Everyone's made a mix tape (or CD, USB stick, or whatever kids do these days). Mostly to get in someone else's pants, but we're sure there are other, lesser, reasons too.
So, who did you make it for and why?
And... what was on it?
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 13:41)
This question is now closed.

In an effort to broaden a young filly's musical horizons I made a mix tape - well, CD - which on reflection was never going to result in panty-entering fun: she absolutely fucking hated it.
I played my copy in the car all the time until it got nicked (the car, not the CD).
I can't recall everything on it, but 'So Far' by Faust got things off to a hard-to-listen-to start. Other highlights included 'Feed Them Kill Them Skin Them' (Nasum), 'I've Farted' (Ivor Biggun), 'Doctoring the Tardis' (KLF, the JAMs or whatever they called themselves), 'Dizzy Dizzy' (Can), and 'Ziwzih Ziwzih Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo' (BBC Radiophonic Workshop).
I should say that many years previously I made a tape along similar lines for my best mate's GF as she found my musical tastes interesting. She subsequently found my bedroom tastes equally interesting, but that was a pure fluke.
Length: 45 minutes per side.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:42, 1 reply)

I put this little compilation together for a girl I liked, but the only pants it got me into was my own :-/
Rosie - Jackson Browne
St Swithins Day - Billy Brag
Pump it up - Elvis Costello
Icicle - Tory Amos
Turning Japanese - The Vapors
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
Orgasm Addict - Buzzcocks
Dancing with Myself - Billy Idol
Blister in the sun - Violent Femmes
Touch Myself - Divinyls
I can't think what went wrong.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:31, 4 replies)

Songs that started halfway through the intro because I forgot to wind the tape past the clear bit.
Audio levels that went up, down and occasionally non-existent depending on what you were recording from and how knacked it was.
Tape hiss.
Vinyl crackle.
Songs ending halfway through because I didn't have enough tape left.
The song selection getting very strange halfway through side 2 because I was running out of ideas.
The utter bastard ballache of trying to hit the record button at just the right moment.
The whole process taking hours and frequently cocked up by one slipped finger at the last minute.
Oh yes. I remember mix-tapes. Thank Christ for CD burners is all I can say.
Anyway, I did a mixtape for my brother once. 80 minutes of Thrash, punk and Power Metal then "Baby One More Time" to finish. It seemed like a good idea.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:20, Reply)

but I was making someone a mix cd once on my computer for the above named reason, and I accidnetally got it mixed up with another CD I had made. Unfortunately the other one was full of porn that I was taking off my computer to free up space. Since that day I have never not labelled a CD with something on it.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:17, Reply)

had a very odd staircase. Some of the stairs were made of wood, some metal, the bottom two were concrete, and if I recall correctly, the top one was made of marble.
I really miss those mixed steps...
/Sits back and waits for the flak...
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:58, 3 replies)

I always made mix tapes for my Walkman as I never actually bought tapes.
Not an amusing story but it is funny how sometimes listening to a song I expect one that was in the mix tape to follow...kind of disappointed when it doesn't.
The best bit was making sure your last song ended just as the tape did. Many of my tapes would finish with a track from "Small songs for Small People" just to get to the end.
Also even now if a song from a mix tape comes on I can remember where I was.
Less Than Jake - Look What Happened was me running home from my standard grade music exam in order to watch the France v Senegol game in the World Cup in 2002!
And everyone knows the best part of a mix tape is actually making it...magic times. Now a days everything is a click and drag away :-(
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:55, 2 replies)

'cos I had turntables and lots of records.
So they all gave me cassettes, some very nice ones too. But, I never really made anyone a mix tape.I'm sure I still have some of the blanks around somewhere, although i no longer actually own a tape deck...
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:41, Reply)

I have made many a mixtape; I refuse to burn CD compilations, they feel really impersonal to me. However, don't make an attractive young lady a mixtape of stuff like Catasexual Urge Motivation - 'After Beating the Young Bitch', Japanese Hell Beast - 'Hitler Did His Best, But There's Still Too Many Jews' and Compulsive Vulvolatric Intruders - 'Forcible Cunnilingus' and expect wonderful things to happen; I assure you you just get avoided from then on.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:25, 1 reply)

When I used to DJ, I used to stick on the full 15 minute version of Rappers Delight every night, purely so I could go and have a nice relaxed dump every night during the middle of my oh-so-electrifying set.
This practice came to an unfortunate end when the cd got scratched, and I returned from some particularly lengthy ablutions one night to find that the hip hop had indeed stopped and half the punters had left.
(yes, cd, not vinyl. It wasn’t a particularly good club.)
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:13, 1 reply)

however, as it was only a few years ago it was hard work finding something in my house that could still play cassettes.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:09, Reply)

