Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
This question is now closed.

That squeaky sound gives me a creepy feeling.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 3:30, Reply)

the retro-tastic Dracula: AD 1972 round at a mate's not long after I finished uni. We'd got to the one genuinely creepy bit in the film, where Johnny Alucard stages a ceremony to raise Dracula from the dead to the strains of White Noise's first album when suddenly there's a thud at the door. Not a knock, not a thump, a *thud*. And then another. And another. And another. Finally someone summons the courage to go and see what it is, and there's something hunched-looking and dark on the other side of the glass front door. She plucks up the courage to open it... and is almost bowled off her feet when a black, three-legged dog rushes into the hall, barges into the living room and goes *mental*.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:52, 1 reply)

I had seen ring a couple of times and found it a little creepy (the way only japanese horror films can make you feel - not like shitey american remakes which think scary means something has to jump out and say boo before it's scary, they don't understand atmosphere.) So... keen to let my friends in on this great movie i had seen I rented out the trilogy and headed round to a friends house with a few people in tow to smoke a bit of earwax melted down with bin liners (or whatever shit it was we liked to smoke in those days) and watch some movies. after the conclusion of the movies everyone left and went home having had what can only have been a psychosomatic reaction to the crap we smoked and feeling a little high and like we'd enjoyed a good night with good friends.
The next day I met the guy who lived in the flat in the local shop looking like death.
Turns out when we all left he had to take his phone off the hook and turn his TV so it faced the wall cos he was afraid that someone might crawl out of it.
I guess whatever he'd been smoking had a much greater effect than it had on the rest of us.
I know I've pushed the boundarys of the qotw to include the creepiest thing someone else saw but fuck it this is my internet and I will do as I jolly well please.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:50, 3 replies)

I was a kid we used to take a lot of family holidays in Donegal, and one of my favourite spots was a weird rock-covered riverbank near Gweedore. Until one day when I was ten or so, and as I picked my way across the boulders I hopped round one particularly large specimen and just missed sticking my foot into a dead dog. The front half was pretty much intact, with the lips drawn back from its teeth and even, I would swear, a tongue and staring, glassy eyes, although I might have invented that. In retrospect I presume it died in situ, because it was clear that the tide only came about halfway up its body; its whole back half was stripped to the bone. Never felt keen about going back there.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:46, Reply)

David Firth is a twisted genius
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:39, 3 replies)

Listen to it, but not more than once. It will eat your soul.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:19, 2 replies)

I was 9 when the beeb did that fake live investigation at a haunted council house in north London. The only thing that really disturbed me was when the young girls voice went really deep like the devil. It burned itself into my memory for months. I bought it on DVD a few years ago and instead of shit myself I piss myself.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 2:03, 1 reply)

Probably the work of one or more madmen, but there's something a bit eerie about them.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 1:33, 3 replies)

The topmost creepiest thing I ever experienced.
I'm not sure if Ive posted this before.
IIt may be open to derision and/or rational explanations but whatever the reason I'll never forget the sheer terror at the time.
Early 80's travelling home from a week of Glastonbury & Stonehenge festival revelry back to Yorkshire.
Somewhere in Wiltshire we got lost and found ourselves away from the major roads and in unlit rural lanes.
No worries, we could see the lights of motorways and service stations in the distance.
Until the car started to have difficulties.
It started to cut out, lights go off, engine stalling etc, we limped along for a while until total breakdown, Car is a dead as a dodo.
We get out and I watch as my mate checks the engine etc and cant find anything wrong.
And then while we are standing there, 'it' happens.
The hairs on my neck go up and I start to shake, I look over to my mate to say something and he's standing there frozen, looking up.
I look up too, and although I cant see anything, or hear anything I just know/feel that something is passing overhead, something silent and huge, I have this impression that the night sky is vanishing behind it.
Theres a kind of thrumming inside me that makes me want to empty my bladder urgently and with an apology to my mate I squat down in the middle of the road ( no way was I going to hide in a hedge) and pee, turning around I saw my mate was doing the same.
We then clung onto each other for a few minutes utterly terrified.
Then suddenly a bright beam of light swept down the brow of the hill onto us and we both screamed, until we realiseed it was a lorry.
We stood in the road and waved frantically at it until it stopped about 10 feet away from us.
We said we had broken down and the driver said he'd get out his jump leads.
As he got out of the cab,, the oppressive feeling lifts and the car suddenly burst into life, headlights, engine, windscreen wipers and radio came on, we jumped.
Lorry driver was a bit WTF but we thanked him for stopping, got back into the car with another look at the sky and fecked off sharpish.
20 minutes later we are at a service station having not said a word during the journey, necking coffee like it was going out of fashion and still shaking
Once back home it was a while before i could tell anyone of this, and then a while later I got a call from someone from an UFO organisation who wanted to document the experience. Seems we were right in the the middle of the "Warminster Window" when this happened
To this day I really dont know what it was, I only know it was the creepiest experience of my life
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 1:25, 5 replies)

i get nightmares and my ex talks in his sleep.
there's nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night, after dreaming about a skeleton chasing you, and hearing someone mumbling obscenities into the darkness.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 1:07, 1 reply)

