What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.
( , Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
This question is now closed.

Fucking bananas, They were sent directly from Hades to inflict thier misery on mankind.......
What does nature / life tell us about things that are yellow and black ?
Warning Signs / tape = Yellow and black
spiders = Yellow and Black
Blow Fish = Yellow & Black
Bees = Yellow & Black
Wasps = Yellow & Black
Poisonous Snakes = Yellow & Black
Poisonous Lizards / newts = Yellow and black
Need I say more......Steer clear of the monkey food.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 22:01, Reply)

Both totally inedible. Both look disgusting. Both taste like shit. Dont go there!!!!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 21:57, Reply)

Pussy....i defy you women to have to eat that!
*ducks because of impending abuse*
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 21:44, Reply)

but specifically, most fish, all molluscs, sephalopods, crustacians, arachnids, internal organs of any animal, and any vegetable that's not chips. Pretty much.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:56, Reply)

On page 5 there is a mention on milk ice-cubes - if u haven't experienced the skankyness of them then u no nothing! They are wierd things that melt when put in a drink and coz strange floaty bits in - this is wat happened to my coke :S

well my artistic impression!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:47, Reply)

thirteen pages of "Yuk, mam, I'm not eating that!" I think it's fair to say that the most common factor is celery. I mentioned it on page one, and since then, more celery haters have proclaimed their aversion.
Can someone write to God and have celery banned?
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:45, Reply)

Once was tricked by my family into having alaskan king crab legs while out in Seattle. Afterwards left a trail all over Mt. Rainier with the half-digested remains of these foul sea dwelling insects.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:44, Reply)

I once made a omelette with tuna. Once, and only once. I was obviously determined back then, I ate the whole bloody stinkin' mess of it.
Tuna in general is just soooooo gut-wrenching. One of the guys in my house makes it every other night. I want to slap him.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:35, Reply)

is an evil that must be destroyed. who would want to eat anything called ants on a log anyway?!
that and liquorice. bleurgh…
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:33, Reply)

Anything that has come out of water that looks that much like "dog squash" is probably not fit for human consumption...
and anywho - it all looks like it should have been dead a long long time ago.....
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:30, Reply)

Urgh... I've just remembered the time my flatmate bought one of those 99p microwave cheeseburgers from the 24-hour shop. Watching him prepare and then attempt to eat it was like watching a car crash. It comprised the burger itself, a generously-sized bun, an orange sliver of processed cheese, and a little sachet of tomato ketchup. It was also crunchy. Examination of the plastic wrapper revealed why: "While every effort has been made to remove bones from this product, some may remain." Oh, and the meat content: 45%.
He managed to eat a quarter of it. The smell hung around in the kitchen for days, like a mechanically-recovered miasma.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:26, Reply)

Raw onions
Saurkraut (or however you spell it)
Pickled Beets
Any of the above makes me cringe
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:13, Reply)

Anything that can theoretically grow on your foot can't be good for you.
And they ming too.
So there.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 19:13, Reply)

i cant stand eggs in any way shape or form they just fucking make me feel rough eggs should die i really really hate them
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:46, Reply)

This is the most putrid ingredient in existence. You might as well pour half a bottle of Chanel No.5 on your food, it has the same effect.
I managed to pebbledash the wall of a Thai Restaurant because of this stuff. What the hell is the point of using Lemongrass in food when it overpowers all others tastes so completely?
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:41, Reply)

Friends of mine and I were in an import store and saw the chilled can and thought just how bad can it be? Distilled grass with extra sugar. It could have only been worse if it were fiberous and stringy like over cooked asparagus. The coating it left on the tongue didn't wear away for a week.
Oh and watermelon..gag, yuck, puke..
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:40, Reply)

cheese is the biggest cunting food around unless its processed cheese that u put in burgers if it tastes like cheese then it should die a horrible horrible death in the microwave or summit thank you for your time.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:34, Reply)

Useless cunt of a vegetable. The only decent thing about celery is a chelsea song a mate of mine sings:
Celery, celery, if she don't cum I'll tickle her bum wiv a lump of celery.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:24, Reply)

except for Albertson's wrap sandwiches and cole slaw... but I don't believe that's too common in Europe.
Oh, and whoever thought of eating sliced tomatoes with mozzarella slices should be shot.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:19, Reply)

but WHY OH WHY OH WHY can ANYONE eat the filth that is McDonalds??? Just the smell of it makes me gag. Ugh Ugh UGHHHHH.
I don't mind celery but my boyfriend's allergic to it.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:06, Reply)

Who on Earth would want to eat this food of the devil?? i mean vile tasting mini Cabbage (and cabbage is a bad enough food for me). eugh!!!
And my mother insists on then every Christmas, they are so bad even the damn dogs won't eat them (clever bastards)
Ban them, ban them NOW
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 18:02, Reply)

Mother in law used to make Shepherds Pie. This was bad enough, but, for some reason she used to add curry powder. So we got curried shepherds pie. I can still taste it now, makes me want to retch.
Oh, and Liver and Kidneys in Mixed Grills. There really is no need. Vile.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 17:37, Reply)

The other half is a vegetarian hippy type, which means I'm constantly being coerced into trying new weird and 'wonderful' veggie concoctions when I just want to have a nice bit of chicken. I like veggie burgers but she has an obsession with all sorts of ungodly veggie oddness - still, I'm kind and don't eat meat around her, and some vegetable foods are nice (Heinz Country Vegetable soup is absolutely lovely). Then again, vegetarians have a point when it comes to meat-eaters having tripe, trotters, rotten fish, pig's heads and god knows what else. Thankfully my mum's a vegetarian too, so when I'm at home I only cook the meat that I want to eat.
Also, mushrooms are lovely. Stop whining and go have a few with a good fry-up, you miserable bastards.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 17:30, Reply)

I hate Baked Beans. They make me think of really pointless questions.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 17:29, Reply)

Don’t eat them they are Chernobyl by-products! I purchased one a few weeks back, 4 minutes in the microwave on high and I managed to turn a frozen block of what can only be described as house building material into a self aware, self functioning, self thinking mutant. I mean you could actually see this thing breathing and bubbling. Been the dumb idiot that I am I tried to eat the thing anyway which resulted in first degree burns and a taste to my mouth which was unpleasant to say the least. Any meal that is below 98p is just a danger in my eyes.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 17:16, Reply)
This question is now closed.