Made a mix tape for a girl I like, given she is Indian and had just come back from a wedding in India and was missing the country & is also a bit of a rock chick, was a fun mix of Asha Boshle (think thats spelt right), megadeath, nirvana, bollywood music etc.
She loved it, but I have still failed to gain entry to her undergarments :(
My sister made a mix tape once after seeing titanic - it was just that bloody awful celine dion song my heart will go on repeated about 11 times on each side... massive fun in the car.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 18:03, Reply)

but a few months ago I was seeing a girl and the time came to compare musical tastes in the form of her bringing her ipod over to mine where we would copy the contents of each others onto our own.
All was going well, I had increased my album stock by a good 50 albums or so whilst simultaneuosly getting her down to her underwear, and so came the time for my music to go on hers. We couldn't be arsed to do it manually due to both of us wanting to do 'ahem' other things, so I just set it to transfer automatically. Which would have been fine had it not been for the immense amount of porn that was in the video's section that had also decided to make the leap.
This was not realised until a few weeks later when she just flicked onto her videos on a whim during a lecture and was met with Oily Slappers 6 and the like.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:43, 1 reply)

I was really ahead of the curve and compiled a tape of 1980s electro-nostalgia for myself...in 1992. Along with the likes of the Human League and the Thompson Twins was part of a Bill Hicks gig, and a particularly amusing interview with Gerald Hoffnung. I don’t really embrace the concept of orderly filing.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:41, Reply)

He had just had his appendix out.
It wasn’t made for him, it was just a copy of a ‘comedy’ Dictaphone session me and another friend made on the way to Bristol in my car – all the way from London to Bristol. It was total garbage but it made us laugh at the time –all kinds of filth were on it including the worst kind of sexist / racist / peodo / rapecore crap you can imagine.
There we were, 2 idiots in a golf mark1 doing 90 down the M4 and almost killing themselves because they’re laughing at an improvised BATMAN episode; “hey kids! Have you ever tried masturbating with a plastic Bat-Vagina?” etc.
Anyway my friend in hospital, was on his walkman in a crowded yet silent ward full of old dears. Repressing laughs and occasionally making loud snorts when he couldnt hold them in. He told me he couldn’t listen to it past the line: “And I’m gonna cum in her fucking nigger hair!” because he laughed so hard he nearly split his sides, literally for once.
Ps v sorry about the racist swearz.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:41, Reply)

During my E'd up raver days I had a mate with a huge record collection. He used to make me great tapes. This one tape he gave me telling me it was perfect post party floaty tunes.
That night I pulled and when I had lured her back to the duck nest I popped it in the tape player as me and the lucky young lady got it on. True to his word it was all lovely stuff like smokebelch, and fitted the mood perfectly.
Side one finished the tape started playing side two......The Emperors March from Star Wars
The bastard
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:37, Reply)

Way back in the distant days of the early eighties I used to exchange mix tapes with a chum in Johannesburg in what was then the apartheid state of South Africa.
In one of the tracks on the C-90 we used to mix in spoken word, typically messages back and forth between the ANC in the UK and RSA. Despite quite harsh customs, no one ever found a trace of these. The key was to put it in an obviously black track, which white customs men wouldn't want to listen to for any time other than the random ff, listen, ff, listen that they sometimes did.
I think I've still got one of the tapes, very interesting to listen to now.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:27, 3 replies)

