There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.
For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
This question is now closed.

Yesterday, when I was walking out of school after the very last day of term. The Easter Holidays were about to begin.
I took out my iPod and turned it on, and guess what, the first song is Iron Maiden - Running Free.
It couldn't have been more apt.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 10:09, Reply)

Reminds me of the summer of 2000, this track was played at the end of the evening in the club we went in. Me and a mate were normally so off our face it took us months to realise what the track was about... we came up with lots of very surreal lyrics we thought were being sung. Still brings a smile to my face to remeber that summer of playing jenga until 8am and the decision to drive to Newquay at 5am...
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 9:59, Reply)

Well I could mention songs I lost my virginity to, or maybe songs I listened to when my heart first broke.
But to be honest, the strongest song association I have is the entire Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine album and the game Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. It played non-stop whilst I played that game non-stop when it first came out.
I rather suppose some people think it had a carribean style soundtrack. They would be wrong, the opening theme to the game is Head Like A Hole.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 9:55, Reply)

Empty cans by the steets takes me back to a holiday in majorca wit me mate Col. Quite odd because it was a smashing holiday and the song is quite grim.
Run by Snow Patrol will always remind me of someone I loved who didn't feel the same.
Paradise by the dashboard light reminds me of me and a good mate taking the piss badly on Karaoke.
and Magic Carpet Ride by Stepphenwolf reminds me of breaking the speed of light in my nuclear missile.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 9:43, Reply)

...frenziedly blundgeoning Milly Dowler
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 9:27, Reply)

Rage against the machine - First CD I bought, much teenage angst and stuff and discovering music.
Sleeper - the it girl - Last summer at home before off to uni - good times
Pulp - Common people - got extremely friendly with a girl called Deborah to common people in Eden in Huddersfield - man she was fine ;)
U2 - Joshua tree - Cherry popping choons
Ministry Of Sound - Annual millenium edition, hours in front of a PC doing a dissertation (got a desmond for my degree so it must be good)
I could go on for ever with this one. But I won't.
Oh yeah, Pulp again, Disco 2000, they played it last at their gig at Sheffield 29/02/1996 - Fuggin awesome - moleste crowd, fantastic night....
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 9:07, Reply)

by Leonard Cohen, Rufus Wainwright or anyone else whom I've heard sing it makes me cry horribly everytime I hear it. I'm not entirely sure why except for the idea of love it describes comes closest to what I've experienced.
Edit: Mostly it's the Rufus Wainwright Lyrics "..love is not a victory march - It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah."
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 8:15, Reply)

Remember I said about meeting my dad for the first time last year?
Well, after I got home, we were watching the Wizard of Oz, and now "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" always brings tears to my eyes, because as I was flying home all I could think was:
"And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true"
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 8:06, Reply)

Anything from the Spice Girls era instantly reminds me of Secret of Evermore, Warhammer and that time I got caught walking to school with my best friend when we should have taken the bus (resulting in us mysteriously missing PE and Maths...).
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 6:17, Reply)

Paul Young - Every Time You Go Away reminds me of when I was maybe 4 or 5. It was playing on the radio when I decided I'd put my toy train in my hair while it was on to see what would happen. Though back then, I thought the lyrics went "everytime you go away, you take a piece of meat with you."
In the Cold, Cold Night by the White Stripes reminds me of walking down the railroad tracks with my friend, trying to balance on the rail(and failing miserably) arguing over the exact tune of that song. I turned out to be right.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 5:11, Reply)

Listening to this in my house in Brixton 1980 we were doing some Persian Brown Heroin and of course my mate Joe had too much and went well blue and this was playin' whilst I was doing everything I knew to revive him..I gave up..as the para-medics came running up the stairs he woke up and said to them"What the fuck do you want?"... You wouldn't remember Joe 'cause you are probably well dead by now!
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 4:11, Reply)

always reminds me of those carefree autumn days of 2003, when I had been spending month after month completely infatuated with a girl who was a year older than me. i still had the "nice guy" syndrome and was perpetually shy so i couldn't bring myself to say anything, until i got the old "you're too nice to date" speech.
how did the song go...? "you were never meant to belong to me...."
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 4:04, Reply)

