It's been a while since we last asked this question and CaptainFellatioNelson's confession that he likes "to fart under the duvet, creep in and see how long I can last only on the fart air contained within" reminded us just how good it was last time.
What are the little things you do for fun when nobody else is around?
( , Thu 13 Mar 2008, 11:48)
This question is now closed.

If i'm helping out on the front desk at XS Malarkey When asking people for money, I like to go "that's £5, pleasekaythanks". It's stupid and simple, but it makes me giggle inside.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:17, 5 replies)

This is something which requires extreme body control, and it is certainly something to try
at home, when no one's around. Prefferably when you just finished showering..
It's basically the technique of slamming your manly bit against your lower belly, but with an
added difficulty: the challenge is to make it slap your underbelly TWICE in ONE swing:
Your member should NOT land in its 'hanging' position in between slaps.
It all comes down to thrusting your body forward right after the first slap, or 'pok'
which induces a second 'pok'. Hence the name.
For optimal results, it needs to be half-erect. You know, the state in which it is when
it's not fully erect, but it sure has 'grown'..
When properly executed, it will make you proud of your physical control!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:16, 3 replies)

I'm going to use it as an excuse to eat as many pies as possible.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:16, 3 replies)

One of my many musical ventures at present is a Rage Against the Machine tribute act, with three other guys I know from university about five years ago. Our drummer got married last year, and at the obligatory post-reception disco he had hired a soul band to go through the motions and please the inlaws with the usual Dusty Springfield rubbish.
They packed up at about 11pm and the groom stuck on a mix CD he had put together for the occasion. The first track was "Sultans of Swing" by Dire Straits.
Cue the astonishing sight of all the old grannies shuffling away from the dancefloor as fast as their zimmer frames could manage, only for an entire Rage Against the Machine Tribute band, wearing tuxedos, performing not just air guitar to the Knopf's masterpiece, but putting on a complete *air band*, with bass, drums and vocals. Turns out we knew all the lyrics, and in fact we were air-banding with the correct chords, and, in one case, the correct drum patterns.
Many of the people present have never spoken to us again.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:12, Reply)

I like to narrate my own existence. In the third person. And slightly film noir.
Just now, as I returned from the shop, a little voiceover in my head said something along the lines of:
"She walked the cracked and buckled pavement home from the shop. The rain slid from her eyelashes like tears".
That kind of crap.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:10, 9 replies)

Is letting people out of sidestreets whenever he can with a polite wave and a smile.
Why is this a guilty pleasure?
He drives a brand new BMW 5 series.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:08, 1 reply)

Then loving it when she replies thinking i've said Mum. Childish, but it makes me titter. I don't live at home anymore, but i still find the time to do this at Christmas and other trips home.
A bit more farfetched is calling out Dad, but replacing with Nads!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:01, 4 replies)

Every Friday, my Mum does "the big shop". Luckily for me, and to her dismay, I have Friday mornings off college.
Friday is also my mothers "do the cleaning day".
Whilst she's upstairs hoovering up the weeks accumulated dust, I love to add a few things to her shopping list in her hand writing.
Amongst the 'pots , toms and fags' I include stuff like- KY Jelly, Dildo, Whipped cream, spunk rags, pr0n etc etc. I also add 'big present for Ashley' for Ashley is my name.
Each week I await the yellow taxi bringing her home for my 'big present'. Mostly I just have to do with the KY Jelly.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 13:00, Reply)

1 - Watching Hollyoaks. Despite it's many flaws of being: very unrealistic, nobody looks skint, everybody is tarted up as if they are going out on the sauce, etc. I set my Hard Drive recorder to "series link" record it. Shameful!
2 - Nigella Lawson. I did think there was something wrong with me for being into her, until a couple of other mates of mine come forward. I mean, what a top piece of totty; all dark haired and sultry, cracking chebs and being an awesome cook. Just think, she would cook you the most awesome foodstuffs known to mankind and is bound to be "a right goer" in the bedroom. "Schwing!" - as they say in Wayne's World...
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:55, 9 replies)

It's not as nasty as it may sound! I just like throwing them up in the air a little...maybe 6-10 inches, just as one would with a baby! They dont seem to mind and remain healthy throughout. I like the way their little legs waggle.
I havent dropped one yet!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:52, 3 replies)

peanut butter and gherkins on toast.
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:44, 8 replies)

I'm 30 years old and it is still as much fun as it was as a child.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:32, 9 replies)

Sure, I have a supersonic computer with a spankingly spectacular graphics card, but there's nothing quite like the basic pleasures of Puzzle Pirates, hours and hours of it.
Oh yeah, and I love a good spanking.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:29, 1 reply)

The best bit is when, suddenly out of no-where, lovejoy turns to the camera and gives forth some shite nugget of plot that somehow doesn't seem to be relevant. It just adds a weird situation, not seen before or since, despite how wacky hollyoaks tries to get..
80's Genius.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:23, 7 replies)

I'm holding in a shit until I really need to go, so that it's all the more satisfying when I do eventually drop the kids off at the pool.
I'm sure it's not good for me, but WTF.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:15, Reply)

By typing that, I've invited the pisstaking..
But, my guilty pleasure. Watching Jeremy Kyle and thanking fuck I am nothing like any of his guests.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 12:10, Reply)