It may have been mentioned at some point, but when I was younger I was a bit (OK, a lot) rubbish with girls. The school I went to (like most other schools, I dare say) had a bit of a hierarchy going on, and I most certainly wasn’t amongst the higher echelons of that particular social order.
My ability to converse with any girl was seriously hampered by a mess of blond hair that would do nothing except hang in a side-parting (God knows I tried to make it in to curtains. But, without fail, it never would. Until I left school and gave up caring, curiously…), glasses that were seemingly half an inch thick (and that I mistakenly believed looked like Pilots glasses… bloody idiot), and an affinity towards the, shall we say, geekier subjects. I actively enjoyed Drama and English. I lived for Physics. IT (such as it was in the early 90’s) was a joy for me, and you couldn’t keep me away from Geography. I even liked P.E, and was fairly good at some things, and being able to play Rugby at Fly Half spared me a few kickings in my time.
To begin with I was (as I am now), horribly shy. Those who know me would be surprised by that, as I can be loud and bolshy as hell with my friends – but put me in a situation I don’t like and I go to pieces (hence why I’m worried about the QOTW bash!) This quickly escalated in to me becoming a gibbering wreck any time anyone who didn’t have a penis was within 500 feet of me.
And then Karen (after all that back story), entered my life. She was tall, she was graceful, she had a shock of bouncy brown hair, and she played hockey. She was elegant, and funny, and she had a laugh that sounded like spring morning. I would gaze longingly at her in Business Studies, watching as the sun played on her hair and lit up her radiant cheeks. I was in Love, in a strange and uncomplicated 14-year-old way. I knew, at this point, the next few months of my life would be crucial to my future development. She had to be mine. Oh, the things we would do together – we might hold hands, or even kiss! The Little Devil made grumblings that this wasn’t enough to satisfy his thirst – but I ignored him. “Baby steps,” I told him, “let’s not get ahead of ourselves – we’re not going out with her yet.”
Did you hear that? “Yet”. O, foul and inconsiderate boyhood!
Knowing that I couldn’t approach the object of my affection, lest I dribble on her shoes and scare her off, I had to come up with a subtle and romantic way to reach out to her. I would be Cyrano De Bergerac, and she would be my Roxane. All I needed was a way to make her notice me. I sat in my room for hours, wracking my brains for the answer. I tossed (easy now) and turned that night, waiting for my idea to hit me. Then suddenly, in the early hours of the morning, it did just that.
“A mix tape!” I cried, safe and secure in the knowledge that the ladies find a sensitive man with an appreciation for music attractive. Feverishly, I took down the CD/Tape deck, and a pile of CD’s, a TDK90 – and I set about my work.
This, friends, is where I made my first mistake. You see, I had not developed a personal taste in music yet, so the music I liked was mainly old school rock music. And being Essex in the early 90’s, everyone else liked hardcore and whistles and such. So, my mix tape consisted of the following songs (from memory, there were more) as an example:
1) Nights in White Satin – Moody Blues
2) Is it Mine? – Supertramp
3) This Thing Called Love – Queen
4) Peaceful Easy Feeling – Eagles
5) Whole Lotta Love – Led Zeppelin
And then there was side 2. I worked hard on this side – knowing that side 1 was ‘my type’ of thing; I took a wild stab at what I figured she would like. Again, this is 1994, so:
1) All that She Wants – Ace of Base
2) All for Love – Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting
3) The Most Beautiful Girl in the World – Prince (will he sue for that?)
4) Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm – Crash Test Dummies
5) Regulate – Warren G & Nate Dogg (no, I don’t understand why I did that either…)
I know it’s been a long time, I’ll be done soon. Anyway, I listened back to the tape, and realized it was missing a certain… oh, I don’t know, je ne sais quoi…
So, I wiped the tape. Started again, same songs, but with a crucial difference. I had dug a microphone out, and had made my own little ‘Radio Show’ mix tape, dedicated to Karen.
“Hi, this is DJ “Devil In Tights”, and welcome to Radio Me! If you’re just joining us, it’s time for the Love hour, and today, it’s all for Karen…”
(I cringe writing that…)
The climax to this story is, unfortunately, a bit of a damp squib. For some reason as yet fathomed by me, I decided to play it in the car on the way to school. My Mum (God bless her), refused to give the tape back to me, citing “my son is not going to make an idiot of himself” as a reason.
I am, and will remain, eternally grateful for that. Though I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I went through with my plan…
(PS – 12 years later, one of my internet friends started sending me mix CD’s… we met up… and now we’ve been together 2 years, and are getting married! So mix tapes do work!)
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:27, 3 replies)

to a girl I liked.
It wasn't a mix tape, it was a compilation tape that I'd bought.
It was Split Enz.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:25, Reply)