Which means that 1. There are no serious weirdos here and 2. I know all the troublemakers (such as there are) and I know full well they're all shit-scared of being out alone after dark. The combination of these things means that I'm not scared to go out for a wander on starry nights to relax and have a think. A couple of years ago, I was walking across a bit of common land at midnight in early May when I heard a loud snuffling grunt from one side of me, then a quick succession of them from the other side. I'd been walking without a torch to improve my night vision but I had one with me. I took it out and flicked it on, expecting to see a bush rustling or maybe a fox or badger.
I saw, at head hight and slowly approaching, a pair of glowing red eyes too widely spaced for any human.
Motherfucking cow shaved at least six months off my life expectancy. The farmer had put the cows onto the common earlier in the day, and I hadn't known about it.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 1:03, Reply)

Travelling back from my grandparents place in a thunderstorm at night we came over a hill to find a car going the other way that gave off a powerful sense of evil. I felt it, my mother felt it and as we passed this car the cat, having been silent the whole journey gave out an anguished yowl.
Now being a rational fellow I thought, "Hey, weird electrical effect thingy from the thunderstorm." Except, that doesn't work; we were in a car and that's a Faraday cage, so what the fuck was going on?
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 0:47, 4 replies)

I went out one night with my now ex-girlfriend and her pals from Uni. They were talking about this lecturer who was quite nice and how they all kinda fancied him. Harmless stuff. I then mention about how I read somewhere about how teachers and lecturers often attract a lot of attention, especially from female students, as the nature of their job makes them appear confident and intelligent.
My ex then in passing says "Yeah that does happen, I mean, I had sex with one of my teachers after I left school."
I know it shouldn't have but for some reason it really creeped me out. It seemed like such an abuse of power. This was later heightened when I saw the guy who lives across the street from me kiss a girl who looked really young. He is a teacher and is married and this girl was definitely of school going age.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 0:23, 4 replies)

The other day my sister, mum and I were sat on her stairs eating biscuits after some wall paper stripping. I was talking about how I'd been left by myself a few days before and the wind coming down the chimney must have been blowing scraps of wallpaper across the floor. I'd been sat, scared, on the stairs wondering what was moving before I figured it out.
They laughed at me and said that they had also been scared the other day by a seagull sat atop her chimney cawing and it echoing down the fire place. We did the usual giggles, and "ooooh! It's a ghost!".
Now, the old man who had owned the house before her had died the year previous. We were all thinking of this as my sister told us to shut up, there were no ghosts in her house.
Then the front door clicked open. And swung into the hall.
We looked at it.
We looked at each other.
To be fair, her door doesn't shut very well and it was pretty damned windy. We all knew it was the wind, but the timing was so perfect! We all went "ooooh!" some more and then carried on enjoying our delicious biscuits.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 0:23, Reply)

