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This is a question Image Challenge suggestions

We think a good challenge idea is like the opening line of a joke, say "If ads told the truth... Guinness would say 'It makes you fat, and your shit turn black.'"

Maybe you have other ideas.

We're going to leave this thread open, so feel free to add ideas at any time. BTW: Please use the "i like this" button. Your voting really helps the good ideas bubble-up, and the very best will be used in the Image Challenge itself.

(, Thu 21 Oct 2004, 13:55)
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If rob could make everyone happy
it would look like what you're going to photoshop for this challenge.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2007, 17:37, Reply)
Photoshop portrait
Make some one's face out of some one else's face without doing face swap.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2007, 17:35, Reply)
The last thing they ever saw
photoshop the moment just before it all goes horribly, horribly wrong.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2007, 15:40, Reply)
International Radio Times
In light of the fact that the UK Entertainment Industry is apparently the most buoyant in the world at this time,
Get out Photoshop and show us a variety of well known UK Film, TV and Radio programmes that would appeal to an International Audience.

For France: One man and his Frog
For Yugoslavia - Are You Being Serbed?
From Russia - Shooting Tsars
(, Wed 27 Jun 2007, 15:37, Reply)
It'll all end in tears
When I was a lad, bike rides didn't need safety helmets, playgrounds were made of concrete and tarmac and everyone knew at least one kid who had "cracked his head open"

This world has gone too soft. Take every aspect of daily life and shop it to be more dangerous, like the good old days.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2007, 15:29, Reply)
It happened to me
Photoshop something odd, interesting, funny or just plain scary that happened to you. No explanation allowed, see if people can guess what it was.
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 16:30, Reply)
Your finger.
Photoshop your own finger into bizarre situations etc.
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 16:29, Reply)
The letter S
Photoshop something beginning with the letter S. Perhaps, you could even have several things in your picture, all starting with the letter S.
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 16:27, Reply)
Wish You Were here
Pick a famous person and photoshop one of their holiday photos.
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 16:26, Reply)
Baddy's Day Off
Surely baddies can't spend all their time thinking up master plans, building doomsday weapons and devising ridiculous traps for heroes. What do they get up to on their day off? Does Darth Vader use the force to tidy the loft? Does Blofeld mow the lawn? etc.
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 16:25, Reply)
Modern-day TARDIS
If the doctor fixed the "Chameleon Circuit", and the TARDIS appeared in 2007, what would it disguise itself as to blend in unnoticed?

I had this thought ages ago & thought of a transit van (honest) or a container off a lorry, but this reminded me to post it as a qotw here www.b3ta.com/board/7339426 :)
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 14:03, Reply)
The great big B3ta barbershop
Add hair to bald celebrities! Take hair away from those that have it! Add beards where there should be none! Make famous beardy people clean shaven!

Most importantly... sing in four part harmony as you do it!
(, Tue 26 Jun 2007, 2:59, Reply)
Pets win Demises

We all love our pets, but inevitably nothing lasts forever. If they've got to go, they should go out with style. How would you like to see your fluffy little treasure “buying the farm”?
(, Mon 25 Jun 2007, 13:11, Reply)
Up to date fairy tales
Cinderella's glass slipper would fall foul of health and safety, and her coach would've turned back into an organic pumpkin.

What would happen IF Fairy tales were set in the modern day?
(, Mon 25 Jun 2007, 0:39, Reply)
Do not use photoshop! Go outside and make a the biggest piece of art you can.

Draw a picture in the sand, mow your lawn in a crazy way, Stack your neighbours wheely bins to form an unusual sculpture.

Take a picture of it...

No competition entries will be accepted that are less than 10 feet in size.
(, Mon 25 Jun 2007, 0:32, Reply)
Would be the result if certain events never happened...Like if Mama Cass said "it's ok, I've had a big lunch, I'll skip this sandwich"...

Or on the day that the music died, Buddy said "You know what fellas, we've got time, why don't we drive?"

Or if Elvis hadn't died...
(, Sun 24 Jun 2007, 19:48, Reply)
No more Fat Bottomed Girls on my bank notes!

An image challenge to re-design a new set of British banknotes!
(, Sun 24 Jun 2007, 13:16, Reply)
Nazi Product endorsements..
I just posted a compo. What if the Germans did advertising? Like Miracle-Gro (with Jews). The final solution in lawn care.
(, Sat 23 Jun 2007, 20:59, Reply)
Gay Bomb

The US Air Force have speculated about producing a chemical weapon called a 'gay bomb' to make enemy soldiers more interested in each other than fighting. What might happen if such a thing were to be unleashed?
(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 22:52, Reply)

What if Slartibartfast -- a designer of planets who won an award for Norway -- was a b3tan?
(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 22:06, Reply)

What if homeless people had super powers? But were banished from using them to create homes.
(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 20:27, Reply)
This guy startled me...
he came mincing out of a pub, wearing white boots, a white suit with purple piping, a purple cummerbund & bow-tie, my first thought was "riverboat gambler", but he seemed to have some musical connection because he walked off shouting "get some f*ckin' Elvis on!", so I thought maybe he's from one of those groups from years ago like the Detroit Emerald, or Spinners & so on, then I thought is there the makings of a movie sequel here "Brokeback Motown"?
(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 18:43, Reply)
Technology - one step forward, two steps back
What if some areas of technology had advanced, but others hadn't? For example you could have the latest computer with an LP-ReWriter, or The latest sports car which has to be driven Flinstone style.

The possibilities are endless. Sort of.
(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:13, Reply)
if glastonbury wasnt run by a yorkshire dairy farmer....
e.g. if it was run instead by a german man with a dodgy moustache then he might have made different showering arrangements for the camp
(, Thu 21 Jun 2007, 0:00, Reply)
What animals do when nobody's watching.
(, Wed 20 Jun 2007, 21:25, Reply)
stupid disclaimers
with sue-mania arriving in the UK from the states, everything has stupid warning labels on it. Things like on a chainsaw: "don't attempt to stop blade using hand" or on a pack of firework rockets: "For outdoor use only"

What other stupid signs do we need, to prevent natural selection from taking it's course?
(, Wed 20 Jun 2007, 19:34, Reply)
Stupid don't-do-this
On July 1 this year it will be law for all public buildings to display a no-smoking sign with the wording "NO SMOKING. It is against the law to smoke in these premises."

What other over the top signs should be enforced by law?
(, Wed 20 Jun 2007, 13:31, Reply)
New Job For Tony Blair
What's Tony going to do when Gordon is no longer his bitch?
(, Wed 20 Jun 2007, 8:25, Reply)
T4xt on a Picture (TOAP)
any picture with some 'funny' text added.

Just to wind up the Nazis mainly
(, Wed 20 Jun 2007, 7:47, Reply)
Offensive video games
What with TWO games getting banned this week, i suggest we attempt to turn Mary Whitehouse in her grave and come up with our own game nasties.

My suggestion: Super Maddie Hunt 64.

(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 21:17, Reply)

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