Ok, to make this question slightly more interesting, and because I'm amazingly bored, I'm setting a game of First Lines.
Here are some first lines to songs that were definately on a mix tape that I didn't just make up. Guess them. Don't use the internet or you're gay. First person to get each one right wins the prize of being The Best.
1). Out of bed at 8am, out my head by half past ten...
2). In this dirty old part of the city, where the sun refused to shine...
3). All you trekkies and tv addicts, don't mean to dis don't mean to break static...
4). You spurn my natural emotions, you make me feel like dirt...
5). My friend and me, looking through her red box of memories...
6). I'm just mad about saffron, saffron's mad about me...
7). Under blue moon i saw you, so soon you'll take me...
8). We've come a long, long way together...
9). I had visions I was in them I was looking into the mirror...
10). I'm not content to be with you in the day time...
11). Oh we were born within an hour of each other...
12). I can feel the earth begin to move, I hear my needle hit the groove...
13). Look who's crawling up my wall, black and hairy very small...
14). Rising up, back on the street, did my time took my chances...
15). Teenage dreams so hard to beat...
16). Some might say that sunshine follows thunder...
17). Libraries gave us power, then work came and made us free...
18). It's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up....
19). He's a 20th century boy, with his hands on the rails...
20). Billy Ray was a preacher's son, and when his daddy would visit he'd come along....
WARNING: taste in music may go down as well as up, past songs are not an indication of future enjoyability.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:15, 13 replies)

I put a collection of uplifting, motivational music on my ipod, that i listened to while jogging around a local park in the evenings. Mostly completely shocking things like The Final Countdown, the new batman theme and some crap euro football song called campione.
Which resulted in me fighting off a mugger to Eye of the Tiger playing in my ears.
It was the single, greatest moment of my life.
Lost my wallet though.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:11, 3 replies)

Slightly bored at work so I decided to see what's on my MP3 player at present. Not quite a mixtape, but this has been my soundtrack for the ride to work and back for the last couple of days. Generally some of my favorite songs of all time, so probably worth a mention.
Nirvana - Lithium
Children Of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
Meatloaf - Bat Out Of Hell
X-Ray Spex - Germfree Adolescents
Cypress Hill - Break 'Em Off Some
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
Bob Marley & Peter Tosh - Legalise It
Steel Pulse - KKK
Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Goldfrapp - Lovely To See You
Credence - Looking out my back door
Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
Easy All Stars - Money (from Dub Side Of The Moon)
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:10, Reply)

It always happened whenever I watched Emmerdale. Zoe, Chris, Frank, Kathy, Kim.... I could never remember who was who.
Oh, Mix Tapes!
Lol, see what I did there? Mix Tapes sounds like 'Tates' you see, so for the purposes of an amusing pun I feigned ignorance of a popular soap, in order to...
Ah fuck off.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:09, 4 replies)

"Give them what they want!"
We want Bernard!
We want Bernard!
We want Bernard!
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:01, 4 replies)

A lad in my class used to make me tapes of Prince albums (so perhaps a tenuous entry for this QOTW) but they became the stuff of legend in our school due to the 'extras' added to the spare tape at the end of each album.
The lad concerned didn't have many friends at school, due to him being a Vegan Doctor Who fanatic who wore a single BMX glove and used to wander off into the fields at lunch time to boogaloo alone to music in his head inbetween wolfing down mouthfuls of animal free slop. He also built his own computers from scratch and once invited me into his bedroom/workshop, where he'd glued empty crisp boxes to the wall in lieu of shelves and filled them with motherboards, defaced photos of Maggie Thatcher and half eaten tins of treacle. I ended up befriending him as I was almost as unpopular and socially inept as he was and we bonded over a love of Prince (I also developed a fine business selling him the porn mags that I stole from the Esso garage, which has some bearing on his later antics).
He started off adding idle bits of quite amusing banter to the end of each tape, normally involving him talking to a tape recording of himself, singing songs, pretending to be drunk or reading from biology texts (I have no idea why he did the last one) but eventually he got daring and blew his load all in one go.
On the end of one tape (a copy of 'Dirty Mind' as it happens) he added a reading from the letters page of one of the magazines I'd sold him. Nothing too filthy but delivered with a fevered relish and a lot of unusual flapping noises so slightly unusual.
He then raised the bar when he followed this up by performing a lecture posing as a philosopher named Sigmund Foond, in which he discussed the sexual merits of some girls in our class. He went into vivid detail (during which he confessed to stroking himself and licking his tie) and wandered off into dream scenarios about men fighting to the death for their favours in the middle ages.
He finished off the tape with his finest moment, a song he'd written about these girls. The tune wasn't up to much, coming across like an increasing excitable version of Madonna's 'Erotica' if it was performed by a teenage lunatic from Warrington thrashing his leg with a tie, but the lyrics were disturbingly memorable. Especially the final ones:
Ooh, Mavis come to me
Vicky, Clare and Gaynor too
Tie me in a sack
jack me off
jack me off
whip me, kick me, kick me baby
I want your whips tonight
Under the stars
Under the night
I want you baby
Every night
I want you, I want you, I want you
The last line was particularly powerful as it was delivered with a heroic orgasmic grunt just as the tape ran out.
Being a teenager, and therefore something of a cunt, I took it into school and played it to the girls concerned, who understandably went ballistic at him, slapping him violently until they realised he was enjoying it.
He suffered the humiliation with great humour as it happened and didn't even seem to mind when a bootleg of it (there were plenty about, many perplexingly remixed with samples of 'Also Sprach Zarahustra') was played on the coach during a field trip.
The last time I saw him was in 1994. He appeared to have glued sprigs of hair all over his face and was scrutinising the rice puddings in the Co-op.
I want to see him now. Really badly.
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 17:00, 4 replies)

