I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

Last year.
I live right on the sea front in Pompey just in front of one of the embarkation points for the British contingent of Operation Overlord. Needless to say there is a memorial garden there where there was a full blown service for the 60th anniversary of the Landings. As many veterans as could that set off from that point attended. I, my friend, his wife and their 2 yr old nipper watched from my window. It was moving in itself but what set me off was seeing some of the members of the escorting army cadets fainting from the incinerating South Coast heat (a whole 20 degrees C that day) and not one of those old boys even needed so much as a wet hanky from the St Johns Ambulance on duty. What really did it was seeing my mates wife in tears whispering in a broken voice that she wanted her 2 yr old son to grow up understanding what they went through. I am 33 years old.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 2:39, Reply)

The last movie that I got really weepy at was "Big Fish." It's ending where the father and son "escape" to the river and the funeral afterwards caused loud sniffling and tears coursing down my face, which has caused me ridicule to this day.
That was followed by "Millenium Actress." Imagine if the dad from "Big Fish" only saw his wife that one time and didn't even learn her name, and spent the rest of his life (and his stories) loving her.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 2:30, Reply)

Normally it makes me cry rivers at its sheer hilarity, but the gambling dad sketch gets to me.
"I'm going to have to take this darling."
"It's OK dad, I just want you to get better."
Horrible beyond words.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 0:41, Reply)

the Tsunami. Couldn't believe it. So many people lost so quickly. Every time I saw it on the news it made me bawl :-(
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 0:35, Reply)

but the president's speech in Independence Day always brings a tear to my eye. Yes, it's incredibly cheesy, but it's just so inspiring. Hell, I'd go willingly to my death after that speech.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 0:09, Reply)

Quite a stoic chap normally, but my heart just melted when my girlfriend and I found a little Pitbull puppy on the roadside. Now, this being in out in the middle of nowhere in Arizona, and the puppy being very distressed and seriously dehydrated, we picked her up, rushed home and gave her some water, cleared the infestation of tics from her ears and she just passed out. That night I fell in love with her. She would do cute little things like scamper over to me if I was lying down, rest her head on mine and just fall asleep. If I set her down anywhere, she'd come straight back to me and try to climb up my leg.
The next morning, she started to have uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting. I spent every moment holding her, constantly giving her Paedolite in a feeding bottle and cleaning her when she threw it up in a bloody mess. We're not well off at all, and despite hours of frenzied calling, could not find a vet that would take payment plans or even advise us on what to do without an appointment. At midnight the gf was exhausted and distraught so she went to bed. I stayed up holding Saki (that's what we called her) until, at 5 am, she finally died. I quietly left the house, headed westish until I found a spot that felt right, and buried her beneath a tree in a plastic bag so the Coyotes wouldn't dig up the corpse, started wing home, stumbled to my knees and absolutely broke down into a barrage of big girly tears.
It's funny how things affect you. I never cry at funerals of people I've known for a long time, but a mutt I know for just a day and I can't handle it at all. Who can odds it?
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 0:02, Reply)

very nearly made me weep.
Also in that cancer relief commercial with the fading out mirror thing and Eva Cassidy's Fields of Gold in the background, when the little girl in the mirror goes "I love you mummy" and then doesn't fade away. Gets me every time. I'm such a sucker for emotional manipulation.
Edit: Ooh yeah, pushing a jalepeno pepper up your nose really makes you weep like a bastard. But interestingly only in one eye.
I probably should have posted that gem in the useless fact QOTW a couple of weeks ago.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 23:58, Reply)

Aside from that nasty week after breaking up with t'girlfriend, the last time I cried properly was back when the hostages were being decapitated further east, at least when the media was covering them.
I was sitting in a classroom, and I heard a murmur of conversation behind me. A pack of chavs were snickering and passing around a scrap of paper that apparently had the link to one of the uploaded videos of one of those unfortunate hostages. I mean, I was perfectly aware of the many videos circling the electric internet of the executions, though I hadn't sought one out, out of respect rather than squeamishness. These people had families, and lives of their own. And I could hear these chavs tittering about how blunt the knife was, and how much the victims screamed. It pissed me off so much, I kept quiet though. Later that day, I was alone, and I just sort of broke down and wept for the state of human decency... So angsty. I'm sure karma will rear its head and kick the shit out of those scum at some point.
First post evar, apologies for length. And girth. And those little weird growths, don't worry about them.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 23:26, Reply)

when I got a phone call from my brother telling me that our mum had died that morning. He sounded really choked, and I burst into floods of tears. Then he told me it was an April Fools. The fucking bastard shitfaced CUNT
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 22:08, Reply)

Twas when my uncle (he was a legend) lay on his deathbed dying of cancer, and everyone was silent as the grave(yes, i know. ew). I told him the last joke he would ever hear, holding his hand. I wish it had been better:
Q) Why is the Starship Enterprise like loo paper?
A) They both chase Klingons/Cling-ons round Uranus/your anus.
He laughed as well as he could, and i cried like a little girl (which i was).
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 22:02, Reply)

