrong. You obviously had your suspicions regarding her age or you wouldn't have asked her about it - this shows that you knew what you were doing. The part where you irreversibly crossed the line from horny perv to paedo was when you made the decision to have sex with her on the basis that she wouldn't tell anyone, despite you knowing that she was underage by her own admission. Then you tell us that you "fucked her twice more and sent her home."
At first I was in two minds about whether this made you a "child abuser". After all, the kid kept her age from you intentionally until you got to your place and made the effort of convincing you (for lack of a better word) to have sex with her, so perhaps "abuse" isn't the right word here - aside from a legal technicality if she was under 16. At first I figured that calling you a child abuser is inaccurate.
Thinking about the whole situation however reveals that you were willing to have sex with - in your words - an underdeveloped girl that you knew might be under the legal age of consent, and judging by your story you decided to have sex with her on the basis that she wasn't going to tell anyone.
You know what that makes you? A fucking paedophile. That you ended the story by stating that you "fucked her twice more and sent her home" just hammers the point in further.
Seriously, for once I hope this is just an example of some idiot trolling B3ta to sate their hunger for attention and that the story isn't true.
If it's not, then perhaps you should consider the fact that you obviously think that what you did was not only OK, but expected. That it was a historic case of abuse doesn't make things better, either. It makes it worse. After 20 years, you still think this is OK? It's not.
You fucking paedophile.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 1:47, closed)

It's so good to know that any under-age daughter of yours has a dad who is going to be okay with paedophiles shagging his offspring.
What a cool dad...
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 3:10, closed)

if someone is physically and emotionally mature enough to be out actively looking for sex, and if all parties concerned are consenting and willing, then morally speaking I don't see where the problem is. Perhaps someone could enlighten me?
(having said that, twenty-eight and fourteen or so is pushing it rather)
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 3:59, closed)

I've just read thecurriedavenger's reply again, and having put myself in creatrix's position in the story, I now feel distinctly uncomfortable. :( Yeah, I can see the point. *shudder*
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 4:02, closed)

because she was "underdeveloped" - obviously she wasn't physically mature enough.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 4:58, closed)

..."if all parties concerned are consenting and willing" is pretty much the same as the argument put forward by paedophiles everywhere.
However, if under age she cannot legally give consent and clearly she was "under-developed" - something that creatrix and others of his ilk find attractive.
Good to see you reconsidered the issue and recognised the 'shudder-factor' though - not so for creatrix, who seemed to think the fact that it happened over 20 years ago made some kind of difference.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 7:15, closed)

you can't just tar people as paedophiles...
Do you people all work for the Daily Mail?
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 11:35, closed)

Naturally I did what any red-blooded male in my position would
No, you did what any paedo would do. Fucking her while you didn't realise she was underage is understandable - not really anything you could do about it. Realising that she was underage and saying "oh well"? You fucking nonce.
Especially as she was by your own admission "underdeveloped" - getting turned on by a child's body is sick.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 4:57, closed)

and that he made the decision to have sex with her knowing that she may be under age was bad enough, but the worst part - the factor which makes me retch - is that he went ahead with it because he figured he wouldn't get caught. That kind of thinking is paedophilic, criminal and it's precisely the type of thinking often employed by child and/or sex abusers.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 8:09, closed)

supposedly he didn't realise how underdeveloped she was until after the first time. Although that's pretty suss i guess - you notice those sorts of things while having sex.
In short - what a repulsive excuse for a human.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 9:42, closed)

This is b3ta for crying out loud, your words make precisely bollock all difference to the person in question. Ride off into the sunset on that high horse of yours Tonto, and find something else to get annoyed at the internet about.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 11:47, closed)

Bollock all difference and all that - but isn't it a little ironic that you're getting annoyed by someone getting annoyed by words on the internet which results in you flaming the flamers? Am I alone in finding the irony a bit funny?
Anyway, point taken - b3ta isn't the place for flaming and vitriol. *gets off horse* My bad.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 20:22, closed)

Don't put me in the same box as you.
It should be "I did what every drunk bloke who considers sex to be more important than self respect would do."
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 10:37, closed)

look at all the angry people shout text at the text... LOOK AT THEM ON THERE HORSES UP ALOFT THE CLOUDS
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 11:01, closed)

Since when have Daily Mail readers been posting on b3ta?
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 13:25, closed)

And that's legal!
Lots of women just don't have large breasts, and some even look underdeveloped. Not my taste though!
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 12:11, closed)

Just been scrolling through these replies...there's alot of angry, self-righteous people on here isn't there?
A) She was in a club - don't know about you lot but if someone is inside a club and drinking you don't tend to think..."she might be underage...better not".
B)They'd already got down to it before she was outed as underage so enjoying the rest of the night was hardly going to make a difference to the situation was it?
C)It's not like she was 8 years old or something.
...some people need to put things into perspective instead of reaching for the flaming torches and pitchforks
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:25, closed)

that kidnap shannon and tied her to a bed and killed Baby P with her. BURN HIM BURN HIM BURN HIM!
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:32, closed)

did someone leave a copy of the Daily Mail lying around for you to read? :(
...wouldn't mind being burned though actually. My heating doesn't work and I'm freezing
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:38, closed)

We like our flaming torches and pitchforks!
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:48, closed)

This is what I was initially inclined to think (see my earlier replies above). I tend to think things are quite clear-cut, and the fact that she was actively out looking for sex and appeared to be borderline legal made me think it was all fine. But the others do have a point, she was under-developed, could have been vulnerable etc... and creatrix didn't really seem to consider it, it was just another shag. :( I don't know. The whole thing makes me feel very wretched, since I quite like the petite look personally... and all the hate going on up there is... a bit disturbing.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:58, closed)

Morally it's wrong and I'd probably have freaked out that she was underage, not got turned on again. But drunken people do daft stuff, both of them had a good time. All the shit said up there is unneeded.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 16:09, closed)

you can think that, you may well be correct in your assertion, I'm not really in the mood to debate it, what you really shouldn't do on the internet, and in particular on B3ta, is climb aboard your moral high horse and spout off that he's a paedophile.
edit - Sorry, i'm no implying that you did. I'm actually making the same point as the above reply, everyone else hysteria was totally over the top and simply makes them look like gormless clunge lice.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 16:19, closed)

...thats all there is to it really. He's not a paedophile, I highly doubt he'd be on here talking about it if he was
Gormless Clunge Lice...I'm going to call someone that at work tonight
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 16:23, closed)

*gets off horse*
My bad, sorry for the flaming. I guess this hit a lil closer to home than I should have let it.
( , Mon 8 Dec 2008, 19:41, closed)

Just to piss off all you stuck up wankers prancing about the moral high ground on their high horses.
( , Wed 10 Dec 2008, 10:58, closed)
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