So, I think I may have posted this a while back, but I can't be arsedd to check, so I will post it again. Sitting comfortably? Good. I will recount what was, at the time, a very frightening and upsetting period of my life.
Disclaimer: all the events that take place are accurate representations of my experience at the time, events have since transpired to change my perspective of these events.
I'll start by setting the scene, I was a 13-14 year old boy at the time, it was the year 2000 and I was living with my parents in a house that would have been about 7 years old at this point, we built it our selves. The land we built it on was once a home for children with TB.
Ok so, to start the story in earnest: My school had just had an inset day, a day off that my friends and I used to play a game of indoor football. (I don't like football, but the games were silly and fun.) After the game, a few of the lads came to my house and ran riot, we messed around and made a big mess, though they left giving me time to clean the house before my parents got home. As I was cleaning, I walked through the hall, alone in a silent house, I heard a child's voice, much younger then any of my friends, call my name. It came from upstairs, so I went to investigate. I found nobody was there, no tv's or radios were on, no one was in the street. It was freaky, but I shrugged it off.
Over the next few weeks, little things began to happen, rooms going cold despite full heating, the feeling of being watched and movment caught in the conrer of my eye. It was very unsettling, I was the only one who seemed to notice and any one I spoke to about it laughed. I was a member of a videogame forum at the time, people there were less judging, a few even linked me to ghost information sites, which made me feel less crazy, but made me pick up on more paranormal activity.
The most disturbing event was on rememberence day, I felt unbelievably depressed, almost suicidal, and I had no idea why. I remember thinking how I had nothing to be sad about, yet I felt like dying. It freaked me out, but the next day I was back to normal.
Events came to a head a few nights later, I was in bed, about to drift of to sleep when my vision clouded over. A blue figure emerged, a little girl, she was in a dress and bonnet, she looked about 5 or 6. She floats toward me slightly, totally indifferent to me, when all of a sudden, she shoots forward, arms ourstreached and shouts "Boo!". I felt a jolt where she had colided with me but then she was gone. I was terrified, but decided to talk. "Hello?" I whispered. "Any one there?" no reply. I was feeling stupid but I had to try and make contact. "If anyone's there please give me a sign." I asked. I wait a few heartbeats then felt anouther jolt in my leg. I touched where the jolt had been and it was ice cold. I was convinced this was the real deal, yet suddenly, I wasn't afraid, I felt like what ever it was in the room with me that was frightened. "Are you afraid? You shouldn't be, I'm not angry with you, I'd like to be your friend." as I said the words, I felt an overwhelming sense of warmth and happiness. I quickly fell asleep, some how knowing she was gone. I have never felt anything since.
In the years that followed, I've experienced the odd auditry hallucination, dreams while drifting off that made me jolt from an impact and days when I have unexplained depression. I feel like I can explain the events as my imagination mixed with my generally twitchy body and messed up nerves. Part of me is sad to let it go.
So there you are, I hope you enjoyed reading it.
( , Fri 8 Apr 2011, 0:07, 2 replies)

that fucking sun-baby on teletubbies.
i can't be the only one who finds that really creepy.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:59, 3 replies)

Ghostwatch or Threads.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:51, 20 replies)

Special K and Lemon Jelly - Experiment No. 6 is a combination to be avoided.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:45, 3 replies)

taking a walk one sunny sunday in the fields near my home. i was enjoying myself, the weather was lovely and it was very peaceful.
too peaceful.
suddenly, i realised i couldn't hear a sound. no birdsong, no insects, no distant sounds of traffic, nothing. i looked around me frantically. all i could see was open fields, i was the only living thing there. all at once, i was totally freaked out. running all the way, i got home as fast as i could.
i know it's silly, but wide open spaces still creep me right out.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:44, 2 replies)

Sitting on a tractor tootling away about 5 M.P.H. cutting some tall thick grass for hay, the sun was shining, the birds were singing , all was right with the world and then suddenly, Oh my god what's this ? A bare naked lady face down partially concealed by the standing grass and I am about to hit her with the mower! So I slammed on both brakes just in time before I collided with the said cadaver.... Then an almighty sigh of relief. It turned out to be a mannequin, a dummy from a dress shop that some idiot had thrown into the field. So I got out of the cab and slung it over the hedge out of the way and then got back in the cab and carried on. I tell you what though, my heart was still pounding in my chest for the next hour or so. What it must be like to actually stumble upon a real murder victim I shudder to think.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:38, Reply)

About 7 years ago or so a few of us decided to go for a ghost hunt. One of the party had heard that a place about an hours drive away was one of the most haunted places in the UK.
So off we went, the three passengers, all male having a few drinks on the way, and our female driver most definitely not drinking.
We arrive and park in a car park just opposite a church and go for a wander around the church grounds, and then off across a field. To be honest, no one was particularly expecting to see anything, it was more just something to pass the time.
After an hours walk or so we're heading back to the car, bemoaning the lack of ghostly activity when all of a sudden, as we're about 10-15ft from the car all the lights go on.
Us three lads shit ourselves, turned and half ran, craning our necks to see what on earth was going to chase us. But all we saw was our driver looking at us puzzled with her keyfob in her hand having just deactivated the car alarm.
What utter twats.
P.S - Ghostwatch from 1992(with Sarah Greene and Michael Parkinson) is without doubt the scariest thing that's ever been on television.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:27, 1 reply)