Whenever I hear this song I go 'strange'..it was back in the early'70s at Stonehenge Fest I bumped into my mate Kev..He had this well strong 'Dancing Penguin' blotter LSD..down it went..Hawkwind played and when they did Silver Machine we became extra-terrestial and took off for the woods..I haven't seen him since..I heard he did a long stretch for Armed Robbery..If you read this Kev..Are you similarily affected?
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 3:58, Reply)

everytime i hear it i think of rugby. Does that count?
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 3:51, Reply)

Reminds me of the time i got swallowed by a giant fish and went to some white place
met some chap who had no idea what the hell he was doing
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 2:47, Reply)

This is quite a good QOTW...
1. 'Snowblind' by Black Sabbath, see this post, no.8 ; sounds like the same gig (everyone I know now was there, wierdly enough), me and top mate were having a v. drunken argument about whether they'd play it, and (to prove me right) they did!
2. Side 2 of Led Zep III. First experience of heartbreak/depression. Still can't really listen to it.
3. 'Hallelujah' by Nick Cave off 'No More Shall We Part'- more recent and quite serious attack of 2. above. I still love this song though.
4. 'Black Sunday' album by Cypress Hill. Strutting about London like an idiot, Summer '94, feeling on top of the world, getting laid regularly for the first time.
5. 'One More Cup Of Coffee' by Bob Dylan, and '$1000 Wedding' by Gram Parsons, turning me on to Bob & Gram respectively and thereby proving that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 1:43, Reply)

Nirvana-Polly always reminds me of when I lost my virginty to my then obsession (we were dating) he put it in just because he knew I loved nirvana. ::sigh:: he was so good at it too.
Nirvana-Drain you; this was requested from an insanely hot nirvana fan in my creative writing class, he was the only person to ever ask me to sing for him....he thought I sounded beautifully.
Green Day- Time Of your Life; my friend Micheal asked me to sing this with him in eighth grade and every time I hear it I get butterflies.
Soil- Halo; makes me think of my first kiss. I was 14 he was 19....a virgin...and obsessed with Star Wars ::Shudders:: oh the naiveity of it all. It was in the middle of the Soil show and he was screaming....needless to say when my mom witnessed it she just laughed and made fun of me. My mom rocks.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 1:07, Reply)

I can't hear John Lennon's "Starting Over" without feeling all creepy, because it was his big hit comeback single when he was murdered.
And for some reason, Pink Floyd's "Goodbye Blue Sky" started playing over and over in my head on Sept. 11, 2001, and didn't stop for days. I will probably associate that song with that day for the rest of my life.
"Look, mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky..."
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 0:44, Reply)

Freak on a Leash, Korn- reminds me of playing rugby in the pissing rain with my best mate at the time. We were singing the non-sensical bit in the middle while storming towards the try line, and 30 seconds later I scored the best freakin' try ever. We still lost.
Infest (album), Papa Roach/ Hybrid Theory (album, Linkin Park- Reminds me of the time I was headbanging as an uneducated nu-metaller (don't worry, I'm all better now) so hard I suffered from whiplash.
She's Electric, Oasis- Reminds me of my entire childhood, spent listening to What's The Story (Morning Glory) and albums by similar artists religiously in the car with my parents. We were pioneers of Virgin Radio, before it became shit.
Eruption, Val Halen- Reminds me of doing ab curls (sit ups with legs at right angles, very tiring) because I used to do them to this song. I could only keep it up for about 1m 45, so I used this song as a timer.
Last Day On Earth, Marilyn Manson- Reminds me of lying in a beautiful drunken haze on the floor of my then-girlfriend's living room, in the semi-dark. Unfortunatley, she was later lightly felt up by a guy who I thought was really cool at the time.
Creep, Radiohead- Reminds me of another former best friend getting fucked up the ass. I was in love with her at the time, and she told me all about it, along with everything else they'd bveen up to, in excruciating detail. I got depressed, the song stuck in my head, and I eventually had to write down the lyrics to shift it.
( , Fri 25 Mar 2005, 0:00, Reply)