About 3 weeks ago I lost my guinea pig after he had surgery to remove a bladder stone. Mourned the little guy for 2 days. Poor thing. *sniff* *sniff*
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:57, Reply)

I listened to the tribute Home Truths programme the following Saturday morning. Right at the end, they played a recording of John Peel signing out from a previous programme.
He started by describing the weekend ahead of him, filled with the ordinary humdrum and mundane stuff which we all end up filling our lives with. But he then asked the listener to imagine him as he'd like them to think of him:
".. and bear in mind, as I pass by, that in my heart and in my head, I am tousel-haired adventurer Jack Peel, gunning the motor .. and heading towards acres of rolling pasture, the lakes, woods and rivers .... Note my finely chiselled features.. the sparkle in my frank blue eyes, the flashing white teeth..."
I thought of the way that everybody has dreams and how mostly, things never turn out quite the way you planned. Then I cried like a baby.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:57, Reply)

oh, it's been over a year now, but that was my most recent cry, and probably the only other one since my mom died 8 years ago.... a thing like that kinda makes all others seem not as worthy of tears. but anyway, after years of emergency treatment for my cat vince's feline asthma, i was faced with the situation to put him to sleep or almost certainly bring him home and have him die a quivering, smothering death .....so i had him put down, but first, they doped him up and let us all see him one last time, -and holy shit, the saline was flowing. i don't know if he felt my kisses at that point or not, but knowing that i was CHOOSING to kill my pet made me cry uncontrollably and shamelessly. so nothing new there, but i agree with b3ta on this one.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:56, Reply)

the other day at work when someone made an innoccuous remark about childhood and i realised i had quite a bad one!
sorry for the emo.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:51, Reply)

but *sniffle* i cried, when.... my cat died, and my gerbil (it was so misunderstood, just like me), and when i couldn't get that top i wanted from Criminal Damage- I mean Oxfam, and when i ran out of eyeliner, and when I caught my (so individual) boyfriend with another girl.... and another boy. And I cry regularly forthe emptiness of our lives, life is futile!! Dashboard Confessional will save us individual people, not you who don't feel your emotions. Oh yeh, and i cried when the goth bitches broke my glasses, so what if they wern't prescription; how could they be so mean, they are causes of such sadness... etc etc *moans on*
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:48, Reply)

version of Bambi. Cried better 2nd time round.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:42, Reply)

...when I found out there was no newsletter this week!
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:40, Reply)

But it's something I can never do."
That moment at the end of Terminator 2. It's just... och.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:25, Reply)

reading this thread
i'm bawling my eyes out at all the dead pets, dead friends and family and sad stories. I cant Stop crying, i hate you b3ta you bastards.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:17, Reply)

As General Counsel for the corporation, it fell on me to give another VP the axe. Upon returning to the board room, I was asked how the firing went. At 28, I was the youngest present by at least thirty years. "Fine," I replied, sorting out papers from my briefcase, and avoiding eye contact with any of the twenty older gents. "I mean, it wasn't like when I had to shoot my own dog when I was eleven." Looking around, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:09, Reply)

Apart from the daily agony of my wife ripping out my still beating heart and squeezing it in her evil twisted hands then shoving back only to do it again and again...........
......I too cried when I visited the Normandy war graves, US and UK, last summer. The big US cemetry and all the little UK plots. I would find a Scottish soldier in his early 20's killed on the first day of the Landings and a tear would well up. I took my kids who I dont really think realised the importance of what they were witnessing but one day they should.
The definate last day I cried was when the Black Watch marched through Perth High Street with baynoets fixed and the Colours unfurled, kilts swinging to the Tunes of Glory. Seeing the battle honours such as Lucknow, Waterloo, Arras, Ypre, El Alamein, and Korea, was a stirring sight.
I was so very proud of them.
*tears welling up*
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:05, Reply)

If you saw it, nuff said. If you didnt, get it and a box of tissues.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 21:02, Reply)

My dog was put to sleep last year, I arranged to have her cremated, ringing the vets to ask for this was one of the hardest things I have ever done....
Anyway a few months later me and the wife are on holiday in Scotland, we buy a few books each. I pick up a copy of 'The Lovely Bones' all is going well until about halfway throught he book when the girls dog shows up...
Anyone who has read the books will know what I mean....took me ages to stop crying but I still miss that dog, i'd have her cloned in a heartbeat.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 20:58, Reply)

Getting home from having one of the best new years and xmasses for many a year, *nice to be home* feeling, roll up a place to unwind, big grins, feet up on the sofa. I switch on the tv, just in time for a BBC special on the recent Tsunami...I cried and cried and cried, felt so bad for having such a good time and just stared at the tv in utter shock through my blurred eyes. We live in an unfair world...
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 20:51, Reply)
This question is now closed.