My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

Years ago in the Devonshire st tunnel, someone had written
"my mother made me a homosexual"
someone else had added
"If I give her the wool, will she make me one too?"
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 5:43, Reply)

In the bogs at uni some wit had written "AG DEGREES, PLEASE TAKE ONE" above the toilet roll. Bloody place was crawling with stupid agricultural students.
Always gave me a laugh, still does.
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 5:40, Reply)

well during one of my travels of poland i was drinving throgh the sunny town of Hell. well at the end of hell there is a junction to go to Puck well some clever little bloke had taken a green pen and covered up the middle of the p so it looked like an f. so the sign said "fuck" nothing else just that.
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 5:00, Reply)

Seen in Fitzroy some time back in '96...
"She'll be blonde with no regrets"
Perfect, I don't know why.
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 3:57, Reply)

Becky Warner is a "dirty bitch dyke" and a "bitch titted bucket fanny." She also "smells like fish poo."
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 1:37, Reply)

I've seen loads, but the favourite had to be on the back of a Bakery van in Dubai (Automatic Bakery, an Indian business) which stated in the dust on the back...
"We are number one loafers"
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 1:31, Reply)

There are very detailed drawings of compasses. as in, the mathematical tool for drawing circles with.
to this day i cannot work out why,
it baffles.
any ideas?
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:35, Reply)

Well, more like three or four years ago in Kidlington, Oxfordshire. There's a road sign that reads "BELLENGER CLOSE". The obvious one would be to make it say "Bellend Close", but driving past one day I noticed some clever little bastard had changed it to "BEEEENGER CLOSE" with a black marker, replicating the serif bits on the new Es pretty damn accuratley. Made me chuckle :)
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:26, Reply)

i ever saw said "my mother made me a homosexual" to which someone had added "if i give her the wool, will she make me one?"
the best one i ever did myself was when someone wrote "free nelson mandela!" in huge black letters on a wall by my house. underneath i wrote "with every box of cornflakes"
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:22, Reply)

Mrs Irene Graham of Thorpe Avenue, Boscombe, delighted the audience with her reminiscences of the German prisoner-of-war who was sent each week to do her garden. He was repatriated at the end of 1945, she recalled. "He'd always seemed a nice friendly chap, but when the crocuses came up in the middle of our lawn in February 1946, they spelt out, 'Heil Hitler'.
Organic Graffiti.
cut and pasted from this article:
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:21, Reply)

was something like:
Philosophers phrase questions ending in the word discuss because they can't think of a proper question. Discuss
( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:20, Reply)

In a pub called The Albany as I recall:

( , Wed 9 May 2007, 0:16, Reply)

I used to pass road called 'Portsview Avenue'.
Some bright young chap had decided it would be humorous to use red spray paint to change this to 'Portsjew avenue'.
Sadly, they appear to have been drunk. The sign now reads 'PortsviJwW' avenue.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 23:57, Reply)

...has one entry
"i had an accident in my pants"
in scruffy writing across a whole page
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 23:44, Reply)

I live in an extremely rural part of the world, where there's nobody to be racist to. However, for whatever reason, someone decided to scrawl 'Combat 18' across a local wall.
It didn't last long - somebody came and overpainted the 'C' with a 'W', so we now have the legend 'Wombat 18'.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 23:33, Reply)

"Do you fart loud yes / no"
And a space underneath for people to tally their answer
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 23:19, Reply)

Probably on here already can't be bothered to check.
Graffiti in local pub.
"if assholes could fly this place would be an airport"
Made me smile.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 23:19, Reply)

I was at Oxford and can vouch for some of the pompous ramblings in the Bodelian toilets and various pubs. There was a sandwich bar off the main street (fairly nr to Lincoln College) called Heroes and my friends changed it with some Tippex to Herpes. I do have a pic of it but can't scan it...What larks, I tell you.
Same friend when he got a job at the Daily Telegraph decided that it would be fun to deface the Starbucks logo @ Canary Wharf. He and his colleagues blew up a huge photo of Jimmy Tarbuck's face and stuck it over the "s". It was in the Evening Standard and everything!!!
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 22:06, Reply)

Also, the gentleman looking at "porno" is my good friend Sheehan, of message board fame.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 22:02, Reply)

The A57(M) lies across several main roads just south of Manchester City Centre, creating a Ballardian nightmare landscape of concrete and subways that seem to destroy all daylight.
Summer 2006. Appropriately enough, on one of the subway tunnels at the junction of the Mancunian Way and Higher Cambridge Street, in enormous black letters:
I'm still lost for words. Gone now, sadly.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 21:45, Reply)

and near the top of a particular cliff a mate had scratched his name in big letters with a stone, about 50ft up.
So being the good mate I was, I climbed up a wrote 'IS A TWAT' underneath. It stayed there for a while 'cos no-one would do his ropes so he could amend it.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 21:34, Reply)

I remember when I was at school, someone had written on the classroom wall that "Bezzer was a gay - IDST"
He tried to cross it out but it didnt matter, cos even when he destroyed it, it would still be true. And several years later, we found out it was!
Those four letters have truth behind 'em
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 21:23, Reply)

I saw this in a toilet once, i forget where but it tickled me never the less: "here you sit now on thy shitter, dump or piss thy choice is yours, if you find thy setting bitter, may this prayer brighten its doors".
pretty eloquent eh? still i dont know why this person cant grab the concept of pissing and shitting at the same time.....
oh yeah someone had put "fuck off jews" at the bottom of it.
.....Reeeeeal smart huh
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 21:16, Reply)

I've only ever seen two pieces of graffiti that really made me laugh, and both were written in the toilets of the Dry Dock in Leeds.
The first read "I have an arse like the japanese flag"
The second however was in my opinion genious, and not what you'de expect from your usual shit with a marker. It read:
"I fucked your mum"
WOW - Way to sock it to the man!
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 20:46, Reply)

another one. if you're ever in brighton, pop into The Hampton - on the wall behind the bar there's a sign that says "first aid kit available" which the bar staff have changed to "first aid kite available, fly to hospital"
fucking love that pub.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 20:32, Reply)

and can't be bothered to get through 40 pages to find out.
near the village my mum and dad live in (Stony Stratford near M'Keynes if you care) there is apparently a Canal Museum.
I wouldn't have noticed this local attraction if someone hadn't painted out the 'C' on the signpost pointing at it
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 20:22, Reply)

the toilets in my school have got the words GILL BUMS MEN FOR 50P + SHEEP why do they think anyones going to have a sheep
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 19:33, Reply)

Club toilets in Glasgow university union. On the wall was a big Samaritans poster which read in large friendly letters "Something getting on top of you?" under which some genius had written "Your Dad".
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 19:16, Reply)
This question is now closed.