reminds me of my ex-friends mother. While my sister was camping in this girls garden, her drunk mum came out with a basket containing her recently deceased cat, covered in flowers. She had decided that it was the perfect night to "send little Chazzy up to India" (as she kept saying). She then proceeded to cremate the cat by setting fire to the basket and its 'contents'.
As she sat back on a garden chair to admire her handywork, she leant too far and cracked her head open on the wall behind.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 23:58, Reply)

Chesney Hawkes - I Am The One And Only, it always reminds me of when me and my mates skipped college and spent all day in Wetherspoons drinking Newkie Brown. We'd be off our tits poorly singing the lyrics on the bottle
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 23:55, Reply)

Bon Jovi. The last gig my wife and I went to before our first child was born. Milton Keynes Bowl. The sun setting behind the stage and Bon Jovi playing in this open air amphitheatre. A hot day and great atmosphere. Every time I hear it, it reminds me of that amazing gig and also why I married the missus.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 23:23, Reply)

Anything by The Killers...
Nothing flashback related
Im just a cunt
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 23:22, Reply)

Every time I hear Don't Stop Me Now by Queen, it reminds me of the time I was barricaded in a pub surrounded by zombies.
Happy days.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 22:53, Reply)

Enya's Memory Of Trees (the entire album, not just the song), as well as Sting's Ten Summoner's Tales bring back fond memories of a certain summer- I was twelve years old, living at my father's dump of a house, and subsiding on microwave burritos, grape soda, and White Castle burgers. Every time I hear them, I can taste the lucious beef and beanyness and see the Riven screencaps... I played that game for months with little sleep.
God, that was an awesome summer. *glee*
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 22:48, Reply)

Madness was a great band for me as a child, and it reminded me of the times I used to go around in nursery singing House of Fun without knowing its hidden meanings of SEXUALNESS.
I also probably just used to sing "Welcome to the House of Fun" repeatedly until the teacher shouted at me and made me cry.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 22:31, Reply)

The Hanging Garden - The Cure reminds me of the day I finally realised my mariage was in the shitter, I cried.
Toxic - Britany Spears reminds me of the time when a senior manager got pissed and started to shout abuse at me in the pub infront of 30 witnesses. ha ha ha she got disciplined! Then left! ha ha ha
Never Let Me Down Again - depeche mode & Souvenir - OMD both bring back memories of being chucked.
Beaver Patrol & Pweization - PWEI both remind me of getting ready to go out drinking when I was a student in Edinburgh.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 22:27, Reply)

Coldplay - Parachutes (whole album)
First ever threesome. One drunken night....blah blah blah....fun though.
Snake River Conspiracy - You and Me and Her
A particular relationship I had with a girl and boy simultaniously.
Aim - Cold Water Music
I had sex with my boss! At his flat! I lost a virginity of sorts that night....just think about that one.
Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
Ibiza 1998. Dancing for hours and hours on end in some of the best clubs I've ever been to.
The Source feat Candi Staton - You Got The Love (Satoshi Tomie Remix)
One of the best nights clubbing at Shindig at Foundation....and I've been to and I've been to a lot of Shindig nights! Music was amazing, the atmosphere was amazing, I was there with my boyfriend and my best friend and it was just sweet!
Daft Punk - Something About You
An ex-bf of mine was what I like to call a one minute man but if he was pilling he was like the Duracell Bunny. One night I persuaded him to neck a pill so we could shag for longer. Lots of sex, all over the place in fact...problem was he couldn't get to sleep and kept me awake when I had to work the next day.
Les Rythmes Digitales - Music Makes You Lose Control
When Saturday nights were spent with 4 of my favourite people in the world. We would go out with loads of people then disappear to one mates house and get drunk/stonned/gorge on food and watch movies ripped off the net. HUZZAH!
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 22:23, Reply)
This question is now closed.