There is a hamlet and civil parish in the Ryedale district of North Yorkshire that is humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
Oh yes…
it is a Meek Stape.
…and I’m spent
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 16:59, 1 reply)

During my brief flirtation with Christianity, I made a mix tape of my favourite praise songs. I still have it, though it;'s gathering dust amid porno mags and half-empty tubes of solvent. How's about this for some C90 gold (title and artist):
Jesus We Love You - Cross
Praise Praise - Praise
Lord We lift You High - Kevin Scrottocks
The Nails of Love - Gologotha
Dead Again - Laughing Lazarus
Blessed by the Blood of the Lamb - Mary and Brian
Lamb Curry - Gupta Benal Gupta
Get out of the Temple - Angry Jesus
Lord, our Lord - Lord of Lords
We Praise You, Jesus our Saviour - Tommy "Wildman" Brown
Fuck off, Satan (remix) - MC Dudley Higginbottom
I can't hold Maltesers in my Palm - Distressed Christ
In da Valley of Death - DJ Roger Peebles
Chiilin' wid de Lord - Yo Jesus
Praise, Bless, Lord Lord - Jeremy and the Whalers
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 16:57, 3 replies)

The Birmingham Six. Poll Tax Riots. Sinead O'Connor. Saddam Hussein. John Major. Twin Peaks. Timmy Mallet.
But it wasn't all bad. On the flipside, we had The Happy Mondays, The Mary Whitehouse Experience, Thatcher resigned, the hottest summer on record and proto-PJM had just turned sweet sixteen. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 1990...
By this age myself and most of my peers were busily finding our feet and adopting (or in many cases being adopted by) our subcultures as part of establishing our identity. Previously basin-cut, acne-ridden teenagers began to adorn themselves with distressed denim, patches proclaiming alliegence to various thrash metal bands and long greasy hair. Others purchased baggy board shorts and spent the spring learning to Olly.
Blessed with the kind of balance that makes a Parkinsons afflicted Bambi on roller skates look graceful and an ideological difference with my Metallica loving, clearasil prescribed peers meant I trod a different path.
Yep. I embraced the mainstream in an act of rebellion.
Sixteen year old me was a sight to behold. From underneath the turnups of my baggy Pepe jeans peeked the white tips of a pair of Adidas trainers. My torso was clothed by a selection of psychedelic paisley hooded tops and my jet black curls were gelled high atop my head with a single kiss curl dangling down toward my face. My parents must have been so proud of their youngest son, monosybillic and shuffling around like Bez's geeky brother with half the sense of rhythm.
I had chosen my subculture. I was a dyed in the wool, hardcore raver, despite the fact that I'd never been to one in my life and had an attitude toward recreational pharmaceuticals akin to Richard Brunstrom's grasp of sanity.
My walkman bleeped and warbled to the rhythms of Guru Josh, Adamski, New Order and 808 State amongst others.
"I only ever listen to real, hardcore rave" bragged Craig, argueably gobbiest of my peers
"What's on your walkman then?" I replied
The closest young PJM actually came to raving is when he was spotted mowing the lawn sans hooded top while listening to Primal Scream, before going indoors to rub some Vicks on his chest in a vain attempt to ward off a summer cold.
[edit - look, I know this QOTW is lame, so I'll resort to nostalgia and smut if I have to]
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 16:51, 1 reply)

in fact dozens of them. nay hundreds :-) and sold them too. I made most of them when I was the warm up DJ for a local club, and it really pissed off the regular chap when people came up looking for my tapes (and not his) during the night. Later on we shifted over to CD's and what we did with those was make up a disc with all the pre-release stuff we got and flogged them. This was all done in the clubs with thier equipment under thier noses, cunts should have paid us more. Of course if you had lady bits you stood a good chance of a free CD :-)
( , Thu 7 Feb 2008, 16:50, Reply)
This question is now closed.