I'm not superstitious or prone to fits of fancy, and am relatively level headed.
I had to pick up the slack for an ex colleague's work ethic last year, and found myself driving from Dublin to Wexford, leaving Dublin at around 21:00, so getting to Wexford for around 23:00. I'm stone cold sober the entire time this happened.
The job was to photograph equipment at a radio site, ground and tower, so nothing complex. My plan was - drive down there, organise my van (long overdue and full of shite), get some kip (in the van), get up at 06:00 and do the work, then mission on to do the other jobs in the area.
The mast in question is in the middle of a forest (coilte if you're from Ireland) site, and to get to it I have to drive up these barely used forestry tracks in the dead of night. For those of you not familiar with rural Ireland, two things become immediately apparent: 1) It's deathly quiet 2) everything is apparently shrouded in mist.
So I mission it up to the first gate, open it, walk back to the van; no axe murderers, fine, climb in, drive in, close the gate. I'm now locked into a forestry site in the middle of nowhere, with no easy way out. There's another gate a mile up the track, same drill. Then the climb to the very top of the hill, and the enclosure gate itself (where all the ground cabin equipment is fenced in basically). The entire time I'm having a nervous chuckle to myself about this being a Blair Witch scenario.
I get into the enclosure, back the van up and start organising all the crap in it so it's at least manageable. While I'm carrying equipment to and from the van to where it's laid out (dead of night, pitch black, no clouds, deathly silent) at the very edge of the enclosure, I see something like a dull glow at the outside fence perimeter - so I step forward to see if it's something stupid (eg: a high vis jacket caught on a branch / a bit of paper / some luminous tape) but I can't identify what it is. So I stand there, trying to make sense of what I'm seeing, a foot in front of me, on the other side of the fence - and ultimately can't (there's no light reflecting into this area of the enclosure and we're in the middle of nowhere, and it looks like luminous smoke) - at which point my balls react first and retract fairly rapid, my brain reacting second and making me step back and turn around.
tbh, I pretty much (mentally) stuck my fingers in my ears and went LALALALALA, NO SUCH THING AS GHOSTS, HAHA and carried on clearing out the van, while keeping an ear out for pikeys or similar around the enclosure. I finish, dig out my sleeping bag, and go to sleep in the van cab with all the doors locked and having lurid nightmares about freakish horrors watching me sleep through the windows. Shit scared is about the size of it.
Morning comes, and it's fucking _beautiful_ - high summer, morning dew, crisp smell of the forest, nice and peaceful. I get on my harness, clip on to the tower and start climbing - get to 30-40m, look down, and where my mystery glow was there's plenty of nice thick undergrowth for a good 20m all around, the sort that's fairly unforgiving and painful to even touch, all round the site. Coupled with embankments running down towards the site, covered with the same. There's simply no way anyone could have been where I'd seen that weird light without being stabbed to death by the undergrowth, or making a fuckload of noise.
I stayed in a hotel the next night. Still love Ireland though.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:17, Reply)

Which are quite creepy. So I had a look on YouTube and found this. Watch it from about 1:15.
Sleep well.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:16, 13 replies)

My aunt sleepwalks and talks. One day she was found sitting on her bed, talking nonsense with her eyes wide open. I was seriously expecting her to turn her head around and vomit at us at any moment. I can see the day I will wake up in the middle of the night and see her standing by my bed.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:11, 1 reply)

Ive had quite a few creepy paranormal experiences, I may post my worst later but until then the 2nd creepiest thing i ever felt was the first ( and only ) time I went potholing.
I'd been caving at novice level a few times and loved it, so when invited to an outward bound weekend that would have a potholing experience I jumped at it.
It was an easy one, level 2 I think.
There were 6 of us, the guide, 3 other experienced pot holers and then myself and one other who hadn't done it before.
I was quite enjoying it at first and then unease started to creep in, the further we got.
At around the 3/4 point we were in a very small chamber , just enough room for us all to sit and take a breather, with the roof barely inches above our heads.
Then the guide asked us all to turn off our head torches.
Along the way he had been telling us about cave spiders and other things that lived deep underground and how there were tons and tons of rock and earth between us and the fresh air outside
So we are sitting there in total blackness, the air thick and humid, with the occasional puff of cold air from god knows where, theres the distant echoing sound of water dripping somewhere, and I'm totally creeped out while he talks about how early explorers may have navigated these tunnels in total darkness and thats why we are sitting there in the dark to experience this.
I swear they must be able to hear my heart thumping, I was sweating, trying not to hyperventilate at the thought of enormous cave spiders crawling over me while sitting in a little cavern under a mile of rock.
It was like being blind and buried alive and totally and utterly terrifying
I have never been more glad to to see daylight an hour or so later.
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 23:06, 8 replies)
This question is now closed.