I'm a sensitive young man - educated, liberal, open-minded. Having lived with a few, I have a lot of respect for women and try to treat them respectfully. If I'm going to ogle, try to do it without making them feel uncomfortable. I don't look at cleavages while addressing a girl. And I like intelligent women with opinions and strength of character.
But when it comes to lusting over pictures of nudey women, I'm a sucker for the Playboy archetype. Oversized tits. Blonde hair. Photoshopped skin - might as well be a cartoon. Fake tan? Love it. Dead eyes? All the better. Submissive poses that invite a rough and meaningless rogering? My preference. These aren't women - they're images of women, abstracts of women. Lust made pictorial.
I blame society.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:53, 9 replies)

1 - I enjoy cutting people up in multi storey car parks while riding a mountain bike. As you are able to weave in and out of parked cars and gaps in a bid to cut up a random person exiting/entering the multi storey. I award myself bonus points on how pretentious the driver’s choice of car is, and how agitated they become. The highest in the list are drivers of:
BMW 1 and 3 series, especially on a basic trim level,
4 x 4 Drivers that don’t need to own one in the first place, e.g. some random 5ft tall bint with lots of kids driving a Toyota Land Cruiser that should own an MPV/People Carrier instead,
Small poxy Mercedes Benz (C Class or A Class, especially in Silver),
Mercedes ML Class drivers,
Them small and shite Jaguar’s that are essentially a “Ford Mondeo wearing Emperor’s clothes”
Shitty chav mobiles with horrid body kits like Citroen Saxo, Vauxhall Nova
To quote some examples.
2 - Using the pointy bit of a Bic biro top to carve the crap out from under my nails and wipe it on the carpet. In fact, I carry a Bic Biro top with me specifically for this purpose all the time.
3 – Ripping people in electrical stores that are considering buying an Apple iPod (get a bloody imagination, there are better mp3 players out there!). I usually just shake my head and openly sigh in derision saying “Buy something better, they’re shite”. One time, I was with the GF and said to her in conversation “You know, my mate has had nothing but trouble with those” while a sales rep was demonstrating an iPod to someone.
4 – A quirky liking of Mike Oldfield and Kate Bush. And, owning most of their albums (and even enjoying Mike’s cheesier 1980s albums), been playing Mike’s stuff all week and posting YouTube videos up of live concert footage on the Bulletin pages of my myspace to weird people out. Despite being a scary 6 foot rocker that specialises in listening to death, thrash, and black metal.
5 – Pulling out excessively long nasal hairs. I award myself bonus points if I make myself sneeze, love it when that happens.
6 – Like some other peep on here posted, I love making people in cars stop suddenly while crossing a road if they don’t indicate. I often cycle past a Matalan factory and there are loads of their employees that do this. Bonus points are awarded as stated in point No˚1.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:52, 10 replies)

various things.
ends of cigarette butts, so that they look like neat little trees. byt the end of the day, there is a little forest growing in my ashtray.
also on my desk, only to find myself glued to the table hours later.
on chairs, signs, walls, flashy mugs, tip of my nose, around my finger, cars, beds, friends' furniture, carpets and animals.
I have a smal collection on our elevator wall.
did you know chewing is forbidden in singapore?
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:51, 6 replies)

Naked with the bathroom door open, when there is no one in the house.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:45, 2 replies)

Every time I cross a road with pedestrian-operated traffic lights, I feel the compulsive need to push the button after I cross the road. As a driver, I know how annoying it can be, but I love to wind up other drivers by making them wait at lights for no reason.
Another thing I do to annoy drivers is start crossing a road juuuuuust as they approach and time it so that I get to the spot they were at a fraction of a second too late for them to hit me. Apparently it really freaks them out, but it amuses me.
And walking on crash-barriers too. Don't ask me why, but I love walking across the top of crash barriers.
I'm weird...
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:45, 3 replies)

I do many of the things people have listed on here, but I don't feel guilty about them, and I suspect none of you do either!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:34, 1 reply)

I like to take the Celebrations tin I kept to store biscuits, I put the lid on my chest, the tin on my back, and pretend I'm a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Heroes in a half-shell! TURTLE POWER!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:29, Reply)

Or does everybody enjoy the warm, fuzzy feeling that can only be obtained by strangling prostitutes before humping them, setting fire to them and leaving their burnt, battered corpses in a shallow grave ?
Thank god the weekend is nearly here, that’s all I can say.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:25, 6 replies)

I can't help it, but I often feel an overwhelming urge to overcome both my natural tone-deafness and indugle some of my tourette-esque tendencies in musical fashion.
Many a time I've been sat at the lights singing away and adding my own words to well known songs, much to the amusement of whoever is in the next car to me.
Okay, singing about "Tainted Muff" is puerile and childish but what the hell. If I can't corrupt the lyrics I'll drop in the occasional "arse" or "minge" as I'm singing away.
If I change stations and find something truly offensive (Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Westlife etc) I won't hold back from yelling "Do fuck off now!" at the stereo. I've also been known to have full on rows with my Sat Nav.
Also, if I'm at a party where someone's playing Sing Star I absolutely HAVE to have a go. I can't be dealing with singing along to Girls Aloud or Steps, so I usually end up belting out my own special versions of Queen numbers in a style William Shatner would be proud of.
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:19, 10 replies)

in the mirror while I fart!
( , Fri 14 Mar 2008, 11:13, 2 replies)
This question is now closed.