Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.
What makes you think that you are getting old?
( , Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
This question is now closed.

I use correct grammar and sentence structure in my text messages.
( , Mon 1 Nov 2004, 4:07, Reply)

When you hold your breath as you bend down, and let a sigh out as you stand up again. Take note next time you drop owt!
( , Mon 1 Nov 2004, 2:38, Reply)

My 7 year old brother is playing games i remember playing when they came out...and is better than me at them (tomb raider for example)
( , Mon 1 Nov 2004, 1:09, Reply)

-I Don't regonise the chav's at the bus stop
-My younger brother is now a teenager
-I'm becoming opinionated about the youth of today
-I want a stable relationship, not random sex
-my dad is beginning to look old
-I'm at university
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 23:12, Reply)

M&S and seeing a cardigan in the window and thinking "mmm that looks comfy".
I find that I thoroughly enjoy breaking wind - to the distain of my missus who always complains - my reply is nearly always: "Everyone needs a hobby"
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 23:01, Reply)

If I spot spelling mistakes in books or menus I get out a pen and correct them. When I see adverts in shop windows with spelling mistakes I am very tempted to go into the shop and tell them about it.
Last night my flatmate and I stayed in and got pissed instead of going out. Our reason... that it would be cold outside when we would be coming home.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 22:51, Reply)

and things that tell you you're getting old:
You use phrases that your dad uses
You can't recall every meal you've had in the last 48 hours
It gets harder to find a decent pair of slippers
You were there when retro was the future
TV presenters are younger than you
You say "you're only as young as you feel" with alarming regularity
You remember when Top of the Pops was presented by Radio 1 DJs and they played decent music
If you fancy someone in their late teens you're considered a pervert
Colleagues say how they'd hate to be in their 30s
You actually look forward to going to bed - to sleep
You remember famous bands that nobody younger than you has heard of
My wife had her 50th birthday last year (no, really)
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 22:26, Reply)

i fondly remember playing loderunner on my family's Macintosh (128k).
and i wish i still had that game. these newfangled 3d advanced games are for lollipops.
thank you and goodnight!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 20:02, Reply)

1) I am getting grey hair.
2) I am going bald.
3) I have developed arthritis in my guitar fretting hand(that one was a shot to the heart)
4) I make noises when I bend down.
5) My knees creak and pop at any given moment, when I walk down the street it sounds like I'm walking on a bag of crisps.
And most worrying of all?
I'm only 17. :(
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 19:46, Reply)

carefree, naughty, drunk, inappropriately dressed
now I am just:
careworn, paranoid, drunk, poorly dressed
(and I am hiding in my house with all the lights off so I don't get any halloween callers - how sad is that?)
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 19:26, Reply)

going to the toilet was a disruption to my hectic crazy life,,,, now im in my 30's, I really enjoy a nice poo!!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 19:24, Reply)

I was hanging out the washing and suddenly thought to myself, "I could do with a peg-bag".
It was at this point (about 30) that I realised I no longer served any point or position in life and that the rest of my miserable existance was going to be Hell on earth. These days I have to let my flatulence out in short sharp bursts to limit any damage if I follow through. I also occasionally go down on my girlfriend purely to buy some time so I can sober up and achieve an erection.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 18:03, Reply)

I now feel that 15/16/17yo kids getting lairy after being asked for ID at pubs/clubs deserve to be chucked out and barred, despite the fact that I was in a similar situation not too long ago.
Also, I now rate pubs on merits such as quality of environment, price of drinks, and range of real ales as opposed to whether I'm likely to be served or not.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 17:51, Reply)

I wanted to either visit the the National Trust or the National Railway Museum.
...I was already developing a suspicion because every time my flatmates turned on the music TV channels I tutted.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 17:08, Reply)

stop your messing around
better think of your future
it's time you straighten right out
creating problems in town
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 16:37, Reply)

and I still have my life to look forward to, so unlucky.....in your face big disgrace :P
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 15:10, Reply)

And say, "Tsk, kids nowadays."
All the fucking time. Damn I'm a hypocrite.
That and the bad back, knees, ankles, neck, and shoulders. I feel like I have arthritis already, it's fucking ludicrous.
My favourite book is 70 years old.
My favourite film star was born not one, but 2 centuries ago.
Oh yeah- I'm 21.
Edit: And of course, the fact that I can seriously remember *nothing*.. Yeah, I'm actually 20. And I frequently ask people the date and feel really embarrassed when they only tell me day and month, and I have to ask them to be more specific...
George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London; Bogart
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 14:25, Reply)

This young lad in his early 20s comes up and asks if we can play a song for his mum, as it's her birthday.
Now, I pictured his mum as some aged old mutton in her 50s. Turns out his mum was the fit bird I'd been eyeing up all night!
Went to a nightclub afterwards. Instead of getting ratarsed I actually started drinking slower, so I wouldn't have to face the crowded bar so often.
I'm telling ya, Ovaltine and slippers are not far off.
(Am being set up with an 18 year old at the weekend, though. Still doing her A-Levels, apparantly! Nobody say the "P" word!)
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:19, Reply)

I know I'm getting older (42), my daughter just finished highschool and moved out to live with her fiance. That's okay, I can still get the young ones, _one_ of my boyfriends is almost 21....
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:12, Reply)

As I get older I make up words to hide the fact I can't remember the right ones. Groaning and moaning, this is not during sex, this happens when trying to get out of bucket seats in cars and talking of cars, turning your head to reverse makes the string in the back of your eye hurt and your eyes jig about (or is this just me?). On the subject of grey hair, I used to say that there was snow on the roof but it hasn't got under the eaves yet, every bath is an adventure into possible terror now at my age. This is all a bit oo er, oo er being old persons words. God help me I'm old already. Oh yeah and gynaecologists look like they only just crawled out of the womb and now are trying to get back in, it's a perverted world we live in!!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:12, Reply)

For the first halloween ever in my life I have absolutly no desire to carve a pumpkin...
A sure sign of getting old
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:10, Reply)

"youth culture" is aimed at me, and then I realise it's aimed at people 15-years younger than me. That's depressing. And the fact that I talk to old women at bus-stops. Oh dear.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:04, Reply)

As you get older, there are three things you lose.
The first is memory,
bugger, I forgot the other two.
Ah.... great days.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 13:03, Reply)

I now find myself scouring the local rag for evidence of people I went to school with getting married or having their first children - whilst I continue my amazing ability to remain single despite my best efforts to change that.
Worryingly, there's quite a regular flow of them making their way into the world of married peeps.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 12:11, Reply)

is my channel of choice. I cant wait til next "turbo Tuesday" so I can see Mark Evans next installment of "A (insert vehicle) is (re)Born" Bring me my slippers :D
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 12:06, Reply)

Apart from some new but mainly repeats of uk comedy shows, the only things I tend to enjoy on the telly are period dramas and murder mistories and Touch of frost which Id never look at as a kid
Rememeber the times that you really looked forward to weekends to watch Noels house party, Baywatch, (bruceis) generation game and gladiators?
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 12:04, Reply)
This question is now closed.